Wen Dong felt a little embarrassed. In the first sentence, she played the game the worst and had the lowest score. If she lost the game and won Lin Luyan back, it would be a bit of a profit, but she didn't get Lin Luyan, so she didn't look very happy. live.

After my score was settled, I said hello and planned to slip away, but failed, and the system popped up a [status abnormal, logout restricted].

"Why can't I log off?" Wen Dong asked.

The story of virtual games that cannot be logged out is quite common in novels, anime, and movies, but she does not want to appear on her own.

"Have you finally found out?" The planner smiled triumphantly.

Ye Xin was not deceived by him at all, "Are you going to record the talk later?"

"Hey," the planner saw Ye Xin directly expose his lies, and suddenly he was downcast, "Yes, I plan to have a hot pot game, chat with each other, what do you want to ask the committee, or if you don't know much about the game, you want to ask others Players can happily propose."

Wen Dong sighed, it seemed that she would not be able to leave for a while.

The planner snapped his fingers, and several people were teleported away from the server.

The white light disappeared, and when Ye Xin saw the surroundings clearly again, she had already appeared in the private room of a hotpot restaurant.

She looked at herself, it was the account she used in Yuan World, and the witch image she used before had been removed because she left the main god game.

The manipulator of the knight is a boy who looks very sunny. Seeing the real appearance of the other people, although there are many beauties in the entertainment industry, he still gives a thumbs up for the handsome men and women present here, and recognizes their faces by the way.

First of all, it is a doctor, who is well-known in the circle, and his coffee position is probably around the second-tier. He was a friend at work before, and he has not had any in-depth contact with him. I heard that this person is more nerdy and likes to play games, no wonder his score is No.2.

Secondly, the female players he is more concerned about are very attractive (mainly because they are good-looking), but they just don't know their names, which is very embarrassing.

Ye Xin glanced at Wen Dong first, and saw that she didn't intend to be the person in charge, so instead of Lin Luyan and Wen Dong, she introduced the names to the two men opposite, "I'm Ye Xin, and this is Lin Luyan. Lu Yan, Wen Dong."

Therefore, the knight knew the names of the three of them. Not only did he tell Ye Xin his name, but he also happily introduced the doctor's name to her. However, his position in the entertainment industry is slightly lower than that of the doctor, and he did not reach a tacit agreement with the doctor. , After the doctor was represented, he felt a little grudge in his heart. He is not a stingy person. This kind of thought just turned in his mind for a while. The main reason was that he felt that the knight should not have this kind of awareness, and he didn't do it on purpose.

Although they knew each other's real names, they were still used to addressing them by their IDs in the game.

"Witch, what are your three missions?" asked the doctor.

Ye Xin said about her tasks, "The first task is to survive for three days, because I survived to the end, and it will be completed automatically. The second task is to guess the authority represented by each player. I am submitting the final decision." By the way, I wrote down my guess for everyone, the third mission [Punish the real murderer], I interpreted it as redemption, so I released the spore rain and went to the doctor to make potions, and finally chose to return to the foggy forest."

"Actually, there are other added values," the planner added, "Abel was hurt by the first wave of spore rain. He was pushed to the position of a hero when he clearly wanted to destroy the world. This is not a punishment. Punish him Be good."

"I left the capital and came to the small town. I saved everyone in the plague, attacked the witch to delay her plan to destroy the world, captured the nuns to extract the reagents to study 'robbing', and made a healing potion to survive to the end." The doctor concluded, " My role is quite legendary."

"But you, Bai Yueguang, are dead." The knight said which pot he could not open and which pot he lifted.


"He made his own white moonlight man-made, and sent them to the misty forest to die," Ye Xin followed, "It's not normal for some of them to be a little bit brainy."


"Actually, I'm curious why the witch wanted to destroy the world before." The doctor abruptly changed the subject.

"This is the background story of the character." Ye Xin spread her hands, "I'm just a witch who lost her memory and couldn't eat because of a sneak attack by an unscrupulous scientist."

The planner said, "In fact, part of the witch's family collection contains a large number of notes that she is dissatisfied with the world. She is very negative and wants to destroy the world. There is a diary that implements the steps to destroy the world, but none of you have looked through it. Those who flipped through the bookshelves only flipped through the ritual books."

Lin Luyan blamed the fact that the witch is the boss behind the scenes, even she, who peeked at the script, didn't know about it. To be precise, she had already deviated from the plot she knew since Abel appeared, "Time was tight at the time, and I didn't have so many I have time to look through other bookshelves, and I can only find the ritual book that the werewolf might use."

