Ye Xin woke up from the bed, observed for a while and felt that Lin Luyan had already woken up and was just pretending to sleep, and punched her with a set of cat punches through the quilt, which was not very harmful and full of cuteness.

Lin Luyan opened his eyes and reached out to grab the 'prisoner', but at this time Ye Xin got back under the covers, not only did not pretend to be stupid, but also boldly made a second attack, pinching the flesh on her stomach.

Ye Xin squeezed it and felt that it felt good. She reached out to hug Lin Luyan, and rubbed her face against her belly.

The next second when the light came, Lin Luyan lifted the quilt and looked at Ye Xin helplessly.

Ye Xin adjusted to the sunlight for a few seconds, let out a scream, let go of her hands and rolled on the bed as if she had seen the light, and rolled a few times. She seized the opportunity to grab the corner of the quilt and snatched the quilt covering Lin Luyan's body. He came over, wrapped himself in a cabbage, with a melancholy expression on his face, "I don't want to get up."

Lin Luyan: If you have this great acting skills, why worry about your acting being unpopular.

The thoughts in Ye Xin's mouth jumped from not wanting to get up to not wanting to go to work, "It's so scary, why do I have to go to work in half a month."

Lin Luyan said, "There is still half a month left."

Ye Xin emphasized, "It's only half a month!"

Lin Luyan was speechless for a while, "If you don't want to go to work..."

"No, I have to go to work and earn money." Ye Xin sat up straight on the bed and stood up by herself.

"You can ask for leave." Lin Luyan said.

Ye Xin was stunned when she heard the words, "But the money will be deducted for leave."

Lin Luyan nodded, "Yes."

Ye Xin:? ?

Ye Xin scolded Lin Luyan in a low voice, the capitalist got up.

Lin Luyan: I paid too much for getting Ye Xin to wake up.

At ten o'clock, the secretary sent a compressed package to Lin Luyan, "Boss, it's been negotiated, this is part of the script for the first issue, and the content of the conversation with other people, do you think there is anything else to strive for? "

Lin Luyan went to the study room and opened the computer to decompress the file, read it roughly, and said to the secretary, "Change my identity to this."

She circled a character card in the information package and sent it to the secretary.

"Huh?" The secretary obviously didn't understand, but she didn't need to care too much about irrelevant things. The boss can play the game however he wants, and she can arrange it, so she quickly replied, "Okay." , Boss, let's talk right away."

Lin Luyan closed the dialog box, recalled what she just read, and wanted to share it with Ye Xin. She was not such a restless person before, but when she thought of chatting with Ye Xin, she couldn't hold back. Ye Xin The reaction must be interesting.

Lin Luyan came out of the study to find someone, "Ye Xin."

Ye Xin was reading a newspaper on the sofa. Seeing her come out, she shook the newspaper, folded it and put it back on the table. Regarding her behavior of an elderly person, she defended in a low voice, "I just read it."

Lin Luyan's eyes slid over the newspaper's title "Internal Reference News" for a second and then stopped paying attention. He frowned, "Just now the secretary gave me the outline and script of the variety show, do you want to listen to it?"

"Okay." Ye Xin nodded. Lin Luyan didn't hand her the materials, so what she said probably meant guessing. The reason why Guaichaile is Guaichaile depends on who you are with. According to Lin Luyan, she is very willing to participate in the game.

So she frowned, and obtained more information from Lin Luyan by insinuating, "What type is it? If you cooperate with Flamingo, the fun of the game must be greatly improved."

"Indeed," Lin Luyan nodded, and she had to give a thumbs up to Flamingo's planning and creativity, "Most of the script-killing variety shows are inseparable from scripts and performances. On this basis, they carry forward their characteristics. Players in the game do not use their own accounts but play NPC roles, complete the tasks given by the program group, and earn points to win the game."

"Wait a minute," Ye Xin had a strange expression on her face. Although Lin Luyan was ambiguous, she was good at methodology. She extracted the commonness of things and brought them into the solution. What was Lin Luyan talking about? She had something in her heart. I made a guess, "Is every script a story under a different world view? After entering the game, you will get a biography of the character you play, which will remind the player what to do, but the player can also follow their own ideas, just like this You have to take the risk of acting rationally. Once you make an OOC move and cause other people in the play to suspect that you will deduct points for acting. The program team will give each player a different task. From the current point of view, it is a camp confrontation mode, but other players cannot be ruled out. mode, after accumulating a certain amount of points, you can unlock the reward exchange, and when you enter the game next time, the props will appear in a reasonable form or lie directly in the backpack column, and the player who completes the final point reward can get the program award.”

"How do you know...?" Lin Luyan was stunned. What Ye Xin said was almost the same as the information sent to her by the secretary, only the details were slightly different.

Ye Xin complained angrily, "I also know, is the name of this program something like "The Lord Game"?"

"There is indeed such an alternative name." Lin Luyan's confusion didn't ease, on the contrary, it became deeper, but he didn't have the nerve to ask Ye Xin the answer.

Because this is infinite flow!

