Yan Linhe said hoarsely: "What?"

Even though it has been a few days, when hearing this reason, Yan Linhe still thinks of the voice next to Su Yuan when he kissed her that day.

So, it really was discovered.

Yan Linhe didn't know how she got back to the classroom, nor how she got through the day. When the day was over, she held the phone in her hand, and the phone's desktop was the chat history with Su Yuan.

Su Yuan never replied to her message.

Should it be restricted?

Is she going to say goodbye to Su Yuan in such a vague way?

Can't even say goodbye?

What a joke.

Yan Linhe lowered his eyes.

She wanted to take another look at Su Yuan, even if it was just to say goodbye.

Thinking of this, Yan Linhe didn't bother to classify the books, and stuffed them into his schoolbag before he had time to read the books on the table and in the drawers.

No wonder it is said that being in love affects learning.

She obviously hasn't fallen in love with Su Yuan yet, but because of Su Yuan, she has emotional ups and downs.

Yan Linhe's movement was so loud that people around couldn't help but stare at him several times.

During this time, the girl who was more familiar with Yan Linhe stumbled and asked, "Yan, Yan Xueba, what happened?"

Even though Yan Linhe was bullied back then, he still maintained a peaceful mind, why now...?

The expression is terrifying.

Yan Linhe suddenly closed his eyes, restraining all expressions.

She is going to see Su Yuan, so she can't scare Yuan Yuan anymore.

Yan Linhe apologized: "I'm sorry, Yuan and Su Yuan seem to be a little seriously ill, so I want to go see her."

The girl naturally knew how good the relationship between Yan Linhe and Su Yuan was, so she hurriedly said: "Ah, then you should pack up quickly, by the way, do you want to bring some fruit bouquet or something?"

After all, it was a home visit.

This reminded Yan Linhe, she froze slightly: "You are right."

The girl smiled: "Remember to take my care with you when the time comes."

When the people nearby heard it, they also said, "Yes, there are mine."

Many of them wanted to visit Su Yuan, but considering that they didn’t know where Su Yuan’s house was—and they didn’t have the cheek to suggest following Yan Linhe. Don't meddle with him.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that something important must have happened to make Yan Linhe so flustered.

And Yan Linhe didn't know about this until now, most likely because Su Yuan and Yan Linhe broke contact.

No matter what the reason is, let Yan Linhe meet Su Yuan alone first, and we will talk about the rest later.

Yan Linhe thanked: "Okay, I understand. When I... see Su Yuan, I will tell you."

With the schoolbag on his back, Yan Linhe quickly left the school gate.

I used my mobile phone to search for the fastest arrival time of the bus. Unfortunately, I just missed one, and the next bus will have to wait for 10 minutes.

Yan Linhe has always been unlucky, and now is no exception.

She looked around and quickly found the target, a shared bicycle. After scanning the code, she quickly rode along the road.

The wind carried her hair fluttering, and her bangs covered her eyes.

Yan Linhe originally wanted to buy fruit, but he thought that when he went to Su Yuan's house some time ago, the fruits were all the best, so he paused outside the fruit shop for a while, then continued on his way.

It wasn't until a flower shop stopped.

The carnations were packed, and the delicate outer packaging was tied with a small bow, and Yan Linhe put it in the car basket.

With some faint hope, she sent another message to Su Yuan.

It wasn't until she was panting and came outside Su Yuan's community, looking at the towering buildings, that she belatedly remembered something.

She can't get in.

The security mechanism in the villa area is very strict. If Su Yuan is trapped at home and cannot even get her mobile phone, how can she get in.

Unless Su Yuan's parents or elder brother let her in.

After seeing those things again, is it still possible?

Too reckless.

Yan Linhe has good academic performance, is smart, and is careful in doing things. As long as she thinks about it, there is nothing she can't do, even her father.

According to Yan Linhe's plan, at the age of 20, she will be able to leave her father when she is admitted to a good university.

Her life is well planned, and there have never been any outliers or accidents.

Su Yuan was the only accident in her life.

Yan Linhe liked the surprise.

And the second accident in this world.

She didn't even think about it, didn't think about anything, and rushed outside Su Yuan's villa.

Yan Linhe pursed his lips, and found a place to park his bicycle—fortunately, there is still a parking area here, otherwise Yan Linhe would not know what to do.

She took the bouquet and walked nervously to the guard.

The guard looked up: "Who are you looking for?"

"Su Yuan. I live in Building XXX."

The guard flipped through the booklet and confirmed that there was this family.

He knew exactly who lived here. The Su family was well-known in the Beijing circle. Although Yan Linhe's clothes were clean, they were not branded, nor did they look like they were custom-made.

The only thing that might stand out is a gorgeous brooch on the chest.

The guard made a quick assessment of Yan Linhe in his mind, and asked, "Have you communicated with their family members?"

Can't communicate.