"By the way, Wen Dong, did you enter the game at a different time from ours?" Ye Xin suddenly asked such a question. The ritual in the witch's book was quite complicated and couldn't be completed in one day. It is reasonable to suspect that he entered the game early.

"Well," Wen Dong nodded, "I'm probably a day earlier than you guys. The task I received was to attack the residents of the town without revealing my identity as much as possible. What I thought at the time was that I would be punished if I attacked the townspeople." The discovery led them to strengthen their vigilance and form a hunting team, so I didn’t even try to attack homeless people who no one would care about. If I was willing to try to take risks at the time, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have learned later that my ability is to infect others and become werewolves .”

Wen Dong's strategy is conservative, but if she hadn't dug up the corpse behind the hut, she would have returned to the town ahead of time, and would not have clashed with the doctor, let alone be caught by the two partners, then she would have found out The ritual book was wrong, and then realized that there was a problem with his direction, and went to the correct direction of the mission of attacking the townspeople.

That is to say, Ye Xin's ritual book seemed to have cheated her, but in fact Ye Xin was a distraction.

It was still Lin Luyan who captured Wen Dong's defeat in the game. She had this chance of trial and error, but it was a pity that Lin Luyan didn't give it to her.

At this point, Wen Dong felt relieved and let go, and withdrew from the competition with Ye Xin.

The next few people chatted about other things and shabu-shabu together.

After finishing the game, Ye Xin rarely said to Lin Luyan after she came out of the game cabin, "Lu Yan, why don't we get engaged and get married directly."

Probably the game experience just now had a considerable impact on her thoughts, making her feel the impermanence of life, and she wanted to grasp the beauty around her and prevent it from slipping away.

Lin Luyan was pleasantly surprised and nodded, "Yes."

Afterwards, Ye Xin didn't receive any other announcements. She only had the program "The Lord God Game" on hand. The frequency was to organize a few players to play one game a month, but the story volume of a game was not low, enough to make double updates a week. .

After the "Lord God Game" was broadcast, it quickly became popular because of its excellent plot and excellent production.

Lin Luyan finally saw the cp party of himself and Ye Xin, but the name didn't sound very auspicious - [Witch Hunting Group].

In addition, because of the large audience base, all kinds of cp stews appeared, except for the [Witch Hunting Team] official match, there is Knight x Wen Dong (I am willing to become the same existence as you, to be with you in the foggy forest There is also a doctor x knight, and a hunter x doctor that Lin Luyan is very reluctant to admit (the cowardly daddy chatters and his rebellious eldest son Ambi).

[Witch Hunting Group] and [Doctor Hunting Group] are the two leading camps in the cp party of "The Lord God Game", corresponding to ao and aa respectively.

Not long after, Ye Xin announced on her social account that she would marry Lin Luyan in the near future, which attracted a large number of variety show fans screaming—"The cp we knocked on has come true!"

Ye Xin got married relatively early, and her fans are not so special fans and girlfriend fans. Even if some people regard Ye Xin as their fantasy object and cannot accept the reality, after all, it is a small number of people, most of them still want to She offered her blessings, not to mention that Lin Luyan asked the secretary to keep an eye on her, and no negative public opinion was allowed.

The wedding invitations were quickly distributed to their acquaintances, some colleagues in the circle, and relatives and elders. Seeing that the wedding day was approaching, Lin Luyan planned to get the certificate with Ye Xin first. Only after receiving the certificate can they prove that they are a legal couple. Apart from this legal significance, the most important thing is to remove the Jinjiang lock on her body. She doesn't want to sleep with Ye Xin at the wedding night.

Decades ago, Huaguo chose the latter between teaching o to protect himself from harm and educating a not to hurt others. He did not sacrifice o's rights and interests to maintain regional stability, and implemented the 1a1o system as much as possible. Reduced the premature death rate of o.

No country has ever done this before, and everyone is laughing at it, but Huaguo has implemented this policy for decades, and it is the most equal country in the world.

o don’t have to worry about your date of birth when you go out, b is engaged in all walks of life in low-level, middle-level and high-level jobs, and is the cornerstone of the country.

Lin Luyan knew that as an a, she should be more strict with herself. She never complained why she was born in China, and she couldn't abuse the weak like other a's in other countries. Locking power in a cage and locking up a is harmful to both parties. It is a kind of protection, and it also allows Ye Xin to grow up safely and meet her.

Probably on the second day after receiving the certificate, Ye Xin got up and habitually took a sample of her pheromone, sealed it and sent it to the research institute.

In less than two days, the state called the two of them.

