In the past, after school, Ji Han would always be accompanied by a follower, Zhao Yansheng, but today the other party suddenly stopped following him due to something, and he was not used to it.

Qian Hengduo knew that Ji Han and Zhao Yansheng got along well, and originally wanted to take this opportunity to get in touch with Zhao Yansheng, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't come with him, so he was somewhat disappointed.But thinking that as long as Ji Han continues to 'experience life' in Jinbihuanghuang, they still have opportunities to develop a relationship.

The resplendent front desk manager has long received the news that a "big shot" is coming here today to "experience life", so he arranged for a group of waiters to wait here to welcome them.

When Ji Han came, he saw a big flower basket welcoming him and a group of waiters waiting for his luggage. He couldn't help being a little confused. Did he really come to be a waiter?Isn't that son of a bitch "going down to earth" to experience life?

No matter what Ji Han thinks, in short, the manager treats him like a son-in-law and descends to the world.

Ji Han was a little puzzled by this battle, he asked the manager cautiously, "Well... hello, I'm here to apply for a waiter."

The manager was as smart as a man, and smiled charmingly after hearing this.

"Don't be afraid, this is just our welcome ceremony."

Probably because he was afraid of Ji Han's psychological burden, he added, "We will hold this kind of welcome ceremony for all the new waiters who join us to welcome them."

The manager glanced at the waiters at the welcome ceremony and signaled them with his eyes.

The other waiters shed tears of envy without disappointment, so they nodded tearfully, "Yes!"


It's a ghost! !

Ji Han is not real, he lived to be 28 years old in his previous life anyway, why he didn't understand after seeing this situation, he was treated as a noble son to experience life.

This is different from the part-time job life he imagined. It is probably the kind that is not only taken care of by the boss, but also earns the highest salary. The thorn in the eyes of social animals----relationship households!

He was still thinking too naively. He thought he could make money with his own sweat, but he didn't expect to rely on relationships.

But yes, his identity now is different from before.After that family banquet, he was recognized by the Ye family as the second young master. Although he was only from a foreign surname, his identity and status were different from before.

Everything he does in the future will be given the surname of "Ye". Even if he is a part-time job, he cannot find an ordinary job. Otherwise, others will think that the Ye family does not take good care of him and deprive him of his life.

It was really troublesome.

Ji Han sighed.

There are really not many places suitable for him to work, and thanks to Qian Hengduo, he was able to find such a high-end place that would not lower the value of Jinbihuangguang for him to 'experience life'.

Although Ji Han's original intention was not to be the young master, but the matter has come to this point, there seems to be no other way.

He bowed to the manager, "Hi, my name is Ji Han."

"Please give me more advice in the future."

His posture is very low, which is different from those aristocratic children in the past who used the excuse of "working" for pleasure.The manager is also well-informed, seeing Ji Han like this, he somewhat understands in his heart.

This time, I'm afraid it's a young master who really wants to work.

In fact, if Ji Han really wanted to come to work, he could also arrange work.Neither can make the other party feel that they are here to eat free food, nor can they make them too tired.

Wanting to understand this, the manager also put away his previous smiling face, and said seriously, "I'll tell you in advance that the work of a waiter is very hard, and it's not something you can do casually."

"Although Young Master Qian said hello and asked me to take care of you more, I didn't ask you to come here for free."

"Still work hard."

Ji Han nodded quickly.

He was afraid of the situation where he would not be allowed to work and pay for nothing, and was thinking about whether to explain the situation to the manager, but he didn't expect that the manager was quite good.

The manager asked his employees to take Ji Han to the backstage to change into the waiter's overalls and put them on. After they left, they secretly went to Qian Hengduo's place to beg for praise.

"Young master, is my arrangement okay?"

Qian Hengduo gave a thumbs up.

"As expected of you!"

This person's ability to observe words and expressions is first-rate, and he is too right to prescribe the right medicine.

In fact, Qian Hengduo doesn't care at all whether Ji Han works or not in Resplendent and Resplendent.What he cares about is whether this place can keep people.

Only by keeping Ji Han, can he have more chances to get in touch with Zhao Yansheng who is beside him.

With Ji Han's serious personality, he was originally afraid that the other party would not want to stay here, but he did not expect that after the manager's "workaround" just now, he managed to keep him.

You said that this person is not happy to be able to lie down comfortably and get money, he has to really work.

Maybe this is the difference between Ji Han and the rest of them.

Otherwise, how can someone get the first place in the grade, but I can only take the bottom one hundred...

When the work matter came to an end, Qian Hengduo didn't stay any longer, and repeatedly told the manager not to let Ji Han be bullied, and then he left with peace of mind.

The working environment here is much better than Ji Han imagined. The other waiters saw that he didn't have the airs of a young master, and they didn't refuse any dirty work they did, so they gradually became familiar with him.

There were also some people who had no winks trying to spy on Ji Han's family, and why the other party came to such a place to do hard work with them despite his status.But these people were all transferred by the manager the next day, and none of them dared to chew their tongues in front of Ji Han.

