Looking back, it rained like this that day.

Kamijou, who was forced to wake up by the sound of the doorbell just after waking up, yawned and opened the door, only to see Accelerator, the number one in Academy City, standing in front of the door, drenched in water, staring at him viciously.

Since the joint action, the first person would meet at his house every morning, so Kamijou was not very surprised by Accelerator's appearance. What surprised him was the fact that the first person was drenched.

"Eh?...Why are you so wet?" Kamijou asked in surprise, hurriedly found a towel and handed it to Accelerator. After taking off his mask, he finally let out a long sigh of relief.

The wet white hair was softly attached to the forehead, and the clothes that were tightly attached to the body outlined the slender body curve of the first person.For a moment, Kamijou couldn't help swallowing nervously, and then turned his eyes away in a panic.

"It's raining outside." Said briefly, Accelerator wiped the dripping hair with a towel.

"...No, I still know that it's raining..." Kamijou twitched the corner of his mouth, he pointed to Accelerator and asked.

"What I want to ask is... why don't you use 'reflection'? That way you won't get wet...?"

With the ability of one-way traffic - vector operation, the direction of rain can be completely changed.Even though he has such a convenient power, he would rather get in the rain than use it. The reason for this makes Kamijou very puzzled.

Accelerator threw the towel back to Kamijou, stared at him coldly and said. "Are you an idiot? Using this ability on the street is no different from directly yelling 'I'm one-way'...and the electrode's power is not spent on such trivial matters."

"...That's right, ahaha." Kamijou scratched his head in response.

Both of them were operating in secret, so it was understandable for the first one to do this.It's just that Kamijou is a little hard to imagine that Accelerator, who has never been bound by the rules, would be exposed to the rain like an ordinary person. Of course, if this idea is the first to be noticed, Kamijou will probably die.

Kamijou picked up his apron and was about to turn around and walk away. Index hadn't woken up yet because he watched the TV show too late last night, but he had to finish his breakfast before his skull was threatened with life. One of my routine homework.

"Wait a minute, I have something to tell you today."

Unexpectedly, Accelerator stopped him.Kamijou looked back suspiciously, only to see that the first person really had a serious expression on his face.I have always talked while walking on the way out, but it seems that this time the situation is a bit urgent, so should I tell myself in advance?

Kamijou thought so, showing a troubled look. "But... I still have to make breakfast for Index..."

As soon as he finished saying this, he regretted it, and used the excuse of making breakfast to prevaricate the first person—— Kamijou felt a chill on his neck, and he looked at Accelerator in fear, fine beads of sweat gradually appeared on his forehead.

Accelerator looked at him expressionlessly, Kamijou seemed to read a subtle murderous look in the eyes that seemed to contain multiple meanings? !Unlucky Mr. Kamijou hastily made a defensive posture with his right hand at any time, while carefully observing the subtle expression changes on the first person's face.

...Will, be killed?

Just when Kamijou was making all kinds of predictions about his tragic death in his mind, Accelerator made a move that surprised him——

——Picked up the apron that was hanging on the back of the chair, fastened the belt behind him deftly and quickly, and then walked into the kitchen with an indifferent expression.

Ahhhh, Accelerator is wearing an apron! ! !

Kamijou felt that his heart had been greatly impacted. The key point was that he never felt that Accelerator was the kind of virtuous character who would enter the kitchen and cook for himself. Holding a lethal weapon such as KRISSSuperV□□ or M26 grenade is not as strong as holding a frying pan to scare Kamijou.

"...What's with that stupid expression of yours?" The first person raised his eyebrows and looked at the stunned Kamijou coldly. "Come in and finish the damn breakfast for me, and tell you while I'm doing it."


"In short, except for some remaining obstacles on the first floor, it is quite convenient to move between the second and third floors. But there are quite a lot of processors on the second floor, and if there is a fire, the whole game will be lost... "

Hearing Accelerator's flat-toned words, Kamijou quietly peeked at the situation of the first person.

Although it was just a sneak peek, Kamijou couldn't take his eyes off immediately.

He skillfully and neatly broke up the eggs, and even the thickness of the batter was stirred just right. Even Kamijou, a person who often goes in and out of the kitchen, can't compare with his flexible and ingenious flipping skills.

And while Accelerator was performing such delicate operations, he was able to separate his mind and explain the action items to Kamijou, which shows how superb the first person's technique is.

