The winter mornings come later than in other seasons, and Keigo Higashino had already boarded the train to Yokohama when the sun cleared that day.

"Is there anything you need sir?"

"Please give me a newspaper." Handing out the yen, Higashino Keigo took the newspaper and saw a striking headline at first glance.

"President Kuriyama was attacked by terrorists on the way to the election".

"Uh..." Higashino Keigo was silent, he rubbed his throbbing forehead, and took it out to send a message to Miyazaki Tomomori.

Higashino: "You did what Miyazaki, Kuriyama-senior, did."

Miyazaki: [As expected, Keigo knew it at a glance, (? ̄ ̄?)]

Dongye: "Don't interrupt me."

Miyazaki: "Oh, are you so serious?"

Higashino: "It's very troublesome to clean up the mess. I'm going to see Edogawa-kun later. It's not good if he sees it."

Miyazaki: "No way, this congressman is the most likely to become the prime minister. If you change the world line, you can't get around him no matter what you change. So I plan to try. In fact, I succeeded."

Higashino: "So newcomers."

Miyazaki: "I'm waiting for you in Yokohama. I'm considerate, am I considerate? In this way, you can play happily with that Mr. Ranpo. Keep this matter hidden, Keigo."

Dongye: "Goodbye."

Turning off the screen directly, Mr. Higashino straightened his sleeves, threw the old newspaper into the trash can, went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, adjusted his clothes, and then turned on the faucet to wash away the smell of ink.

My brain hurts, and I have to think about the script later to play against the famous editor. Miyazaki Tomomori did it on purpose, because he was afraid that he would be bored and did it on purpose!

Is Edogawa Ranpo a fool?

Keigo Higashino felt an indescribable feeling from the bottom of his heart, and sincerely expected that this newcomer was Joyce who had been considered before.

Mr. Joyce, who has a personality like Mama-san, must be able to stop the demon Miyazaki Tomomori!

Sitting back in his seat, Keigo Higashino closed his eyes and examined all his actions. After observing his character from a God's perspective, he made some subtle corrections to ensure that Edogawa ran out of trouble. Although I can see that he is a member of [Law], I don't think [Law] is a terrorist organization.

Members of the terrorist organization who just bombed the congressman went to the armed detective agency where Edogawa was waiting in disorder. This is really exciting.

Along the way, let alone looking at the scenery beside the car to relax his mind, he was so tense that he felt dizzy before his eyes, and the moment he got off the bus at the station, he felt himself in a trance.

"It's not dizzy at all, Mr. Higashino, you obviously didn't eat breakfast and you're hungry!" The boy who came to pick him up when he saw Keigo Higashino got off the car outside the car door complained.

"you are?"

"[Asuka] Tagore." The youngest 14-year-old member shook his red hair, narrowed his golden eyes and showed small tiger teeth, and smiled, "Long time no see [Bai Ye] Mr. Higashino."

"So Miyazaki asked me to take care of the baby?"

"Hey, Mr. Dongye, how can you say that!" Tagore, who was called a child, was not convinced, he puffed up his cheeks and stared round his eyes and shouted, "I have grown up and can protect myself! "

"I see, let's chat in another place." Keigo Higashino said, glancing at the crowded station.

It will take a long time to exchange information and act here, so don't waste his time and end it quickly. He bought a ticket back to Osaka at night, and if he wastes more time, he may not see Edogawa Ranpo.

"Mr. Dongye is definitely despising me!"

"No, I just want to tell you that time is life." Keigo Higashino shook his watch at the other party, signaling the other party not to waste time.

"Let's go then, I'll take you to the Armed Detective Agency."

Although he is very childish, Tagore himself is quite professional. Before he came to Yokohama for one night, he had already figured out the large and small passages in Yokohama and the cameras in various positions.

Along the way, he bouncingly introduced: "There are many trails in Yokohama, most of which are not equipped with cameras, and there are all kinds of dirt and evil there, but most of them don't care, just pay attention to a small part of the area that belongs to the Hong Kong gangsters. .”

"Are you going to mess up?"

"No, according to my intelligence analysis, that Mr. Finance can last for half a year."

"That's it, half a year, although that's what I said, but now it's messed up."

Higashino Keigo has no doubts about the opponent's intelligence detection and analysis capabilities. After all, when Tagore was set up, he had already decided to let the opponent specialize in intelligence, but if things get messy, what should the safety of this little intelligence dealer do?

"Hee hee, don't worry about my safety. I've already found my next home. Although it may be dangerous when things get messy, it won't be fatal."

Tagore shook his fingers and said with longing, "That guy's body is really good, I want to be like that too."

"Think about it, there is everything in the dream." Mr. Dongye broke the other party's dream without hesitation.

Tagore is a war scum who can only use small knives, and an excellent intelligence dealer. With his thin appearance, he still wants to be physically fit, dreaming.

"Mr. Dongye, you are too much! Say me that way, I curse you to go to the milk tea shop every day and only drink coffee!"

Tagore muttered and shouted, holding the small stone on the side of the road with a rather angry expression, looking at this depressed look, it seemed that he had really had this kind of dream.

"Who are you looking for? Is it safe enough?" Mr. Dongye, who ruthlessly crushed the boy's dream, is still very worried about the safety of the youngest member.

"I discovered it when I came to this world. There is no Hao in this world."

"Indeed..." Higashino Keigo paused and contacted the previous clues, he asked hesitantly, "Could you have found a 'Ho'?"

"That's right..." The boy who led the way said with his pillows on the back of his head, "Oda Sakunosuke, the supernatural power is perfect."

