Rich woman eat well, give it to Ji

Chapter 31 I like you the most

On the way, Ye Xin asked, "Didn't you go to find a nun? How could you be hunted down?"

Lin Luyan was no longer surprised by how Ye Xin reasoned it out. It was not surprising that Ye Xin would ask about this matter. She said, "There was nothing wrong with that matter. I met a prince on the way back."

"Oh, it's Prince Abel who is coming to the town to give a speech." Ye Xin nodded, "But why did he arrest you?"

"This face of mine seems to be the prince's old friend..."

"I'm green!"

Omega is always extraordinarily keen in this regard, especially Ye Xin is still a smart omega, she doesn't even need Lin Luyan to give an outline, she can fill up the complete story in her mind.

Lin Luyan was a little silent and dared not speak, shrank his neck, and tried to shake the blame again, "In short, he was very excited when he saw me and wanted to keep me by his side forever."

"Wait," Ye Xin reacted, "Then why did I run away with you? It's you, not me, who is going to be arrested and locked up for playing in a small black room. You dragged me into the water!"

The love between Ye Xin and Lin Luyan is in jeopardy. The husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and when disaster comes, they fly separately.

Lin Luyan asked Ye Xin to run with him, and there was also a little selfishness in it, "Don't you think it's very romantic to elope under the chase of soldiers?"

Ye Xin nodded again, feeling that what Lin Luyan said was not unreasonable, the most important thing in games is to be happy.

Lin Luyan: Yeah, the master of deception is me.

In the underground research institute, the doctor is still sneaking around here.

Soldiers smashed open the cellar door and filed in.

He realized that something was wrong and escaped from the secret passage, but when he lifted the cover from the tunnel, his throat was sealed by a sword.

A small team has been waiting for him here for a long time.

Surrounded by the guards, Abel walked into the subdued doctor and sneered, "I haven't seen you for a few years. My subordinate told me just now that a nun was rescued from your research institute. You are still continuing your dirty work." Dirty experiment?"

The doctor listened silently to the system beep, and didn't bother to answer Abel's ridicule.

This seemed to arouse Abel's anger. He took a few steps forward and kicked the doctor to the ground.

"I'm ****!" The doctor burst out a national curse after falling to the ground, but the sensitive lexicon of the flamingo was quite advanced, and the harmony was lost directly, so that he could only say 'beep-beep-' on the ground The sound was like a helpless scream.

Abel smiled, "Yes, this is in line with your identity, rolling on the ground, remember this moment, the beginning of the rest of your life."

The doctor rolled on the ground, slowly calmed down again, stopped cursing, and cursed in his heart that this character is really perverted.

【Abel is an old acquaintance of yours. During the time in the capital, you both fell in love with the same girl. 】

【You guys at that time were completely different from what you are now.In the past, Abel was a cowardly boy living in the shadow of his elder brother. He didn't like socializing or hunting. Reading, reading newspapers, painting and visiting gardens were all he ever had. Status acquired noble status. 】

[But after the girl died, the world in your heart was overturned. 】

【Abel killed his brother and became the heir to the kingdom. You came to this small town closest to the foggy forest to live in seclusion for the girl's previous wish. 】

【You know what made you expose Abel's killing intent, it's the hunter's girl-like face, after all, it's the most proud creation in your life】

Perverted, both perverted.

The doctor thought to himself.

But his motives are easy to understand. Why did Abel kill his brother after the girl died, and he didn't mention the girl's cause of death.

If it was the elder brother who killed the girl, Abel killed the elder brother as well.

But it doesn't make sense that he left the capital without making the enemy pay the price, and his beloved was killed by the bastard prince. His violent temper as a mad scientist should drag the entire capital to be buried with him.

So after thinking about it, the eldest prince seems to be more innocent in this matter.

[Task 2: Fulfill her wish]

The system prompt sounded, but it seemed to be too late.

"I knew it." The doctor was dragged away by the soldiers like a dead body, and he talked about how to complete the task given by the program group under control.

But the program team will not give tasks that are bound to fail, and will definitely give a glimmer of life among them.

Abel looked at him and said, "I won't kill you so easily. The nuns found in your house are enough for the church to send you to the gallows."

But the doctor cheered in his heart: I knew there would be a turnaround, it was death reprieve, and someone would come to save me.

Someone will rescue me, right?

The doctor was full of wild thoughts, wondering whether Lin Luyan would see the notice and come to rob the execution ground.

Abel warned, "Oh, by the way, don't take chances, I will find her again, and I will let her watch how you are marked as a sinner, and let her give up on you."

Doctor: Crazy, this npc is crazier than me.

But he was already imagining the scene of Lin Luyan crazily stabbing Abel in the back, the corners of his mouth curled up crazily.

He was still thinking of some reason to let Lin Luyan come to rescue him, but Abel didn't open his eyes and insisted on hitting the gun. He wanted to have a CP with Lin Luyan. Lin Luyan has a CP, will she join him? Think Don't even think about it!