"That... Accelerator, are you the kind of person who cooks when you have nothing to do?" Kamijou couldn't help asking, he really couldn't restrain his curiosity.

Accelerator tilted his head slightly and looked at him boredly.

"What are you talking about, that kind of thing is impossible without thinking about it?"


Accelerator casually spread the mayonnaise, and said lightly. "And this kind of thing...you can understand it after seeing it?"

Indeed, while Accelerator is number one in Academy City, it also means having the strongest brain in Academy City.Even if it is the first time to cook by yourself, you can successfully make delicious things through the learning and comprehension of Kamijou's movements.

Kamijou nodded in relief, but at the same time he felt the first person's cold breath coming from behind.Kamijou turned back trembling, only to see Accelerator with a fierce look on his face, staring at him with murderous intent.

"...By the way, you bastard, you didn't listen to a word I said just now, did you?!"

……Oops!Before he asked the question, Accelerator was indeed talking about today's action items, and the first person probably hated being interrupted... What he did just now was completely hitting the muzzle! !

"Eh?...Ah, ah haha...?...It hurts!"

Kamijou let out a perfunctory laugh, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his fingers——

——Because he was too nervous, he accidentally cut his finger.Although the incision was not very deep, fine drops of blood soon appeared, which looked a little scary.

It's unfortunate that even the simple process of making breakfast is so troubled by itself.Kamijou sighed like this, just when he raised his head with a bitter face, he saw Accelerator staring at the wound on his hand for a while, then suddenly sighed, and then took his hand.

...Wait, now...what's the situation? !

Kamijou, who had almost no contact with Accelerator except for the Friendship Breaking Fist, his heart rate soared, and the heat on his face seemed to be rising.The first person's fingers were quite white and delicate, and the coldness after the rain was still lingering on his skin, and that special touch made Kamijou's heart tremble.

In the small kitchen, the two of them were already very close, but now that Accelerator was holding his hand to inspect the wound, they became even closer.When he lowered his head, he could see the soft white hair and the silent yet serious face, and Kamijou could feel the slightly itchy touch of the first person's shallow breath on his fingers, thanks to this - he His breath also became hot.

Kamijou suddenly felt a little thirsty in his throat, and he also began to think wildly.Tsuchimikado and Lanfa Earrings used to take him to play a love game before. There was a plot in it: accidentally cut your finger while cooking, and then the beautiful and petite heroine would blushed and say "saliva has It helps the wound heal." While putting his finger in the mouth, the shy and cute look was highly praised by the blue-haired earrings.Although Kamijou didn't say anything on the surface, in fact, he secretly imagined such a scene in his heart... The warm and soft mouth contains fingers, and the slightly slippery touch of saliva, probably the pain will disappear in an instant, right?

Then at this moment, he unconsciously imposed this delusion on Fang Accelerator.

——I feel so bad...!But it seems like it would be nice too...

Just imagining the scene where the first person took his finger into his mouth and gently licked away the blood, Kamijou felt a surge of excitement for some reason.

If you are treated like this... it really seems that no matter how deep the wound is, it won't hurt...!

Then, as if trying to block his fantasy, a sharper pain came from his hand, causing Kamijou's expression to distort for a moment.

"Wow...so painful...!"

Kamijou panted heavily, and turned his head suddenly to look at his injured hand.

A Band-Aid was roughly pasted on the original wound, and for some reason Accelerator was looking at him with weird eyes, and incidentally covered a Band-Aid box with childish packaging.

"Eh? This is..."

"Isn't it yours? I borrowed it from that big stomach nun when you were giggling like an idiot."

Although putting on a Band-Aid is also a gentle way, Kamijou felt a sense of frustration for some reason.

"I always feel like you're thinking about something terrible." Seeing Kamijou's expression, Accelerator immediately gave an unfriendly stare.

"Hmm... a little, a little disappointed."


It will take 15 minutes to make breakfast.

The two sat on the sofa in tacit understanding, staring at the TV screen in silence for a long time, each with their own thoughts.

Finally, Kamijou broke the silence.

"...Well, it seems that we haven't exchanged email addresses yet?"

After a moment of contemplation, Accelerator reluctantly replied.

"Ah, yes."

