After getting into the car, Tan Zishu quickly distanced herself from Ji Yao.

Ji Yao didn't want to talk to her too much, so the two fell silent.

During this period, all kinds of messy people made many calls to Tan Zishu, and Tan Zishu didn't hang up a single one, even though her condition was beyond bad.

It was only then that Ji Yao realized that Tan Zishu's face was very pale, like a patient who had lost too much blood, and her skin was pale with death... Ji Yao knew that it was not because of the effect of makeup, but because of the other party's body.

"Sister Tan, inhibitor." The little assistant silently handed her a medicine, "Are you okay, do we need to go to the hospital?"

The little assistant half-spoken and looked at Ji Yao naturally.

Ji Yao knew what she meant, so she just didn't answer - Tan Zishu is an alpha, and she should have reached the susceptibility period recently.Although the little assistant gave the inhibitor on the surface, it was actually just a hint that he should take the initiative and share the pain of the susceptible period for the other party.

Ji Yao didn't want to follow Tan Zishu at all. If she wasn't afraid of OOC, the first thing she would do now would be to grab the little bastard by the ears, and then question her—knew that you were sensitive, didn't you pay attention?How dare you come to such a crowded banquet?Why do you not love yourself so much?

This kind of behavior is extremely offensive, and it is the same as "don't wear long johns for fear of cold".

Therefore, Ji Yao didn't soften her heart at all, she sat silently on the side, watching whether Tan Zishu would continue to act.

"It's okay, I can bear it." Tan Zishu frowned and pushed the inhibitor away from the little assistant's hand, then said tiredly, "Just go home, I don't like going to the hospital."

How can she bear it, she can obviously act.When the susceptibility period is at its worst, it is impossible to come to such a place where fish and dragons are mixed. As a scumbag, she must have come to find Canary.

Ji Yao laughed inwardly, if Tan Zishu had this acting skill in front of the screen, she wouldn't be criticized by the audience.

After a while, the actor finally rested, and Ji Yao turned to look at him.

Qin Zishu is still the same as she was when she was a child. Her narrow, thin single eyelids are distinctive, her eyes are smooth and clear, her nose is pretty and sharp... her facial features are all cold and lifeless.

A pair of cool single eyelids half cover the pupils of the eyes, always giving people a look of indifference.Ji Yao couldn't judge whether the other party didn't want to care about people or simply didn't open her eyes wide. She only knew that the other party hadn't been very happy in recent years. The whole person seemed to be living under the filter of black, white and gray. The color saturation is reduced a bit.

"how did you……"

Ji Yao would like to ask, these years, how did you allow yourself to live such a bitter and bitter life?But as soon as the words came out of her mouth, she realized that her current status was not suitable for asking such questions, so she simply turned a corner and asked following the persona: "Sister Tan is so beautiful and temperamental, how do you maintain it?"

Tan Zishu turned her head to look at her, and said in that world-weary tone: "Stay depressed and anxious all day long, stay up late for several days without sleep, and experience anorexia several times every now and then. In the long run, you can become like me."

Ji Yao: "..."

The little bastard has grown up, and her ability to irritate people has gradually grown. Ji Yao felt that her blood pressure had risen a lot. In order to avoid conflicts again, she simply stopped talking to the other party.

Back home, Tan Zishu took Ji Yao into the study.

Qin Zishu threw the jacket to the assistant, went to the folder and took out a "contract".

"Xu Xiyan, bring it to the door." Tan Zishu sent the little assistant away, then waved to Ji Yao, "Come here."

Ji Yao opened the file.

"This is a 'nurse/nurturing' agreement between us. It will last for one year. I will write down all the benefits I will give you. You can see if there is nothing you want to add. You can ask for it now." Tan Zishu closed her mouth. Leaning her eyes on the back of the chair, she seemed very indifferent, "In this year, you have to accompany me through the boring susceptibility period, try not to be photographed by the media, don't wake me up too early in the morning, and don't interfere with me. As a private habit, try to be on call as much as possible, and the bedroom door cannot be locked after ten o'clock in the evening... Also, try not to bother me."

