"Let's put the talk aside first." Hugo looked helplessly at the friend who had an out-of-character personality next to him, and asked softly, "When do you plan to have lunch? It's already twelve o'clock."

"That's right, lunch." Although he remembered, Tagore didn't have the slightest appetite.

He said aggrievedly: "Sakunosuke is making wasabi coffee after listening to that black mud spirit, I have no appetite to eat."

Hugo: "Do you have food at home?"

"Yes, Sakunosuke bought some vegetables and frozen goods, and there are some rice noodles at home." Tagore asked, "Are you going to cook?"

"I don't know how to cook dishes that are too complicated. At most, I can cook simple meals. It doesn't matter."


In fact, Tagore was not very picky about food. After all, he used to swallow moldy food in the slums with rainwater. After thinking about Hugo's situation, he asked, "Hugo, are you okay?"

If he remembered correctly, Hugo couldn't eat a lot of food due to physical reasons.

"It's okay. I've been recuperating for a year. Although you can't eat raw things, it's okay to eat some vegetables."

Because he had been in the laboratory and done many human experiments, Hugo's health was not very good. He had a lot of taboo foods, and his physique was poor.

Seeing Tagore's worries, Hugo smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, when the lab created me, it was intended to make me a weapon of war. Although my health is not very good, I can definitely protect you."

"I'm not talking about this. Wasn't the reason you and Tolstoy went to Russia to recuperate? How is your health?"

"It's ready..." Looking at Tagore's appearance, Hugo couldn't help but chuckled, "Although the system is set like this, Zhishou has also made supplements, don't worry."

Yes, originally Miyazaki Tomomori’s first setting for Hugo was a strong weapon of war, but I don’t know why Hugo became a sick child when the system patched the leak, Miyazaki Tomomori had to patch it, Let Tolstoy fill in what Hugo left.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Hugo patted Tagore back to his senses. He looked at the other party and asked with a smile, "My cooking is not bad, do you want to try it?"

"it is good."

As long as Tagore was not given mustard, he would not pick anything.

Because there were too few types of dishes and food in the refrigerator, Hugo and Tagore made a combination and chose to make rice balls.

During the production process, Tagore looked at Hugo's strange appearance and reminded: "Pinch the rice balls tightly, otherwise they will fall apart."

"I'm sorry, I've been in Russia before, and they eat high-calorie foods, basically bread, potatoes and the like, and rice noodles are not very common." Hugo looked at himself. The rice ball that came out smiled awkwardly.

Obviously he was the one who said to cook lunch, but it turned out that Tagore was the one who contributed the most.

The two made fifteen rice balls at home in the afternoon, stuffed with some vegetables and seafood. Although they were not very good-looking, the taste was surprisingly good.

"I want to keep one, Hugo, let's see which one looks better." Tagore looked at the last two rice balls with hesitation.

Hugo smiled and asked, "Do you want to give it to Mr. Oda?"

"No, I didn't want to tell Sakunosuke that I was great, I just wanted to let him know that I also eat lunch." Tagore whispered again duplicity.

Hugo took Tagore's words to be true. He carefully observed the two rice balls and suggested: "I think the one on the left looks better. Although the kelp stickers on it are crooked, it also looks cute."


Tagore happily accepted Hugo's suggestion, put the rice ball on the left into the lunch box, and stuffed it into the refrigerator. He checked the time, and it was two hours before Oda Sakunosuke came back. The cat's eyes rolled and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Hugo, let's go, go to Tsurumigawa and get off the net."

"Hey, are you serious?"

Hugo always thought that Tagore was just joking when he got angry recently, but he didn't expect Tagore to be serious.

Tagore: "I went to Ono to buy the strongest fishing net on the market. Isn't it a waste to use it after buying it?"

Do not……

Hugo felt that Tagore's words were indescribably wrong.

Aren't fishing nets for catching fish?Isn't hunting people a waste?

"Let's go..." Tagore Maomao coquettishly said, "Accompany me to catch people, Hugo, think about it, as long as you catch it, the value of this fishing net will not be wasted, and a life will be saved."

Something is still wrong.

But I couldn't find anything wrong.

Hugo's attitude wavered a bit.

"Think about it, if no one catches Osamu Dazai, wouldn't he freeze to death in the river in winter?"

Hugo, Hugo, he thought about this scene and immediately agreed.

"Tagore, let's go to the Internet cafe!"

It's so pitiful to freeze to death in the river in winter. Should he bring a coat?

The fishing net that Tagore bought is indeed the best fishing net in the Yokohama market.

The material of the net not only looks tough, but also has a strong fishy smell on the fishing net.

Hugo looked at the smiling Tagore beside him and asked in a low voice, "Is this gill net that has been used for several years?"

