summer spring

Chapter 55

As the master of the host country, the Xu family naturally wants to enter into the friendship of the landlord.In the past two days, he led Fang Qian to walk around Y city, but Xu's mother was exhausted and paralyzed.Sure enough, he was getting old and had to admit his old age.

Finally, there is mountain climbing.Xu's mother really didn't have the energy to fight with the young man, so she asked Xu Xing to take good care of Fang Qian, so she wouldn't go.

Xu's mother's words were exactly what Xu Xing wanted. She was not here, and the two of them could naturally live in a two-person world.

The warm winter sun fell on the bent man through the window, and his shadow was reflected on the ground.Fang Qian is packing her luggage. Today she is hiking and camping, and she will go home tomorrow.

The suitcase is not big, about 20L. Fang Qian only brought two or three sets of change of clothes when he came here, and some specialties from City Z for Xu's father and Xu's mother.After all, it's impolite to come to visit without preparing some gifts during Chinese New Year.And if the relationship between myself and Xu Xing wants to be recognized, it is natural to leave a good impression.

Fold the underwear first and put it in a corner of the box.At this moment, Xu Xing pushed the door open and entered, holding a bunch of washed green raisins in his hand.

The moment he saw Fang Qian, joy welled up in his eyes, and he squatted beside her, feeding the plump grapes in his hands one by one, and it was sweet in his heart.

When there was only a bunch of platycodon leaves left, Xu Xing rattled back to the bedroom after wearing slippers and went out to wash his hands.Xu's mother who was passing by looked at the frizzy Xu Xing, hesitant to speak, squinted at Fang Qian in the room, and forgot to mention her if there were outsiders.

In the room, Xu Xing stood with the clothes in his closet, thinking about what to wear today and what to wear tomorrow.A row of coats, sweaters, and cotton skirts made her helpless.

Seeing Fang Qian zipping the suitcase, he walked up to her.After helping to stand up the box, he dragged Fang Qian to his closet.Putting his hands on her shoulders, looking helplessly at the clothes, he lowered his head and said in distress, "Qianqian, what do you think I should wear? I'm so entangled."

Fang Qian heard a smile, and asked gently: "Then what does Xiaoxing want to wear?"

"I just didn't know, so I asked Qianqian. Why did Qianqian throw the question back to me?" Xu Xing looked at Fang Qian with dissatisfaction, feeling that she was perfunctory.

Then he seemed to think of something, his eyes were full of smiles, he put his little head on Fang Qian's right shoulder, and his soft tone seemed to be coquettish, "Qianqian, can we wear similar clothes, it's like a couple's outfit .When we get back to City Z, we'll go to the real couple costumes."

"Are you okay?" Jian Fang Qian didn't answer for a long time, her little head arched in the nest of her neck, like a kitten begging to be squeezed into the arms of its owner.

"Okay, okay~" Fang Qian raised his hand to hold down the chaotic head, and carefully searched for clothes that matched his own clothes, so that they could be used as couple clothes to satisfy Xu Xing's little interest.

"This green coffee-colored woolen coat matches my camel-colored coat, why don't you wear it for us to see?" Fang Qian took it out from the closet, and gesticulated on Xu Xing's body.

After Xu Xing finished dressing, the two of them looked in the full-length mirror in front of the closet. The dark coats were lined with light-colored sweaters.Fang Qian had black suit pants on his legs, and Xu Xing didn't have the same style of suit pants, so he had to wear jeans with a similar fit.

Looking at the upper bodies of the two, Xu Xing nodded in satisfaction, but looking at the pants they were wearing, his brows were all wrinkled together, it was really a failure.

"Okay, just buy a few pairs next time you go shopping. Besides, we're all wearing black long johns underneath, rounded up, it's a couple's outfit." Fang Qian looked at her tangled figure in the mirror, and couldn't help rubbing The puckered cheeks smiled and explained.

"The long johns are inside, how can this be rounded up. Sister, I have a lot of jeans here, can you try changing them?"

Unable to resist the stubborn Xu Xing, he had to try one by one, and finally found a more suitable one.It's just that the trousers were a little longer. Seeing this, Xu Xing bent down and squatted down to roll up the trousers.

It seems to be suitable at the moment, Xu Xing glanced at Fang Qian proudly, his eyes seemed to say, wouldn't this be all right?With a look of begging for praise.

The two people in the mirror are dressed similarly, with a slight height difference. One has a high ponytail and the other has loose hair. They look like a pair of sisters.If it wasn't for that intimate behavior, no one would have known they were a young couple.

But as a young couple, I am very happy in my heart, and I am very satisfied with this matching outfit in my heart. It doesn't matter whether others see it or agree with it.

Bringing the luggage and the camping essentials we prepared, we bid farewell to Mrs. Xu in the living room, and headed happily to Panshan District.

Mother Xu got up to bid farewell to the two, and after they left, she muttered that the two were dressed similarly, they looked like a pair of sisters, and they seemed to get along well.

She remembered that when she passed by the door of Xu Xing's room, she leaned against Fang Qian's neck and took one bite at a time, as if she was too intimate.A 25-year-old and a 19-year-old, is there really no generation gap?Xu's mother thought about it for a while, and could only explain it by saying that the two hit it off.

