The class bell for early self-study suddenly rang, and the two of them slowly returned to their will.

This is undoubtedly not a good place to confess, nor is it a good time, even Su Yuan can't help being a little annoyed.

Su Yuan breathed a sigh of relief: "Go back, shall we talk about it when we go back?"

There was a bit of prayer in the voice.

She was really afraid of losing Yan Linhe in the blink of an eye. Even though Yan Linhe talked to her with a smile at the end, Su Yuan's heart beat a few times inexplicably.

Yan Linhe paused and said, "Okay."

Yan Linhe stretched out his hand and asked, "Shall we go back together?"

Catch, catch.

Su Yuan held Yan Linhe's hand tightly, "Yes, of course."

After the evening self-study ended, both of them almost calmed down.

After Su Yuan sent a message to the driver, she dragged Yan Linhe to the lawn.

The people walked almost, Su Yuan patted the place next to her, and lay down, the soft grass was spread under her body, Su Yuan pointed to the sky: "Look at the stars, Yan Yan."

Yan Linhe laughed: "It's cloudy today, where are the stars."

Looking at the weather, I am afraid that there will be rain tomorrow or in the evening, and the dark clouds will gradually gather, even the moon will be covered.

Su Yuan pointed to the distance and said, "There are."

Yan Linhe took a closer look, only to realize that Su Yuan was referring to the lights in the distance.

It was past 9 o'clock when the evening self-study get out of class ended, and because of the bad weather, all the shops turned on the lights, and the lights outside were dim.

Coupled with the fact that it is far away, it really looks like a star.

—only brighter than starlight and closer.

It seems that with a little effort, you can catch the general.

Su Yuan's eyes can't be so bad that she sees the lamp as a star, right?

Yan Linhe smiled and said, "What a bright star, if Yuanyuan hadn't told me, I would have thought it was a lamp."

Su Yuan got up suddenly and caught Yan Linhe: "Well, there is also a star here, Yan Yan didn't find it, right? It's a pity, if Yan Yan didn't find it, it belongs to me."

The two laughed together.

The people in the school had almost left, and there were still about ten minutes before the time Su Yuan told the driver.

Yan Linhe was nervous because of what happened in the morning, but when Su Yuan made such a fuss, he immediately laughed and all his troubles disappeared.

Yan Linhe sat beside Su Yuan, teasing with a slight smile: "It's a pity, I also caught the moon."

The two fell into silence, but they didn't feel awkward. In this state, they could feel the breeze blowing the corners of their clothes the most.

Su Yuan broke the tranquility first: "Yanyan. Although the words I said this morning were indeed impulsive, the impulsiveness was only my temper, not my thoughts."

"Before I say these things, Yanyan, I have to apologize to you." Su Yuan put her hands together and said sincerely, "The jokes I made earlier were not jokes, I was probing them. So I didn't really think about it as much as you did. so good."


Yan Linhe thought, she was not as pure and beautiful as Su Yuan thought.

That's why she wanted to back away first, and didn't want to be the one who took the initiative.

Yan Linhe's mouth moved: "Then I have to apologize to you too."

Su Yuan showed a puzzled look: "?"

"This morning, I left because I wanted to avoid you." Yan Linhe lay down completely on the lawn, and changed his posture to prevent seeing the expression on Su Yuan's face.

Fingers intertwined, Yan Linhe breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Because I found that my heart was out of control, I was afraid of this kind of behavior, and... so I finally chose to escape."

He also wanted to force Su Yuan to move forward.

Then find a reason for yourself.

Yan Linhe continued: "I'm not as good as you think, either."

This is what she fears most.

Yan Linhe has never been anyone's treasure. Perhaps she had such a time when she was still very young and still in her mother's womb, but there is no way to verify all of this.

This made Yan Linhe worry about gains and losses.

I am afraid of this and that, and I will be afraid when I get it, and I will be frustrated when I lose it.

She is almost surrounded by negative emotions. Apart from negative emotions, she doesn't know what positive things Su Yuan can bring.

She didn't even dare to vent these emotions, so she carefully hid them by herself and drew them.

Yan Linhe sighed for a long time: "Even, I am worse than you imagined. I really don't know what I can bring to you. It is said that love is for two people to move forward together, but I have regressed too much. It's been a long time, I've forgotten..."

Forgot how to walk.

After saying these words, Yan Linhe felt a sense of relief instead.

Regardless of whether Su Yuan could accept these things, Yan Linhe could accept all the consequences with pleasure.

What was waiting was a warm embrace.

It was warmer than the embrace in the morning, Yan Linhe wished that time would stop at this moment, let her be intoxicated by it, and be awakened.

Immediately afterwards, she felt someone bit her neck, but the person who bit her obviously didn't use much force. After a slight sting, the pain quickly disappeared without a trace.

"Isn't that just right?" Su Yuan said, "I've been walking forward for too long—since I was born, I've been chasing after my brother, my parents' glory, and other people's words. "

Su Yuan's character at the beginning was not like what she is now.

She has an excellent brother on top of her, and others always want to compare Su Yuan with her brother, and then sigh "Hey, Su Yuan does have a good brother".

It was as if she had nothing without relying on her brother.

