Passing through layers of shade, I saw a reflective and dazzling place in the distance.

Yan Linhe heard Su Yuan say with a smile: "It's the front. After I transferred to another school, I went around the campus, and the secret base I discovered basically didn't see anyone."

Because the school is not in the city center, it occupies a large area, and the greening is good. If you take an aerial photo on it, you can find that it is basically trees, and even many trees are as tall as buildings.

Su Yuan inspected several schools, and finally decided to transfer to this school after seeing the school's promotional pictures this year, that is, the second semester of her sophomore year.

It is precisely because there are so many trees that there are shaded chairs wherever you go, so you don't go far.

Even if he hasn't arrived at the destination yet, and hasn't seen with his own eyes how beautiful the secret base Su Yuan was talking about, Yan Linhe can still make up the picture in his mind.

Her pace slowed down, and she began to hesitate: "Since it's your secret base, wouldn't it be good for me to go?"

She had only known Su Yuan for a day, and she told her the "secret", which made Yan Linhe feel a little worried for Su Yuan.

It's too easy for Su Yuan to trust others.

Su Yuan burst out laughing, revealing two dimples: "Then I, koi, will share this secret with you. So now, it's our secret."

Su Yuan grabbed Yan Linhe's arm, reached out for several bags of snacks at the same time, and pulled Yan Linhe forward.

Going forward, the trees began to become scarce, and until the end, there were no towering trees, and the sun's rays were directly shining on the ground.

But not hot.

Before he could notice the sun in the sky, he was shocked by the lake on the ground.

Yan Linhe knew that the school occupies a large area—this is a very good school, and great efforts have been made in terms of teacher resources and the environment. Yan Linhe came in because of his good grades, and the school paid more than half of the tuition fees.

But this lake is too big.

The turquoise water of the lake shone with the brilliance of the sun, and the shattered lights on the lake surface were like glass and gemstones. When the wind blew the lake surface, these shattered lights also floated up.

Yan Linhe opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief, "This is our school?"

Su Yuan walked up to Yan Linhe in a few steps, turned around, turned her back to the lake, and said flauntingly: "It looks good."

Don't look at Su Yuan's calm appearance on the surface, but she is also panicking in her heart, for fear that Yan Linhe won't like it.

Yan Linhe turned his gaze from the sea to Su Yuan's expression, paused, and said, "It's pretty."

With her light voice, Su Yuan suddenly became nervous: "You don't like it?"

"No." Yan Linhe shook his head lightly, "It looks good."

The sun turned the lake into a painting, and the warm sunlight fell on Su Yuan's golden hair. When she lowered her head slightly, she revealed a little bit of red on the bow of the ponytail.

This made Su Yuan seem to be soaked in the sun.

It is even more beautiful than the bright lake behind.

Su Yuan took Yan Linhe to find a shady place, looked at the time, there was still more than half an hour.

"Do you think it's cooler here than the classroom?" Su Yuan asked.

The school facilities are really good, just to cultivate students' spirit of hard work, so only electric fans are installed in the class, no air conditioner is installed.

Spring is fine now, but once summer comes, even if the air conditioner is turned on and water is sprinkled on the ground, it will still be hot and make people sleepy.

Even so, Yan Linhe and his class teacher uphold the belief that "Heaven will send a great responsibility to everyone", and the temperature is not up to standard, and even the electric fan is not allowed to turn on.

There was another heavy rain a few days ago, causing the air to be filled with sultry heat, and the clothes seemed to be stuck to the body—this was even scarier than simply causing trouble in summer.

Yan Linhe didn't have an air conditioner at home, so he didn't turn on the electric fan if he could. He was used to this feeling for a long time, but when Su Yuan dragged him to the lake, he felt that the classroom was very stuffy.

The wind brought the coolness on the surface of the lake to his face, and Yan Linhe nodded heavily.

Seeing that Yan Linhe's back was still straight, like a bamboo pole, Su Yuan pulled him onto the chair and said, "Don't strain your back, just relax once in a while."

Miss Su leaned back on the chair as if she had no bones, and forgot all those elegant etiquettes. She rested one hand on the back of the chair and put the other hand on her knee casually. She flicked her ponytail back to prevent Pressed down by the body.

