Qin Mian suffered from insomnia. She has never had a few nightmares since she grew up, but because of Yan He's words, she suffered from insomnia!

The person involved said: This is really outrageous.

Of course, there is also the problem of Yan He, how can a normal person go to bed at eight o'clock?Although Yan He did not look normal.

After counting the sheep and the dumplings, the more she counted, the more energetic she became. She simply gave up counting and began to observe Yan He's sleeping face. Her tall nose bridge and thin lips made her look sharp, even when she was asleep, she still looked icy .

But it is undeniable that Yan He's appearance is very good, very attractive, it is the kind of beauty that makes people feel glamorous at a glance, and will become more and more beautiful the more you look at it.

If beauty doesn't have nightmares, talking in her sleep is even better.

In just three hours, Yan He muttered no less than dozens of words in his sleep. Qin Mian didn't dare to go over to listen and didn't know what he was saying. Besides, he woke up three or four times. Qin Mian could only close his eyes Only after she pretended to be asleep did she realize that Yan He had so many dreams while sleeping.

It took four to five minutes to fall asleep after waking up, and Qin Mian didn't dare to catch her breath when she woke up and was still touching her. If she was found pretending to be asleep, she would be screwed.

Thanks to Yan He's restless sleep, Qin Mian really fell asleep while pretending to be asleep, and woke up until dawn.This time, the biological clock returned to normal, and he opened his eyes on time at seven o'clock, and the empty seat next to him was no longer warm.

Qin Mian rubbed her hair and sat up, did she wake up so early after sleeping so poorly at night?

As soon as he walked out of the room, he saw Yan He sleeping in the living room downstairs, curled his lips and felt dissatisfied.What's wrong, don't sleep on the bed and sleep in the living room, does she have a bad sleeping position?

"Breakfast is in the kitchen." Yan He lay by the bay window with his eyes closed, and didn't make a sound until Qin Mian went downstairs, "Go find me in the study after eating."

"Understood." Qin Mian responded in a low voice, rubbing her elbows, and walked slowly towards the kitchen, turning her head to look at Yan He from time to time, as if she was still sleeping with her eyes closed.

Could it be that you were talking in your sleep?Ask her to go to the study and sleep in the living room by herself.

But even talking in sleep is so cold, I really wonder if she said those words last night.

Qin Mian was taken aback, no, why would she think about this!

But last night's voice was really nice, it greatly satisfied her voice control, Yan He wouldn't have a split personality, right?

"Don't think about Qin Mian!" Qin Mian quickly shook her head, getting rid of all these messy thoughts and guesses. She didn't come to be a psychiatrist, so she didn't care about what to do.

The breakfast is very rich, it can be said that it is a balanced combination of meat and vegetables, and the most important thing is that it is very suitable for her appetite.

No wonder it is said that if you want to capture a person's heart, you must first grasp a person's stomach. If she is an ordinary person, she drinks her favorite coffee when she meets her for the first time, and smells her favorite perfume when she meets her second time. After eating my favorite breakfast and being taken care of so carefully, I asked who could bear it.

Qin Mian took out a paper towel and wiped the corners of her mouth carefully, washed the tableware and put them away, wiped off the water stains and walked out of the kitchen.

It's a pity that she is not an ordinary person, let alone be tempted by Yan He.


A few days ago, I was suppressed by Xiao Qi to read a post in the small forum "Something special about the little lunatic of the Yan family", let's see what name it got!Those who didn't know thought it was some kind of pornographic news.

But you still have to memorize obediently, just memorizing is not enough, Xiao Qi said, you have to twitch your back.

As soon as she resisted, Xiao Qi took a roll of paper and knocked her on the head: "Study, study hard! Don't touch any red lines, come back alive, you hear me!"

Under coercion, Qin Mian reluctantly wrote down everything in it. The post was updated almost every day. After writing down a few entries, she also realized that these contents were probably from people who had contact with Yan He. , Record it for everyone to avoid lightning.

As small as the hair length and dressing that Yan He doesn't like, as big as some of Yan He's daily habits.

But I didn't see anything related to Yan He's life, but Qin Mian also saw a lot of Yan He's eccentricities. For example, the whole house was dark in the morning, and she couldn't draw the curtains or turn on the lights, and even the toilet was hung with curtains.

But at dusk, the lights must be turned on, regardless of whether there are people there, as long as there are lights, they must be turned on, and they must not be turned off after going to bed at night.

After thinking about it all the way, I arrived at the door of the study. When I pushed the door in, the doors and windows were closed tightly. There was no gap in the curtains.

The oversized desk is facing the door, and there is an unclosed book on it, and there are pens, ink, rice paper and other items beside it, and wisps of cigarettes are wafting from the incense burner.

Qin Mian walked to the desk and took a closer look, heh, where is the book, it is clearly a picture album, and the content is special...not suitable for children.

She covered her eyes in disgust and left the desk after just one glance. Yan He was actually reading this kind of book in a place like the study!

Turning around and wandering to the bookshelves, I looked through the rows, and found that half of them were professional books, from various industries, and the other half were things not suitable for children.There are a lot of dust in the professional books, but those books that have been patronized are all curled up.

"Does it look good?" She walked around and returned to the desk. Yan He was already sitting at the desk and reading a professional book, which was placed in the corner.

"It's not pretty, half of your study room is full of things that are not suitable for children."

"I'm an adult, not a child."

"..." Qin Mian could not refute.

Yan He closed the book and looked at Qin Mian quietly: "You approach me, what do you want?"

