summer spring

Chapter 4 Shopping

At eight o'clock the next day, Xu Xing, who was going to the supermarket to buy daily necessities together, got up early.I haven't brushed enough good impressions, so I can't leave a bad impression.

Turn off the air conditioner, open the curtains, and the sunlight floods the bedroom in an instant.

It's sunny again today, hopefully not too hot.Xu Xing complained in his heart.

With messy hair on his head, Xu Xing just opened the bedroom door, and was instantly disappointed, it was not only hot but also extremely stuffy.

Not long after, a gust of hot air surrounded her, and Xu Xing's whole body shivered in the alternation of hot and cold.

The floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room were closed all night, and the air conditioner was turned on for a few hours last night. The unique smell of the air conditioner in the living room is now mixed with heat, which is a bit unpleasant.

Xu Xing had no choice but to open the floor-to-ceiling windows to let the living room breathe before going to wash.

Looking at himself with fried hair in the mirror, Xu Xing brushed his teeth and put some water on his hands, and smoothed his hair until the stray hairs were on both sides.

After brushing his teeth, he held water in his hands and touched his face, and Xu Xing felt woke up.

After Xu Xing washed up, he saw that Fang Qian hadn't gotten up yet, so he sat on the sofa and waited for her to wake up.

Probably because he was too busy with work on weekdays, so he didn't get up.Xu Xing thought.

After getting along for a long time, Xu Xing finally realized that whether he was tired or not was the second priority. The key was that Fang Qian's working hours were at 09:30, and he didn't get up until at least 08:30.

Opening WeChat, Tong Yitian, a friend and college classmate, sent several messages.

"Xiaoxing, the class list is out."

"I'm in the same class as you, are you surprised or not?"

"It's all in the first class of finance, the first class, isn't it the most powerful one?"

"What about people?"

"Where did you go?"

"Why didn't you call me back? Woohoo"

"It's fine for Ning Zhen to go to the north to study, even you ignore me, woo woo woo, women are big pigs."

After reading the time when the message was received, it was past three o'clock in the morning, and Xu Xing expressed his helplessness.

"Please check the time, it's already past three o'clock in the morning. I've already gone to bed, but you, a night owl, haven't slept."

"Aren't universities all divided into parallel classes? It shouldn't be a top class."

Xu Xing replied Tong Yitian, although he said that he had been childhood sweetheart with his good friend, but it was still difficult to get used to this drama, probably only Gu Ningzhen could get used to it.

Gu Ningzhen and Xu Xing did not know each other since they were young, but they were good friends in high school.After the college entrance examination, because the family business wanted to expand to the north, I applied to a university in the north.

Tong Yitian didn't reply to Xu Xing immediately, which was expected by Xu Xing. After all, he stayed up too late, and he should still be sleeping back into the cage now.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the sun has begun to heat up, through the floor-to-ceiling windows, sprinkled on the floor, covered with a golden layer.

Xu walked out of the balcony, bathed in the sun, looked at the busy traffic outside the window, and the river flowing in the distance.

Although the picture is beautiful, it is really hot.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Fang Qian who had just woken up, her eyes were sleepy, her pajamas were wrinkled, and her snow-white skin was particularly eye-catching in the sun.

"Sister Fang Qian, good morning." Xu Xing happily waved to Fang Qian.

"Good morning, why did you get up so early?" Fang Qian replied.

"I wake up in the morning and I don't want to continue to sleep. Sister Fang Qian hasn't washed yet, so go wash up? I can see the water marks on your face." Xu Xing pointed to Fang Qian with his finger , joked.

Fang Qian's face slowly turned red, touched his face, turned around and walked to the bathroom at a faster speed.

Seeing Fang Qian rushing to wash up, Xu Xing suddenly felt amused, but he didn't expect Fang Qian's sister to believe it.

In the bathroom, Fang Qian looked at herself in front of the mirror, and realized that she had been cheated.

Tsk, kid, you have learned to tease me, which makes me very nervous.Thinking of how she loves to play so much at this age, she smiled and started to wash.

He called Xu Xing while washing his face, "Xiao Xing, I'm going to the supermarket later, you go and change clothes first."

