In the underground palace, the lights are bright, and there is no feeling of suffocation because of being underground. The wind array carved inside the building plays a very good role in ventilation.

The palace occupies a large area, and it is divided into many rooms of different sizes. Walking in it, Xu Sili couldn't help feeling that there is such a place in the palace, which he had never discovered before.

A tense and heavy atmosphere permeated the underground palace. The people staying here were basically ordinary guards, and elementalists were rarely seen.

Thinking about it, even Janice was dispatched, not to mention these well-trained guards?

Recalling what Janice said before leaving, Xu Sili couldn't help feeling worried.

Even if it was only a phantom, he hoped that she would be safe.

They followed Brenda and escorted the late emperor to a room where the royal water healer who had treated Xu Sili and Si Sheng had moved here early.

Under the treatment of the water healer, the late emperor's voice quickly recovered, but his magic power and physical strength were still overdrawn.

Just after healed, Sirin ran in from the outside.

Her eyes were red, and there was a faint red handprint on half of her cheek. When she first ran in, her face was obviously worried and anxious, but when she saw her father, her expression immediately restrained herself.

After looking at the first emperor for a few times, he was probably sure that he was fine, and ran away with a cold snort.

The man sat on the edge of the bed, watched his daughter come and go coldly, frowned, and looked at Master Shuiyu.

"Go and treat her."

Shui Yushi didn't ask anything, and responded: "I obey, Your Majesty."

After saluting, he left the room.

After the late emperor sent Brenda and a few guards away, only Xu Sili and Si Sheng were left in the room.

Xu Sili got down from Si Sheng's arms a long time ago and stood on the ground. Seeing the man's cold gaze sweeping over, he pursed his lips and looked back happily and fearlessly.

"Little brat, you are quite courageous."

The man smiled coldly, "Tell me, where did you get my son?"

"It's a bit complicated to explain."

Xu Sili lowered his eyes and said ambiguously, "We will leave tomorrow."

He didn't lie about this, and now he has spent another three hours safely, and there are still 23 hours left before the end of the trial.

By the time……

Maybe the world will collapse?Or maybe it will continue to evolve?

"Why should I believe you?" The man raised his chin, his lavender eyes were exactly the same as his, full of scrutiny and arrogance.

Xu Sili paused, and said: "At least, we have no malicious intentions. You should already know about the battle that took place in the central square yesterday, right?"

He didn't believe in such a big event, and with the character shown by the late emperor, he wouldn't have watched the video.

"My partner saved Princess Sirin and killed countless interstellar beasts. Our position is the same."

The little boy said slowly, the calm expression on his face was not at all like a five-year-old child, showing a bit of disobedience.

The man looked at him, raised his pale eyebrows, and then his eyes fell on Si Sheng again.

The young man stood beside the little boy, protecting him with a guarding attitude, his gray-blue eyes were sharp and vigilant, like a dormant beast, ready to violently attack anyone at any time.

The man lowered his eyebrows and glanced at his wrist. Although he was healed after the water healing technique, the feeling of almost being crushed just now is not so easy to forget.

With the current situation, if this kid breaks out, no one in the palace may be able to stop him.

The roar of the interstellar beast outside still hasn't stopped. Although he has just cleaned up half of it, he has no magic power to release a second attack of that power.

The man pursed his lips tightly, then snorted lightly.

"All right." He said indifferently, "But, if Sinuo hasn't returned by tomorrow..."

He squinted his eyes, and the momentum on his body was raised to the extreme, which made Xu Sili feel a little pressure.

"Wow——" Si Sheng took a step forward, completely blocking Xu Sili behind him.

Facing the cold and murderous eyes of the young man, the man froze for a moment, and then snorted coldly.

"Go away, don't get in the way here!"

Xu Sili didn't leave, he asked, "Are you a sound elementalist?"

"something wrong?"

The silver-haired man sat imposingly, the crown on his head had been taken off, his pale and weak face remained intact.

Looking at him like this, it was really difficult for Xu Sili to connect him with those adult holographic games in the game cabin.

He paused for a moment, and said: "As far as I know, after the natural disaster nearly a hundred years ago, the Roland Empire has never had a powerful phonetic elementalist."

"The only one who didn't even reach a one-star level before graduating from the Elementalist Academy..."

With the strength shown by the first emperor just now, it has definitely reached the top two-star level, so Xu Sili did not connect the two.

However, looking at the subtle expression changes on the man's face, he felt blessed and suddenly had a new guess.