"Couldn't Miyazaki Tomomori find less work!"

Create a character with Hao's name, use Hao's book as a power, what should I do if I meet the right owner of this world!

Keigo Higashino felt like he had broken his whole life in one day.

"Oh, don't worry about Mr. Higashino, Brother Zhishou just likes to make troubles and experience the feeling of dying, and he won't really let himself into a desperate situation."

Tagore was quite considerate of the other party's emotional comfort and said, "You always tend to think too much, this is not good."

"I am the 'brain', if I don't want to wait for your 'eyes' and 'heart' to consider?" Keigo Higashino felt tired of his 'self' again.

"Well, Mr. Higashino is forced to worry because he is too soft-hearted to Brother Zhishou." Tagore stopped, pointed sideways and said, "Turn right out of this alley and you can walk to the main road. The detective agency is just around the corner, so I'll go first—”

"Is it so fast? It's okay now, you haven't had breakfast yet, why don't we go together?"

"No, I have to deal with some things later, and the script assumes that I am a traitor to the organization. After meeting with that Edogawa Ranpo, you have to follow the order of the leader (Miyazaki Tomomori) to 'clean up' me Woolen cloth."

"Wouldn't it be too early to bury?" Keigo Higashino asked with a frown.

"No, how could it be?" Tagore smiled, showing his small canine teeth. "The sooner the better, just like the more detailed the information, the better. In addition, the sooner we finish the work, the sooner I can go to Oda Sakunosuke."

"Have you made any other preparations? Do you have anything else to do with me?" Higashino Keigo said firmly.

"As expected of Mr. Dongye, I have already done the preparations, but I need you to go somewhere." Tagore scratched his hair and said a little embarrassedly.

"I understand. Now Yokohama is in chaos. The offline organization is not easy to develop. Do you need me to use supernatural powers?"

"Yeah, Osaka and Tokyo have already been settled, leaving Yokohama alone, but Mr. Higashino's ability is developing Yokohama's offline organization very quickly."

Keigo Higashino watched the other party take out a folded baseball cap from his pocket and put it on his head, showing a confident smile, "As long as this is solved, there will be no problem."

"Okay, I understand." Higashino Keigo nodded, and the black windbreaker passed Tagore's sight, turned and left the alley.

Although Keigo Higashino doesn't like to use his supernatural powers very much, he will not be stingy with using them when needed.

[White Night Walk], this is the name Miyazaki Tomomori gave to his supernatural ability, which is a spiritual ability that can change people's thinking and distort their will.

If the government/government find out about this super dangerous supernatural ability, he will be executed in secret.

But Keigo Higashino will not let others know about his supernatural ability.

The Armed Detective Agency is located on the fourth floor of an old office building, and the first floor of the same building is a coffee shop, so Keigo Higashino finished his breakfast in the coffee shop before going to the Armed Detective Agency to find his longing Edogawa Ranpo.

For him, if the state is not perfect to compete with others, it means disrespecting his partner and disrespecting himself.

So every time he adjusts his state to the best moment to face his opponent.

Pushing open the door of the detective agency, Keigo Higashino felt something through the other people on the desk, and glanced at the young man sitting on the stool playing glass marbles.

"Let me tell you first, Ranpo-sama is the number one detective in the world." Jumping off the chair, Edogawa Ranpo ignored the surprised staff next to him, put on his glasses and opened his emerald eyes and said straightforwardly, "However, Master Chaos Bu took over your competition."

"Oh? Then let's compete."

The two detectives showed identical smiles and looked at each other's quite tacit opening.

Edogawa Ranpo: "When you were 15 years old, your parents were involved in gang fights and died by accident. In order to find out the truth and take revenge, you joined a gang in Hokkaido and spent years annexing all the gangs, and then handed over all the crime data of the gang to the police. Bureau, you have a lot of perseverance, you guy."

Higashino Keigo said with a smile: "Thank you for the compliment, Edogawa-kun, your parents died young, although your father was a criminal policeman and went to the police school for part-time work and part-time study because of his connections, but because his talents were not understood, he was kicked out by the school's administrators." Out."

"Hmph, those guys don't have supernatural powers, so they can't understand Ranpo-sama. They're bothersome and they're going to die. Even if they don't drive me away, I'm leaving, so—" Edogawa Ranpo looked at Keigo Higashino and signaled with his eyes The other party answered.

"Well, you weren't kicked out, you just wanted to leave." Higashino Keigo followed the other party's intentions and saw Edogawa Ranpo showing a satisfied look after saying this sentence.

And Edogawa Ranpo continued: "You then went to Hachinohe for mental reasons, and stayed there for two years to recuperate your spirit, but Ranpo-sama doesn't think you are sick."

"I think so too. The doctor must have made a mistake..." Higashino Keigo echoed in a serious manner, "But in order to make others hate me so much, I had to go for 'treatment'."

"It's impossible for everyone to like it." Edogawa Ranpo said straightforwardly.

"So I just wanted to prevent myself from being hated by most people..." Keigo Higashino's eyes lighted up, "I was really weird at that time, I couldn't understand that feelings were incompatible with everyone, and then—"

"The leader of the organization you joined cured you."

"No, it can't be said that he cured me..." Higashino Keigo corrected, "He changed me."

"It's almost as if I met the president." Taking off his glasses, Edogawa Ranpo stopped looking and asked, "What's your name?"

"Keigo Higashino."

"Very well, go get the marble soda, I admit you."

Edogawa Ranpo swore like a child finally found a partner to play with.

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