Hearing the voice from the bathroom, Xu Xing thought that Fang Qian found out that he had been cheated, got angry, and trembled, for fear that Fang Qian would blame himself.It was later discovered that it was not, so he breathed a sigh of relief and replied to Fang Qian loudly.

"okay, got it."

Xu Xing went back to his room and changed out of his pajamas, put on his clothes, put on lipstick, and went out lightly.

After Xu Xing waited for more than ten minutes, Fang Qian also got dressed and was ready to go.

Considering that they might buy a lot of things, Fang Qian and Xu Xing both wore casual clothes to go out.

In the elevator, Fang Qian was holding Xu Xing's arm, chatting with each other.

"Let's go have breakfast first, Xiaoxing?"

"En." Xu Xing felt that he hadn't eaten all night, and he was indeed quite hungry now.

"Did you get used to falling asleep last night?"

"It's pretty good, it's dawn when I wake up. Is that Fang Qian's sister?"

"It's okay." In fact, Fang Qian suffered from insomnia last night, and slept for too long in the afternoon, which made her very energetic at night, but she comforted Xu Xing.

They took the elevator with them and there was a young mother and daughter. The girl looked like three or four years old, white and tender, lying on her mother's shoulders, looking left and right.

Seeing Xu Xing and Fang Qian standing on the side, with big watery eyes, staring at them cutely and lovingly, tilting their heads and stretching out their little paws to say hello.

Xu Xingxin was about to be made cute by her, and imitated her by tilting his head in the opposite direction and extending his hand in greeting.Children are the best, you don't need to try to be fond of them, as long as you treat each other sincerely.

Fang Qian also tilted his head on Xu Xing's shoulder and greeted the girl.Seeing this scene, the girl's mother also smiled and said that the child was naughty, but her eyes were full of love for her daughter.

Xu Xing and Fang Qian hurriedly waved their hands and said with a smile, it's cute not to be naughty or naughty.

The innocence of a child can always warm the whole world in an instant.Xu Xing thought.

On the first floor, the young mother asked the little girl to say goodbye to the two and then left.And Xu Xing and the two had to go to the underground garage on the first floor to pick up the car, so they also waved goodbye.

In the car, Xu Xing asked Fang Qian curiously: "Sister, do you like girls or boys more?"

Before Fang Qian could answer, she continued to talk to herself: "I prefer soft girls, it feels like my heart is going to melt."

Fang Qian, who was sitting in the driver's seat, looked at Xu Xing, smiled, approached Xu Xing sideways, pulled out the seat belt beside the car, and said while buckling up: "I like clean children, regardless of boys or girls."

And Xu Xing's body was already a little stiff when Fang Qian approached, and the breath of a mature woman lingered around her, and Fang Qian's answer no longer cared much, um a few times.

Xu Xing thought, fortunately she was a straight girl, otherwise she would have no resistance in front of Fang Qian, Ji's daughter Tiancai.

The two decided to drive directly to the large shopping mall in the city center, have breakfast there first, and then help Xu Xing pick out daily necessities.

Today is Sunday. The adults who have been busy all week want to take the children to relax, communicate and cultivate relationships.

So after nine o'clock in the morning, the number of cars on the road was no less than usual on weekdays, on the contrary, it seemed to have increased.

Fang Qian stared straight ahead, looked in the rear-view mirror from time to time, observed the situation of approaching cars, and walked forward cautiously.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and it had already been half an hour. It was already here on weekdays, but today the journey has not been halfway.

Seeing the car moving slowly, Xu Xing turned around and asked Fang Qian in a gentle voice: "Sister, how long will it take for us to arrive?"

"According to the current road conditions, it will take about half an hour. What's the matter, are you hungry? There are candies in the storage box of the car. If you are hungry, take a few to fill your stomach." Fang Qian replied.

Xu Xing touched his stomach, he was indeed a little hungry.

"Then I won't be polite." He said and took a few candies.

Tear off the candy paper, it is orange-flavored fudge, which is quite delicious.

Xu Xing ate a few pills in a row, only then remembered that Fang Qian hadn't eaten breakfast, and should be hungry too, so he should feed him a pill to increase his goodwill.Xu Xing had to think about it.

She tore the candy paper halfway and handed it to Fang Qian's lips. Before Fang Qian could react, she had already put the candy in her mouth.