"Yeah, the old fisherman used the net that has been fishing for several years, and it is guaranteed to catch that black mud spirit."

Tagore firmly believed that as long as he used this fishing net, no matter whether it was luck or strength, he could successfully catch Osamu Dazai.

Hugo asked hesitantly: "But won't the gillnet catch people and the wires restrain them?"

"It doesn't matter, the black mud essence doesn't die so easily, after you catch it, put it in the sun for an hour to avenge my mustard curry!"

While talking, Tagore handed the net to Hugo excitedly, "Hugo, the hope of the whole village is entrusted to you! Be sure to tear up that green tea!"

Hugo took the fishing net, dumbfounded, and said, "What and what, where is the hope of the whole village, and green tea. Tagore, I think I should ask your guardian to let him see what TV series you have been watching recently. "

"Don't—" Tagore's color faded in an instant, and he howled while tugging at Hugo, "This is my only joy in the past few days, you can't take it away! And I'm really happy because of Osamu Dazai these days." Affecting Sakunosuke, I can't eat well and can't sleep!"

Dazai Osamu, that little goblin, speaks ill of him in front of Sakunosuke every day, causing Sakunosuke to misunderstand him more and more deeply, and if this continues...

"This is also the price you paid for not eating lunch." Hugo's expression didn't change at all. Tagore liked to play tricks when he was in a good mood. possible!

Tagore turned pale with shock: "Hugo, you actually took the side of that little goblin. You have changed, you have become cold, ruthless, and unreasonable."

"What kind of cruel and unreasonable trouble, are you going to say that I abandoned my wife and son after a while..." Hugo said helplessly, "I think it's time to cut off the Internet for you, you have done nothing but check information and collect data what."

Tagore pouted and said, "This is a novel about the country over the sea. I still think it's quite interesting. It's very good to see the changing mood once in a while."

Hugo: "You have never acted so goosebumps before, let me talk to Mr. Oda."

Tagore used to act in dramas at most, but now he is trying to act in novels. The key is that the content of this novel seems to be more exaggerated than dramas, and Hugo feels that he cannot accept it.

Looking at Hugo's expression, Tagore felt that his little friend would really call the guardian if he continued like this, so he had to give up his plan to continue acting regretfully.

"It's a pity, I want to try to act again in front of Sakunosuke, but I don't think you can achieve my ideal effect, Hugo."

Tagore understood the character of Oda Sakunosuke, and that man with a rather straightforward personality should seriously explain that he is not cruel, ruthless, or vexatious, and that Osamu Dazai is not green tea.

Tagore took the fishing net again, and said in a weak voice, "I'm going to lower the net."

He fixed stakes on both sides of the river, fixed the net at one end and tied it to the other end.

"Okay..." Tagore wiped off the sweat from his forehead, "My stake is not fixed very firmly, so it shouldn't be able to tie him to death."

"I know, you go back first."

"Don't you need me to accompany you?" Tagore asked worriedly.

"No, didn't you say that Yokohama is in chaos now? It's very late, you go back first, as for me, don't worry, I'm just not physically fit, and I'm really good at fighting."

Although unable to use supernatural powers and turned into a sick child, Hugo can still easily knock down a few big guys.

"Oh." The only Zhanwu slag in the organization nodded obediently. Tagore knew that if something happened, he would cause trouble for Hugo by staying here, so he agreed to the proposal without much thought, but——

"It's still very cold at night in winter, and your physique is not good, why don't you forget about today?"

"The nets are all set. If he really catches it, wouldn't he have to freeze in the cold wind for a day?" Hugo looked at the troubled Tagore and smiled, "I wore a coat and brought a Windbreaker, even the bread for dinner, it doesn’t matter.”

"But Hugo brought the windbreaker for the black mud spirit to wear." Tagore puffed up his cheeks and shouted.

"It's okay, just wait for one night. Today is the second day. Didn't you say that the next day will be chaotic? If you don't bring him a message earlier, you will be worried."

That's right, the reason why Tagore was so restless in front of him was because he was afraid that what he wanted to tell Osamu Dazai was too late, and this black mud spirit would die empty and lonely in the chaos of Yokohama.

He thought about Hugo's words and said that he was right, and finally nodded reluctantly.

It's just a sentence, it shouldn't take long.

In the end, Tagore warned: "There is a heated milk tea shop nearby, go there and wait."

When Hugo finishes talking, he doesn't have to worry about killing people by not saving them every day.

However, Tagore didn't expect that Hugo, who just said a word, was entangled by a pervert as he and Keigo Higashino said.

And that perverted black mud spirit is entangled with Hugo and doesn't plan to let him go.

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