Ji Yao was still a little worried, she thought, why not go to the hospital to check her attributes while Tan Zishu is not at home today.

Before her death, she had been procrastinating without differentiation. Now that she is reborn, it is good that she is not differentiated. If she really becomes differentiated, she has to make preparations early.

Fortunately, this system is not a complete waste, and some basic requirements can still be met.

Don't use it for nothing, Ji Yao generously treats the system as her own electronic housekeeper.

There is one thing to say, the system is quite generous in terms of money. As soon as Ji Yao opened her mouth, a lot of money was added to the phone.

Ji Yao found out that it was a money transfer, and was about to express doubts, when the system explained that this was a reasonable method, just to avoid OOC.

Although the phone was given by Qin Zishu, and the person who transferred the money was also the other party, Ji Yao didn't worry at all that it would be discovered or destroyed.

"It doesn't cost electricity, and it's on call 24 hours a day...it's really easy to use." Ji Yao, who transferred a large sum of money, commented, "If you weren't such a waste, maybe I would like you more."

The system answered her in a calm tone: "I will try my best."

Ji Yao delightedly made an appointment for a VIP private medical examination at the hospital.

Ji Yao: "Don't worry, just rest for a while before going, I made that bastard sleep so hard last night."

System: "...Where are you going?"

Ji Yao: "I'll tell you later, lest you suddenly have a seizure and send out any missions."


Qin Zishu fell asleep in the car for a while, and stepped on the spot to the place appointed by Director Huo.

It was a nice restaurant with a great environment and most importantly - no people.

Lou Juan explained while accompanying Tan Zishu inside: "Director Huo is just like you, not a lively person."

Tan Zishu nodded. She has a good relationship with Director Huo because of their similar personalities and habits.

After turning a corner, the waiter invited them in... Then they saw Huo Qi sitting on the ground.

The storefront here is hidden, probably because it is rarely open to the public, there are no tables for customers in the store, but it is very comfortable and beautiful like a leisure place, with simple and simple Japanese decorations at first glance.

Director Huo Da didn't look outside at all, he regarded the restaurant as his own home, sitting on the floor on the expensive floor mat, holding a delicious food in his hand.

Director Huo usually wears a suit and leather shoes, but today he is dressed in cotton and linen casual clothes, which looks very relaxed.

Qin Zishu said hello: "Director Huo is very casual when he's not working."

Director Huo waved his hand.

Tan Zishu was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "About work? Has something happened?"

Huo Qi: "I don't have eyesight, please help me."

Qin Zishu: "..."

Oh, my heart is dripping on my clothes.

"Everyone sits and sits. This is a shop opened by a friend, and no outsiders will come." Huo Qi greeted Lou Juan and Xu Xiyan to sit down, and then said to Qin Zishu, "I heard that you haven't eaten well recently, and your condition is poor. No, come here, let's have lunch together."

It's just a simple meal, there is no persuasion in the usual meal, and there is no other intrigue.

Qin Zishu rarely ate more.

Huo Qi: "Didn't you eat in the morning?"

Tan Zishu thought of the awful fried egg that morning, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and the corners of her mouth stretched and even turned up.

Huo Qi glanced at her: "You look good mentally, are you in a relationship?"

"No." Qin Zishu said, "Some good things have happened recently, and I'm in a good mood."

"You're in a good mood, but I'm having a hard time." Huo Qi criticized her, "In the last audition, people from Jiang Jiaran's side also contacted me. In order not to refuse so bluntly, I promised to let her and you Let’s try it together. It turned out that you were fine, you let me dove several times in a row, and their company was also forced to run for nothing, you, you are really messing around.”

Huo Qi, like Qin Zishu, has an ass-like temper. He doesn't want to see anyone he says he doesn't want to see. As a well-known director, he is also talented when he curses. Countless new-age actors have been destroyed by him. Cursing and crying is common.

It was Qin Zishu's first time working with him, and the two quarreled all day because of something big, and the whole crew came to try to persuade them to quarrel. The above team met their opponents, and the relationship broke the ice.

However, Huo Dao has a strange personality, but he protects his weaknesses very much, there is no reason to be that way.

Therefore, he is often chased and scolded by everyone on the Internet.

The two people with the most slander got together and became friends.

Qin Zishu smiled and apologized without distraction: "It's been hard work for Director Huo, but he still chose me in the end. The other party might be so angry."

Huo Qi: "I'll just go through the process. That role is very suitable for you. I won't change it no matter how much money others give me. Besides, Jiang Jiaran is really not suitable for that drama. Don't come to the madman in the play."

Qin Zishu: "..."

For a while, I didn't know whether to praise or curse.

"Jiang Jiaran didn't know what good things happened to me recently. When I came to the audition that day, I was just like you. She was so happy and distraught." Huo Qi said, "Xiaohua now, everyone is in love, and likes someone He will be hanged on that crooked neck tree."


Qin Zishu felt a bad premonition, subconsciously looked at Lou Juan, and found that Lou Juan's expression was also wrong.

Could it be?Was Jiang Jiaran aware of Ji Yao's affairs?