Ye Xinzhi went to look for the nun, but couldn't find the knight. Seeing that there are many soldiers here, they rode closer to join in the fun, and saw a woman wearing a black nun's uniform on the panel inside. His eyes lit up, and he finally lived up to it. Suo Tuo breathed a sigh of relief, but was a little puzzled, "But what's going on here now?"

The soldier looked at the armor and family crest on the knight, and it seemed that he had passed a credit judgment. He believed in the knight's character, and explained to him everything that happened here, "His Royal Highness Abel sent us to destroy a The stronghold of the black doctor rescued the nun from inside, but unfortunately the nun has been murdered and is still unconscious."

"The doctor is a black doctor?!" The knight rejoiced for a while. Fortunately, he and Ye Xin were together. Lin Luyan had been out of contact for such a long time, and if he couldn't meet him, he must have been killed by the doctor. Maybe the doctor was the werewolf!

The witch in Werewolf has two bottles of medicine, one bottle of antidote and one bottle of poison.

If the nun was in a coma because of a werewolf, Ye Xin could just save her!

The knight said, "I know a lady witch, she may have a way to revive her."

His reasoning is wrong, and his brain is not right, but his strange behavior is still correct. This may be the reason why there are so many stupid people in this world who can still operate correctly.

Of the two desperate mandarin ducks on the way to escape, one was for Ye Xin and the other for Lin Luyan.

"I always feel that no one is chasing us." Ye Xin said.

Lin Luyan said frankly, "Because I threw the doctor out to carry the pot to attract the prince's hatred."

"Bah bah." Ye Xin's face was full of disbelief, "You must have kept all the things and bad news from me since the first time we met, and now you can get the indulgence issued by me personally if you tell the truth."

Ye Xin already felt it, and Lin Luyan couldn't tell the truth anymore, her reasoning was about to be brought into the ditch, "I have eloped with you, are you still unwilling to reveal your true identity? I should tell you to overcome Is it Risto or Ambi, what is the thing on your neck hiding!"

Lin Luyan originally planned that as long as Ye Xin didn't ask her, she wouldn't tell. If Ye Xin wanted to ask, she would confess, and if Ye Xin wanted to ask, she would confess.

Now that Ye Xin has already sent her the steps, if she doesn't go down the steps, is she still an alpha?

Lin Luyan and Ye Xin explained everything she knew.

This overlapped with what Ye Xin knew.

"The nonsense you made up turned out to be true," Ye Xin looked into the distance, vaguely revealing the appearance of the forest, "What's in there?"

"Prince Abel spread his theory about the foggy forest all over the world, and the doctor made you to keep looking for dark creatures in the foggy forest..."

"Could it be," Ye Xin said uncertainly, "Your current master, her wish during her lifetime has something to do with the foggy forest?"

"We have to go back," she said. "Abel is too crazy to cooperate. The doctor is in danger now. Maybe he will find out the truth on the way to save him."

Ye Xin's three tasks have not been completed yet.

But don't worry, her mission may not be settled until the time is up or the final mission is completed.

But maybe Lin Luyan and her have a good heart.

Lin Luyan also thought of her remaining two missions to survive. She held Ye Xin's hand and said, "My face is not mine, it is someone else's. She lives in other people's hearts and will never be erased. I just put on my face." The person in the bottle with her skin, the meaning of my existence is not like that of a human being, I was born to be used as a tool, just to complete the task, is your liking for me or her? "

Ye Xin was a little dazed by this, she stretched out her other hand, waved it in front of Lin Luyan, and asked cautiously, "Are you full?"

Lin Lu was choked and speechless.

Ye Xin has already considered 'her alpha is moaning about spring and autumn without illness', as a family member, she should follow the doctor's advice and cooperate with the treatment?

"Of course I don't like you because you are a hunter," Ye Xin nodded solemnly, her small face full of seriousness, "It's better to say that I like you because the hunter is you."

"Whether you are Christo or Ambi, your name is just a code name. Could it be said that depriving you of your name can erase the traces of your existence in the world?"

"When you were born from this world, you produced your own free will, independent will, and you were out of control of your creator."

"You should understand that you are a human being and not an object to be manipulated."

"Whether it is an artificial person created by scientists or a natural person born by parents, they all need to cross the link that is regarded as private property by their parents. Only after this step is the progress of humanistic concepts."

Ye Xin held Lin Luyan's face with one hand, "Could it be that you fell in love with me because you were instigated and ordered?"

Lin Luyan was completely overwhelmed by Ye Xin's eloquence, she nodded.

"Since you fell in love with me out of your own will, then I can also fall in love with you voluntarily. This is free love, respecting each other with an equal attitude, without interference, instigation, threat and submission." Speaking of here , Ye Xin smiled, and while shaking Hualin Luyan's eyes, she stood on tiptoe and kissed her.

"I like you the most."

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