There is a feeling of wanton and free and easy.

At this moment, Su Yuan's actions revealed "casual", this casual yet beautiful, two contradictory feelings appeared on the same person, which attracted most of Yan Linhe's eyes.

Yan Linhe imitated Su Yuan's appearance, leaning his back on the back of the chair little by little, and relaxed.The mouth was tightly pursed, and even the eyebrows were raised, as if very nervous.

The person next to him suddenly leaned forward, causing Yan Linhe to straighten his back in fright.

The center of eyebrows is warmer than the surrounding air, but cooler than Yan Linhe's body, Yan Linhe raised his eyes.

Su Yuan placed both hands between her eyebrows, and at the same time opened them,

Yan Linhe didn't know why, and followed Su Yuan's strength to let go of the space between his eyebrows.

Su Yuan smiled and said, "That's right, don't be nervous."

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand again and put it on Yan Linhe's waist. With a slight movement, Yan Linhe burst out laughing, moved to the side, and his whole body trembled as he laughed.Said: "itch"

Su Yuan intensified and continued to scratch.

Yan Linhe couldn't avoid it. He leaned back on the chair, curled up, and tears welled up next to his eyes: "Itchy, it's really itchy. Don't do it."

The voice is soft and sweet.

Su Yuan, who was planning to let go, instantly became playful.

After fighting for a while, Yan Linhe gasped for breath, and his face became stiff from laughing, so Su Yuan let her go.

At this moment, Yan Linhe doesn't remember anything about north and south, he needs to straighten his waist, he just wants to find a place to rest for a while.

She leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, took a breath of relief, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said, "Why did you suddenly scratch me just now, it's so itchy."

The girl's tone followed the direction of the wind and entered Su Yuan's ears. Although Yan Linhe was annoyed, but after a lot of exhaustion just now, he wished Ge You would collapse on the chair. These words sounded powerless.

It's even a bit like being coquettish.

Su Yuan's hands were a little itchy.

Want to keep scratching.

But there is no reason anymore.

Su Yuan smiled and lay down on the seat with Yan Linhe, stretched out her five fingers to block the sunlight, and half-closed her eyes, "How is it, is it relaxing? I feel that all the pressure has been released."

It really is.

Accustomed to the life of looking forward and backward and being vigilant at all times, Yan Linhe suddenly enjoyed this moment of relaxation.

Su Yuan has always shown an approachable look in front of her, but maybe because Yan Linhe saw how she treated Shen Ziqiong when she turned her face, so while she was delighted to be so close to Su Yuan, she was also a little scared.

Su Yuan is different from her.

Two people are not of the same world.

Yan Linhe always kept these two sentences in mind.

Yan Linhe's mother died young, and his father was still a no-nonsense person. He played cards or drank all day long. Yan Linhe learned to be independent since he was a child, and now he earns his own living expenses.

In the days when she shouldn't experience the warmth and coldness of human feelings, she started to humble prematurely, and lost the presumptuousness that a girl should have in her youth.

Even the first impressions of people in the school are "dull", "not easy to get close to", "poor", and "seems to be from the mountains".

She didn't care on the surface, but she was actually a girl in her seventeenth year, who was underage, so how could she not care.

It's just that these pairs turned into sharp needles towards him.

She didn't know why she was so annoying, so she could only be cautious, but the more she was like this, the further the relationship with her classmates would be.


It's all her fault.

No one is going to like her, so stop being sentimental.

It was precisely because of too many injuries that Yan Linhe was not allowed to be injured in the same place with only a little self-esteem.

Maybe it was because the sun was too warm at the moment, or maybe it was because the people next to her were enough to reassure her, but before she knew it, Yan Linhe fell into a drowsy sleep.

She had never slept so soundly.

In the end, it was almost time for class, and Su Yuan woke her up.

When they got downstairs, the class bell just rang, and Yan Linhe bid farewell to Su Yuan in class seven.

Before leaving, she suddenly heard Su Yuan say: "Yanyan, you look so good-looking, why do you wear glasses, it's such a waste."

