time slow

Chapter 41

The hunger in her belly was unbearable, Yan Chunxi was awakened by the sound of her stomach "gurgling", and instinctively leaned towards the heat source beside her.

She rubbed her legs, slowly recalling the memory of her body, the warmth of someone seemed to still be there.

The last memory of last night began to emerge, Jing Chen was really too much, this person didn't ask her if she was comfortable flirtatiously, but was serious, serious and serious.

She didn't answer, she watched her reaction, knew that her way seemed to be good, and then got worse.

Jing Chen didn't let go of her hands for a moment. After she fell, Jing Chen came up and hugged her tightly. He wanted to kiss her but it didn't feel right, so he could only rub against her neck. , rubbing her ears and temples together, Yan Chunxi seemed to be able to feel the hot breath on her neck, her lips were hot and slippery, flowing on the side of her face...

She is... so ashamed...

Yan Chunxi rolled up the quilt, bowed her body, and buried her hot face in it.The quilt made a rustling sound, and then a soft body was pressed against her back, "Are you awake? Are you hungry?"

Jing Chen touched her abdomen, her voice was hoarse, sexy and magnetic, she must have just woken up.

"En." Yan Chunxi responded softly, turned around and nestled into her arms, and was slightly taken aback when she heard her own voice, why was she even hoarse?

Jing Chen smiled slightly when he heard her voice, and thought of the charming voice that made him lose his mind, he raised his chin slightly, and pecked kisses on the small mole at the end of the eyebrow, "What do you want to eat, I just watched it on my phone The evaluations of several specialty dishes are not bad, you see what you want to eat, let's order takeaway."

Yan Chunxi opened her beautiful eyes, looked closer, but squinted again because of the brightness of the screen, and closed her eyes with her pillow on her arm, "It's all right, you decide, let's go out to eat, don't order takeaway."

With her right hand, she unbuttoned only two buttons of her pajamas, and fumbled in without admitting defeat, "It's hard to get out once, why don't you go outside and have a look." Yan Chunxi added.

Jing Chen put down his phone and put his arms around her, ordering takeaway because he was worried that she would feel uncomfortable. Although it wasn't thorough, he couldn't bear it for a long time.Jing Chen put his hands on her lower back and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

When the skin touched, Yan Chunxi's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she opened her eyes to annoy her, "Do you want to try it?"

She didn't feel uncomfortable, her body seemed to have undergone a massage, and the previous fatigue was gone, but her waist was a little sore and sleepy, it was too hard to describe.

Jing Chen lifted the quilt up, grabbed her hand on her chest, and rubbed her lips against the back of her neck, "Sleep a little longer, we'll go out at noon."

Yan Chunxi quickly fell asleep, Jing Chen touched the pink mark on the back of her neck, thinking about what she just said.

How should I put it, there are quite a lot of uncomfortable places on her body, such as her neck.


At noon, Jing Chen was stared at by Yan Chunxi and her back felt cold, but Yan Chunxi herself had a fever. Now that she saw that Jing Chen was eating something wrong, she would always think that Jing Chen gave her too much stimulation at that time.

Green, day and day, thinking about lust, desire, and sin before you are full.

Jing Chen didn't know what she was thinking, and thought she knew she had other plans in mind and didn't tell her, so she got angry, and immediately confessed honestly.

"I may have an expense of several thousand yuan. An old man in the family has passed his birthday. I don't want to go back on purpose, so I will take the money for this meal. I also want to cut off contact little by little from now on."

Family members always say that with one more person, the elderly will be happier.But since she was a child, she never spoke a few words to that elder, and she never saw him being happy because of herself. After Jing Chen went, she became an object of comparison with many people, and she was rarely happy.

So the reason for not wanting to go is very simple. The blood relationship is far away from her. If she is not happy, she will not go. She also admits that she is said to be selfish.

Relatives who can't beat eight poles are desperate to save face and suffer, why bother.

