Yan Linhe was startled, and subconsciously raised her head to look at her father.

The light was too glaring, and her father half-closed his eyes and was a little delirious after drinking, so there was no way to get a glimpse of it. After careful observation, Yan Linhe had no choice but to give up.

This question is not difficult to answer.

No matter from which point of view, Yan Linhe dared to say: "Well, they are friends."

Yan Linhe added: "Ah, I'm still in the same class and at the same table."

Her father has always given her a free-range education, and I don't know why he has the leisure to care so much for her today.

Yan Linhe knocked on the food: "Eat."

"Have you eaten?"

This is of course nonsense, the meals that Yan Linhe brought looked like leftovers from the shop.

Yan Linhe said clearly: "I ate with Yuan and Su Yuan, the girl you saw just now."

Her father groaned and got up from the sofa.

Yan Linhe's height is only about 162, while her father's height is above 180, and he feels extremely oppressive when he stands up.

Yan Linhe was inexplicably guilty.

... She has no guilty conscience, it is true that she and Su Yuan have not confirmed their relationship, at most, they are secretly in love.

The kind that have a crush on each other?

It wasn't until she heard the sound of her father pulling the chair away that Yan Linhe woke up from his contemplation.

She looked at the calendar on the door, and the calendar was still the same as when she left.

It seems that her father forgot to read the above content.

Yan Linhe walked to the door, took out a pen from the cabinet next to it, drew a circle on the calendar, and said while writing: "I may not come back tomorrow, remember to solve it yourself."

By the way, I crossed out the word "go home tonight" and changed it to go out to eat tonight.

Turning around, just as she was about to go back to her room, she suddenly heard her father knock on the table twice and said drunkenly, "Sit down."

Yan Linhe made a big fuss, and immediately thought of her father's appearance when he was drunk, and sat stiffly on the other side of the table.

I almost couldn't sit still and fell down.

Fortunately, although her father was drunk, he was not drunk to the point of insanity.

Seeing Yan Linhe's movements, her father withdrew his hand that was about to be stretched out: "Where are you going? Su Yuan's house?"

Yan Linhe nodded.

Her father said: "Do you know the family background of your little classmate?"

Yan Linhe raised his vigilance.

She did know a little about her father's rumors.

In the past, he relied on a woman's superiority based on his face, but he had no inkling in his chest. Later, he was discovered and kicked away.

I planned to change fields, but later I met Yan Linhe's mother, so I put my mind to it for the time being.

It didn't get better for long, however.

When her mother was pregnant with Yan Linhe, her father tied up a big money again.

Up to now, although her father no longer relies on women to make money, he also doesn't know how to make money by himself. He drinks or gambles all day long, and Yan Linhe is still responsible for his own living expenses and tuition fees.

Hearing her father ask such a question, could it be that she has taken a fancy to Su Yuan?

Yan Linhe said: "I probably know something."

Her father picked up a chopstick dish, put it in his mouth, swallowed it, and said, "It's not that I don't support your relationship, it's just that you are still young, don't be deceived by other people's rhetoric, let alone with your friend's family background, I will definitely not agree to associate with you."

Her father's categorical words made Yan Linhe's heart ache.

Immediately afterwards, she heard her father say: "It's just for fun... It's okay, while she is still young, let's get some money first..."

Yan Linhe knew the rest without her father having to finish.

Furious, Yan Linhe interrupted: "Su Yuan is not this kind of person."

This was the first time that Yan Linhe interrupted him so bluntly and resolutely, which made him startled.

With a sneer, her father asked back: "Isn't this the case for rich people?"

Yan Linhe wanted to say something else, but when he saw his father's disapproving look, anger rose in his heart.

Makes no sense.

It doesn't make sense at all.

Yan Linhe said: "You don't know Su Yuan, what qualifications do you have to judge what kind of person Su Yuan is?"

Su Yuan is different from everyone else.

She is the only sun in Yan Linhe's heart.

"No need to know." Her father seemed unable to understand why Yan Linhe was so angry, and repeated his point of view: "All rich people are like this. You are angry, why?"

After a little thought, I figured it out.

Yan Linhe's father said, "You like Su Yuan? Ha, you like girls? Are you—"

He didn't say anything after that.

An atmosphere of silence swirled around the two of them. Even without saying anything, Yan Linhe knew what her father wanted to say later.

Said she was gay.

After all, what is the difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality?

Yan Linhe's father continued to ask: "Are you sure about your relationship? No, you have never lied to anyone since you were a child."

Even if you really lied, the first time you lied, you won't have any flaws.

So Yan Linhe did not lie when he said that the two were friends.

This means that the relationship between the two has not yet been determined.

This is not good.

Father Yan had been in the circle of rich people, and he always had a sneer at the rhetoric of those rich people.

Although he wanted Yan Linhe to get some money from Su Yuan, he didn't want Yan Linhe to pay his heart and suffer a loss in this love.

