[Hello host, this is Redemption System 97041. 】

who is it?

[Congratulations on your binding with me. 】

Who is speaking?

An Qing opened her eyes, seeing the thick night in her vision.

The weather is very cold, a full moon hangs in the dark blue sky, the soft touch of the plastic runway is under your feet, and there are several buildings not far away, with scattered lights.

An Qing looked around and found that she was in a certain playground, behind her was a fine barbed wire fence with a lot of green paint peeling off.

This is where?

An Qing lowered her head and found that she was still holding a cup full of oden in her hand, and the aroma wafted straight into her nostrils.

There is a low-rise bungalow more than ten meters ahead, and there are three large red characters "Convenience Store" on the door. This cup of oden probably came from there.

[Welcome to the book world "Being the Queen in the Entertainment Industry", your identity is the cannon fodder female supporting role, An Qing. 】

This time, An Qing was sure that the source of the voice was in her head.

and many more.

"Being a Queen in the Entertainment Industry"?

Isn't this the novel she read recently?

An Qing is a member of a small mess group. The reason why she noticed this book was because her name collided with the cannon fodder female supporting role.

But because the book also confused her, the pitifully small number of fans on both sides did not cause any splashes.

She raised her hand to touch her face. It was a familiar touch, and the shallow scars on her wrists left by the branches when she was a child were still there. It seemed that her body was still her own.

An Qing lifted a corner of her coat and saw the white sweater with the nameplate on it, feeling a burst of despair in her heart.

She is wearing a book.

And also a cannon fodder.

This is a clichéd entertainment article, the general content is the story of the heroine Yu Tingbai's hard work, overcoming many difficulties, and finally becoming popular.

And An Qing, who has the same name and surname as her in the book, is just a vicious female partner who exists to provide refreshment.Yu Tingbai is the daughter of her parents' partner. She is three years older than her. She is studying at the same well-known film and television academy as her.

So the parents of both parties made a verbal marriage contract for them.

The marriage contract was kept secret for the time being, and only their two families and a few relatives and friends knew about it.Let the two children get to know each other first, and if it is suitable, they will officially register for marriage when their careers are stable.

Yu Tingbai and An Qing have no friendship, but An Qing's family helped their family a long time ago, so she did not object.She promised her parents that she would try to get along with An Qing.

But the original owner, An Qing, obviously didn't think so. What age is this, and they still engage in arranged marriages?An Qing loves to play, so she doesn't want to tie herself to another person so early.

Due to the doting of her parents, An Qing was very arrogant and self-willed, and she sneered at this fiancée from the very beginning.Yu Tingbai wanted to chat with her several times, but she refused politely.

When she first came to the draft, An Qing tried to make tricks with Yu Tingbai secretly, but not only failed, but also made Yu Tingbai's favor towards her drop again and again.

During the draft, the financial situation of Yu Tingbai's family had a serious problem, so when she was alone with Yu Tingbai, An Qing deliberately poked her sore spots in a non-verbal manner.

Anyway, her family has a strong backstage, and everything has been arranged a long time ago. Even if there are cameras, the program crew will never cut her mocking Yu Tingbai into it.

After forming a group, she committed suicide again and again, provoking public outrage.

Thinking of this, An Qing couldn't help shivering.

She read the novel just for entertainment, and didn't care too much.Moreover, she only read less than a third of the hundreds of chapters in the novel, so she skipped through it.If she knew she was going to wear a book, she would have recited the full text in advance!

An Qing carefully recalled what she had seen. According to the current situation, she should have worn it to the talent show where she and Yu Tingbai formed a group - "Sweetie101".

The training camp of "Sweetie101" was transformed from an old school, and she is currently on the school playground.

She had some impressions of this plot. After the group list for the fifth performance was finalized, An Qing used gastroenteritis as an excuse to be lazy and didn't practice with her teammates. Shop to buy oden.

The next plot is that Yu Tingbai came out to buy something after practice, and happened to run into An Qing who was eating hay.Seeing this scene, Yu Tingbai, who had already practiced to a very exhausted level, suddenly broke out, and then thought of An Qing's past, and wanted to break off the engagement in a fit of anger.

In the novel, this is also the turning point when Yu Tingbai couldn't bear it anymore, stopped thinking about the kindness of An Qing's parents, and started to fight back against An Qing.

At this time, the female voice in my mind rang again.

[The original owner, An Qing, has been sent to another world to rehabilitate. Please ask the host to rewrite the world line and create a happy ending with the heroine Yu Tingbai. 】

[Please try your best to restore the relationship between you and Yu Tingbai, and promise that within one year, Yu Tingbai will not break up with you.Once separated, the death ending will be reached. 】

An was startled, and tried to communicate with the system: "It's not me who made the mistake, why did I die?"

[You have died in the original world. 】

Immediately afterwards, a video automatically played in An Qing's mind.

In the video, a seven-seater commercial vehicle collided with a truck. Under the huge impact, the girl sitting in the co-pilot was thrown out of the car window and fell heavily on the ground. Car runs over.

When the camera zoomed in, it was An Qing's torn face.

Ann suddenly remembered something.