The heat on Yan Chunxi's cheeks dropped a little, and she said calmly, "It's your own money, you don't need to tell me. Besides, the relationship with anyone is not that close, so it's okay if you don't want to go,"

He poked at the meat on his plate as if trying to hide it, and stopped staring at her.

On the way back, the two hung up a pair of earphones and listened to the same song, with a southern accent and a northern accent, and popular music. Yan Chunxi leaned on her shoulder to look at the scenery outside the window, and occasionally hooked her fingers.She seemed to be a little motion sick and gradually fell asleep.

Watching her gradually fall asleep, Jing Chen carefully took out a white jade finger ring hidden in his arms, it was no longer so cold by the body temperature, put it in her palm, and interlocked his fingers.


Yan Chunxi finally picked the time to try on the wedding dress with Tong Yao, the wedding is scheduled to be held in March.

The friend's mood is relatively low, not even interested in the wedding, the whole person is very irritable, Yan Chunxi feels that she is a bit depressed during pregnancy, so she patiently helps her counsel.

Nearly a day passed before finally finalizing one.

Yan Chunxi leaned over to help Tong Yao fix her high heels, and straightened her loose long hair, leaving her alone in front of the full-length mirror, stepping back step by step, out of the range of the mirror.

The staff passed by with hot tea in the back, the two collided, the tea cup fell to the ground and shattered, part of the water splashed on the exposed ankles, and the scalding water splashed on the tender meat, instantly turning red.

When the woman of her age saw that the guest was scalded, she opened her mouth to say something but froze.Immediately flustered, she bowed her waist and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Tong Yao turned her head when she heard the voice, Yan Chunxi said it's okay, and told the woman not to worry, just go to the bathroom and use cold water to cool down.

After rinsing, the tingling sensation was no longer so obvious, and she and Tong Yao parted ways after dinner.

Yan Chunxi was waiting for a taxi by the side of the road, pacing back and forth typing and chatting with Jing Chen, Jing Chen asked if he wanted to pick her up, just happened to be off work.

Jing Chen didn't go along the way, and he could see her sooner by taking a taxi back home, but Yan Chunxi declined her offer.Slowly walking along the street in small steps, I felt pain in my ankle, and I slowly squatted down, and the blisters that were scalded there were actually worn out by my shoes, why didn't I feel pain before.

Unable to stop a car for a long time, she hesitated and called Jing Chen.

Jing Chen came quickly, opened the passenger's door without saying a word, got out of the car and walked around here to look at her ankle.

The scalded place was worn out by the shoes, and Jing Chen felt distressed, but she couldn't blame her if she wanted to.The one who hurts is herself, and it hurts even more if she doesn't.

Jing Chen helped her take off her shoes, blew on her reddened skin, and went back to the driver's seat to take out a bottle of chilled drink from the car refrigerator.She held it in her hand but didn't know whether it could be iced or not, and she was confused when she was concerned, so she hurried to the hospital, twisted the car keys and was ready to go.

The man frowned and didn't speak, Yan Chunxi pouted and asked her in a low voice: "Will there be a scar?" She is more concerned about this question now.

Jing Chen paused for a few seconds and replied to her: "I don't know, go to the hospital first." She was a little angry, but still spoke to her in a gentle voice.

"How did you do it?" She asked again after a few seconds.

Yan Chunxi answered truthfully, lowered her head dullly, not knowing what she was thinking.

The road ahead was somewhat congested, Jing Chen distractedly glanced at the co-pilot, he shouldn't be angry at such a time, and squeezed her hand apologetically, "We'll be there soon, I'll try to hurry up."

"Not urgent."


A remaining blister was popped, and the doctor bandaged the affected area and prescribed some burn ointment.Jing Chen wrote down how to smear it, and went home behind her back.

Yan Chunxi knew that scratches would leave scars, so she felt rather disappointed.