The corner of Qin Mian's mouth twitched slightly, this person can't even say interrogative sentences: "I want money."

Yan He didn't speak, opened the drawer and took out a piece of paper, leaned against the back of the chair, and tapped the paper with his fingers: "Qin Mian, 28, a doctor of returnees, will have an interview in University A in three days." After speaking, he glanced at Qin Mian, " You asked me for money."

Qin Mian was sluggish and made mistakes. Will the 28-year-old returnee doctor have no money!Of course, she, Qin Mian, said she would.

Immediately pinching his waist with both hands, he glared at Yan He angrily: "Why, no? Is it not normal for a poor female student to rely on funding to earn a degree and return to China to become a poor doctor to find a job?"



ha?It's gone, you oh what!

"My money is not easy to get." Yan He walked towards Qin Mian, raised his hand to pinch Qin Mian's chin, looked straight at her, his dark eyes were tinged with coldness, "Are you sure?"


Qin Mian followed Yan He to the third floor of the bar. The first floor is the lobby, and the second floor and above are boxes, where you can play some small games for adults.

After she replied that she was sure, a trace of disdain and sneer flashed in Yan He's eyes, and Qin Mian, annoyed, directly explained that the three meetings together took less than a day, and she had already got [-] yuan, so there was nothing wrong with it.

Then, she was brought here, and Yan He said it was to let her know whether the money was worth it or not.

The room was at the end of the third floor. It was pitch black. People who were not familiar with it would not know that there was another room here. It looked like Yan He's exclusive room.

After entering, Yan He lay lazily on the sofa and began to sleep. If it wasn't for the fact that there was a super comfortable recliner and a bunch of snacks, she would definitely denounce Yan He for occupying the sofa.

After a while, a group of people came in, about 30 to [-] men and women. When they saw her, they were stunned for a moment. Maybe they were afraid of Yan He, so they just took a sneak peek and didn't dare to look at her.

"Boss Yan, we're all here."

"Yeah." Yan He didn't open his eyes, responded with a nasal voice, waved his hand, and the bodyguard stepped back and started to work.

After locking the door, setting up the sound system, setting up the round table and wine, and hanging up the lamp and projector, Qin Mian watched them busy with a blank face. What is this for?

After finishing the arrangement, the bodyguards returned to their positions, and Qin Mian looked at the group of people curiously with a cup of milk tea in her hand. The next second, she just wanted to poke her own eyes: "Pfft! Cough cough cough cough... .”

Yan He:.


Everyone: She is finished.

Qin Mian: I'm dead.

Qin Mian took the tissue from the bodyguard and wiped the milk tea from her mouth. She coughed heavily before recovering, but she didn't dare to look any further.

Yan He opened his eyes even after being teased by her, the hostility in his eyes lingered for a long time, he stared at Qin Mian firmly, a deathly silence spread in the air.

"What are you doing?" As soon as she opened her mouth, the whole room became colder. Qin Mian didn't dare to move. She stepped on the red line again. Yan He didn't expect Qin Mian to answer anything. He got up and walked in front of her, "No Drink it, don't drink it in the future."

"Can drink..."

"Look up and watch carefully." Yan He leaned over to Qin Mian's ear, and said softly, "If you keep making noise, I'll throw you off the third floor."

Qin Mian shuddered, and the cold feeling around her waist appeared again, which made her nod wildly in fright, fearing that she would die a second later. After the cold feeling dissipated, Qin Mian obediently held the new milk tea, her eyes wandering looking ahead.

Is this a scene she can watch as an adult? Qin Mian can't wait to move her eyes to the back of her head. Now she feels that something is wrong no matter where she looks.

Don't wash the eyes, she has to go back and find where she can get a new one.

What's worse is that she still dare not close her eyes. Every time her eyelids sink, Yan He's gloomy gaze drifts behind her, making her hair stand on end.

Glancing secretly at Yan He, she found that her paralyzed face had faded away, with an expression that Qin Mian couldn't read, which seemed sarcasm and fanaticism.

But Qin Mian could tell, she really liked this kind of scene.

He really deserves to be a person who owns half a study room full of bad books!

But she didn't like it at all.

Qin Mian gritted her teeth and began to think of countermeasures. It is impossible to run away. Yan He's people are everywhere here. The worst ending is that she was escorted back just as soon as she took a step, and her life ended.

If you don't beg her, it seems that there is only one way now, anyway, the eyes are dirty and there is nothing to do with the face.

Just when Qin Mian was about to turn around and kneel down to give Yan He a wonderful crying scene, Yan He stopped first.

Before Qin Mian breathed a sigh of relief, she saw Yan He draw out two checks: "One hundred thousand, two people."

Qin Mian didn't understand, but seeing the group of people ready to move, she knew it was not a good thing. Yan He was not annoyed when no one stepped forward, and continued: "20, two people, 5 minutes."

This time, someone moved. Several people rushed to the front, only two people rushed faster, and the bodyguards drove back.

After that, Qin Mian stared blankly at the scene in front of her. Because she was too shocked, she stared blankly for a few seconds, covered her mouth and rushed out the door.

Yan He raised his hand to stop the bodyguard's blocking action, handed the check to the bodyguard, got up and patted his clothes: "End."

Qin Mian was laying on the side of the sink and retching, but Yan He appeared next to her. She turned her head and wanted to scold Yan He, but Yan He said first: "I said, my money is not easy to take."

Qin Mian's face froze, and then she understood the true meaning of this sentence, and her face turned pale with horror.

"So, you'd better tell the truth."

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