Yan Linhe was startled, and the bell rang as quickly as her beating heart. When she returned to her seat, she reached out to touch the glasses on her face.

Before she left without paying attention, she took out a cracked mirror from her bag and took the glasses off her face.

The girl's facial features were finally revealed.

Yan Linhe seldom uses skin care products, but her skin is still smooth and tender, especially her eyes, which are like full of autumn water, which can be planted in just one glance.

Biting his lower lip lightly, Yan Linhe still put his glasses back on.

It doesn't matter if she is timid or cowardly, she is not ready to take off her glasses yet.

This class is a self-study class. She tore off a piece of paper from the drawer, smoothed it and placed it on the table. After thinking about it in her mind, she quickly scribbled a few times on the white paper with a pen in her hand.

She already had a thought in her mind, so she wrote the pen very fast. With a few strokes, the line was outlined, and she could vaguely see the shape of a person.

Continue to outline the figure and facial features.

But within ten minutes, it was Su Yuan's appearance that could be glimpsed.

After a few more minutes, everything except the eyes has taken shape.

When she moved her wrist, her eyes jumped onto the paper, but she was not satisfied when she looked at it from a distance.Yan Linhe erased it and drew it seven or eight times in a row, but none of them matched the picture in her mind.

Helpless, she was about to put the painting back in the drawer when a person next to her leaned her head forward and said with a smile, "Yan Linhe, are you painting Su Yuan from the next class?"

Yan Linhe hurriedly wanted to put the painting back, but how could the person next to him give up easily, quickly took the painting into his hands, and said with a smile: "The painting is quite similar, why? Envy?"

Yan Linhe shook his head and whispered, "Give it back to me."

The man patted the painting and said loudly: "Look, Yan Linhe is painting Su Yuan from class seven. Shen Ziqiong, do you want to see it?"

Shen Ziqiong sat on the seat with a stiff face.

Before letting it go, he would definitely laugh at it a few times, but he knew Yan Linhe and Su Yuan knew each other before, so he didn't dare to speak casually.

The man thought that Shen Ziqiong was studying, and tore the paper in half in disappointment: "It's useless to be envious, she is an unattainable moon."

Yan Linhe should be sad that the things he had drawn for a long time were torn to pieces, but when he heard the person's words describing Su Yuan, his face was a little weird.

"Yanyan?" Outside the door, a person poked his head in, his golden hair was like ears of rice in autumn.

Su Yuan walked into the class, and saw a person standing in front of Yan Linhe, between them was torn paper, which seemed to have patterns on it, but unfortunately it was torn, and Su Yuan couldn't guess what it was.

But in the end, it is right to be able to see that someone is bullying Yan Linhe.

She knocked on the door and said, "Excuse me."

Entered through the door, stood in front of Yan Linhe, and asked, "What are you doing?"

The two seemed to know each other, but the man swallowed the words in his throat, thinking about Shen Ziqiong's previous performance.

It is clear that you know it, but you don't say it.

This is intentional.

The man said to Su Yuan: "Oh, I heard that Yan Linhe likes Shen Ziqiong, and Shen Ziqiong likes you, so help Shen Ziqiong get rid of Yan Linhe's follower as soon as possible."

This is not true either.

Ever since Su Yuan transferred to another school, with Shen Ziqiong's acquiescence, they have been suppressing Yan Linhe intentionally or unintentionally.

Shen Ziqiong suddenly turned her head and looked at them in disbelief.

"Like me?" Su Yuan opened her eyes wide, as if she really didn't know anything, she turned to Yan Linhe and said, "I really don't know about it,"

Su Yuan said aggrievedly: "I really just want to be friends with you, and I have no other intentions. If it's because of me, then I—"

Yan Linhe didn't hear what was said later.

Seeing that Su Yuan's face was gloomy, Yan Linhe hurriedly shook his head and comforted him, "It's not your problem."

Su Yuan has always been an ignorant person, and Shen Ziqiong and others are the ones who are right.

Su Yuan raised her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief: "You are so kind."

Of course, if this is the case, Su Yuan slowly filled in the words in her heart.

Then she will help revenge and make Shen Ziqiong and a group of people kneel down to apologize to Yan Yan.

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