Ji Yao tightened her fingers, and the document seemed to be trembling in fear in her hand.

It's only been ten years. A girl of fourteen has become an adult of twenty-four. She doesn't know what happened in the past ten years to make Tan Zishu grow into such a virtue.

Although Xiaoqin Zishu had a bad personality at that time, her conduct was not so bad. Even if Ji Yao was killed, she would never have imagined that the little girl she raised would become like this in the future.

Angry, disappointed, sad, hating iron for nothing.

All kinds of emotions were entangled, and Ji Yao was so angry that she covered her forehead.

She let out a deep breath, and continued to look down at the agreement in her hand - she knew every word, but when it came to connecting them, she didn't seem to understand.

What is "Party B is obliged to solve all physiological needs for Party A during the susceptible period, and Party A does not need to be responsible for Party B's safety"?

To put it bluntly, am I not a tool for scum A to vent his desire/desire during the susceptible period?And from the looks of it, the other party still loves to toss, easily going crazy and hurting others.

Ji Yao trembled with anger, but still held back her temper and looked down.

The more she looked at the back, the colder her palms became, and the blood in her heart seemed to cool down.

It's just nonsense, it's not something people do!

What's even more frightening is that, based on the rumors, Tan Zishu has more than one document like this... Before me, I don't know how many people have been tortured by her for entertainment.

"Why is the time limit one year?"

Ji Yao remembered that the media said that Tan Zishu's canary would not last for more than a month, so why did the document she got become a year?

"Oh, what are you talking about." Tan Zishu looked at her with her chin propped up, with a faint smile in her eyes, "Because it's a bit troublesome to change people every month, you didn't notice that I added a lot of people who have been with me for a long time in the file. Are there constraints?"

Ji Yao was going to die of anger.

She glanced at the other party with resentment, raised her hand and tore the document into pieces of waste paper without saying a word...

Not only did she have to tear it off, but she also threw the shredded paper in the other person's face.

Go fuck it!

Qin Zishu, you scum!

The system suddenly made a sound and stopped her: "Task number 2, agree to the other party's request, or die, and the task time is 10 minutes."

Ji Yao paused: "..."

Tan Zishu noticed her abnormality and smiled slightly: "What's the matter? Do you regret it. Keep tearing."

"Why is it number 2? Are there still many tasks in the future? Is it enough to agree to the other party's 'request'?" Ji Yao carefully discussed with the system, "Is every task a mandatory requirement?"

System: "The tasks are randomly generated, and there will definitely be more in the future. Of course, some tasks have little impact on the main line, and the punishment for not completing them will be correspondingly lighter."

main line?

Ji Yao's rebirth may be because God couldn't stand Tan Zishu's crimes, so he dug the grave and sent himself to eliminate harm for the people.

So the task now is related to the main line.

After adjusting her mood for a moment, Ji Yao took out a smirk: "It's not regret, but I think this time limit is too short, one year is not enough."

"However, what if you don't behave well and want to hold me back." Tan Zishu seemed to be thinking seriously, "I dare not trust you just like that."

Ji Yao picked up a piece of shredded paper: "Party B's No. 13 points, Party B is obliged to solve all physiological needs for Party A during the susceptible period, and Party A does not need to be responsible for Party B's safety... I have no objection to this, It shows that I still have confidence in you. I can still agree to this condition. Why do you insist on 'delaying time'? Get rid of me directly, it's definitely easy to get rid of, I'm not a stalker."

Qin Zishu listened attentively. When she heard the conditions of No. 13, she seemed to raise her eyebrows in surprise. She didn't express her opinion until Ji Yao had finished speaking: "Okay, you have convinced me a little bit."


The author has something to say:

The content of the plot serves the plot, and this behavior is not supported!Little angels, if you meet them in real life, run away!

Qin Zishu: You can't copy homework randomly in the contract, it's all messed up (sigh)

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