Thinking of this in his heart, Yan Linhe also showed one or two.

Unconsciously, she grabbed the corner of Su Yuan's clothes.The housekeeper outside didn't hear the answer, so he thought it was not loud enough, so he shouted louder: "Miss, the fruit is here for you."

Yan Linhe stopped holding Su Yuan's hand.

Su Yuan smiled lightly, patted the back of Yan Linhe's hand as if to comfort her, and said, "I'll come back after I finish picking up the fruit. Don't worry, I know you're not afraid of me."

Only then did Yan Linhe heave a sigh of relief and let go.

The fruits sent by the butler have been cut and served in delicate small plates. Because of Su Yuan's wedding candy, besides the fruits, there is a small bowl next to it with a plate of salad dressing.

In the past, the butler knew Su Yuan's habit of putting salad dressing and fruit together. This time, considering Yan Linhe's reason, he packed the two things separately.

Yan Linhe only thought it was done like this before.

Su Yuan put the fruit on the desk. The desk is very big. Even if Su Yuan piled it full of books, and put three or four tablets, a notebook, and a desktop computer, it can still seat four or five people. .

Putting the fruit in the middle of the desk, Su Yuan put away the test papers that Yan Linhe brought, and smiled at Yan Linhe, "Do you want to do your homework?"

The next semester will be the most stressful time for the third year of high school, and naturally there will be a lot of homework in the summer vacation. I am afraid that it will take a whole day to write every day, not to mention that Yan Linhe brought so many test papers.

Not long after Yan Linhe took the seat opposite Su Yuan, he heard Su Yuan's embarrassed sigh.

The sound was okay, but after a while there was another sound.

Yan Linhe couldn't help looking up at Su Yuan strangely.

What Su Yuan wrote first was summer homework, or mathematics.

Mathematics, if you know it, you know it, if you don’t, you don’t know it, Su Yuan sat here for a long time, Yan Linhe went down several questions, Su Yuan was still stuck on the first question.

Yan Linhe and Su Yuan wrote at different paces, and after looking at the color of the notebook, it became clear.

"Hmm." Su Yuan flicked up the pen in her hand, drawing afterimages in the air, but the pen kept turning and turning, and the paper still didn't move at all.

Yan Linhe knocked on the table, stood up and placed the test paper she had sorted out on the side, and put it in front of Su Yuan: "Yuan, you write this first."

Su Yuan snorted, took it over, and took another look, "Hey, isn't this summer homework?"

"Well, don't worry about the summer homework." Chinese and foreign languages ​​can be supplemented by rote memorization, but mathematics is not good enough, so it is difficult for Su Yuan to choose this subject.Yan Linhe said, "You finish what I have organized for you first, and then do your summer homework."

Of course Su Yuan believed what Yan Linhe said, but she was a little hesitant: "Is there not enough time?"

She doesn't need to turn it over, just get it in her hand and estimate the thickness a little bit, and everyone knows that it won't take half a day to finish.

Not to mention that her math test paper is still stuck at...

first question.

At this speed, she could do it for a day with just one math paper.

Yan Linhe smiled: "I know."

After Yan Linhe said that, Su Yuan certainly had no reason not to agree, so she quickly dropped the two test papers without asking any more questions.

Compared with the questions on the summer homework, these questions chosen by Yan Linhe are much easier to do. Even if there are stuck places, Su Yuan can quickly straighten them out with a little thought.

No matter how difficult the topic is, Yan Linhe can understand it immediately.

The two of them bowed their heads and wrote vigorously. Once Su Yuan wrote too many questions, she would be easily irritable, so she played some light music in a low voice.

Fortunately, Yan Linhe didn't feel noisy, and even found that his writing speed increased.

After writing a test paper, Yan Linhe picked up the toothpick next to him, ready to insert fruit.

She was really curious about the taste of fruit dipped in salad dressing.

Before the toothpick in his hand touched the fruit, it collided with the warmth from the other side.

Yan Linhe paused, and his speed of reading the question slowed down. He moved his hand to the side, but bumped into it again.

Yan Linhe had no choice but to move his hand to the left, but he bumped into it again halfway.

Yan Linhe:?

She chooses not to move.

The other hand that was against her did not move either.

Yan Linhe raised his head helplessly, and wanted to call Su Yuan's name, but before he could say anything, he realized that Su Yuan was behind her, so he raised his head in shock, and looked at the hands that were touching.

Su Yuan took her hand back: "You first?"

It made her feel like a guest...

Yan Linhe lowered his eyes and inserted a piece of apple, but what was faster than her hand was Su Yuan's toothpick.

The apple was pushed away by Su Yuan, and Su Yuan naturally asked with a smile: "Do you want salad dressing? Well, it's a little sweet, I don't know if you can't eat it."

Yan Linhe said hello in a low voice.

Su Yuan wrapped the apple slices with a layer of salad dressing, and handed the fruit to Yan Linhe's mouth: "Do you want it?"

Yan Linhe looked at her and at the fruit, opened his mouth, and ate it slowly.

The fruit clicked, and the juice overflowed the entire mouth, with a refreshing aroma of salad.

It was actually sweeter than any candy she had ever eaten.

Speaking of sugar, Yan Linhe suddenly remembered something and put his hands in his pockets.

Inside was the candy she had promised Su Yuan to give her.

The apples turned out to be sweeter than sugar.

