Arthur ate for 15 minutes,

Only then stopped.

He stood up, stretched lazily, and then filled the grave bit by bit, smoothing the surface,

Get back to where you were as much as possible.After doing this proficiently,

He threw the shovel back into the bushes and hid it carefully.

At this time,

Suddenly a bell rang,

Very jarring in an empty cemetery.

An Qing was taken aback, only to find out when she came back to her senses,

It was Arthur's cell phone that rang.

Arthur took out his phone and glanced at the name on the screen,

There was a bit of impatience on the face.He frowned, and answered after ringing several times.

The moment the phone was connected, the irritable expression on his face disappeared,

Even the tone of voice has softened a lot.

"Hey dear,

Are you in a hurry? "

He walked slowly to the outside of the cemetery,

While coaxing his wife on the other end of the phone without leaking water: "Okay,

I'll be home right away,

I miss you as well……"

Pooh!What a scumbag.

It's too unprofessional, to be fostered is to have a son who is fostered.

An lightly glanced at Arthur's back with disdain,

Didn't keep up.

Just now they used their mobile phones to record Arthur's behavior completely, which is enough to deal with Rosa's side.After Arthur's figure disappeared, An Qing and Shen Siqi rushed towards the bushes at the same time, turning over the shovel just now.

Yu Tingbai: ...

Really want to eat?

In fact, An Qing didn't intend to do such an unknown thing, but when Shen Siqi said that,

She was suddenly curious about what Arthur ate just now.

So the two youngest women in the regiment started digging the grave in disgrace, forgetting even their fear.

Yu Tingbai sighed and followed up to help.

There are many people and strength, and after a while, the black coffin was dug up.

The props team probably didn’t expect that someone would come to dig the grave, so the production of the coffin was extremely careful. It looked like that on the outside, but it turned out to be plastic when I picked it up.

An Qing put the fluffy plastic cover aside and looked inside impatiently.

Um?what is this?

She stretched out her hand in confusion, and took out a strip-shaped object that was as long as a finger.Because in the original setting of the show, this coffin will not be opened by the guests without a camera, just click it so that the audience can understand.

So there are not very realistic bones in it, but a lot of colorful strips of different lengths.

An Qing studied for a while, took a tentative bite, and chewed twice.

She saw Arthur eating just now, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?

Shen Siqi came over curiously: "Is it delicious?"

An swallowed lightly, and replied, "It's okay, it tastes like dog food."

Seeing this, Shen Siqi also took a bite: "Well, really."

Yu Tingbai: ...

You two have had a lot in life.


Rosa is a woman with a very strong psychological quality. After seeing the weird video they recorded of Arthur in the cemetery, she actually laughed.

"What, that's the way it is, it's not cheating."

With that calm tone, An Qing almost suspected that Arthur was really just stealing snacks.

"Thank you, I can finally feel at ease."

Rosa took out ten gold coins from the drawer and handed them to Yu Tingbai.

Yu Tingbai put the gold coin into his pocket, thanked him and left with his two teammates.

They didn't have time to entangle with Rosa, because just now, Yi Zhuo called and told them to go to the post office quickly.

It was almost noon, and after running around all morning, several people were a little tired.

The temperature is gradually rising, although it is still cloudy, but there is a kind of indescribable sultriness.

Yu Tingbai took off his coat and tied it around his waist, and fanned it with his hands.A few strands of black hair around the neck were soaked in sweat, sticking to the fair skin, and the ruddy lips were also a little pale.

But she didn't mean to slow down at all, she still walked forward at an extremely fast speed.

Don't have hypoglycemia again.

An Qing looked worried, rummaged through her backpack, took out a few candies and handed them over.

Yu Tingbai paused, and reached out to take it.

She skillfully peeled off the candy wrapper, stuffed the candy into her mouth, and put the rest of the candy into her pocket.

Shen Siqi was also a little hungry, seeing this, she immediately said, "Tingbai give me one, I want to eat too."

Yu Tingbai ruthlessly refused: "No."

Shen Siqi:? ? ?

She was very aggrieved, and pulled An Qing's sleeve to sue: "An Qing, look at her..."

An Qing was also very confused.

What's the matter?Although the remaining sugar in her bag was not a lot, there were thirty or forty sugars, enough for them to eat for a few days.

An Qing didn't understand Yu Tingbai's routine, she just thought she was tired.

She took out two more candies from her backpack and handed them to Shen Siqi to appease the other person's emotions.

"Do you think any of the Rosa and Arthur you met today were dead?"

Yu Tingbai suddenly spoke and changed the subject.

An Qing's thoughts returned to the plot.

On the surface, Rosa's family is rich and pampered, and she has a handsome young husband Arthur. She already looks like a winner in life.

But her husband has a terrible habit of going to the cemetery alone to eat corpses behind her back.And according to Arthur's performance, he didn't eat all the corpses, but after picking and picking in a large circle in the cemetery, he then ate them in a targeted manner, which is really weird.

What was the cause of Arthur's eccentricity?Could it be that he was the dead, that's why he did such weird things?

However, after Rosa learned of Arthur's behavior, she was not surprised at all. She only cared about whether her husband cheated, which is also very suspicious...

An Qing pondered and said: "I think for these two people, one is to find out their relationship status, and the other is to find out what Arthur's purpose is for eating the corpse. Of course, there may be a close relationship between the two. contact."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yu Tingbai showed a look of surprise on his face again, and looked at her with incredible eyes.

It's better to mock her directly.

An lightly ground her molars, and angrily ignored her eyes.

Yu Tingbai bent her lips and praised her: "The analysis is very good."

Although Shen Siqi didn't follow her train of thought at all, she still looked at her with admiration: "An Qing, An Qing, you are awesome! The boss is just different!"

An Qing couldn't hold back immediately, and became happy again.

