"what's up?"

"In Liujia Village, there is one household that cannot be demolished."

When talking about business, Zhao Ziyan quickly put away other thoughts and put on a serious expression.

The demolition of Liujia Village is imminent, and no mistakes are allowed. This is also the last experience that Father Qin has for Qin Tang. If he completes it well, Father Qin will retire and hand over the company to Qin Tang.

Qin Tang naturally knew this too, Liu Family Village, no matter what, had to be demolished.

Chu Mian never cared about Qin Tang's work. In other words, he felt that he was not qualified.

Even if he likes it, he still distinguishes Qin Tang from himself, because the other party is too good and dazzling, as long as they can be together, it is a good thing, Chu Mian doesn't want to worry about other things.

He coaxed the two dogs at home all morning, teasing the cat with a small dried fish and a cat teasing stick, and crawled on the carpet with his whole body. This posture exposed most of his lower back, which was white and slender.

Chu Mian was raised very well by Qin Tang, her body grew fleshy and her complexion was rosy, she was no longer as thin as when she first came here, she only had a handful of bones to the touch.

When Qin Tang came home from work at noon, Chu Mian was tending to the roses he bought at the flower market. Some of the outer petals were wilted and needed to be removed. He turned his back to the door. She stretched out her hand and hugged Chu Mian into her arms, buried her on his shoulder and took a deep breath.

Gardenia and milk, sweet.

"Brother?" Chu Mian was taken aback, "Why did you come back at noon?"

In the past, Qin Tang never came back at noon and stayed at the company for dinner.

"I'm afraid you won't be with anyone at noon, and you will cry secretly by yourself."

Chu Mian pursed her lips in displeasure, feeling that Qin Tang was making fun of him for crying: "I won't, before you, if you didn't come back, I would eat by myself, and I didn't cry." He tried to talk to others Show the facts and reason to prove that you are not a crybaby.

"is it?"

Qin Tang turned to face himself, stretched out his hand and lightly tugged Chu Mian's cheek, and said with a smile, "That means I miss you, and I want to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with you, okay? I'll eat them all with you." .”

Chu Mian was immediately coaxed into joy, and was about to nod happily when Qin Tang suddenly lowered his head and sucked his mouth, and he said vaguely, "It's so sweet, what did you steal behind my back at home?"

Chu Mian didn't resist either, she let him kiss her with her blushing face up, her two hands tightly grasping the hem of Qin Tang's shirt, and she didn't let go even if it was wrinkled.

"No, I didn't steal it." He retorted sullenly.

"Nonsense, why is it sweet and has a milky taste?"

"You, you are talking nonsense."

Chu Mian was finally let go, but she blushed with embarrassment and her legs went limp from Qin Tang's incoherent words.

"Okay, okay, I'm talking nonsense, I'm talking nonsense."

Qin Tang raised his hands in surrender, and stopped when he clicked. Their children's faces were so embarrassing that they might cry if they teased them any more.

"I didn't know you came back, and I haven't decided what to eat for lunch." Chu Mian quickly gathered the petals she picked and threw them into the trash can, "I'll go to the kitchen to see what there is to eat."

"Withered?" Qin Tang looked at the red patch in the trash can.

"Well, it's definitely going to wither, but the petals inside are still alive." Chu Mian actually felt it was a pity, he really likes flowers, and seeing such a beautiful thing slowly wither in front of his eyes made him feel quite uncomfortable.

"It's okay, there will be more in the future, if you like it, I will buy it for you often."

Qin Tang kissed Chu Mian's forehead, but he had other plans in his heart.

Tomatoes and eggs are the most in the refrigerator at home. After washing his hands, Chu Mian prepared to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes. He tied the back of his hands behind his apron, tilted his head and asked Qin Tang, "Brother, can we eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes? "


Qin Tang caught Qin Ergou, who was squinting and dozing off, and was holding a kitten in his arms for an ideological education class. Hearing Chu Mian's culture, he quickly changed into a gentle and talkative appearance, showing his father's kindness and his son's filial piety.

When Chu Mian's head was retracted, Qin Tang's smile collapsed, he squeezed Qin Ergou's two little paws, and said viciously: "Do you have any objections to me?"Um?Do you know who that is in the kitchen?That's the ancestor, I don't dare to play tricks on him, you still like to ignore him, do you still want to live well?Um?Don't want to eat dried fish?The cat next door doesn't want to see you anymore? "

Qin Ergou struggled desperately in his father's hands: Meow meow! ! !

I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, you don't love me anymore, you don't love me anymore, you have a wife and forget about it! ! !

"I don't understand what you are saying. Anyway, if you ignore Sanbing again, I will send you to Chen Qi's house, and I will pick you up after you repent. Remember, Chen Qi, that I always say The man who's going to make you into a cat's fur collar."

Qin Ergou: I feel the threat to my life.

The little cat stuck out its tongue and licked Qin Tang's thumb, and purred along the way.

Qin Ergou: Dad, do you think I can do this?good?

Qin Tang rubbed Mao Mao's head, and after educating 'Bear Son', he got up full of accomplishment and wandered to the kitchen to ask for a reward.

It is strange to say that every time Chu Mian cooks in the kitchen, Qin Tang feels that there is a soft light on him. After all, for a kitchen killer like him, cooking is really a difficult job. Er Gou stop meowing at the beautiful female cat next door.

"It smells so good." Qin Tang leaned over and began to flatter.

Chu Mian turned her head and smiled at him, thinking that he was getting hungry, so she hurriedly said, "It will be fine soon."

Qin Tang was not in a hurry, he had a lot of sass, he wrapped his arms around Chu Mian's waist from behind and said, "Our three cakes are really good."

Chu Mian was embarrassed and said nothing.

"Teach me how to cook too."

"Okay." Chu Mian thought he really wanted to learn, "I'll teach you when you go on vacation some other day."

"No need, let's do it now." Qin Tang took Chu Mian's hand holding the shovel and the handle of the pot with both hands obediently, and pretended to follow Chu Mian's strength to stir the pot a few times, "Yes Is that so?"

Realizing that she had been fooled again, Chu Mian could quickly accept it calmly: "...um."

"Then did I learn well?"


"What about the reward?" Qin Tang pushed forward.

"Wow, there is no reward."

"Why not." Qin Tang turned off the fire behind him, turned Chu Mian to face him, and wrapped his head around his earlobe, "Why is it so hot?"

The earlobe is Chu Mian's sensitive spot. The moment Qin Tang kissed him, the spatula in his hand dropped to the ground, and the entire skin along the collar began to turn red.

With his eyes closed, he pressed his hands against the edge of the cooking table. Even though his mouth was tightly pursed, there were still two soft hums coming out of his nose. heart.


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