It's impossible to say that she doesn't feel distressed, and Ji Yao didn't know how to respond to Tan Zishu for a while, she said sorry, it seemed too light and weak, but she was afraid that the other party would be stimulated if she said something else.

"I..." Ji Yao opened her mouth and sighed again, "Can you stop using the restraining stickers for the time being? It's a three-point poison, and it doesn't look very healthy... If you are really uncomfortable, I... also Not impossible."

Tan Zishu leaned on her lap and said in a muffled voice, "I don't need your pity. It's useless to force it. It's not good for anyone."

Oh, who was threatening to stay here not long ago?

After staying here, he changed his tone again, demanding that he love her?

"It's a good idea, you took advantage of all the advantages, I don't have pity on you, I pity the puppy." Ji Yao patted her shoulder lightly, and said in a bad tone, "Don't act like a good boy, you want it or not."

Qin Zishu: "I..."

Ji Yao interrupted her: "Think it over, don't cry alone after you refuse."

"Oh." Qin Zishu knew that Ji Yao's character was true to her word, and she didn't dare to continue to be hypocritical, so she quickly continued to lie down, and said hypocritically, "Aren't I afraid that you will feel uncomfortable?"

"Then you are really considerate of me." Ji Yao gritted her teeth and said, she gently scratched Tan Zishu's chin with her fingers, like teasing a cat, "Okay, no matter what you say, you are right."

Qin Zishu accepted it as soon as she saw it, and raised her head tactfully, making Ji Yao, the "cat teaser", feel as comfortable as possible.

"There's a call, do you need to turn on the light?"

Ji Yao stopped, intending to reach for the bedside lamp, but was snatched back by Tan Zishu, depriving her hands of freedom.

"With you here, I'm not afraid of the dark." After Tan Zishu's transformation, she adapted very well, and even had the time to show off her obedience, "It's almost dawn, stay with me again."

Ji Yao didn't speak, and let the other party play with her fingers.

In the half-light and half-darkness, Tan Zishu unconsciously fiddled with Ji Yao's fingers, her eyes gradually darkened—although the goal was achieved now, it was very different from her original expectation.At first, she deliberately set up a situation to let Ji Yao come to her door, and then she thought that the other party was thin-skinned and dared not take the initiative to admit her identity. As long as she pretended not to know her, she would be able to keep her as a superior person...

Tan Zishu lightly licked the tip of her teeth, and even thought viciously, if Ji Yao hadn't exposed her, she could still "bully" her in a shabby way. Anyway, the identity shown to the other party this time is not a good person, so it's better to follow through to the end , by this...


Tan Zishu's neck felt hot when he was distracted, and he was startled, like a bad cat that was eating something was frightened out of vertical pupils, Tan Zishu grabbed Ji Yao's hand for a moment.

Ji Yao pushed the other party's hair away, looked down at her neck: "Where are your glands?"

The inexplicable sense of crisis made Tan Zishu get goosebumps. She thought that she was an alpha, and of course she didn't have glands!It's not that Omega needs to be marked with glands, and he is an A, how could there be such a thing!

"Alpha doesn't have glands..." Tan Zishu pretended to be gentle in a low voice, and asked the other party with a smile, "Is my sister a little disappointed?"

"No, no, just ask."

Ji Yao refused Sanlian, but her tone was obviously lowered: "I thought you could be marked too."

Qin Zishu: "..."

Why be a little scared.

What Ji Yao thought in her heart was that if she could mark A, then she would mark this little bastard in the future, so as not to go out and harm others—it’s a pity that species like alpha cannot be marked.

It's such a pity.

Ji Yao confirmed again: "Is it really not possible? Do you think there will be a genetic mutation or something in the future, so that alpha can also be marked and possessed by people."

Tan Zishu showed off her neck under heavy cold sweat: "I really don't have glands, so I can't be..."

The last word "的" fell with the tip of the opponent's teeth, and Tan Zishu almost bit her own tongue.

Even saying it was impossible, Ji Yao still bit down on that smooth neck, not very hard, holding Tan Zishu's shoulder with her fingers, with some gentle comfort, like when a medical student is practicing acupuncture for a little white rabbit, he will first Wear white gloves to reassure each other.

Qin Zishu waited patiently for her.

Ji Yao's hair fell down on her shoulders and neck, and it was itchy. Tan Zishu couldn't see what was going on, so she could only wait quietly. For many years, she had never been close to anyone, and even basic touch was very repulsive, so When Ji Yao's breath approached, she trembled all over, she really didn't know whether it was joy or fear.

Qin Zishu's expression was normal, she held the round knee in front of her with her palm, and slowly circled it with warmth, like a poisonous snake declaring possession of her treasure.

She felt like being hugged by a vampire, while excitedly appreciating the beauty of the other party, while thankfully suppressing the uneasiness in her heart, at the same time, she was still humbly looking forward to being loved by this person.

Ji Yao just bit the other person's skin. She had never done this kind of marking behavior, and she didn't know how to do it, so she just tried it out and had a mouthful.

Because she was afraid of hurting her from biting her, Ji Yao didn't take a bite, so she loosened it and changed the place again. During the process, she inevitably lifted the surface of her tongue and touched the slightly cool texture... Well, it tastes good.

Ji Yao suddenly understood why many A's use this primitive and crude/violent marking method. It turns out that when the psychological refreshment is better than the physical instinct, it can tear off the disguise of human civilization. How cool it is up.

With color, with sound, with pheromone as guidance, who can not be confused?

The first ray of sunlight in the morning rushed in regardless, and then I squinted my eyes and saw overlapping figures.

