Today is Saturday, Ji Han packed his luggage and prepared to take time to go to school.

He doesn't have many things, even if all the daily necessities in the house are added together, it is really pitiful.

When Ji Han went out with his slightly shabby luggage bag in his arms, Ji Xuguo obviously hadn't recovered from the inexplicable hug just now.

He glanced at his son, and rarely asked a question.

"Would you like to take you to school?"

Ji Han shook his head.

"I can go by bus, you can go about your business."

In fact, Ji Xuguo doesn't have much to do, he just plays mahjong with others, or finds someone to drink with.

The sky seemed cloudier than usual, Ji Han thought about it, and took an umbrella with him before leaving, just in case.

The security at the school gate quickly let him in after seeing the student ID he presented, and Ji Han just carried his luggage and walked towards his new dormitory step by step.

For him, the school environment is both familiar and unfamiliar.

Ji Han originally thought he couldn't remember clearly, but when he saw every plant and tree in the campus, the memories buried in the depths emerged one after another, telling him that this is the place where he and Zhao Yansheng stayed together .

The happiest three years in his life were the three years of high school when Zhao Yansheng was there. Just like his name, that person poured into his heart irresistibly with billowing flames.

If his life could stay in high school forever...

Ji Han suddenly woke up from the memories, and found that he was uncontrollably thinking of that person again, so he patted his head in annoyance.

People have treated you like that, yet you are still thinking about him.

What a waste of money, Ji Han.

This time, please, Zhao Yansheng.

Just let them let each other go and stop entanglement.


On Saturday, the school had a basketball friendly match with the [-]th Middle School next door, and Zhao Yansheng was the main captain.

After playing the ball, everyone saw that the sky was getting darker, as if it was going to rain, so they all dispersed after saying hello.

Gu Shaoyi took a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Zhao Yansheng, "Ye Shao, the captain of the [-]th Middle School, is pretty good at playing, but he's about to graduate from high school this year."

The Ye family moved into the capital a few years ago, and they are powerful, but they are not as good as the local emperors. The Gu family has done business with them a few times, so Gu Shaoyi also met Ye Shao a few times.

He is young, but he can drink a lot. If Gu Shaoyi hadn't seen him drink and lie down in a circle of old foxes, he would not have believed that the man was just like himself, and he actually only went to high school.

Zhao Yansheng had no interest in Ye Shao, so he gave a perfunctory "Um" to show that he knew.

There was a faint drizzle falling on the top of his head, he greeted Gu Shaoyi, "Have you brought an umbrella?"

Where will Gu Shaoyi take it?In the morning, the housekeeper asked him to take it with him, but when he saw that the sky was bright, he refused to take an extra burden, and now he has suffered retribution.

"It's true that if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will be at a disadvantage..." Next time he should listen to his grandmother.

Zhao Yansheng didn't expect him to carry an umbrella at first, he turned his head, and suddenly saw a small white figure holding a big bag behind the basketball court and struggling forward.

It was clearly just a vague shadow, but Zhao Yansheng was quite sure that that person was Ji Han.

Gu Shaoyi was beside him urging him to leave, Zhao Yansheng threw his clothes to him directly, "You go back first, I have something else to do." After speaking, he didn't care what the other party's reaction was, and ran away.

It's just a drizzle now, but if it drags on, it might rain heavily.

As he ran towards Ji Han's direction, he thought in his heart that he didn't know if he had an umbrella or not.

Ji Han was thinking about things in a daze, when he interrupted, the luggage in his hand was carried away.

Zhao Yansheng weighed it for a while, and he didn't think it was too heavy, so he asked, "Where are you going to move? I'll take you there." He seemed to be very familiar with the other party.

This young master has obviously forgotten the FLAG he set up just now: 'I won't do the thing of putting a hot face on a cold butt|butt a second time'.This time, he followed me in a hurry.

Ji Han used to feel irritable because he kept thinking about what happened to Zhao Yansheng, but now that he was directly in front of him, he subconsciously stabbed at him with words, "Why are you here?" After saying that, he was about to grab his luggage.

Zhao Yansheng was kind enough to help, but the other party didn't appreciate it. He could say it was an accident once, but he couldn't be fooled twice.

"you hate me?"

He was already more than a head taller than Ji Han. When he stretched out his arms, he held the luggage firmly in his hands. Even if Ji Han stood on tiptoe, he couldn't reach it, and he couldn't jump up to grab it. With red eyes, he stared at Zhao Yansheng closely.

Zhao Yansheng felt that the other party looked more like a little rabbit raised by his younger sister Zhao Yuezhen when he was angry. He even had the urge to pet the other party's furry head, but he thought that someone would immediately turn into a fried bunny, right?

He said abruptly, "My sister has a rabbit."

Ji Han looked at him like he was looking at a fool, not understanding what the other party was trying to do by suddenly mentioning the rabbit.But no matter what Zhao Yansheng's purpose was, he didn't want to take part in this prank.

"Give me back my luggage."

Zhao Yansheng lifted his luggage even higher, "I'll carry it for you."

"Where are you going?"

There was a light rain falling from the sky, obviously the drizzle had escalated, if they didn't leave, both of them might be drowned, so Ji Han reluctantly said: "Dormitory in D District..."

Zhao Yan gave birth to this annoying guy.

He picked up the umbrella and opened it angrily.

Zhao Yansheng carried the luggage for him as he wished, and began to get close to him deliberately along the way, "What a coincidence, my dormitory is also in District D."

Ji Leng glanced at him coldly, "The school only has a dormitory for boys." Area D is the only dormitory for boys.

What a chat genius.

Zhao Yansheng: "..."

After thinking about it, he didn't know what to say, so he returned to the original topic, "Why do you hate me?"

Ji Han didn't intend to answer his stupid question, so he opened his own umbrella in silence.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and there is still a distance from the boys' dormitory.Although Zhao Yansheng helped him carry the luggage, he probably knew that Ji Han didn't like him, so he didn't ask to share an umbrella with him.

When Ji Han saw this man's rain-wet hair, he couldn't help but soften his heart.

Forget it, those are all things from the previous life, Zhao Yansheng in this life doesn't know anything, and hasn't done anything yet, so I shouldn't blame him.

Ji Han gave himself some mental training, and finally gave up half of the umbrella to signal to the other party.

Zhao Yansheng clearly understood what he meant, but blinked deliberately, "What?"

Ji Han was so angry that he was about to take back his umbrella, but the other party immediately slid under his umbrella like a large cuddly dog.

This was originally a single-person umbrella, and Zhao Yansheng was born tall, so after being squeezed in by him, half of Ji Han's arms could only get wet.

Forget it, since the other party is still young, he won't bother with him.

Counting his age, Ji Han lived to be 27 years old in his previous life, and Zhao Yansheng at this moment is just a kid who just went to high school in his eyes.

What are you fussing about with the brat.... I am really regressing the more I live.


The author has something to say:

Woooooo I love the sunny and cheerful big boy Gong and Bingshan Tsundere Beauty so much!

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