So when Su Yuan was in high school, she resolutely decided to go abroad and take care of herself. The pocket money given by her parents, except for the financial difficulties at the beginning when she went there, was basically spent on her own.

Meeting more and more people of all kinds, Su Yuan gradually stopped caring about what others said.

But she was used to running forward, so when she saw Yan Linhe silently moving the pen, Su Yuan was stunned.

Su Yuan smiled and said, "How about I teach you how to run and you teach me how to slow down?"

Yan Linhe suddenly raised his head, turned around, and looked at Su Yuan.

The lights outside the campus were brilliant, bright lights illuminated the night, thunder rumbled, and the wind followed.

Everything changed so quickly, only the two people standing on the lawn seemed to be disconnected from the time around them and fell into their own time and space.

Su Yuan pursed her lips and hissed, "Don't tell me the answer, I'm afraid my heart won't be able to bear it."

Yan Linhe laughed.

She had never smiled so happily in her life.

Yan Linhe wiped away the tears with his hands.

"Just wait until you graduate from high school, okay?" Su Yuan said, "I know Yanyan that your ambition is to go to University A. If I can get into the same school as you, are you telling me the answer?"

Su Yuan hasn't told her parents that there is no way to give Yan Linhe a perfect environment, and she doesn't want Yan Linhe to affect her studies.

If Yan Linhe can seize the college entrance examination, she will be able to escape the pain caused by her original family.

Yan Linhe asked with a smile: "Then what if you don't pass the test together?"

"Hey." Su Yuan covered her heart with her hands, "Then I'll try to stalk you?"

Yan Linhe stretched out his hand and gently nodded Su Yuan's head: "Then hurry up and do well in this final exam."

The final exam is getting closer and closer, Su Yuan made a bet with her parents that she will get the final exam result.

Fortunately, these days, although Su Yuan was pestering Yan Linhe together every day, since they were sitting together, it was inevitable to find a topic.

After much deliberation, Su Yuan finally found topics related to study.

Su Yuan: I have to study with tears in my eyes.

As a result, during this period of time, her academic performance has improved by leaps and bounds. Su Yuan was just rebellious before. Although her academic performance is not No. 1, she can still enter the top ten in the class.

It's just because she was weakened by her brother's halo, Su Yuan didn't want to pass the exam after a long time, but she still had her foundation, after going through Yan Linhe's little tricks.

After finishing the last exam at the end of the term, Su Yuan let out a long sigh of relief, wishing she could throw away all the exercises.

Yan Linhe was watching from the side, Su Yuan looked at Yan Linhe, Yan Linhe met Su Yuan's gaze strangely.

Su Yuan moved her head away.

Yan Linhe continued to organize his schoolbag.

At the end of the semester, even though Yan Linhe would take things back from time to time, there are still a lot of exercise books left in the school.

Yan Linhe sorted these things into categories, packed them up and prepared to take them back. Yan Linhe also planned to waste so much effort on bringing back and forth the exercises that he had already mastered, but was going to keep them and sell them as scraps.

For the remaining test papers with few mistakes, Yan Linhe has sorted out the wrong questions and put these test papers in the previous pile.

Su Yuan looked at Yan Linhe again.

Yan Linhe asked: "What's the matter? Have you tidied up yet?"

Su Yuan's test papers were spread out on the table, one side was higher and the other was lower.

Su Yuan paused and said, "No, you have so many books, why don't I just send you back this time?"

Yan Linhe stopped holding the test paper.

She and Su Yuan have known each other for so long, they have been bitten to death so that Su Yuan did not send her back, because she did not want Su Yuan to see her living in such a dilapidated place.

But now, it doesn't seem to matter?

Yan Linhe conveniently put the test paper into the pile to be taken back, and said with a smile, "Okay."

Su Yuan was confused by the sudden surprise.

Su Yuan accelerated the speed of tidying up.

The summer vacation was about to enter, and Yan Linhe, as the class representative, had to help the teacher bring the test papers, so after saying hello to Su Yuan, he walked towards the office.

When Yan Linhe came back, Su Yuan happened to tidy up all the things. Seeing the joy on Yan Linhe's face, she smiled and said, "What's wrong? Did something good happen?"

Yan Linhe said: "I heard from Teacher Yan that she read your test paper for a while."

Su Yuan's heart fluttered instantly, and she asked, "If you don't do very well in the exam, Yan Yan, don't blame me, I've only just set off."

"Pfft." Yan Linhe narrowed his eyes and said, "I've improved a lot compared to before. Teacher Yan even said that I want to invite you to come on stage to talk about your learning experience."

Of course, Teacher Yan didn't dare to say this in front of Su Yuan, but entrusted Yan Linhe with his thoughts.

Su Yuan's heart fell, she exhaled, and suddenly leaned close to Yan Linhe's ear again, deliberately sighing: "Ah, then can I get Yanyan's reward?"

Yan Linhe smiled and said, "What reward do you want?"

Su Yuan looked at Yan Linhe's eyes bent into crescents, she was the one who did well in the exam, but Su Yuan could see Yan Linhe's joy from the bottom of his heart, his spirit was as bright as if it was composed of countless stars.

Su Yuan: ...

I want beauty as a reward.

She shouldn't say anything about the QAQ after the college entrance examination

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