As if seeing Yan Linhe's hesitation, Su Yuan poked her head out strangely: "Yanyan, what are you doing?"

The guilty Yan Linhe shook his hand, and the candy in his pocket fell to the ground with a clatter.

Yan Linhe's heart trembled.

Su Yuan who heard the sound asked strangely: "What noise?"

Yan Linhe bent over and said, "I, I lost something."

The candy jar rolled all the way under the table.

Yan Linhe supported the table with one hand, and touched everywhere under the table with the other hand.

Su Yuan understood this action immediately, and quickly said, "I'll help you."

She was extremely fast, and without the eldest lady's worries, she stretched her hand under the table, and touched the things that fell inside in a familiar way.

Looks like it hasn't been missed.

Su Yuan said: "I found it, it's..."

Then the words stopped suspiciously.

The transparent jar was paved with colorful candy wrappers. The candy wrappers were folded in the shape of paper cranes. The jar was half filled, and the remaining half was filled with candies.

It's the kind of sugar that's on the high side.

The sugar was what she wanted, but Su Yuan's eyes were not on the sugar at all, but on the thousand paper cranes, the bottom was covered with thousand paper cranes, the opening of the sugar bowl was a cork, and several holes were inserted into the cork , above is a thousand paper cranes hanging with red strings.

In the small sugar bowl, there is actually a scene.

When shaking, the thousand paper cranes also sway left and right. The thousand paper cranes on the top move, and the thousand paper cranes on the bottom also change. Presumably, they are all connected together.

There was no bell, but Su Yuan heard the summer wind chime from it.

One after another.

Shocked her heart also one by one.

Su Yuan put the sugar bowl on the table in disbelief: "This is..."

She wanted to ask if this was for her.

But the sugar bowl was too elaborate, so she was too timid to ask.

What if it wasn't given to her, but just brought over to share.

Or maybe it was given to someone else at all.

For example, to her family, to her brother.

Su Yuan also understands this kind of thing. She wants to bring gifts because she troubles others, but Su Yuan is not a god, so she will inevitably feel jealous.

She wants this sugar bowl.

Su Yuan exhaled, put the sugar bowl in the middle of the table, and said, "Your sugar bowl?"

She looked away to prevent seeing it again, and her eyes glued on.

Su Yuan hadn't received any gift before, but she just fell in love with it.

Su Yuan likes these shiny things.

Bells are, bows are, sugar is.

So did Yan Linhe.

It's just that Yan Linhe is different from the previous ones.

If it was Su Yuan, she would forcefully take back the things she likes without leaving any regrets, but she would not dare to Yan Linhe.

For fear of hurting Yan Linhe.

Little hamsters are so small and so fragile.

Even the candy that Yan Linhe brought, Su Yuan didn't dare to look at it.

Seeing Su Yuan's liking, Yan Linhe pushed the sugar bowl towards Su Yuan, showing a faint smile: "It's a reward."

"A reward for achievement?" Su Yuan asked.


"Thousand paper cranes here?"

"I made it." Yan Linhe thought for a while and added, "It is rumored that one thousand paper cranes can grant one wish."

Naturally, it is impossible to hold a thousand paper cranes in it.

But there are also a hundred.

Yan Linhe took out another small box from her pocket, she lifted the sugar bowl, put the small box down, and it was able to close.

It turned out that the bottom was slightly adapted by Yan Linhe, and it was put in a place where we could live together.

"The missing [-] are in this one." Yan Linhe said, "Although I really want to put a thousand of them in, I tried, but I really can't fit them in."

Yan Linhe smiled shyly.

Following Yan Linhe's example, Su Yuan opened the small box below.

It is indeed full of thousand paper cranes, which are also tied up with threads.

It should be a thread with a hundred paper cranes.

The only thing that is a little different is that there are two candy papers laid out under the full thousand paper cranes.

The glass candy paper is washed, not sticky, and has a candy scent.

Su Yuan asked, "Is this? For stacking thousand paper cranes?"

She turned her head quickly, and saw that there were still some paper cranes scattered around, and a bold idea came to her mind: "Do you want us to stack them together?"

Yan Linhe nodded: "Well, there are a total of nine hundred and ninety-eight, I think the last two, let's stack them together. Ah... But it sounds childish?"

She had a wonderful idea before, but in the end she still wanted to shrink into the shell: "Or I should finish folding."

Su Yuan stopped: "No, I don't know how to fold yet, Yan Yan, teach me, okay?"

Su Yuan spoke very fast, just after finishing the last sentence, she continued the next sentence: "I have never been taught to fold thousand origami cranes since I was a child, Yan Yan, please."

Where could Yan Linhe refuse? He smiled and agreed: "First, then..."

The thousand paper cranes are not difficult to fold, and they can be folded in two places after three times. Yan Linhe hangs up the last two thousand paper cranes.

A thousand origami cranes are all there.

Yan Linhe smiled and said, "Do you have any wish?"

"Think..." Su Yuan thought for a while.

Yan Linhe stretched out his hand to stop Su Yuan's mouth: "Shhh, it won't work if you say it."

Feeling the temperature on the other party's lips, Yan Linhe's face quickly became hot again, and he withdrew his hand.

Su Yuan smiled and said, "I want to..." Don't write the test paper.

Just kidding, she thought...

She can be with Yanyan for a lifetime.

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