It was almost noon when Qin Tang and the others arrived, the scorching light became distorted in the air, a few dogs hid under a big tree to enjoy the shade, outside the courtyard wall of the nearest village entrance, there was a white painted wall Andrology infertility phone number marked in big blue letters.

On the way, Li Bai, who changed his company, was driving, Zhao Ziyan sat in the back seat drowsy, Qin Tang was looking at his mobile phone, and the monitor screen at home was on the screen, Chu Mian was watching TV on the sofa with a pillow in his arms, the scorching heat The light became soft on him.The child never knew that the monitor was on at home.

The road at the entrance of the village was a bit difficult to walk, the bumpy car made people feel drowsy, Zhao Ziyan yawned and looked out the window and asked, 'Are you there? '

Li Bai let out an 'hmm'.

The person who came to pick them up was the village head, not tall, with a simple face, and he started waving when he saw their car.

In fact, Liujia Village is not well built, but it occupies a good place. The village chief led four people into the small courtyard on the second floor. It is the village chief's home. The decoration is quite good. Courtlike.

Several men and women came out of the house to greet them. The youngest one was still wearing a diaper and was hugged in his arms. The village chief introduced them one by one.

Qin Tang was not interested in listening. He hid behind Zhao Ziyan and the others with his pockets in his pockets and watched coldly. The shepherd dog locked in a cage in the corner kept barking wildly. The rusty cage gave off a stench. bones.

Qin Tang's father loves dogs, and the family also has a shepherd dog, which is extremely smart.Look at this one from the village chief's house. The dog is a good dog with pure blood, but it only ends up spending its life in a dog cage. It can only be said that the same dog has a different life.

The village head prepared a very sumptuous meal at home, because he knew what they were here for, and the people at the table seemed extremely enthusiastic. Zhao Ziyan was very proficient in the ways of the world, and he became acquainted with the villagers in a short time Get up, drink wine and call each other brothers.

In fact, Qin Tang sometimes admired them for being like this, talking nonsense when they see people, and talking nonsense when they see people.

He can't, he doesn't like to talk.

The village head wanted to toast him at the beginning, but Qin Tang stopped him because of his alcohol allergy. Several colleagues knew that when Young Master Qin ordered Lafite in the bar, he didn't look like alcohol, but they knew Qin Tang's temper is all human, and no one can point it out.

A meal is not bad, the atmosphere is harmonious, and between pushing and changing cups, you can get a glimpse of why the village chief can build his house as resplendent as a palace.

There is no hotel nearby, and they all have to live in the village chief's house. The rooms on the second floor have been arranged, the only girl has a room alone, Zhao Ziyan and another colleague Li Bai have a room, and the noble Young Master Qin has a room of course. .

Nothing happened on the first day of his arrival, Qin Tang went back to his room and called Chu Mian, the phone rang for a long time before he was picked up.

Chu Mian's voice was ignorant and soft, probably just waking up, or was woken up by his own phone call, Qin Tang glanced at the time, 01:30.

Usually, the child was taking a lunch break in the guest room at this time, and it seemed that he was indeed woken up, but he didn't feel guilty at all. He leaned against the window sill, blowing the fan lazily and asked, "What did you have for lunch?"

"Scrambled eggs with tomatoes." Chu Mian answered obediently like a child in a kindergarten who was asked a question, "Ergou has been picking up the bag of dried fish in the morning, and I fed him a few dried fish at noon."

The last sentence was cautiously tentative, he didn't ask Qin Tang's permission before feeding it, it was his cat after all.

Qin Tang let out a 'hmm', thinking that Chu Mian was acting like a baby and complaining about Ergou's misbehavior, so he said, "I'll teach it for you when I get back."

Chu Mian and Qin Ergou, who was squatting next to him, looked at each other, stretched out their hands and scratched his head, Qin Tang seemed to have misunderstood what he meant.

"Is brother already here?"


"Have you had lunch then?"


"That, that..."

Chu Mian was at a loss for words, he didn't seem to have anything to ask, when he heard the phone ring, he ran out barefoot, and now he was sitting cross-legged on the carpet, with the phone receiver next to his ear, when he heard the dog over there barking cicada Ming.

Qin Tang laughed, looking in a good mood, his low voice followed the electric current, and Chu Mian's scalp was numb, and his cheeks were stained with a faint blush.

"If you have nothing to do, just stay at home and think about what flowers you want to plant on the balcony. When the time comes, I will take you to buy them together."