In the taxi, Xu Xing played with Fang Qian's slender hand, sometimes stroking the ring of the ring finger, and sometimes stuck his finger into the gap between the fingers, having a great time.

This movement fell on Fang Qian's hand, itching in his heart, he glanced at Xu Xing in shame and annoyance, and clasped that hand tightly to prevent her from making trouble.

Xu Xing was playing vigorously, but she gave him a stare, inexplicably, but obediently let her lead him.

The driver in front saw that the two girls were beautiful and each had their own merits, so he said, "You two girls, are you going camping in Panshan District?"

"Yes." Xu Xing replied enthusiastically.

"It's a coincidence that I heard that there is a meteor shower today. I also want to take my wife to see and feel the joy of young people. It's a pity that there are too many orders at night, so I should take more orders and buy more cans of milk powder for the children. Let's not join in the fun." Seeing Xu Xing's enthusiasm, the driver also changed his silence when getting into the car, and chatted like pouring beans.

"There is a meteor shower? This is really a surprise. It is more important to buy milk powder." Hearing the driver say that there will be a meteor shower tonight, Xu Xing was pleasantly surprised, and the comfort in his mouth was somewhat sincere.

Similarly, Fang Qian was also happy to hear that there was a meteor shower, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

The driver dropped off the two of them at the foot of the mountain, and left in a hurry, rushing to earn money for milk powder.

After storing the suitcases first, the two took the cable car to a large flat land near the top of the mountain. It was a place specially dug out by the local government for travelers to camp in order to stimulate the economy.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon, and there were some tents scattered on the flat ground.Xu Xing looked for a place that was not too remote and not too close to other people's tents, so he had to put up his tent.

Fang Qian assembled the parts on the side, but most of them were Jing Xu Xing's hands. After all, he grew up here, and Xu's father and Xu mother also took Xu Xing to camp a few times, and it was easy to grasp the open hood.

By the time the tent was set up, it was already 04:30 in the afternoon. At this time, the winter sun had gradually become colder.Of course, it is still warmer than a place without the sun.

The two spread out a small blanket at the door of the tent and snuggled up in the sun.Looking down, you can see the whole city.The sunset in the distance is gradually setting in the west, and the orange-red clouds cover the corner of the west, like a slender ribbon dyed with rouge.

Under the ribbon is the city where Xu Xing lived since he was a child, and the small city has not been covered by high-rise buildings.Under the halo of orange-red clouds, tall, short, dilapidated, and new buildings each have their own postures.It fell into Fang Qian's eyes and imprinted in his mind, it was a complicated and indescribable heartbeat.

"Xiaoxing, the city you live in is so beautiful." Fang Qian leaned on her shoulder, and words of admiration overflowed from his lips.

It doesn't matter whether it's because I like this person that I feel the beauty of the city, or whether the sunset is too beautiful.The important thing is that at this moment, she wants to be with Xu Xing for the rest of her life.

"You think so, too. I think she's beautiful too. Every time I look down here, I'll admire her beauty." She rubbed her head against Fang Qian's head lightly.

Small cities have the unique charm of small cities, and big cities have the beauty of big cities, but people always miss and like their hometown very much.

Although globalization is irresistible and the name "global village" is given, this emotion is still deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese people.No matter where you go, you will return to your roots when you are old.

At night, the stars are shining, the white moon hangs high, and there is no cloud in the sky.This weather is very suitable for the coming of the meteor shower.

For dinner, the two settled down simply with the meals they brought.The tents next door are specially made for college students to travel, and they are fully equipped, including barbecue grills and food.

Seeing Xu Xing and the other two, he enthusiastically invited them to join their barbecue meeting.Seeing Xu Xing's eagerness to try, Fang Qian followed the shy female college student and sat beside the barbecue grill.

After sitting for a while, the two felt that they couldn't mix their topic, so they found an excuse to leave.

Sitting in the tent, spread out a cotton mat, opened the door, looked at the sky quietly, chatted about interesting things, and waited for the meteor shower to come.

"Qianqian, I thought before that if I were broken in love, I would run up to the mountain, face the wind and cry loudly. Now that I think about it, it seems impossible." Xu Xing looked at the person next to him and said.

"Then do you want a chance?" Fang Qian listened to her joke, and the word broken love still faintly stabbed his heart.He looked at Xu Xing angrily, with fierce eyes, as if saying, as long as you think about it, I will dare to give you a chance.

Noticing Fang Qian's demeanor, Xu Xing secretly thought something was wrong, and blamed himself for having to say such words in such a good atmosphere.

As if begging for mercy, he hugged him into his arms and coaxed him carefully: "How could it be? I am the one who wants to have a lifetime relationship with Qianqian."

At this moment, there was a commotion in the distance, and the word "meteor" was heard in just a few words.The two looked at the sky, and the meteor pierced the sky, leaving traces, which disappeared in a blink of an eye.

By coincidence, I had to close my eyes and make a wish in my heart, wishing Xiaoxing/Qianqian a safe and joyful life and everything goes well.It is exactly the same as the wish on the Kongming Lantern.

When he opened his eyes, all he could see was the delicate appearance of the other party.Xu Xing looked at the pink and tender face, kissed the cheek, and said: "Qianqian, after my parents and I confirm the relationship, let's go to Yuzixi to watch a real meteor shower."

Yuzixi is my obsession, and Qianqian you are also my obsession.

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