"Then... let's memorize the other party first, why not? After all, it's convenient to contact... or to act together..." After carefully making this proposal, Kamijou looked at Accelerator with a slightly expectant expression.

Accelerator's expression was a little stiff, but he took out his mobile phone cooperatively, and wrote down the email address while muttering "I'm in trouble."Kamijou secretly squinted at the first person, and then watched Accelerator type "フ-ル (fool)" in the remarks column of his mailbox with a look of embarrassment.

Kamijou gasped, realizing his position in Accelerator's heart gave him a sense of failure with a gloomy vision in front of him.

...Although it is not as straightforward as "Red Deer", is it still belittling your own IQ? !

No... Anyway, the opponent also has the strongest brain in Academy City... The number one in terms of IQ is indeed qualified to belittle himself.However, this approach——

——It’s too exciting! !

Kamijou held his head and wanted to cry, but just when he was about to reach the peak of frustration, he saw Accelerator delete the text in the remarks column thoughtfully, and then...

...Reluctantly, I put the name "Kamijo Touma".

Looking at the somewhat awkward side face of the first person, Kamijou suddenly had some inexplicable emotion in his heart.Feeling a little better than before for some reason, he narrowed his eyes and let out a long sigh of relief.

Kamijou looked at the phone, and in order to retaliate against the first person, he also typed "ツンデレ (Tsundere, dead Tsundere)" in Accelerator's remarks column.

——But it seems that this is not necessary now.

Seeing Accelerator's indifferent but serious expression, Kamijou smiled softly.

Sitting next to him at this moment is Accelerator, the number one monster in Academy City.But in Kamijou's eyes, the first person is not a monster, but an ordinary person who can't express his emotions frankly.

——Their current relationship is, companions.Or, people who take advantage of each other.

But Kamijou believes that one day, they will become real "companions".

Hearing the pattering rain coming from the window, Kamijou leaned his back on the sofa, letting his mind fly away in the tranquility and silence.Accelerator beside him was looking at the map silently, his concentration was really unbearable to disturb.There was a rare scene of harmony between the two, and time seemed to pass very slowly in this tranquility.

It rained quietly.

The sound of rain coming into my ears is so peaceful and beautiful.

Similarly, it is also so painful and desolate——

——On the evening of the 24th, in the third district of Arakawa.

The rain falling on the streets, street lamps, roofs, and leaves made a frighteningly monotonous knock.The overwhelming, turbulent rain bombarded heavily from the top of the head, as if the dark sky would collapse and fall down in a second.

Tall buildings standing around, trapping people like giant cage pillars.

Among them are the intricate pipelines that swim like blood vessels, which are densely arranged and dazzling.

As if there is a heart beating all the time, this gloomy city exudes a gloomy atmosphere.

Running on the dark streets with blurred boundaries, sometimes I feel that I am completely cut off from the world, walking in confusion like a passer-by watching a lantern.

— can't find it.No.Disappeared.be lost.

Now also, nothing.

Unable to support his body, Kamijou leaned heavily against the wall, the tearing pain in his lungs reminded him of the fact that he was still alive, but his eyes looked cold and lifeless.

Accelerator left.

Being the number one in the injured state, the wound is likely to become infected and inflamed under such harsh weather conditions.Coupled with the decline in resistance, Accelerator's physique is extremely weak, and the environment in the third district of Arakawa can be said to be fatal to him.

However, after running around for several hours, Kamijou still failed to find any trace of Accelerator.

Maybe I got lost in this city, maybe I'm wandering somewhere now.So Kamijou had to look for it, had to go and find the number one.

The flames of anxiety spread from the bottom of his heart, and he punched the wall heavily, but the unbearable dull pain and the rough and cold touch from the wall did not calm him down.However, the voice coming from behind at this time stirred up Kamijou's already restless heart even more.

【"If you find it, what can you do?】

The phantom of "Accelerator" stood behind him, although it did have the demeanor of being number one, but at best it was nothing more than a delusion in Kamijou's mind.Those whispers from time to time eroded and shook his heart more like sex.

【"When you find it, kill it? Or just hand it over to Academy City? ... It's also a choice to leave it alone. Anyway, in this weather, in this Arakawa three district, you will die soon, right? "]

Yes.That guy is not "one-way".

Rather, it was the darkness that existed in Kamijou's heart.

He has the appearance of number one, but he always wants to push him to the brink of collapse.

