time slow

Chapter 6

On August 31 of that year, Jing Chen came to Qinbei University of Technology one day early alone.After visiting most of the campus, she was going to visit the playground where the report was registered.

Although many people gathered in the playground, Jing Chen soon saw the sign of his college.It was also at that time that she met Yan Chunxi who was setting up the venue there.

Yan Chunxi is the assistant senior sister of their class and the vice-chairman of the student union in the courtyard.In the freshmen group, the personal information of the presidium and assistant directors had been published, so Jing Chen could easily recognize her.

Under the setting sun, the evening wind gradually picked up, and the sign hanging on the side was swaying.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Jing Chen picked up the sign that hadn't fallen on the ground.

"Thank you, classmate."

Yan Chunxi took the sign in her hand, hung it on the hook, and wrapped the rope a few times for safety.

"Hey, are you a classmate in our class?"

Yan Chunxi suddenly turned to talk to her.

There was nothing later, Yan Chunxi was called away by the male classmate who rushed over, and said goodbye to her with a smile before leaving.

That day was just an ordinary day in Yan Chunxi's [-] years of studying, but in the later diary, Jing Chen said that she kept it in her heart for a lifetime.

Enrollment, military training, recruiting new students.

Year after year, Yan Chunxi, as a member of the bureau, needs to participate in the recruitment activities of various departments. As the former deputy director of the agency, she of course chooses to watch the recruiting of the agency.

The social practice department has always been a large department, and there are many people who sign up every year, so the location is also chosen as the dance practice room next to the art department.

Her roommate, Chu Xin, is the former Minister of Literature and Art Department. The interview time of the Department of Literature and Art was half an hour behind them, so it should not be over yet.

As soon as I walked to the back door of the Literature and Art Department, I heard some students chattering and discussing something. Chu Xin was sitting in front of the piano, and at the same time there were several other students accompanying the people on the stage. Yan Chunxi quietly went in through the back door and picked the last one. sit down.

The person on the stage who bowed his head slowly raised his head, holding the microphone in his hand:

"I hope you didn't cry secretly for me again, I don't want to stay low, your heart is empty"


The song is sung by a youthful voice, which has a different flavor.

Jing Chen's voice is nice, but there is a bit of coldness between her brows and eyes, and her expression is calm when she sings, but her expression is serious.

Yan Chunxi has always liked this song, and she also likes this classmate very much, not only because Jing Chen is a child in her class.

Ten minutes ago, after Jing Chen left the recruiting department of the Social Practice Department, several ministers at that time decided to keep her.

Yan Chunxi watched the whole recruiting process, and Jing Chen was the one who impressed her the most.

The girl is clean, her speaking style is also very neat, she is polite but not sophisticated.

Physical examination and blood tests are required during military training.

And must be fasting, Yan Chunxi and other assistants prepared fudge, chocolate and some milk, biscuit-like snacks.

She took a few packets of candy and walked to the class she was in charge of. The younger students were waiting in line for the test, and some students who had finished the test came to her side.

Classmate A: "Wow! Senior and sister are so kind, they even prepared candy for us."

Yan Chunxi took a few pills for each of the classmates who came over to say hello, put them in their palms, and asked with gentle eyebrows and voice, "Are you afraid of drawing blood?"

"I'm not afraid, thank you senior sister."

Jing Chen pressed the hemostatic cotton and came to greet her: "Senior sister." The exposed forearm was white and slender, and the small dark red mole scalded her ink pupils between the blue blood vessels.

Yan Chunxi's eyes lit up, she was obviously wearing the same clothes, but she looked good in them.

Yan Chunxi smiled: "Does it still hurt, eat some candy."

"Thank you sister, I won't eat."

Yan Chunxi took out a grape-flavored jelly candy and handed it to her lips, and fed her to eat: "Eat some, I still have a lot here, you guys will have military training soon, maybe you won't have time to eat."

After speaking, she immediately withdrew her hand.

Jing Chen was slightly startled and bit the jelly, her lips brushed against her fingertips, it seemed to be scalding, Yan Chunxi's heart skipped a beat for the first time.