Ji Yao raised her head after enjoying herself enough, and she explained: "It's not bad to have no glands, so as not to be accidentally taken away by others... You said it's okay, so I took a bite to taste the taste."

Qin Zishu: "..."

Obviously not "nothing" but not!

Forget it, Ji Yao may still regard herself as a child before, and some concepts have not had time to change.Qin Zishu had no choice but to comfort herself like this.

But to be honest... she did it like this, it seemed that the torment of the susceptible period was indeed relieved a lot.

Qin Zishu has long been used to using restraining stickers to deal with the susceptible period, and treats all the torture as penance. Over time, patience has become commonplace.

When she was filming before, an investor with malicious intentions broke in while she was vulnerable, but not only failed to hook her, but also gave her a good beating.

Qin Zishu still remembered that she stepped on the other party at that time, and said in disgust: "The alpha in the susceptible period is different from the Omega, and will not let others be slaughtered with powerlessness. I am the kind who likes to vent my anger. Next time you better Stay away, lest I accidentally kill you."

Long-term pain and patience can easily make a lunatic. Anyone who has been exiled in despair for many years will become a human being and a ghost, not to mention that she has been tortured repeatedly for countless ten years.

Every cycle of rebirth is a real life, unable to speed up time, and can only live soberly in deep pain, like being cut by a blunt knife, and every time you are half dead, you will be punished by resurrection.

It hurts too much.

This punishment cannot even be escaped by death, because once she gives up, she will go back to the day when she lost Ji Yao—the lonely cake outside the door, as if celebrating her birthday when she entered the cycle.

Every time, Tan Zishu would go back to her 14th birthday, open the door, and eat her own cream cake, as her only sweetness after a lifetime of suffering.

But now, Ji Yao's active approach is much sweeter than the cream cake at the beginning.

Tan Zishu knew her taste by taste, and hugged her greedily.


Ji Yao lowered her head in wonder, and found that Tan Zishu was like a child who lacked love, hugging her and not letting go.

Ji Yao pushed her away: "Get up."

Tan Zishu fights for her own rights: "I promise, don't wake me up too early in the morning."

Ji Yao said in her heart, when did it happen?

Seemingly sensing Ji Yao's doubts, the system popped up in time to answer her questions: [Task number 2 is - agree to the other party's request]

Ji Yao said "Oh" and said to the system: "Please repeat those requirements again."

The system repeated it for her in that calm mechanical voice: "Accompany her through the boring susceptibility period, try not to be photographed by the media, don't wake her up too early in the morning, don't interfere with her private habits, try to be as casual as possible. On call, the door of the bedroom cannot be locked after ten o'clock in the evening... Also, try not to bother her."

Ji Yao quickly replied: Absolutely.

She is not afraid of breaking the contract with Qin Zishu, but she is worried that the system will judge violations, because the system judgment is very strict, and once the red line is touched, the punishment mechanism will be triggered.

For the second task at that time, Ji Yao thought she was going to sign an agreement with Qin Zishu, but now that the system said it again, she realized that the second task was to "accept Qin Zishu's request", instead of rigidly requiring her to sign it. protocol.

"Requirements" are just verbal, and you can't go back on your word after agreeing, but fortunately, it doesn't count the content of the contract. Fortunately, I asked one more question, otherwise I would really be bound by this broken agreement.

Ji Yao recollected the requests that Tan Zishu had said verbally, which were roughly—allow her to stay in bed, take care less, keep the door open at night, and stop nagging.

Hiss...why are you making such a childish request like a child.

In fact, it is not difficult to do, just satisfy her.

"Okay." Ji Yao said in a long voice, "As long as you are willing to sleep, you can sleep until twelve o'clock for lunch, if you don't work during the day."

Qin Zishu: "..."

Thank you, the itinerary is really full.

Ji Yao charged the phone and turned off the mute for her: "Go to sleep, I won't disturb you anymore."

After all, Ji Yao supported the other person's head and placed her on the pillow.

As soon as Qin Zishu's head touched the pillow, she felt drowsy.

Maybe my heart was relieved, and the nerves that had been tense for several days were finally rested.

Maybe get a good night's sleep this morning.


Lou Juan looked at the contacts on her phone, scratching her head and trying to get in touch with them.

She took off her glasses, her wine-red hair hung down her shoulders, and she was in a bad mood.

Because she and Qin Zishu have come together several times, she has witnessed how crazy the other party is. Almost once she meets the reborn Ji Yao, she will not let go, coercion, temptation, and robbery. There is nothing the other party can't do. , only the other party did not think of the way.

At the beginning, Lou Juan would try to dissuade the other party, but not only failed, but also angered the other party.

Lou Juan could only watch helplessly, but could do nothing.

This time, that guy Qin Zishu thought of a new method, and wanted to magnify the shortcomings infinitely, so as to attract Ji Yao to fall into the trap.

"...It's not the Double Ninth Festival yet." Lou Juan looked at the gradually brightening sky outside the window, and her premonition was not very good.

Every time Ji Yao would come back on the Double Ninth Festival, but this time she came earlier.

She didn't know this, and she heard it from other places, so when she went to Qin Zishu's house to deliver the agreement, she couldn't believe it was true—she really came back so early.

Could it be that something special will happen this time?

With a little luck, Lou Juan stared at the contacts on her phone in a daze.

Qin Zishu is so bad, and she is such a kind person, how can she deal with it... Sigh.

After thinking about it, Lou Juan found an excuse and called Qin Zishu.


The author has something to say:

Qin Zishu: I, the bad guy

Lou Juan: Qin Zishu, the villain

Ji Yao: This kind of self-confident child I hit one by one, and can make a lot of tears

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