Sitting quietly in the co-pilot, I frowned and looked out the window, not knowing where to focus my eyes.

The car drove for a while, and there happened to be an ice cream seller ahead, so Jing Chen picked a section of the road to stop, got out of the car and bought one, she purposely walked around to the co-pilot and knocked on the window.

Yan Chunxi didn't know what she was doing when she got out of the car, she frowned slightly, and lowered the window in doubt, Jing Chen smiled at her, and then conjured up an ice cream.

She took it with a smile and took a bite, feeling like she was coaxing a child.

Yan Chunxi continued to look at the busy traffic outside, and suddenly burst out laughing.At this time, Jing Chen had already sat back in the driver's seat, looking at Yingxiao's eyebrows, the curve of her own lips bloomed.

Jing Chen leaned over, asked her for a bite of ice cream, and then began to kiss.Her lips were ice-soft, and the tip of her tongue was warm, Yan Chunxi caressed her face and sank into it.

Pain and irritability are all in love.


Walking downstairs, Jing Chen pressed the elevator with her behind his back.She said she wasn't tired, but she was sweating behind her ears, she was panting slightly, her chest was rising and falling, and she restrained her breathing.

No matter how you put it, it is also a person who weighs about one hundred catties. How can a girl who is also over one hundred catties not have any trouble carrying it back.

Yan Chunxi wiped her fingertips behind her ears, put her arms around her tightly, leaned her head on her shoulders, and asked cautiously in a low mood: "Am I troublesome?"

"What about me? Is it troublesome?" Jing Chen asked without answering.

"What's the trouble with you? I never felt that." Yan Chunxi pinched her earlobe dishonestly, expressing what was in her heart.

Ding - the elevator arrives

Jing Chen turned her head to the side, and lifted her up a little with her arms. If Yan Chunxi was troublesome, then she was a disaster.

"Are you angry, why don't you answer me?"

"I'm not angry, I feel distressed." Jing Chen replied softly.

I feel sorry for your injury, and I also feel sorry for you for putting yourself too low.

Yan Chunxi is so good, he just took her to the hospital and carried her upstairs.Aren't these the most basic things for a lover? How could I find her troublesome?

We must work harder, give her courage and confidence, and give her back her original pride.

On the other hand, there are a lot of bad things, and she is not a good person, Yan Chunxi will accompany her to solve, get through, accept and tolerate.

Such a person, I hope she will live in love forever and eat sweets forever.


In March, Tong Yao had a hasty wedding.Except for the two newcomers at the wedding, the other family members were very happy.

Xu Fang was exhausted by the tedious process, and Tong Yao was depressed by the oppression of her family.

Yan Chunxi looked at the smirking bride on the stage, her ideal wedding was not like this.

During her undergraduate studies, Tong Yao had imagined her own wedding with her more than once, and she didn't expect many guests, and she didn't expect worldly comments.

I just want to go to marriage under the witness of my parents and a few close relatives and friends, the legendary palace of love.

It seems that the time is very short, and it seems that the time is very long, they walked like this step by step.

Jing Chen didn't know what was going on in her heart, but he was wondering if there was any way to make up for the regret of the two of them.

They skipped too many steps, married and in love, no proposal, no dowry, no ring and no wedding dress.Although they are in love and the agreement has been voided, there is nothing... She feels that it is unfair to Yan Chunxi.

Anyone who is good enough for Yan Chunxi... will probably do better than her.

Jing Chen couldn't figure it out with his stupid brain, so he took her plain hand and lightly hooked his fingers.The white jade ring finger just landed on the hollow of her collarbone, the white jade with red lines, compared with the two, Yan Chunxi cherishes it very much.

As the process progressed, Tong Yao threw the bouquet with her back. Everyone's eyes rose and fell with the bouquet, and the person who caught it was Chu Xin.

Only Jing Chen still stares at her lover, as if everything has nothing to do with her.

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