But of course this cannot be said.

Yan Linhe said: "Yuan, no, Su Yuan is sick and can't communicate, why don't you... contact me? I can provide the call records with Yuan Yuan as proof!"

Anyway, Yan Linhe thought, he had to get in touch with someone first.

No matter whether Su Yuan's parents let her in or not, as long as they can be contacted, there is a chance.

At worst, let’s say goodbye.

You can't even say goodbye.

Yan Linhe plucked up his courage and looked at the guard.

Everyone living here left their cell phone numbers, and he also knew that Su Yuan was sick at home these days and couldn't go out. He heard that it was still serious, but it was right with what Yan Linhe said.

After checking the call records and confirming that the two knew each other, the guard finally let go and started contacting the Su family.

"Beep beep."

Yan Linhe tried hard to control his emotions.



Yan Linhe recognized this voice, it was the housekeeper who took care of the Su family.

The guard said: "There is a lady here who said she wanted to visit her doctor, and she called..."

Yan Linhe continued, "Yan Linhe."

Guard: "It's Yan Linhe."

There was silence on the other end.

Just as Yan Linhe was about to say something, the butler said, "I'll ask for instructions, wait a moment."

It fell into silence again.

The time was infinitely stretched, and Yan Linhe had to look at the communication software from time to time, fidgeting.

She began to think about strategies in her heart, what to do if she refused.

Is there any other way to find Su Yuan.

Oh, by the way, if you want to go through the formalities of suspending school, maybe you can see Su Yuan again, or even Su Yuan's family if you can't.

The worst possibility is that no one will really see it.

Yan Linhe thought: Liar.He said he would tell me before he wanted to leave, but he didn't say anything.

But she also knew that this had nothing to do with Su Yuan, she could only blame herself for being too careless and being discovered.

However, the time was only one or two minutes, and the housekeeper quickly replied: "Let her in."

The guard said hello and opened the door for Yan Linhe.

Here it comes in?

She came in without saying anything?

Yan Linhe hugged the cluster of flowers, and didn't come back to his senses until the door behind him was closed again.

In the past, a driver would take her there. Today, I realized that the road is very long and slow.

She wanted to make a good impression on Su Yuan's family, so she didn't dare to run away. After finishing her hairstyle, she kept her appearance unchanged and accelerated her pace as much as possible.


The phone rang.

The only one who will send her a message is Su Yuan.

Yan Linhe turned on the phone, and it was a message from a stranger.

[Hi, I'm Su Yuan's brother, I wonder if you still remember?I want to call you mainly to ask, do you know how to get there?Want me to pick you up? 】

Yan Linhe:! ! !

After chatting with Su Yuan during this period of time, Yan Linhe typed much faster, and replied: [No, I know, sorry for the trouble. 】

The news from over there also came back: [Okay, if you really can't find it, you can call me and ask me. As for Su Yuan... Her phone was just returned by her parents, and now she is charging it, it may not be able to receive it for a while. You can surprise her with the news. 】

This undoubtedly conveys two messages.

Firstly, Su Yuan didn't know that she was coming.

In other words, it was Su Yuan's parents who let her in.

After knowing these things, he was still willing to let her in, which gave Yan Linhe a little confidence.

Another news is that Su Yuan has already obtained the communication software.

That's right, in today's society, no matter what, it is impossible to completely isolate yourself from the world. Unless someone supervises Su Yuan 24 hours a day, Su Yuan will definitely find a chance to reply to her messages.

She was too impatient.

However, Su Yuan did not contact her because she had no way to contact her, rather than leaving without saying goodbye.

That's enough.

In fact, think about it, maybe girls' love is like this, hot and fierce but thin, come and go quickly.

No one can do without anyone.



Love may be like this, but to Yan Linhe, Su Yuan is more than just love.

is her light.

Her world was dark, and she was lucky if she could see the stars. If she could see the moon, she would have used up all her life's blessings.

However, Su Yuan, who was called "the moon" on campus, insisted on being her sun.

The king is like the moon in the sky, and he refuses to take a photo[1].

Su Yuan is not the moon.

It belongs to her alone, the sun.

Time will wear away everything, people can let go of love and hatred, but they can't let go of the light that can illuminate their world.

Girls' love is like this, once you fall in love, you don't want to let go.

Holding the bouquet in his arms, Yan Linhe quickened his pace towards Su Yuan's house.

All the servants of the Su family knew about this, and after seeing Yan Linhe, they naturally opened the outermost door for her.

Going inside is Su Yuan's house.

Just as Yan Linhe was about to knock on the door politely, he heard the sound of arguing inside.

"I want her, I want her, I don't care, Mom!"

Well, in fact, it's not all about arguing, because it sounds more like her sun is acting like a baby.


The author has something to say:

[1] The king is like the moon in the sky, and he refuses to take a photo: Li Bai's "Gift from the Generation"

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