Several people chatted, and soon arrived at the post office.

The metal door was ajar, and when I stretched out my hand and pushed it, there was a "squeak" sound from the crack of the door.

The hall was spacious and smelled of printed ink.Directly opposite the door are two service windows, neither of which is empty.

The floor-to-ceiling bookshelf occupies almost the entire wall, and there are thick and countless newspapers on it. The small black characters are densely packed, which makes people dizzy at first glance.

A boxy wooden table was placed by the window, and there were two matching benches beside it. Wen Ling and Yi Zhuo sat on one of the benches. call.

An Qing and the others walked to the table and sat on another bench.

Shen Siqi opened the backpack and distributed a piece of bread and an apple to each of them as a perfunctory lunch.Now that they are short of funds, they have already formed a good habit of thrift.

Everyone ate food, and first exchanged information collected in the morning.

After going through such a long time, they have searched the entire town, and went around all the houses that could be entered, and found seven townspeople in total.

There's the fanny-toothed Nancy and her mom Shirley from last night, and the surly male lead, Cole.

Today everyone met four people in total.A couple, Rosa and her little meat Arthur; and Christine, a self-proclaimed psychic, plus her bed partner, Beth.

Of these seven, one has died.

Yu Tingbai raised his hand and flipped through the messy newspapers on the table, and asked, "Have you gained anything?"

Wen Ling nodded and handed over a newspaper.

The newspaper here is obviously not formal, the layout is a bit messy, and there is a mess of everything on it.It is not so much a newspaper as it is a pamphlet of gossip for local residents after dinner.

The date was April 4th, and on the most eye-catching board, a line of news headlines was displayed: "The Most Effective Prayer Site Ever-Wu Ling Mountain".

Yu Tingbai's heart moved slightly, and he quickly browsed the report with the two people around him.The general content of the report is that, not far from the dream town, there is a place called Wuling Mountain. The townspeople will go there to pray for generations, hoping to get the blessing of the gods. For thousands of years, already become a custom.

Make a wish piously in the shrine of Wuling Mountain, as long as the obsession is strong enough, no matter what wish will be fulfilled.It is said that April is the most efficacious month every year, so at this time, many foreign tourists come here to pray for blessings.

An Qing read it over and over again but didn't see anything interesting, so she couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with this news?"

Wen Ling didn't answer, but just handed over another newspaper.

"We looked through the newspapers for nearly a month, and this one is the most recent one."

The date was April 4, and there was a line of shocking characters on the headline:

"The minibus fell off the cliff, and the whereabouts of the passengers are still unknown"

At the top is the photo of the accident scene. A huge gap was opened in the guardrail of Panshan Road, and the iron sheet was rolled up. It looked shocking.

The news details the cause of the accident.

A group of people wanted to charter a car to go to Wuling Valley to pray for the family together, but the driver of the minibus was busy that day and couldn't take them to the blessing place.One of the young people volunteered to drive, but unfortunately, on the way back, the brakes failed inexplicably.

The car broke through the guardrail at a certain corner and rolled down the cliff. The camera on the side of the road recorded everything honestly.

The report also said that the town immediately dispatched a rescue team, and the rescue was underway.At present, the identities of seven of the passengers have been confirmed according to the video content of the camera, but they have not been found yet.If anyone comes across, life or death, please contact the police immediately.

At the bottom of the news are seven black and white photos.

They had just met the person in the photo not long ago.

A series of empty gazes pierced the paper and looked straight over.

Isn't this the seven npcs they just collected!

An Qing's hair stood on end for a moment, and she subconsciously leaned back, almost jumping out of the chair.

But Shen Siqi screamed a step ahead of her, and grabbed her arm tightly, preventing her from successfully taking off.

On the other hand, Wen Ling and Yi Zhuo were very calm, they took the newspaper directly and studied it carefully.

An Qing recalled her tall image in Xiaomang's heart, forcibly held back the panic in her heart, and pinched her thigh very hard to force herself to calm down.

At this time, she suddenly thought of another thing. When she was sleeping last night, Yu Tingbai said that she was a little scared and wanted to hug her to sleep, which showed that the other party didn't have much courage.Although Yu Tingbai was calm most of the time, he was probably holding on.

An Qing turned her face to the side and looked at the people around her.

Sure enough, Yu Tingbai frowned slightly, his long eyelashes drooped, and his body seemed to be still trembling slightly.

It looks fragile and beautiful, which is very distressing.

An Qing's desire to protect was instantly aroused, she leaned over and whispered, "Are you afraid? If you are afraid, I can hug you."

Probably an illusion, An Qing once again saw the expression of caring for the mentally retarded on that impeccable and beautiful face.But that expression quickly dissipated and turned into a faint smile.

Yu Tingbai nodded and said, "Okay."

Saying that, Yu Tingbai's arm wrapped around An Qing's neck from behind and rested on the back of the chair, and then she leaned her head on her shoulder naturally, finding a suitable angle.

There was a fluffy warmth from her neck, An Qing hurriedly sat up straight so that the other party could lean on her more comfortably, and at the same time thanked the program crew desperately in her heart for giving her a chance to let her fiancée rely on her.

After all, since entering the small town, she has often been not calm enough, but now she finally managed to win the game and let her fiancée see that she is stable and reliable!

An Qing was summarizing herself happily, when she heard a light voice coming from her ear.

"An Qing, aren't you afraid?"

An Qing pretended to be calm and nodded, "Of course I'm not afraid, I'm a ghost hahahaha..."

"Really." Yu Tingbai let out a faint breath in her ear, and sighed in a low voice, "Then can you stop pinching my thigh next time, it hurts."

The author has something to say: Today is Yu who was accidentally injured by his wife but also took the opportunity to lean on his wife's shoulder;

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