Qin Zishu felt that she had taken Ji Yao home and protected her very well. No one was discovered by outsiders. Even if Ji Yao was to be discovered in the future, it shouldn't be so soon.

Huo Qi wiped his hands, as if he didn't notice the difference between the two of them: "You were not there at the time, but I heard some rumors that an old friend Jiang Jiaran hadn't seen for a long time was coming back, female, she should be pretty, yes Someone she likes, someone she admired."

Tan Zishu's eyelids started to twitch wildly. When she lowered her head, she saw Ji Yao sending her a message—going out for a trip, staying at home was a bit boring.

Lou Juan listened to her: "The paparazzi over there Jiang Jiaran just revealed that Jiang Jiaran detoured half of the city to go to the hospital near your home."

Tan Zishu looked up at Huo Qi, but Huo Qi didn't raise his head: "Go, I have nothing to do here."


There is a single building next to the outpatient clinic of the hospital, without any signs, and few people come in and out.

Only a small number of people know that this is a place exclusively for VIP users.

Even the system doesn't know how Ji Yao made an appointment here so easily.

System: "When was this appointment?"

Ji Yao: "The second after you send money."


No, isn't it difficult to identify as a VIP user in this place? How did Ji Yao, a newly reborn person, make an appointment directly without telling her!

As an existence of shared thoughts, the system vaguely felt an uneasiness out of control.

Ji Yao had no obligation to answer for the system, so she entered the empty elevator and pressed the "11" floor.

Few people come here, and just as the elevator door was about to close, a sweet female voice sounded outside the door.

"Please wait a moment."

The girl almost ran to block the elevator, and the people behind her also followed her quickly, but when she came in desperately and stood beside Ji Yao, she did not hesitate to press the close button .

This is a girl in her early twenties. Looking at her, Ji Yao thinks she should be about the same age as Tan Zishu, and looks familiar.

The girl panted unsteadily in her voice: "Thank you sister."

The people behind followed up, but they could only watch the elevator doors close in front of them.

Ji Yao didn't open the door again, she vaguely felt that this girl didn't really want her people to follow her, just like a young lady who escaped from marriage and betrayed her family, this kind of behavior was actually kind of cool.

"Is my sister also going to the eleventh floor? What a coincidence." The girl looked at Ji Yao timidly, her eyes sparkling, "Did you make an appointment for the inspection? Can we go together?"

So familiar?

Ji Yao looked at the other party calmly—although she was in her early twenties, she deliberately went in the direction of "immature and sweet" in her attire, feeling like she had been carefully packaged by a brokerage company, like being wrapped by someone. Nice delicate doll.

"Okay." Since the other party gave her a smiling face, Ji Yao also smiled at her, "I'm worried about being alone."

The girl held out her hand: "Sister, my name is Jiang Jiaran."

...Since he was not recognized at the first sight, he must not be forgotten in the future.

Jiang Jiaran smiled impeccably, her smile was as sweet as honey, no matter who she was, she would be confused for a while when she was so friendly.

Ji Yao didn't, she shook hands politely, but didn't remember who the other party was.

The name is a bit familiar, but when she was a star in her previous life, she had seen thousands of people and heard the name, how could she think of the little girl she had seen in the orphanage.

Jiang Jiaran's smile almost collapsed - the moment Ji Yao let go of her hand, she realized sadly that the other party failed to remember who she was.

She looked at each other in disbelief, her beautiful eyes almost filled with tears.

I regard Ji Yao as the only dawn of my childhood.

At that time, she clearly said that she liked her very much, why can't she remember herself now!

I have not changed, it has only been ten years, and there is not much difference from before!

Jiang Jiaran really wanted to get close to Ji Yao, and asked her why she didn't know herself, obviously she boasted that she had a good-looking face and a sensible personality at that time...

In the elevator with four mirrors, Ji Yao was stared at by the other party all the time, feeling a little uncomfortable, so she opened her mouth to ease the atmosphere and said, "Your nose is so beautiful."

Jiang Jiaran was surprised - this sentence was exactly what Ji Yao said when she saw her more than ten years ago!

She likes her nose very much, saying it looks like a delicate doll.

Therefore, when Jiang Jiaran was packaged by the company, she was very firm in not allowing them to adjust their noses, as if this special beauty was one of the few advantages she had in her gray childhood.

When she was young, Jiang Jiaran, who had a high spirit, was always unwilling to stay in the dilapidated orphanage. The appearance of Ji Yao was like a ray of light, opening up a bridge for her to see the beautiful outside world. Hope that the other party can take her away one day.

She tried her best to get close to the other party, and successfully made Ji Yao remember her face. Relying on being well-behaved and sensible, she became one of the children that the other party liked, and also successfully became one of the candidates that Ji Yao wanted to adopt.

However, Ji Yao lied to herself.

She clearly said that she was the most obedient child she had ever seen, why did she take the most disobedient Tan Zishu with her when she left?

Jiang Jiaran looked at himself in the mirror, tightening his fingers a little bit.

It doesn't matter, it's okay to forget, I am no longer the little girl who had no resistance at the beginning, even if I am still not qualified, I still have to find a way to snatch her.


The author has something to say:

Ji Yao: Laughing to death, I like to tame the wild

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