No... the first emperor was the sound elementalist, right?Didn't vice-principal Chrissy say that she went to the local guard army after graduation?

Xu Sili hesitated for a moment, and asked directly: "Could it be that you are the elementalist?"

The man frowned, looking rather displeased, but he didn't deny it.

Xu Sili was in a daze.

"Didn't it mean that the inheritance of the sound element system has not been handed down?" He asked.

The man smiled contemptuously, "So what? Who called me a genius?"

Xu Sili stopped talking.

Although the only spiritual elementalist after the natural disaster did not reach one-star strength before graduating from the academy, if he is really the first emperor...

If he can comprehend the offensive sound element technique without any inheritance or system assistance, then he is indeed a genius!

"Can you teach me?" Xu Sili asked, "The sound element skill just now."

The man lowered his eyebrows and looked at him coldly.

"Heh, you don't know what it is, you have taken over my son's body, and now you want to learn skills from me?"

Xu Sili thought for a while, and said without blushing, "I am indeed Si Nuo Rowland."

Under the man's gaze of "I'll just quietly watch you talk", he continued to calmly say, "But I come from the future of parallel time and space, and I am him."

In a sense, Xu Sili is also a player.

In terms of thirst for skills, he is definitely more than equal, he wants his own attack skills too much!

For this reason, even if he recognizes the man in front of him as his father...

That is also a necessary means in extraordinary times!

But obviously, the first emperor didn't believe him just because of his few words.

"I think you want to make it up, and you should make up a more reasonable one, parallel time and space? That's just a whimsical theory."

Because of the assistance of the Star Alliance, it is clear that the first emperor who was able to access the star network was not so ignorant and closed.

With this concept, Xu Sili was relieved.

Looking at the man's brows and eyes that seemed to contain frost and snow, he thought for a while, stepped back a little, hid behind Si Sheng, and poked out a small head.

The silver-haired man looked at him inexplicably, and then heard the little boy say calmly: "Not long ago, I inherited your game cabin."

Then, in a low voice, he read out the names of the holographic games, his eyes fixed on the man's expression.

When he read the names of two of the games, he clearly saw the man's eyebrows tremble very slightly.

Seeing this, Xu Sili couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Obviously he made the right bet, the late Emperor was already playing that kind of game at this time!

However, he doesn't seem to want to admit it.

"What game cabin? What nonsense are you talking about?" The man narrowed his eyes and refused to admit it.

But Xu Sili had already made up his mind, looking at him somewhat strangely.

"Little bastard, what kind of eyes do you have?" The man raised his hand, but when he met Si Sheng's warning eyes, he retracted resentfully.

He looked at Xu Sili, and Xu Sili looked at him.

The two confronted each other for a long time, the man's expression suddenly relaxed a little, and he said, "Stand over here."

Si Sheng's footsteps moved slightly, and he was glared at by the man, "Go away, son, I'm talking to my son, do you care?"


Si Sheng lowered his eyes and glanced at Xu Sili.

Xu Sili paused, and looked at the late emperor with some incomprehensible words.

Fuck, he admitted it!

He really bought those holographic games!

The man was a little annoyed by him, and stretched out his hand to pull him to his side. Xu Sili didn't resist, and Si Sheng didn't stop him either.

Forced to come to his side, remembering that Xi Lin was slapped just now, Xu Sili thought that the late emperor was going to hit him, but found that he raised his hand and pressed his palm on the top of his head.

His tense nerves relaxed, and he secretly looked up at him.

The silver-haired man lowered his eyes, his expression has calmed down, his handsome and noble face is like a real god.

He whispered: "You inherited the game cabin?"

The little boy nodded.

"So... am I dead?" The man looked at him, his lavender eyes were clear, and sorrow slowly emerged.

"You inherited my seat?"

"So, Thanos and Sirin are also dead?"

Xu Sili was silent.

The first emperor...he was really too sharp!

Not only did he tell at first glance that he was not the original product, but he also directly guessed so many key information based on his just one sentence.

The man closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, all the emotions in his eyes had disappeared.

"Are you gifted with sound elements?" he asked.

Xu Sili nodded, "There is a problem with the talent test method of the Elementalist Academy. I asked Sister Huang about meditation, and after learning it, I successfully absorbed the sound element."

The man's palm was still pressing on the top of his hair. This man's face was always cold, but his palm was warm.

He looks at the little boy.

"Unexpectedly, in the end, you are the one who resembles me the most."

Xu Sili pursed his lips.

