summer spring

Chapter 48

Across the black underwear, it was Xu Xing's rapid heartbeat, and the sound of stepping on the ground with his slippers resounded in Fang Qian's heart again and again.

"Dong dong dong" her heartbeat seemed to be abnormal, Fang Qian understood that she was shy, nervous or looking forward to it.He pressed his head closer to his bosom, as if this could cover up his abnormal heartbeat in a more chaotic heartbeat.

But it was so close, Xu Xing couldn't feel it, and the speed of the soles of his feet accelerated again.

When he got close to the bed, his movements were much slower, and he gently put Jiaoren on the bed.

Just as she was about to walk away to draw the curtains, someone grabbed her arm. She turned her head and saw that the man's eyes were closed, the lips that had just been kissed were wet and red, tightly pressed, and he turned his head to one side.

He bent down and kissed Ke Ren'er's forehead, and said in a daze, "Qianqian, I'm going to draw the curtains to hide you secretly."

Feeling a loosening of his arms, Xu Xing smiled lightly.I walked over to close the curtains, the bedroom was not turned on, but the atmosphere was inexplicably more ambiguous, as if something was stirring people's thoughts.

The person on the bed still had her eyes closed, but her curled up cute toes revealed her restlessness.

As if caught in a demonic barrier, Xu Xing climbed up on those tender white toes.

Going all the way up the trousers, fingers lightly brushed the black suit trousers, but the person under him trembled as if an electric current passed by.His eyes were still closed, not at all as bold as he was lying on the bed to seduce her last time.

Kissing those warm and sweet lips, a slight shudder came from the person below him.


"As soon as the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win but there are countless people in the world."

But after the spring breeze passed, the forest was full of branches with nowhere to put them, soaked in the calm rainforest, no one beat the other.


Under the quilt are embracing bodies, and the white skin on the arms is still smudged with pink.

He took Fang Qian into his arms, kissed the wet eyelashes, looked at the other's innocent face, and couldn't help but want to tease her: "Qianqian, what do you think our behavior is called in ancient times?" ?”

There was a smile on the lips, a malicious smile, as expected, not only the cheeks of the person in his arms were red, even the tips of the ears were attractive pink.

Seeing that Fang Qian practiced the hide-and-seek policy, Xu Xing was unwilling in his heart, and coaxed carefully: "Huh? Baby, my Qianqian baby, tell me, okay?"

Coaxed by his sweetheart's hoarse voice, his heart softened.I have just been loved by this person, how can I resist her coaxing?

Close to Xu Xing's neck, buried his small face in, not to let Xu Xing see, then said in a low voice: "Grind... grind tofu. Grind mirror..."

"Huh?" I didn't hear clearly at first, but after I heard it clearly, my heart seemed to be caught by something, and I pressed my waist and abdomen quietly.

The person in the arms seemed to be frightened, pushing Xu Xing's collarbone with his small hands, and refused in a soft voice.

Xu Xing didn't listen to her words, and coaxed her words like a coquettish coquettishly: "I'll just post them, okay? Huh?"

Fang Qian was not as strong as Xu Xing, so she pushed halfway, her powdery body was held tightly in Xu Xing's arms.

When it comes to sticking sticks, it's just sticking sticks, Xu Xing also feels sorry for the people in his arms.After the aftertaste, the two were also a little tired and fell asleep hugging each other.


At eight o'clock in the evening, Xu Xing woke up from hunger.When I got up, the water might have evaporated, and there was a slight tug. The person who was still sleeping soundly on the bed grumbled dissatisfied.

Xu Xing bent down and kissed that forehead before sleeping contentedly with the pillow in his arms.

After going to the bathroom to wash off the sticky body, Xu Xing put on new pajamas and messed around in the kitchen.While doing it, he was thinking, to make up for Fang Qian, his body is too weak, it won't work once, it's too delicate.

Thinking about it, I suddenly thought of whether I should make up for it, and then put this thought out of my mind.Laughed at by my own thoughts, and I am not a man, so I don't need it.

It's just that the exercise of finger flexibility seems to be on the agenda.

Put the food on the table, go into the bedroom and wake up the little lazy pig, it's time for dinner.

Putting pajamas on the person on the bed, just put it on the small head, and saw Fang Qian staring at herself with sleepy eyes open.

Kissing the slightly red and swollen lips, the person in his arms finally woke up, resisted Xu Xing's hand, and put on his pajamas neatly.

Before he could take a step, he was about to fall down.Xu Xing's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he hugged the man in his arms.

"Qianqian, where do you want to go?" Xu Xing asked with a serious tone, but he couldn't hide the smile in his eyes.

"I want to go to the bathroom." Knowing that she was stupid, Fang Qian buried her face in Xu Xing's chest and refused to get up, she said in a muffled voice.

"Go eat first, otherwise the food will be cold. I'll help you shower later." Xu Xing directly helped Fang Qian make a decision.

"I'll rush by myself, I don't need your help."

"it is good."


After a while, Fang Qian realized that he had fallen into the pit again, who wants to eat first?snort!In Xu Xing's arms, he struggled so dissatisfied.

It seems that falling in love makes people lower their intelligence, but looking at Xu Xing who is full of himself, and even the food on the table is what he likes, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

It's just that Xu Xing won't let him leave her embrace, and he still accepts her feeding. It's a good name to say that now is a good opportunity to enhance the relationship between the two of them.

Eh, what a sweet annoyance.

In the end, she still didn't let Xu Xing help her take a shower, and it was difficult for her and herself to bear another shock.One is physical and one is psychological.

It was late at night, the two of them just fell asleep, and now they are very awake.Holding the laptop and covering the bed with a quilt, Xu Xing hugged Fang Qian and watched a movie together.


The author has something to say:



Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottle of joy;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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