By the way, she was rushing to an outdoor commercial performance in the winter, fell asleep in the car hungry and cold, and came here after waking up.

[Accept the mission or send you back, please choose. 】

"I'll take it!"

An Qing was terrified, and her attitude changed in a second.

No, it's much easier not to break up than to die suddenly on the spot.

She asked, "How do you decide whether to break up or not?"

Strictly speaking, the original owner and Yu Tingbai only had a verbal engagement, and they haven't started dating yet.

[Yu Tingbai will only be judged to break up if he formally proposes to dissolve the engagement, joking is not counted. 】

[Even if you are broken up, you still have three days to recover, which is a reprieve. 】

An Qing: "... I thank you."

[Note, the host is not allowed to tell anyone his identity as a time traveler, let alone mention that breaking up will trigger death. 】

[Then good luck to you, see you in a year. 】

No, let's go now?

This system is too irresponsible!

At this time, a pleasant voice sounded not far away, containing temptation.

"An Qing?"

Immediately afterwards, a tall and slender figure walked over quickly.

This is, Yu Tingbai?

An Qing's breath was stagnant, and she wanted to quickly boil Kanto to the corpses and wipe out the traces, but the surrounding area was very empty, and there was no trash can at all.

After hesitating, Yu Tingbai had already arrived.

At that moment, An Qing heard her own heartbeat clearly.

Yu Tingbai was wearing a sweater and loose trousers exclusive to trainees, with a long down jacket on top, and a scarf covering half of his face.The skin can be broken by blowing bombs, and it is brighter than moonlight.

She was holding a convenience store bag in her hand, and her hair was loosely tied behind her like a cloud.The jet-black eyes are agile and lively, the pupils are water-cut, looking forward and looking lively.

It's so pretty!

Such a beautiful fiancee, why not?

An Qing stared at her blankly, but didn't say a word.

Yu Tingbai sized An Qing up for two seconds, then his eyes fell on the oden in her hand.

She said, "You..."

Here comes the Prologue of Death!

An Qing came back to her senses suddenly, she felt that Yu Tingbai was about to announce the dissolution of the engagement in the next sentence, and hurriedly presented the oden to Yu Tingbai as if offering a treasure.

"This is for you."

Yu Tingbai's expression paused for a moment, as if he was overwhelmed by her.

She asked, "Why?"

An Qing opened her mouth and said, "It's not because I like you."

She didn't want to be so casual, but she couldn't help it.People are going to be cold, and now her mind is full of how to get good impressions, and she can't care about anything else.

But Yu Tingbai probably wouldn't believe the original owner's death first, woo woo...

Yu Tingbai was stunned for a moment, then pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly.

That smile was shockingly beautiful, but An Qing's heart turned cold.

Because according to the character design of the novel, Yu Tingbai is very scheming, often digging holes for people while talking and laughing, killing people without blood.

When An Qing was racking her brains, desperately thinking about how she would get back if Yu Ting turned over the old score in vain, a fluffy warmth suddenly came from her neck.

Her eyes widened slightly.

Yu Tingbai took off the scarf, then wrapped it around her neck, and tidied it carefully to ensure that there would be no air leakage.

There was still a touch of body temperature and a vague fragrance on the scarf, like some kind of fresh floral fragrance.

How can she bear it?

An Qing panicked for a moment, and subconsciously took off the scarf with her hands, wanting to return it to the other party.But a slender white hand held down the fingers.

The slightly cool soft touch spread along the fingertips, making her cheeks feel hot.

"Wear it well, it's windy at night."

What is this routine?

Are scarves poisonous?Can people die if they wear a poisonous scarf?

An Qing was dumbfounded, and staggered and refused: "I, I don't need..."

"ask you a question."

Yu Tingbai ignored her panic and interrupted her.

An Qing's heart sank: "You ask."

Sure enough, what should come is still coming.

What will Yu Tingbai ask?

"Does gastroenteritis affect your oden?"

"Is our marriage contract still necessary?"

"Today is an auspicious day, why not break up?"

An Qing thought about it, her face turned pale with fright.She even had the urge to run away, but she couldn't escape the first day of the junior high school, but she couldn't escape the fifteenth day, and running was not the way.

As if seeing her flinching, in the next second, Yu Tingbai put his hands on the barbed wire behind her, completely blocking her escape route.She approached with interest, as if she wanted to see the clue from the expression on An Qing's face.

"You just said you like me, is that true?"


An Qing could hardly believe her ears, and looked up at Yu Tingbai in astonishment.Those beautiful eyes were like a deep lake with turbulent undercurrents, making it impossible for her to see through them at all.

What is this unfolding?

Why do you feel that the plot is different from what you said?

An Qing was a little confused, but she still had the instinct to fear death, so she nodded immediately and said, "Of course it's true."

Yu Tingbai seemed very satisfied with the answer, she raised her hand naturally, pulled out the strands of An Qing's long hair entangled in the scarf and smoothed it out gently.

The fingers brushed the cheek vaguely, it was a soft feather-like touch.

She lowered her head slightly and leaned close to An Qing's ear.

"how to prove?"

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