"...You can take this bag and eat it." Yan Chunxi stuffed the bag of grape-flavored fudge to Jing Chen, pretending to turn around calmly, her indifferent face was dyed rosy called embarrassment for the first time.

Later, Chu Xin told her to give Jing Chen to the Ministry of Literature and Art, because Jing Chen was Chu Xin's favorite type.Although it doesn't matter who the department stays in, and the general meeting has not yet been held, so as long as she says something, the new head of the sophomore will naturally give face.

Chu Xin was her roommate, and she admitted her sexual orientation openly and honestly from the very beginning, both boys and girls talked about it.

Fortunately, several of her roommates are very open-minded people, and no one has ever cared about this.

Yan Chunxi and Chu Xin have a good relationship, so it's natural to sell her face.

Soon, under Chu Xin's offensive, she was with Jing Chen as she wished.

Also soon, Yan Chunxi regretted it.

That day Chu Xin and Jing Chen invited them to the dormitory for dinner, probably because they were not familiar with each other, Jing Chen was always more reserved.Basically it was Chu Xin who was talking, saying how good Jing Chen was to her and how much she liked her.

Seeing them sharing food and laughing with each other, and occasionally accepting ridicule from other roommates, Yan Chunxi couldn't laugh at all.

But because of her work in the student union, she still has a smile on her lips.

After it was over, Chu Xin asked her if she was in a bad mood, but she repeatedly denied it, and Chu Xin believed it, and continued dating Jing Chen after saying goodbye.


It was Tong Yao who discovered the key problem. On the way back to school, the lights were a little dim. She and Tong Yao walked side by side to the laboratory. Suddenly Tong Yao stopped, and Yan Chunxi had to stop and wait for her.

Tong Yao was thoughtful, as if she spoke after several struggles, her expression was very serious: "Chunxi, have you ever liked anyone?"

Tong Yao and Yan Chunxi have a very good relationship, so they naturally know her very well.

Do you like it? She probably only liked celebrities before, and she has never had the kind of love in love.Tong Yao is very clear about this, they have communicated more than once.

But Tong Yao is different. She and her childhood sweetheart have been together for a long time, and she usually likes to be the love mentor of the sisters in the dormitory.

Yan Chunxi stroked her hair, the late summer night was still hot, so she had to tie a low ponytail: "No, why do you ask that, don't you always know?"

Tong Yao walked up to her and said, "That's why the problem is serious.

Tong Yao took her forearm and said in a serious tone: "Don't you think that the frequency of Jing Chen in your mouth is too high?"

"...It's my problem." Yan Chunxi interrupted her, she was already smart, how could she not understand Tong Yao's words.

She admitted that Jing Chen had given her a lot of heart-wrenching feelings...

Let her long for the love that the world longs for.

Since the beginning of the semester, students have had a lot of work, and she often needs to sacrifice her lunch break to collect relevant materials for new students.

She is not a saint. Although she is usually calm and reserved, she can also be irritable.

But seeing Jing Chen who came to hand in the materials, she would be inexplicably happy, and seeing her studying by herself a few rows away from her, the restlessness in her heart gradually dissipated.

In the first few weeks, she would find time to accompany the freshman to class, and she could always see her at a glance in the large classroom with hundreds of people, but Jing Chen was sitting next to Chu Xin...

I also met her when I went to the library to borrow books. They tacitly chose the fifth floor, which is neither high nor low, and there are relatively few people.

Entering the reading room, she sat in the corner and read documents, while Jing Chen studied and took notes elsewhere.Occasionally, Chu Xin came to look for her, but when she saw Jing Chen, she immediately sat down.

Jing Chen raised his head to rest for a moment, and happened to see Chu Xin who was opposite him, and Yan Chunxi who was in the corner was blocked completely.

Yan Chunxi stood on the spot and lowered her head, her voice was no longer calm as before: "You...don't tell others, I will take care of it, and I will not destroy other people's feelings."

Yan Chunxi raised her head to meet her eyes, and said seriously, "Don't worry."

Tong Yao was a little anxious, and stepped forward to grab her arm: "Chunxi, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that, I just want you to see your feelings clearly, and, you are my best friend, of course I am It's on your side."