A manager who knows how to read words and moods very well.

Ji Han knows that he is still being taken care of to some extent, so he never slackens his work and is more reserved about his work.

Zhao Yansheng came with him a few times later, but he seemed to be trapped by something afterwards, and always ran away suddenly on the way.Even the original agreement to move into the dormitory with him was delayed.

Ji Han felt a little uneasy in his heart.

With the power of the Zhao family, with Zhao Yansheng's character.What could make him so anxious?


Ji Han crossed a name in his mind, but he quickly rejected it.In his impression, the first time Zhao Wei appeared was when they graduated from high school.

Ji Han can't remember Zhao Wei's appearance clearly, but even after a lifetime, he still remembers that person's attitude towards him.

The kind of disgust that comes from the bones.

It was as if he was some kind of scourge, some kind of filthy thing that was not in the mainstream, and he could dirty the eyes of the other party just by looking at it.

Ji Han lowered his eyes.

In his previous life, until he was about to die, he didn't know what he did wrong, which made this young master of the Zhao family so disgusted.There must be some reason for this that he doesn't has something to do with Zhao Yansheng.

This time, he must find a way to figure it out.

Perhaps, this is the key to changing his and Zhao Yan's fate.

Ji Han was a little absorbed in his thoughts, and accidentally bumped into a passing customer, he quickly returned to his senses and apologized, "Excuse me, are you okay?"


The man looked down at him and held his crumbling body with his hands.

The guest was tall, Ji Han couldn't see the other's face clearly for a while, so he could only barely stabilize his body.

His ears were a little red, probably because of embarrassment.

Obviously he bumped into someone, but in the end, the one who got bumped reached out to support him, which saved him from the embarrassment of sitting on the ground.

He looked up and smiled apologetically at the guest, "Thank you, thanks..." The words he hadn't finished speaking stopped abruptly the moment he saw the face clearly.


too similar.

It's so similar.

Seeing that, Ji Han couldn't help but shuddered, his whole body began to tremble.

The man noticed something was wrong with him, and frowned slightly, "Are you okay?" The other person's eyes seemed to be afraid of him.Is it because he is afraid that he will pursue his responsibility?

So he said, "It's okay."

Ji Han shook his head desperately, then quickly pulled his arm out of the man's hand, and left the scene as if fleeing.

His heart was in a mess, and he didn't know what to do.

How could this be?

How could I meet... Zhao Yansheng's elder brother here.

Zhao Wei.

For some unknown reason, Ji Han couldn't remember the part of Zhao Wei's memory, even before he met him just now, he couldn't even recall his face.

Still, the two are so much alike.It seemed that as long as he saw the other party, Ji Han had no choice but to associate him with Zhao Yansheng.

Zhao Wei is Zhao Yansheng's elder brother who is connected by blood, the appearance of the two people is almost the same, if you don't look carefully, you can't tell the difference at all.The only thing that can be distinguished is probably the height and the different temperament they are born with.

Zhao Yansheng is like a blazing fire. He is passionate and can bring heat and light to everyone around him.

And his elder brother Zhao Wei...

The moment Ji Han saw him, he couldn't help but think of his father Ji Xushan.The man who lived in darkness all year round and lived with hatred.

Most people who harbor hatred have the same temperament, so Ji Han easily caught the unusual temperament in Zhao Wei.

He seems to be... hating someone.

who is it?

He tried hard to recall the Zhao family's family background.

Regarding Zhao Yansheng's family situation, Ji Han knew about it in his previous life.

He knew that Zhao Yansheng's parents divorced when they were very young, and his brother went abroad with his mother, losing the right to inherit the Zhao Group.And he himself was selected by father Zhao to be the next successor of the Zhao family, and he stayed by his side to take care of him.

Since then, the Zhao family has only one young master, and that is Zhao Yansheng.

As an older brother, Zhao Wei went abroad with his mother when he was very young, and also lost the right to inherit the Zhao Group...Will he do it voluntarily?

What if Zhao Wei at that time was forced to leave with his mother and become the child abandoned by the Zhao family?

So what is he going to do when he returns home this time...

Ji Han calmed down little by little, smoothed his train of thought, and the word 'seizure power' flashed in his mind.

He seemed to know what Zhao Wei was going to do when he returned home.

But he didn't know what role he played in the other party's plan.

At this moment, Ji Han was almost certain of one thing.

The person who killed him in the previous life must not be Zhao Yansheng.

It was his memory that played a big joke on him.

He forgot Zhao Wei's appearance and the memory of the other party, so he thought that the person who killed him in his previous life was Zhao Yansheng who had a similar face to Zhao Wei.

He's a really bad guy.

Ji Han squatted down and hugged himself into a safe circle.

how could he forget....

No matter in his previous life or this life, Zhao Yansheng would never be able to hurt him.

He loves him so much.

But he forgot.


The author has something to say:

Get ready for the finishing touches!

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