After Ye Xin's pheromone was completely marked by Lin Luyan, she was promoted to SS level, possessing the ability of a full body, which can completely offset the side effects of abo. Left and right, b also began to be able to perceive the pheromone of ao, which is completely a breakthrough across the ages for human beings.

"I can cooperate with research and do my best for human development, but I don't want to delay our wedding." Ye Xin and Lin Luyan gave the same answer.

The state sanctioned the matter.

Regarding Ye Xin's ability, they still need to study for a period of time before they can give results. After the research is successful, maybe Ye Xin will not be as free as he is now.

But now that the virtual technology is developing rapidly, Ye Xin does not have to give up the profession of being a star. With the support of the flamingo, she travels back to ancient times, how to coexist with dinosaurs with a little bit of tools brought to the past, or enter the world of Pokémon, and become a A well-known pet trainer, various plans and projects have sprung up like mushrooms, and they are very active in contacting her, but she is busy with the wedding and temporarily postpones it.

The advantage of this new type of variety show recording is that there is no need to go to the on-site recording studio, and there will not be a large number of fans gathering, which greatly reduces the difficulty of security.

But Ye Xin believes that with her intelligence, no matter what difficulties she encounters, she will definitely have a solution. If there are really unsolvable problems, doesn't she still have Lin Luyan?

"Are you ready?" Lin Luyan, who was wearing a very decent black suit today, asked gently, and extended a hand to her.

Ye Xin nodded, and lifted her skirt slightly when she got up, someone was dragging her skirt tail behind, and she was very careful not to let it drag the floor.

There were old and new friends, relatives and elders gathered outside, and they couldn't help cheering when they saw the two most important newcomers appearing on the stage.

Amidst the blessings of everyone, Lin Luyan took Ye Xin's arm and walked onto the red carpet with a wedding ring box in his pocket. They held the petals and scattered them outside, and white pigeons were released to soar towards the blue sky.

So far their story has come to an end.

——if line——

Joining the crew of a web drama seems to be a dream that comes from a happy ending. Ye Xin met the alpha whom he was very excited about, and had a tagging behavior with her.

After the dream disappeared, she returned to reality and did not continue to contact such unrealistic ideas, but she was not interested in the alpha introduced by others.

On this day, she came back to the rented house after get off work, turned on the TV at will, and cut a few channels. At the end of the year, the stars came to the party to compete for KPI. For the sake of being attractive, she decided not to talk about them marketing everywhere these days. .

But Ye Xin frowned suddenly. From the screen, she saw a familiar figure. She subconsciously took screenshots and searched for photos.

All the news reports about Lin Luyan burst out.

At this moment, Lin Luyan is attending an event. The omega she met that day made her miss her, but she disappeared too quickly, and because the crew was reported, all operations that could have involved a little bit of dust were rejected. We can only use the power of the family to investigate after the wind has passed.

And Lin Luyan discovered one thing, that is, she seemed to be able to talk A again, especially when the secretary complained about her when she was in a susceptible period, it was marked as another price.

The secretary is her good subordinate. Turning the secretary to the ao relationship will affect the employment relationship, and the work efficiency will drop. She doesn't want to lose useful employees, so she uses inhibitors.

At the party, Fu Qin found Lin Luyan in private, hoping that she would keep her mouth shut, but Lin Luyan, who had no weakness, was unwilling to be threatened, and was still very unconvinced. Fu Qin looked down on her ability as an A. The reporter in the dark pressed the shutter, and soon Fu Qin's nominal husband found out about it, and it turned into a fight between him and Lin Luyan.

This explosive news has completely occupied the top spot in the hot search, and the follow-up news has been swiped intermittently for a week. Everyone is happy to hear the plot of two A's competing for one O.

Ye Xin felt uncomfortable when she saw it. Although she thought about not contacting Lin Luyan any more, seeing Lin Luyan jealous of another omega inevitably made her feel a little disappointed.

But she doesn't have any status, it's just a shallow love affair, so what if she finds Lin Luyan again, can she be her lover?

During this period of time, her work attitude was not very positive. There were rumors that she was broken up and dumped in the office. When she heard these remarks, the first thought that popped up in her heart was that their guess was quite accurate.

It was the country that saved Ye Xin from this negative emotion.

After many years, the pheromone survey was restarted again. Ye Xin listened to other people in the office complaining about how many times they had checked, but it was the first time for her to catch up with the census after the division.

She didn't wait for the census results but met the visiting staff.

After a conversation, Ye Xin felt that maybe engaging in a cause that is beneficial to mankind could effectively express her inner feelings, so she nodded in agreement.

The leader of the company only knew that it was an order from the state to come to him to ask for someone. How could he dare to rob people from the state? He handed over Ye Xin's file in a congratulatory manner, and declared that Ye Xin had gone to further studies. Speech indiscriminately.