He had to say thank you, and when Xu Xing handed it over, he turned his head and said that he didn't want it.Fang Qian actually doesn't like candies, these candies were left by her good friend and sister-in-law Ning Yisan.

Seeing that Fang Qian turned his head and refused, Xu Xing had no choice but to take back the candy, touched his slightly wet fingertips, and then looked at Fang Qian's lips, which were the kind of pouty lips that were more moist with lipstick.

Fortunately, Sister Fang Qian didn't notice it, otherwise it would be embarrassing. One thing to say, it's actually quite soft, like jelly.Xu Xing thought.But the roots of his ears gradually turned red, but Xu Xing didn't notice anything strange about him.

Half an hour later, the car had driven into the underground garage of the shopping mall.After parking the car, the two took the elevator to the first floor.

The two of them didn't have too many requirements for food, so they chose a restaurant nearby and had breakfast.

Xu Xing ordered a drawer of steamed buns and a bowl of millet porridge, and noticed that Fang Qian only ordered a bowl of millet porridge. He pretended to be concerned and asked, "Sister Fang Qian, why do you only have a bowl of porridge? Are you not hungry?" ?”

As he spoke, he wanted to hold a small steamed bun to the corner of Fang Qian's mouth.Fang Qian found out in time and reached out to block Xu Xing's feeding.

"It's enough for me to drink a bowl of porridge. You look like a little cat, the corners of your mouth are covered with bun juice." Fang Qian looked at Xu Xing, raised his hand and wiped it with a tissue, Xu Xing moved faster than his brain, and his body Lean forward in unison.

After reacting, he just smiled foolishly at him to cover up his embarrassment.She obviously wanted to pretend to care about her, but she was cared about. The key is that her body is still upright.

The daily necessities area is on the second floor. After the two had breakfast, they went straight to the second floor.

First of all, they had to buy new toiletries, two towels, one toothpaste, one toothbrush, etc. Soon the two of them swept the area and bought all the necessary supplies.

"Have you bought everything?" Fang Qian asked gently, looking at Xu Xing who was bending over to check the shopping cart.

"Well, it seems that I have bought everything." After checking, Xu Xing straightened up and looked at Fang Qian.

"Huh? What about sunscreen and toilet water?" Fang Qian curled up the corner of his mouth and asked Xu Xing interestingly.

"Ah! I forgot." After speaking, he pretended to push the car back in a hurry, of course he knew that he didn't buy it, and he didn't have sunscreen for military training, so that's okay.Xu Xing thought.I just want to brush up her favor and make her feel involved.

Fang Qian looked at Xu Xing who was in a panic, smiled and quickened his pace to follow.

Hearing the laughter, Xu Xing took even bigger steps, but within a few steps, the vibration frequency of the mobile phone in his pocket made Xu Xing slow down.

It was a wechat message sent by Tong Yitian. After a quick glance, there were only two things among so many messages.

First, she was very dissatisfied with Xu Xing's reaction, and second, she went to the station to help her carry her luggage the day before school started.

Xu Xing replied with a hmm, and ended the conversation, and the other party didn't intend to continue the chat.

Taking advantage of this moment, Fang Qian caught up with Xu Xing, took Xu Xing's hand, panted slightly, and breathed heavily on Xu Xing's neck.

Xu Xing felt the warm breath on his neck, exhaling Rulan probably described this, she thought.

"Leaving... in such a hurry, do you know where to buy sunscreen, and what is more suitable? Really." Fang Qian blamed.

After a while, he pulled Xu Xing and appeared in the cosmetics section.

Pick and choose, choose a high sun protection strength.In fact, it is not that Xu Xing does not have sunscreen. He has to spend the whole day in the sun during military training, so he uses milder ones on weekdays, which are useless at all.

After choosing the sunscreen, Fang Qian took the little girl Xu Xing to the counter to choose a few skin care products for daily use.

He paid the bill first, saying it was a gift for Xu Xing.Xu Xing couldn't refuse, thinking about choosing a good gift next time to make up for the bear's share last time.Hey, it's really annoying.

After shopping, the two settled their lunch at the mall.Fang Qian was thinking about taking Xu Xing for a stroll, but couldn't find a good place for a while.

And Ning Yisan's phone call just happened to come, asking Fang Qian to come to Sanshen Villa for a get-together, and when he wanted to doze off, someone brought a pillow.

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