He didn't know how to judge the relationship between Si Nuo and his family, and maybe he was not qualified to judge.

Although Si Nuo's growth experience is sympathetic, the decision to treason was also made by himself.

If you want to blame... just blame the cheating game team!

"So, can you teach me skills now?" Xu Sili forgot about Sinuo.

Now he is Sinuo, Sinuo is him, he will shoulder the responsibilities he should have taken, and he will not push away some benefits that can be won.

After all, these are also bargaining chips for him to settle down. The stronger he is, the better he can lead the Roland Empire.

"You said just now that you will leave tomorrow?" the late emperor asked.


Xu Sili thought for a while and said, "Actually, this is a trial for us. When the time is up, if we are still alive, we can go back."

The first emperor's eyebrows trembled slightly, "If you die..."

"That's death." Xu Sili bit his lips, "We will die here."

Seeing his serious expression, the man slowly pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing a bitter smile.

Xu Sili didn't say anything else, waiting for him to digest the amount of information he just gave.

He couldn't understand the current mood of the late emperor, but he could roughly understand it.

Suddenly learned that ten years later, not only did he die, but his eldest son and second daughter also died, everyone needs a little time to digest.

"What is your strength now?" He suddenly asked.

Xu Sili replied truthfully: "Two stars, but they were suppressed in the trial."

", two stars."

The silver-haired man looked at him, and the indifference in his purple eyes faded long ago, "You are better than me, and you are better than your brother and sister."

Xu Sili, who was recognized, didn't feel very happy. He was not like Sinuo, who always longed for his father's attention.

If possible, he hoped that the Roland royal family would be more prosperous.

Only he and Xiao Qiong were left, it was still too miserable.

"You cannot die here." The silver-haired man said solemnly, "The future empire...needs you."

Xu Sili nodded, seeing that he couldn't hide his grief, thought for a while and said, "Actually, if I'm not here, there will still be Joan, but he's only ten years old now, so he's too young."

"Joan?" The man blinked.

"Half-brother." Xu Sili said expressionlessly.

The man was stunned, "Half father... Am I married again?"

Xu Sili shrugged, "Not really."

The man was shocked again.

"I don't think this is the time to discuss your private life, and I don't know much about it."

Xu Sili said flatly.

"Have you promised to teach me skills?"

The man was obviously dissatisfied, and his voice sank slightly, "Is this the way you speak to the emperor?"

"First, according to the theory of parallel time and space, you are not my royal father, and second..."

Xu Sili looked at his handsome face and decided to stab him, "After inheriting your game cabin, I feel that I can no longer face you like before."

The first emperor was obviously at a loss for words.

" just something that occasionally numbs the nerves..." He muttered, not continuing the topic.

"Teaching can be taught, but you don't even have magic power now, how can you learn?"

"And..." he said, "everyone's situation is different. This is a skill that I realized on my own, and it may not be suitable for you."

Elemental skills are divided into inheritable and non-inheritable. Those that can be taught in batches like Elementalist Academy are simple inheritable skills.

However, some unique secret skills are a test of perception, and many of them are unique skills, such as those mastered by Si Sheng.

Xu Sili also felt a headache, but he entered Baoshan and returned empty-handed?How can there be such a reason?

"Can you teach me the principles and control techniques?"

He decided to take a compromise approach, "At present, all I have mastered are auxiliary skills, and I am very unfamiliar with attack skills."

Facing a powerful sound elementalist who is willing to guide him, how could Xu Sili miss such a good opportunity?

He told the first emperor all the difficulties and perplexities he had encountered for so long.

Although the two are at the same level, Xu Sili was matured by the game system, while the late emperor relied on himself to cultivate to the second star.

His perception and knowledge reserves are completely incomparable with the late emperor.

After knowing that he was his future "son", the late emperor's attitude changed a lot, and he answered his questions very patiently.

Although, there are inevitably some ridicule in the middle, such as "Why can't you even know such a simple question?", such as "Are you really a two-star?".

Although Xu Sili was upset, he accepted it honestly, and at the same time decided to go to the academy to read a few more basic books after returning home.

Although it is convenient to have an experience system, there are many things that don't mean that you will be able to master them after a high level. You still can't be lazy in the learning process.

Seeing the first emperor patiently teaching him, and looking at Si Sheng who was also listening attentively, Xu Sili had a whim, called up the camera system, and took a picture of this scene.

They count... have they met their parents?

