At night, Chu Mian lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep, taking advantage of the moonlight coming in through the curtains, staring at the electric fan above her head, one turn, two turns, what if the electric fan suddenly fell from above?Wouldn't it be necessary to cut him and Qin Tang in half?

The more Chu Mian thought about it, the more energetic her eyes became. After a while, she let out a long sigh, and then her wrist was suddenly grabbed by Qin Tang, who thought she had been asleep for a long time.

Qin Tang's voice sounded hoarse: "Can't sleep?"

"Brother? Are you still asleep?"

"Sleeping." Qin Tang moved his body, "I was woken up by you again, can't you fall asleep?"

"Yeah." Chu Mian was a little embarrassed, "Yeah, my stomach is a little full."

The child ate two and a half bowls of rice for dinner, so he must be overwhelmed. Qin Tang's drowsiness dissipated a lot in a few words: "Then I will rub it for you."

"No, bro, go to sleep, I'll be fine later, I won't move around this time, I promise not to disturb your sleep."

Qin Tang didn't speak, he grabbed Chu Mian's slender fingers down the man's wrist and squeezed.

Chu Mian blushed, thinking of something in his mind that would be harmonized by Jinjiang, but Qin Tang went to rub his stomach after pinching his hands in a serious manner, and Chu Mian was even more embarrassed.

This is not the first time for Chu Mian to eat too much. There are always stomach-invigorating and Xiaoshi tablets in Lincheng's home. Qin Tang rubs his stomach not once or twice. The man's big hands are slowly and gently rubbing clockwise through the cotton T-shirt. It was indeed a lot more comfortable. Chu Mian squinted her eyes to enjoy it, like a kitten being served, and from time to time commanded the owner to 'go a little more to the left' and 'right to the right'.

After 10 minutes, the cat owner's hand seemed to be moving away from the track and moving where it shouldn't be.

Chu Mian pinched her legs, her face turned red after rubbing against her, and she said in a flustered and shy voice, "The next door is my stepmother!"

He didn't say no or don't want to, but put on a dispensable nonsense, the kitten showed its paws but turned out its soft belly.

Qin Tang smiled, as if seeing the expression on Chu Mian's face through the darkness.

The kitten is fed up by himself.

In the end, Qin Tang didn't dare to mess with the person in his own home, relieved his greed, and wiped Chu Mian and himself clean with a tissue, and Qin Tang hugged the person into his arms again.

He stroked Chu Mian's back with his hand, and stopped at the last sunken waist, caressing fondly.

Chu Mian moaned and shoved him, "It's hot."

"Peace of mind naturally cools."

"You touch me like that, why am I so quiet?"

Qin Tang laughed at him, bit the man's collarbone, licked it again, and scoffed at him: "Little greedy cat."

The strange redness on Chu Mian's body hadn't dissipated, and she retorted stickily: "That's not because of brother."

"What's wrong with me?"

Relying on the fact that the room was dark and Qin Tang couldn't see his face, Chu Mian said confidently, "It's all because I was spoiled by my brother, I was not like this before."

He used to be very nice.

"Yes, yes, blame me." Qin Tang was easy to talk.

But he agreed with him, and Chu Mian felt that this man was holding back his strength to tease him on purpose, pursed his mouth and turned over from Qin Tang's arms in displeasure, and pointed his butt at his brother.

Qin Tang raised his hand and patted it, and there was a crisp sound in the silent night.

"Are you looking for trouble?" He squeezed him tightly into his arms, "I'm used to you."

"It's just that you are used to it, brother."

Chu Mian has been talking back to him more and more recently.

Qin Tang's big hands were behind him and gently rubbed his waist. The child was very delicate, and after a while he would yell that it hurts here and there.

"Be honest, or you won't sleep tonight."

Qin Tang turned the person back to face himself, and kissed Chu Mian on the cheek: "Go to sleep."

Chu Mian's stomach was not full, and after a long time of sleepiness, she gradually became sleepy. She yawned and hugged Qin Tang's arms: "Brother, good night."

Qin Tang: "Good night."

They fell asleep here, but Liu Xiuru was too frightened to fall asleep after being threatened during the day.

She put on a coat, covered herself up, and quietly went to the village chief's house in the dark.

The village head was smoking in the living room. He was not surprised to see her here. He cut up the watermelon he took out from the refrigerator and handed her a piece: "Why are you here so late?"

Liu Xiuru is not in the mood to eat now, her face is very ugly, she frowned and said: "Our business has been discovered."

She took out the photo Qin Tang showed her today from her pocket. Qin Tang didn't plan to take it back after taking it out, after all, the negatives were still in their hands.

The village chief stopped smoking and frowned. He casually glanced at the photos on the coffee table and took a deep breath. White smoke rose in the living room.

In fact, Liu Xiuru didn't like the smell of cigarettes very much. She felt that the smell was very pungent. Chu Mian's father never smoked, and the man only had the faint fragrance of laundry detergent on him.

Liu Xiuru didn't know why she was in a daze tonight, thinking of the man who had passed away.

"They said that as long as I take Chu Peng away, this matter will not become a big deal."

Liu Xiuru's voice was very soft, her tone was complicated, and she was unwilling. The demolition money was almost in her hands, but she thought that if Chu Mian knew about what she had done, she would think of that child's eyes. Disappointed, she really hesitated.

Chu Mian is not her biological son, she treats Chu Mian badly, but before Chu Peng was not there, they still had a peaceful and happy time.

The village chief didn't know what he was thinking. He stretched his eyebrows and said to Liu Xiuru: "You will believe what they say? What if they go back on their word after getting the money? Do you have a solution? Don't forget, what did you do for a few years ago? Ten thousand yuan, almost made Chu Mian marry a fool."

Liu Xiuru's face became even more ugly, how could she forget, if it wasn't for that incident, how could Chu Mian run away.

"Then tell me, what should we do now? What's the use of worrying about me? Don't forget that there is something about you too."

"What are you in a hurry for? Did I say I don't care about you?" The village head glanced at her, "There is a way, it depends on whether you dare to do it."

Liu Xiuru had a bad feeling in her heart: "What way?"

"Just don't do anything."


"Why? Don't you dare?" The village head smoked another cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it up, spraying all the mist on Liu Xiuru's face, "Don't forget your son, Chu Peng is still in primary school, and the future Longer days are spent on money, without the demolition funds, how can you two live and find another unlucky man to marry? Can you guarantee that you will meet another Chu Dongshan?"

Chu Dongshan is the name of Chu Mian's father.

"Which man would be willing to raise a son for another man."

Chu Peng is Liu Xiuru's bottom line,

The village head knows this all too well.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, the eyes of the woman who was still a little hesitant changed.

Leaving from the village chief's house, Liu Xiuru held on to the things in her pockets. There was a street lamp on the side of the road that had been broken for a long time, and no one came to fix it. Now that they are about to be demolished, it is even more unlikely that someone will come to fix it.

In the silent night, I don’t know whose dog started to bark when he heard the sound of passing by. Liu Xiuru’s heart tightened, fearing that someone would wake up and see her. The more flustered she was, the more mistakes she made. He tripped, fell to the ground, and knocked his knee.

Pain strikes in an instant,

she just found out,

I don't know when I broke out in a cold sweat.

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