time slow

Chapter 46

Wechat, phone, and even email. Jing Chen tried every possible method, but she couldn't reach Dong Shiyan. In the end, she politely asked Dong Shiyan's leader, who said she had called for sick leave.

Jing Chen lowered his head and pressed the phone, not knowing when Yan Chunxi in front of him stopped, and rushed straight into it.It was Yan Chunxi who tapped her forehead with her hand to prevent the two from colliding.

"What's the matter?" Yan Chunxi was choosing among several one-piece suits, seeing Jing Chen's frowning, she couldn't help asking.

Jing Chen approached, pressed against her ear, and told the truth in a soft voice.The two discussed the next thing, Jing Chen went to see Dong Shiyan's parents' house according to the address, and Yan Chunxi went home after shopping.

"Her parents' house is not far away. You go shopping slowly. I will try to come back as soon as possible. Let's go home together."

"Okay, drive slowly." Yan Chunxi kissed her on the chin, never forgetting to tell her to be safe while driving.

Yan Chunxi watched Jing Chen get off the elevator, then went back to the shop and handed the selected clothes to the clerk to wrap up the checkout, and went to the next store to buy children's toys, but met that familiar yet unfamiliar person.

Pushing the baby carriage, Chu Xin greeted her generously: "Chunxi, long time no see."

In fact, it's not been a long time since we met Tong Yao at the wedding banquet before, but we didn't speak to each other, and Jing Chen didn't even notice her.

Chu Xin is in good condition, more mature and charming than before.

"Long time no see, how are you doing?" Yan Chunxi greeted politely.

Chu Xin took an avocado doll and handed it to the kid in the car. The kid got his favorite toy and waved to her happily, "It's okay, I'm worried about the divorce. The two old people want this child, and they have been deadlocked." No more."

Chu Xin said calmly, "What about you, I heard that you and Jing Chen are married?"

Yan Chunxi's thoughts were still on when she said divorce, and felt uncomfortable with her questioning tone, she responded lightly: "Well, we are married."

"I heard that Jing Chen married you after graduation. It seems that it has been several years now. Are you so impatient?"


Jing Chen knocked on the door of Dong Shiyan's parents' house according to the address. Dong Shiyan's parents knew her, so they let people in and saw her.

Dong Shiyan was put under house arrest in her room, and she resisted by not eating or drinking. It is said that she committed suicide after making a fuss yesterday.

Dong Shiyan secretly ate something while Jing Chen was around, her body is the capital of the revolution, she is not stupid, she does everything for her parents to see, and she is not really insulting herself.

Jing Chen handed her the phone and asked her to contact Li Wen first.

Dong Shiyan told Li Wen not to worry, she disregarded her family's opposition and ethics for herself, so what was she doing.

Listening to Li Wen's worries, she kept comforting her, and Jing Chen unpacked the bread and milk and handed them to Dong Shiyan.Dong Shiyan hung up the phone, poured down a mouthful of milk with tears in her eyes, Jing Chen turned her back, and gave her time to calm down.

Estimating that the time was almost up, Jing Chen turned around and sat down on the stool, asking Dong Shiyan what to do next and what the company was planning.

Dong Shiyan took out a piece of paper, wiped away the tears, and said with a sob: "My parents insisted on asking me who that person is, but in fact it has nothing to do with Li Wen. They didn't understand, even if there was no Li Wen, I wouldn't With boys, I have liked girls since I was a child. Even if I haven’t found someone I like at the age of 40 or [-], I won’t make do with it. I live with a person. I live well by myself, why do I need another person to help me? , who helps who is not sure, people really don't have to have a man and a woman together..."

Jing Chen was noncommittal to her words. On the way home, she was still thinking that many people would say that people like them are stupid in studying, but on the contrary, what they learned is: people can not get married, and sex is OK. discussed.

Jing Chen turned the steering wheel and drove out of the neighborhood where Dong Shiyan's parents lived, called Yan Chunxi, and asked her where she was and what she had bought.But she seemed a little tired, and her voice revealed exhaustion. Yan Chunxi said that she didn't buy any toys and went home early.

Yan Chunxi was leaning on the sofa with her arms in her arms, Constant's furry head kept arching in front of her chest, the fluff brushed lightly around her neck, Yan Chunxi raised her head, mist appeared in her eyes.

——I was going to work in the neighboring province, but I couldn't let Jing Chen go these few years.

——I heard that you are married by agreement, so I want to ask her what she means. I want to get back together with her.

Chu Xin's words kept echoing in her mind. It's not that she didn't believe in Jing Chen, but she didn't believe in herself. Chu Xin is also excellent in all aspects...

Jing Chen stopped the car and walked downstairs, looking up at the lights at home, yearning for the warmth there, couldn't help speeding up her pace.There is a person and a cat waiting for her. This is what her extravagant home looks like.

After opening the door, Yan Chunxi turned her head when she heard the sound, slightly hooked the corners of her lips, and her bangs slid down the corners of her eyes due to her movements.

Jing Chen walked by quietly, took off his coat and hugged the person and the cat, and softened his voice: "Didn't you say you were tired? Why didn't you go back to your room and wait for me?"

"I'm lazy, so I just lay down on the sofa."

Constant felt the squeeze, and whipped Jing Chen with his tail, Jing Chen put it on the ground, and then wrapped his arms around Yan Chunxi.

"Do you want to take you back?" Jing Chen kissed her on the eyelids, reaching her red lips one after another.