Because of Ye Xin's importance to human beings, she not only moved into the research institute anonymously to cooperate with research work, but also her life trajectory and information files disappeared quietly under the operation of the state machine, unless she visited people who actually knew Ye Xin. Otherwise, it would be difficult to find her information online.

Lin Luyan has been tormented by Fu Qin's affairs recently, but Fu Qin herself is very easy to handle. The problem is that her cuckold husband has a lot of business energy. If there is time, the investigation on Ye Xin can be restarted.

The sentencing of the director of the film crew has come out, there is no way out, just go to jail and wait for death.

There is no interference item, and it should be easy to find an omega who has a relationship with her and is still so outstanding in appearance, but what makes her hesitate is that the money she threw out was like a mud cow, and she didn't bring back any news, just like what she did that day She woke up from a dream and was still very moved.

When she was unbelievingly looking into the dead, her father gave her a rare call and warned her not to mess around anymore. Some old friends greeted him and said that she had crossed the line.

Lin Luyan was even more puzzled. Who did she sleep with?

During the Chinese New Year, Wen Dong came to her house to celebrate the New Year.

But more than ten years have passed, and she has long disliked Wen Dong, and she has quietly lived in a person in her heart. That person has no name. She doesn't know who she is, and she doesn't even know if she will have a chance for the rest of her life. meet her.

Wen Dong brought up her ex-Baby relative.

Lin Luyan said, "Didn't Tong Yan Wuji joke with the elders at that time?"

Wen Dong: ...

After several trials, Wen Dong discovered that Lin Luyan didn't want to marry him at all, and Lin Luyan seemed much tougher than she had imagined. Sometimes when she looked at her with firm eyes, she trembled with fear .

Her parents finally suspected that there was something wrong with Lin Luyan's self-discipline, but after the inspection, it was found that it was not. She just simply lost her mind about other omega, but she didn't seem to have any idea about alpha either.

Big families have plenty of ways to produce the next generation without having sex. There is no need to force Lin Luyan to marry.

Three years later, the years have only added a bit of charm to Lin Luyan. She has inherited all the property of the Lin family, but the choice of wife has not been determined yet.

At this time, the country announced that they had made a new breakthrough in the research of pheromones. In the research team represented by Academician Ye Xin, they found a new substance that could completely get rid of the negative effects of pheromones on human beings.

For a time, the eyes of the whole world were focused on Ye Xin, a new academician who had been indistinct in the research field before. The intelligence agents dug deep, and finally some information about Ye Xin surfaced.

Even ordinary people in Huaguo were a little surprised. Ye Xin, who studied business in the past, turned into an academician after three years of graduation and presided over the work of breakthroughs in pheromones.

In the end, public opinion gathered, and people inferred that Ye Xin's pheromone must have played a big role in this, and maybe that brand-new substance was collected from Ye Xin.

Lin Luyan saw Ye Xin's photo from the report. Although it was a ID photo when she was in college, she could still recognize it as the omega that she had tagged back then.

It turned out that she understood everything.

With great difficulty, Lin Luyan managed to get an invitation letter for a state banquet. The theme of this banquet is that Ye Xin's research team will be interviewed by relevant leaders, and everyone will have a dinner together.

In just three years, Ye Xin has grown from a graduate to a big boss that no one dares to underestimate. She is smart, good-looking, and has great strength. When they look at Ye Xin, they don't look like her. It is like looking at a young man but looking at a new star that has risen.

Lin Luyan just watched silently from the side, and Ye Xin quickly noticed her.

With just a glance, Ye Xin found the memory related to Lin Luyan from the pile of old papers. After wiping, this memory became alive because of Lin Luyan's reappearance by her side.

Ye Xin has devoted herself to her research career for the past three years. She has long since stopped thinking about Lin Luyan, but when she saw her again, she found that maybe it was because she liked it before, or because of the filter of time, her taste did not appear. After a major change, I still plunged in, and I still like Lin Luyan very much.

Ye Xin looked away without leaving a trace, thinking in her heart that she would say hello to Lin Luyan later and exchange names with each other.

Lin Luyan had already walked over, she raised the wine glass in her hand and touched Ye Xin's glass lightly, "Researcher Ye, can I continue our relationship with you?"

Ye Xin raised her head, with indescribable surprise on her face, as if she had thought about it and said "hmm".

Up to now, she can do many things she wants to do, including dating Lin Luyan.

"Then," Ye Xin stretched out a hand and smiled, "Lu Yan, please advise me."

Two hands were held together.

(End of the book)

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