Later, the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Literature and Art carried out a friendship group building, and their juniors also went to play.This kind of team building is actually quite embarrassing, because everyone is not familiar with it at all.

Yan Chunxi was happy and quiet, she found a corner seat to watch a movie, she knelt down to pick out the discs, but here were all game discs, she wasn't very interested.

"Sister, do you want to play games together?"

I don't know when Jing Chen walked over, holding the CD she had just put down in his hand.

"Okay." Rationally speaking, she shouldn't agree, but Jing Chen doesn't seem to want to join in Chu Xin's game.Moreover, Yan Chunxi knew that if something happened, Tong Yao would come to rescue her.

It is very common for a dormitory to play online games online, but Yan Chunxi's gaming skills have been complained by her roommates more than once.At the beginning, she would play together with her roommates, but it was really slow, and she quit on her own. Later, the schoolwork was heavy, and everyone gradually stopped playing.

After trying a few games, both of them felt a little awkward. She was holding back when they teamed up to break through the level, and Jing Chen had to concentrate on protecting her; when they were playing against each other, she had a gameover before Jing Chen could use her skills...

Normally, her roommate would have laughed so hard, but Jing Chen basically didn't react, probably just feeling helpless...


A burst of sudden laughter sounded behind the two of them, and Yan Chunxi could naturally hear whose voice it was, she angrily threw the handle into Tong Yao's hand, and said, "Come here."

Tong Yao took over the handle: "I come and I come, oops, Yan Chunxi is playing games again, it's so ridiculous, you don't know, junior girl..."

Tong Yao gave Jing Chen all of Yan Chunxi's "glorious achievements" in games.

She has been looking at Jing Chen's profile from the side. When Tong Yao said something, Jing Chen suddenly bent his eyes and laughed, watching her smile, Yan Chunxi also raised the corners of his lips...

The three people who were focused on the game didn't notice that Chu Xin looked over with a gloomy look in his eyes...

During this period, Tong Yao kept losing to Jing Chen, and she needed Yan Chunxi to regain some confidence, but Yan Chunxi had Jing Chen's help, so she didn't lose to Tong Yao, and even won a few rounds.

"It's not fair, my old Xu is not around, you two bully me alone."

Tong Yao leaned back and lay down on the sofa, still yelling words like unfair.

Yan Chunxi wanted to tell her to pay attention to the words, what kind of couple... But Jing Chen didn't seem to care, and just fiddled with other discs.

But Chu Xin had already come over, she snatched Jing Chen's handle, said "It's time to eat" and pulled Jing Chen away.It was a little awkward to keep Yan Chunxi and Tong Yao.

Chu Xin is a good person, except that he has some conflicts with them in terms of love, but these things don't affect their daily relationship.

They have seen Chu Xin in love, and they all know what Chu Xin looks like when he is in love.

Yan Chunxi's gaze gradually dimmed as Chu Xin and Jing Chen held hands.

Tong Yao patted her twice to bring her back to her senses, and then dragged her to eat.

From then on, the sweet lovers Yan Chunxi saw were all that Chu Xin let her see on purpose.

What she couldn't see was Jing Chen's impatience towards Chu Xin.

In order to be quiet while out of sight, she puts all her energy on professional courses and teachers' projects, leaving early and returning late every day, teaching building-laboratory-dormitory, three points and one line.

I also hope that this can ease the relationship that has not yet begun.

But at some point, the distance between her and Chu Xin became farther and farther, and the other party was always full of hostility towards her intentionally or unintentionally.

Before the winter vacation, Yan Chunxi was helping the teacher debug the program in the laboratory. Tong Yao came in and told her two pieces of news:

One is: Jing Chen and Chu Xin broke up a long time ago.

The second is: starting next semester, Jing Chen will help out in the lab.

That night, when she went back to the dormitory to take a shower and was about to go to bed, Chu Xin suddenly sent her a message:

"Yan Chunxi, your wish has come true!"


The author has something to say:

The song that appears in this chapter is beyond "Lover".

The one-sentence introduction is also the lyrics, from Jacky Cheung's "Your Name, My Last Name".

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