Qin Tang brought it up again, and Chu Mian's eyes dimmed a bit, but he heard the man say again, "Sanbing, as long as you are willing to go out, how about I promise you one request?"

The child's reluctance to go out has always been a big problem for Qin Tang. He thought that Chu Mian had encountered some bad things outside before meeting him, but staying at home all his life is not a big deal. good thing.

It's a pity that Chu Mian is young and hasn't seen the wonderful things outside.

He didn't force him, he just coaxed him, if he didn't succeed twice, he would succeed one day.

Chu Mian kept silent, wrapped the phone cord around her fingers a few times and then detoured it, feeling bored, but it was better than asking him to answer Qin Tang's question.

This is playing petty temper.

Qin Tang wasn't annoyed, but slowed down his tone: "I won't force you, just tell me when you want to go out."

It took a while for Chu Mian to say yes in a sticky manner: "Okay."

Qin Tang scoffed at him: "You are such a little ancestor." Now he dared to lose his temper with him.

When Qin Ergou was picked up back then, it was just a kitten, a tiny one, not to mention how cute it is, but looking at it now, it is simply an old dog, unless it wants to eat snacks, it never looks straight at people.

Qin Tang began to reflect on whether there was something wrong with his feeding, why now everyone and cat dared to play with him.

Chu Mian rubbed her ears in embarrassment, and whispered that she was not.

The blue sky in Lincheng seemed to be dyed with paint, and the clouds floated aimlessly. Someone knocked on the door of Qin Tang's room. He twirled the lighter between his fingers and said, "Come in."

When Zhao Ziyan came in, he saw Qin Tang hanging up the phone, and said to the person on the other end of the phone: "Call me if you have something to do, hang up."

After speaking, he raised his eyes and looked at Zhao Ziyan, his voice was filled with alienation that he didn't know: "What's the matter?"

"Let's see if you're used to living here."

Qin Tang took a cigarette from the cigarette case and put it in his mouth, then opened the window closest to him: "It's okay."

Hot air rushes in and competes with cold air for resources.

There is a locust tree planted in the courtyard of the village chief's house. It should be some years old. It is lush and lush, like a giant umbrella covered with moss. Xia Chan hides in a place where the branches cannot be seen and sings hoarsely.

The man smoking by the window was leaning lazily, his slender and muscular legs wrapped under black trousers, wide shoulders and narrow hips, beautiful muscle lines printed under the fabric when the wind blew.

The smell of smoke began to permeate the indoors and outdoors. Qin Tang was wearing a dark blue T-shirt with an English sentence on the back. When Zhao Ziyan squinted to look at it, the person in front suddenly turned his head and asked, "Is there a lot of people in this village?" A flower grower?"

He was taken aback for a moment, and after a moment of reaction, he replied: "It should be, what's the matter, do you have something to do? You can ask the village head when you meet in the afternoon."

Qin Tang took a puff of cigarette and shook his head: "It's okay, just ask."

When he entered the village, he saw flowers growing in front of many houses, so he remembered the scene where Chu Mian gestured to him to plant the mint. Chu Mian still had to feel sad.

"Then you can rest first, I'm going out."

Qin Tang: "Oh."

Qin Tang has always been indifferent and alienated to others, and he doesn't give anyone face when he loses his temper. It seems that he has never been special to anyone.

Zhao Ziyan paused for closing the door, and suddenly remembered the boy who was upstairs in the morning, Qin Tang treated him differently.

After being woken up, Chu Mian couldn't fall asleep anymore, so he simply found a pen and paper and continued to sit on the carpet and began to scribble. He had always dreamed of drawing when he was a child, but his family didn't have that much money to support him.

The carbon pen gradually outlined a familiar outline on the paper. Qin Ergou jumped onto the coffee table to peek. Chu Mian didn't know why he felt guilty, so he quickly covered the painting, and turned his mouth to Ergou: "I won't give it to you." look."

Qin Ergou looked at him indifferently, and brushed his big, fluffy tail across his mouth. Chu Mian spat out the cat hair around his mouth twice, watched Ergou leave, and then carefully let go of his fingers. A portrait with no brows or eyes filled in, with a bright smile on the corner of his mouth.

The slender finger picked up the pen and wrote the word "Zhizhi" on the signature of the portrait,

This is the nickname his father gave him when he was a child.

He was born when the cicadas sing in summer.


The author has something to say:

thanks for reading.

Chu Mian is an adult, she is only small,

I call him a child, just because in my impression he is that kind of milky and obedient, very cute.

I like to call cute children children.

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