Although Ye Xin was very happy to play this kind of game, she was a little speechless when she thought of planning to change skins without any brains, but she couldn't leave Lin Luyan, a new and curious baby, for too long. Regular entertainment works have been a genre of their own for 20 years, but adaptation is difficult, and they are rarely put on the screen, only appearing in novels, some texts and rpg games.”

"That's how it is." Lin Luyan, who is now so full of novels, suddenly realized that this is the distress of too many entertainment options.

"I want to see the character card and the script." After answering Lin Luyan's question, Ye Xin reached out to her.

But Lin Luyan hid his mobile phone when he heard the words.

Ye Xin:?

"You're so smart, if I tell you, then you don't have much fun playing games," Lin Luyan said, "I believe that the script of the first act will not be a problem for you, and you can win easily. "

"Do you think you can kill me by boasting?" Ye Xin put her hips on her hips and pretended to be dismissive, but unfortunately she finished the work in three seconds, and her tail was about to wag when she turned around, "Let me tell you, I like this. "

Ye Xin doesn't have a strong sense of victory when playing games. In order to maintain a sense of expectation for the unknown, she generally treats herself as a beginner to experience the game process. She doesn't need to collect all of them, and she doesn't have to get through all the endings.

If you have to check the strategy guide and follow the steps mentioned in the video to fight the boss step by step, then it is not called playing, it is called wanting to win.

There are too many things to win in this world, so don't be so busy in the game, be happy, it's good for everyone.

So Lin Luyan didn't spoil Ye Xin, and Ye Xin didn't care.

A game, Lin Luyan believed her, and she happened to have a little bit of confidence.

Half a month later, Ye Xin went to work.

"On the first day of work, hey, it's just playing!" Ye Xin lay down in the game cabin, as if she had made a lot of money, "I play games when others move bricks."

Ye Xin closed her eyes, and the game cabin automatically connected the visual system and neural network.

The teleportation sound effect sounds.

The cutscene cg is a concept poster with a surreal sci-fi style, with a few large characters on the left "Lord God Game" and a few lines in the middle.

[Currently available information:]

[You are the players chosen by the main god, and you are projected into the three thousand small worlds. 】

[The name of the Lord God cannot be pronounced, spoken, or described. It is He who presides over this game. 】

[Follow the rules of the game, earn points, and you will get rewards beyond your imagination. 】

The import speed is not slow, Ye Xin quickly read the general information points, waited for two or three seconds, his eyes went dark, and the voice of a middle-aged man with no emotion sounded next to his ears, "The first scene of the main god game begins."

Ye Xin opened her eyes, her shaking vision gradually focused, and the strange ceiling changed from blurred to clear. She turned over and was about to get out of bed, but the action just now made her a little dizzy. Depressed, "I must have woken up from hunger, right?"

She looked at the furniture in the room, it was pitifully small, and she seemed to understand why, she would not be hungry when she fell asleep → woke up hungry and had no energy to crawl√

It’s still that middle-aged man with no feelings, he seems to be bound to Ye Xin, and becomes her system dubbing, “Your name is Madeleine, you used to have a great surname, and you didn’t inherit the talent of a witch because of the decline of your family. , living a poor life now, but the power in the blood has never faded, and when you touch some items at certain times, you will see some pictures of the past."

[Mission 1: Survive for 3 days]

[Task 2: Guess the authority represented by each player]

[Mission 3: Punish the real culprit]

[Reminder: Treat all of this as a real game, please try to maintain role-playing, do not try to act beyond the game dimension or say words that lead the other party to awaken when there are other people watching, more than three violations will be punished Erase punishment. 】

"It sounds like that," Ye Xin said to herself, "I can still super travel when I'm unmanned. In order to facilitate the later stage and reduce their workload, let me analyze the current situation first. Condition."

"The missions set in the game are very staged, from which we can analyze the planning ideas. Mission 1 is a guarantee mission. If you can't even survive, how can you pursue the truth? Only if you survive and have the power to protect yourself, go Only by looking for clues can you complete Mission 2, if you play very well, you can find key props in the game, get help from powerful NPCs, and achieve a certain special condition, only in this way can you exert influence on the real culprit."

"My character is very poor. This is the behavioral logic of my character. I just need to find a way to eat and clothe myself, which is not considered a super game. At the same time, this is also completing task 1."

"As for Mission 2, I already have some ideas. For now, let's set it as a werewolf killing. My authority may not be a witch but a prophet."

"This is the information that appears in the background of my character. Witches can make medicine, but I don't know how to make medicine. I can get some things that happened in the past by touching objects. This is obviously biased towards the prophet, since I am on the grid of the prophet , then a witch, maybe there will be a scientist who looks very prophetic but is actually a witch, if there is such a character, it means that the theme of werewolf killing is determined, and the real culprit is undoubtedly the werewolf player."

"Are you right, uncle?" Ye Xin asked.

The voice of the middle-aged man who looked like a salted fish better than a robot sounded, "I was made by the main god, and it is a system distributed to every player. The number is ⑨, and I am not an uncle."

Ye Xin: "Oh, I see, you are the staff member who sent it to me, right? Let me ask you 1+1=?"


The author has something to say:

The answer is ⑨, because Cirno, the strongest in Gensokyo, is a math genius.

Oh, so cold.

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