This thought flashed through his mind, Xu Sili's ears felt slightly hot, he hurriedly shook his head, put away all distracting thoughts, and listened carefully.

The interstellar beasts outside are still bombarding the protective barrier.

According to Brenda's report, the attacks of the interstellar beasts were mainly concentrated in the inner city. After yesterday's small-scale battle, most of the residents in the city had already hid in the basement when the interstellar beasts attacked.

The people who did not have time to escape also entered the palace's guardian circle for emergency refuge under the protection of the army and palace guards.

The battle in the city is mainly about aid, and the army soldiers try to avoid fierce battles with space beasts.

After all, the house can be rebuilt, and when a person dies, there is nothing left. On this point, the commander is still very clear-headed.

By the evening of this day, the aid operation in the city was basically over, and the leader of the team, Prince Thanos, also returned to the palace.

There may still be some scattered people in the city, but there is no other way.


There are more and more interstellar beasts.

After being emptied by the first emperor, their number was slowly replenished, and in the evening, it was almost the same as in the morning.

"How come there are so many interstellar beasts?"

He kept observing the guards outside, all of them looked dignified.

Because this is abnormal, these interstellar beasts are like crazy, attacking tirelessly from morning till night, making people's hearts jump.

If this continues, the guardian circle may not be able to support it for too long...

Xu Sili understood that this was a trial test.

Although it is safe for the time being, this kind of psychological torment is also uncomfortable.

The only consolation is probably that Janice returned safely. Although she was injured, she couldn't die with the presence of a water healer.

The night is getting darker.

It was less than 12 hours before the end of the trial.

They lived in the underground palace, and Xu Sili wanted to race against time to learn from the late emperor, so he and Si Sheng stayed in his room with the cheek.

During the period, Thanos came over.

He still looks cold and distant, but compared to the late emperor, Xu Sili thinks it's really good that he doesn't look crooked.

As a result, before leaving, Sano paused, and called him to the door behind his back.

With Si Sheng around, Xu Sili was not afraid of him.

Looking at the seemingly gentle but indifferent elder brother in Sinuo's memory, he waited to see what he wanted to say.

But Thanos knelt down in front of him silently, gently pulling his short hand.

A silver bracelet was tied around his wrist.

Xu Sili was slightly stunned, and looked at him inexplicably.

Thanos lowered his eyebrows, his long light eyelashes covered the expression in his eyes, and he only focused on tying the bracelet for him.

"This bracelet can release water healing three times."

After tying it up, he said softly, "I don't know how long the guardian circle can last. Next, stay with Father and your little friend and don't run around."

After speaking, he stood up and seemed ready to leave.

Xu Sili never expected that he would give him such a precious thing.

"What about you?" He should need it more than he does.

Thanos gave him a strange look, "I am a water elementalist, and I have also mastered the water healing technique, so I don't need this."

"That Xi... What about the Second Sister Huang?" He asked again.

"She already has."

Thanos said calmly, "Hold it, when you are seriously injured, it will automatically cast water healing to help you heal your injury."

"Any other questions?"

Xu Sili looked at him dully and shook his head.

"I'm leaving."

After Sanos finished speaking, he really lifted his foot and left.

Xu Sili looked at his back, stroked the extra bracelet on his wrist, and his mood became bad again.

Killing hearts.

This trial is simply too much shit.

Turning around silently, he saw Si Sheng approaching him at some point.

Xu Sili pursed his lips.

He watched the boy squat down, quietly opened his arms towards him, and looked at him tenderly.

Xu Sili couldn't bear it any longer, took two steps forward, ran over and put his arms around his neck, buried his face in his neck, and felt less heavy under his comfort.

In the room, the silver-haired man slowly withdrew his gaze and let out a barely audible sigh.

At night, the underground palace is still lit.

That night, countless people suffered from insomnia, and under the shadow of the flying interstellar beast, almost no one could sleep peacefully.

The same is true for Xu Sili.

When the sky was slightly pale, he fell asleep in a trance under the erosion of drowsiness.

However, I didn't sleep much, and in about half an hour, a nightmarish news came in from the guards outside-the guardian magic circle was finally cracked under the crazy bombardment of the interstellar beasts, and the cracks were getting bigger and bigger the trend of.

The first emperor quickly ordered that everyone in the palace be moved underground for refuge.

However, things did not end so simply.

Three hours before the end of the trial, the floor of the underground palace was cracked one after another.

Looking at the interstellar beast that came out of the ground, Xu Sili knew that the difficulty of the trial had officially changed from hard mode to hell mode.

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