Yan Chunxi subconsciously closed her eyes and responded lazily, "I haven't taken a shower yet."

"Let's go together."

Jing Chen hugged her carefully, Yan Chunxi tensed up so that she would not exert too much effort.During this period of time, Jing Chen has neglected to lift irons, so hugging her is already a difficult task.

After adjusting the warm water, the delicate foam on the skin was washed away, and the rich aroma of milk diffused, Yan Chunxi and Jing Chen went back to bed one after the other.

Jing Chen turns off the bedside lamp, checks the alarm clock habitually, then puts down the phone and prepares to sleep.

Lie down sideways, put one hand on her slender waist, and pass the other hand through the gap between the neck and the pillow, and adjusted the person to a comfortable sleeping position, holding one hand and hugging her arms.

The fragile neck was only separated by an inch, and Jing Chen hugged her tightly. It was unclear whether it was the hair or the fragrance from the back of the neck that led her to bury herself in it for a moment.

"good night."

Yan Chunxi didn't respond, turned around and tugged at her skirt, and asked, "Do you like me?"

The moisture in the pupils is always like tears, and the eyebrows are slightly frowned, where did you feel wronged?

"I like it." Jing Chen stroked her side face without dodging, looking straight into her eyes with a firm attitude.

"Do you only like me now?"

Jing Chen nodded, "I only like you." She has said this before, she is a long-term lover, and the senior is the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with.Regarding this matter, as long as the senior sister wants to hear it, she can answer it.

Yan Chunxi smiled happily, leaned over to pillow on Jing Chen's pillow, narrowed the distance, warm breath lingered around her lips, and said in a restrained voice: "Then you want me."

Later, Yan Chunxi heard someone laughing beside her ear, "Didn't you say you were tired?"

Jing Chen bit her red lips, and said with concern: "Is there something wrong? You can tell me."

"Whether you want it or not, I will!"

Now Jing Chen began to kiss her, devouring the rest of her words.

Let go of your obsession.


Within a few days, Dong Shiyan's attitude was still not soft, and she was kicked out of the house by her parents and returned to work in the company.

Jing Chen wanted to hand over her card to Yan Chunxi, but Yan Chunxi refused, but promised to help her manage money when she was free.But at this stage, Jing Chen still has more money, so she tied Yan Chunxi's various software to her bank card, so that the other party can see her usual details.

Yan Chunxi stayed in the research institute and worked overtime for an hour. Before leaving, she received news that Jing Chen was working overtime until late at night, so she bought something and went to Tong Yao's house.

She was glad that she had bought some vegetables and came here. It was almost seven o'clock when she entered the door. Tong Yao only had one meal today, and the child was crying, and she was almost exhausted.

Yan Chunxi tried to cook some light dishes under the condition of ensuring nutrition, and then teased the child in the cradle by herself, letting Tong Yao eat first.

Tong Yao tasted the beef, nodded approvingly, and immediately took a big bite of the rice in the bowl.Fortunately, Yan Chunxi washed her hands several times, and the kid held on to her hand, wanting to put it in his mouth from time to time.

"Is she hungry?"

"I can't, I just fed her not long ago." Tong Yao was chewing on her food, unable to speak clearly.

"I'm not hungry or sleepy, so what do you want to do?" Yan Chunxi gently poked her chubby face with her index finger, and the child smiled at her brisk voice.He stretched out his arms to her, begging for a hug.

While teasing her, she thought of meeting Chu Xin a few days ago. She also brought a lovely child with her and was about to talk to Tong Yao about it. Have you seen Chu Xin recently?"

"Well, I saw it."

"She and I have inquired about you, and it seems that she wants to get back together with Jing Chen. How is the relationship between you two?"

"Very good." After she finished speaking, she remembered Chu Xin's provocative words.

——I heard that you are married by agreement, so I want to ask her what she means. I want to get back together with her.

Tong Yao put down her chopsticks, rinsed her mouth and continued: "Also, her child seems to have a heart problem, and it's a girl. Now both of them want to push it away. But Chu Xin doesn't seem to care much, she just wants to hurry up. Divorce, then get back together with Jing Chen, and then take the child for surgery."

"What do you think she thinks? Bringing her child to find her ex-girlfriend, why does she help you raise the child? After cooperating with her, she wanted to find an honest person to take over. Fortunately, our relationship was not close. Otherwise, having such a friend would be a shame."

Yan Chunxi poked the child's innocent smile, her eyes darkened, and she didn't speak.

Jing Chen doesn't seem to have any contact with Chu Xin at all, and she doesn't even know anything about him. Yan Chunxi is relieved about this, but she still doesn't believe in herself. This is her common problem all the time.

Later, Tong Yao made indirect remarks, and also directly talked about Chu Xin in front of the two of them, but Jing Chen didn't react at all, just like listening to parents' gossip.After returning home, she also took the initiative to ask her if she would mind her previous relationship, or if there was anything she wanted to ask, she could ask all of them.

Yan Chunxi looked at her frank face and shook her head, explaining that she also explained herself: "What we want to live is the present and the future, having a relationship experience is nothing."

Jing Chen tightened his arms around her, "Just trust me."

Extremes will lead to opposites, some people will feel that out of frankness, they tell everything truthfully and ask the other party to believe; similarly, some people feel that there is no need to emphasize it if they have not done anything wrong.

In the office, Yan Chunxi was thinking about how to help Jing Chen manage money, but when she clicked on her phone, she saw a large amount of expenses on her bill.

And recently, didn't someone just need the surgery fee?

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