He rubbed his temples with his hands to ease the soreness from drinking.

Dizzy, top-heavy, and irritated by Yan Linhe's words, he suddenly pushed the food on the table forward: "No, I won't allow it."

He stood up from his seat.

The man's huge body covered Yan Linhe, which made Yan Linhe tremble unconsciously.

I was scared and angry again.

Once his father was drunk, he would beat people uncontrollably. The beatings weren't particularly hard, but they still hurt for three or two days.

But Yan Linhe was suffocating in his heart.

Why would someone talk nonsense without knowing Su Yuan?

Yan Linhe bit her lip: "I told you before, Su Yuan is not this kind of person."

However, Father Yan was so drunk that he passed out, how could he listen to what Yan Linhe had to say, he just felt like his head was going to explode.

His tall body stood less than one meter away from Yan Linhe.

Once, Yan Linhe also imagined whether this would be her safe haven.

After the two stalemate for a while, Yan Linhe slowly got up from his seat, sighed heavily and said helplessly, "I have nothing to say to you."

Just as he was about to leave, someone grabbed his arm.

Yan Linhe wanted to try to get rid of the hand that was holding him, who would have thought that the other party was so strong that it seemed that he wanted to break Yan Linhe's arm abruptly.

A bad feeling welled up in her heart, Yan Linhe suddenly raised her head, only to see her father's eyes were red, he was in a state of drunkenness.

The memories of being beaten in the past played out scene by scene in Yan Linhe's mind, and before her father could make the next move, Yan Linhe covered his head in the next step.

Fortunately, her father was not so drunk.

Her father said: "You were raised by me, if I don't allow you to do it, you can't do it."

"Except for giving birth to me—my mother also gave birth to me, have you ever fulfilled the responsibilities of a father?"

Since elementary school, Yan Linhe has learned to go to and from school alone. She has good grades since she was a child. Every time there are any activities in the school, she will actively sign up and strive to get rewards.

She once won the No.1 school in an event, and the school gave out a lot of rewards—although it was not worth much, it was the first time Yan Linhe received so many things.

As soon as school was over, she immediately held these things in her arms and ran home ecstatically.

How could she hold so many things when she was young.

Halfway through the run, the things in her hands began to fall down.Yan Linhe had no choice but to bend down to pick up these cheap prizes.

Pick it up, drop it, pick it up, drop it.

Yan Linhe didn't feel tired and repeated these actions over and over again. It's not that she didn't think about putting these things in her schoolbag.

She wanted her father to be the first to see the prizes.

Halfway there, when she lowered her body to pick up the dropped pencil sharpener, she suddenly saw a mother and child walking beside her.

Yan Linhe recognized the little boy, he was her classmate.

The little boy said dejectedly: "There are so many people participating in this event. I didn't even get the third prize, so I got an encouragement prize."

As long as those who participated in the event were rewarded with an encouragement award, it was a signature pen, the kind that would not be picked up if it was placed on the ground.

The mother standing beside smiled and rubbed the little boy's head, and asked, "Not bad, at least you dare to muster up the courage to participate."

Speaking of this, the little boy proudly said: "That's right, my deskmate felt ashamed and didn't dare to participate. In the end, I went to sign up alone, but the pencil case for the third prize is very cool, and there is a mech on it!"

Her mother said with a smile: "In order to reward your bravery, my mother will buy it for you."

The little boy jumped up and hugged his mother beside him: "Yes! Mom, you are the best!"

The two laughed and talked, and quickly walked away from Yan Linhe.

Yan Linhe pursed his lips, and stopped when he touched the pencil sharpener, feeling inexplicably wronged in his heart.

She was the one who won the first prize.

Unable to take care of so much, Yan Linhe put down his schoolbag, put half of the prizes in the schoolbag, and put the other half in his hand, so as to speed up the process of going home.

With something in his hand, Yan Linhe yelled at the door, but no one answered.Yan Linhe had no choice but to pull out the key from his pocket, and stood on tiptoe just as he was about to insert the key into the lock.

The door clicked open.

Before Yan Linhe's joyful expression showed, her father said impatiently, "Didn't you bring the key?"

Yan Linhe paused, and said, "Bring it."

"Knock on the door after bringing it?"

Yan Linhe: "I have something in my hand, so it's hard to open the door."

Her father glanced at the things in Yan Linhe's arms, waved his hands, and frowned: "You can throw it anywhere, but do you want me to open the door for you?"

Yan Linhe: "..."

Her father asked again, "Where did this thing come from?"

Yan Linhe tightened his hand holding the prize: "Yes, for participating in the event, the school gave you prizes."

"Oh." Her father made way for Yan Linhe to come in, and lay back on the sofa again: "If you think you can't bring it back, you can just leave school, why take it home."

Yan Linhe clenched his hands tightly, struggling to get away from his father's grasp, tears streaming down his face uncontrollably: "You have the ability to shoulder the responsibility of a father."

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