"……shut up."

After saying that, Kamijou staggered and wanted to walk away.

【"Do you want to avoid options? I didn't expect you to be timid even in this kind of thing."】The voice of "One Party Accelerator" still lingered in his ears, even if he blocked his ears hard, he could hear it, and he might have pierced his eardrums It won't disappear either. 【"Ha, after all, you still have to make a choice. Now you are just lingering on your last breath before the deadline."】

Gritting his teeth tightly, Kamijou walked crookedly on the deserted streets.

——The solution to everything is to kill Accelerator.

This kind of thing, he fully understands.

The original intention of Kamijou's operation was to destroy the instruction file to protect Academy City, and Accelerator read and written the instruction file into his brain in order to protect Academy City.

In the case of confronting the armed incapacitated group and Academy City at the same time, Accelerator must not be handed over to Academy City.Although the chaos will be resolved more effectively, the chaos and openness will also be exploited by Academy City, and Accelerator may become their experimental body. This is the first and least desirable phenomenon.

But if he didn't, Kamijou would have to kill Accelerator himself.

Only by destroying Accelerator's brain can all this come to an end. Two people with the same purpose, but one of them had to die.

What a ridiculous ending.

It was also the ending that made Kamijou the most irritating and painful.


Taking out the portable terminal in his pocket, he had already backed up the original address book in Fangchuan's place before, and Kamijou flipped through the names in it blankly.

Familiar names flashed in front of my eyes, and those bright and beautiful memories of the past flooded my mind again.

The friends who lived in Academy City, the friends who laughed together, these are Kamijou's most precious things, and he doesn't want to lose any of them.

Gently sliding the screen, Kamijou felt his hands trembling slightly. In this dark night, under the torrential rain, he silently curled up against the wall. the only light in the

Then, when he saw a name, Kamijou's finger that slid across the screen stopped, and he looked at the familiar "ツンデレ" note, the address that would never send mail again, and let out a silent whimper.

As if staring at all this, the rain fell quietly.



Kamijou couldn't help smiling while staring contentedly at Accelerator's name in the address book.

This smile was seen by the first person beside him, and Accelerator said angrily.

"I always feel that you...it's weird today."

"Ahaha...is there?"

"Of course I have. The times of smirking and daze are far beyond usual. Is your brain going into maintenance period?"

Faced with Accelerator's blunt remarks, Kamijou smiled and leaned against the back of the sofa. "No...how should I put it? I feel like we've gotten closer after exchanging email addresses..."

Accelerator froze for a moment, and after a few seconds of contemplation, the first person forced out a word.

"Tsk... why do you bastard always think about this?"

Although perhaps in the subconscious the distance between the first person and himself has been shortened a bit, but with Accelerator's character, he is probably unwilling to admit it to death.Kamijou knew this very well, so he raised the corners of his mouth happily.

"Hey, Accelerator. If you encounter any troubles in the future, you can talk to me at any time." Kamijou suddenly straightened up and turned to look at Accelerator, his eyes full of seriousness. "Although you may not agree in your heart that I can be a companion, at least I am still your companion for now, so..."

Accelerator slightly turned his head to look at him, his indifferent red eyes glanced at him, then moved away quickly, and finally interrupted him decisively.

"... Don't think that this kind of line will work on me."

If he really wanted to say it, Kamijou had already expected the answer from the first one.So he is distressed and authentic.

"Really...why can't you be more straightforward..."

"It's you who should be straightforward." Unexpectedly, Accelerator said this.


Looking to the side suspiciously, the first pair of red, dissatisfied pupils were staring straight at him.

"You're the one who takes care of everything by yourself. You're obviously incompetent, and you have to have a limit if you want to be a hero."

Kamijou showed an embarrassed expression, facing Accelerator's gaze for the first time, he felt like running away.

Indeed, Kamijou would choose to bear everything by himself instead of complaining to others because he didn't want to involve the people around him.In this regard, maybe he has something in common with Accelerator?

After Accelerator looked at him blankly for a moment, he quickly looked away. "Forget it, I'm not qualified to talk about you either. Are you...?" The first person sighed and lowered his head to look at the route on the map again.

Kamijou smiled wryly, but he heard Accelerator added in a low voice.

"You guys are surrounded by a group of companions like fools. Even if they encounter any troubles, they will take their own initiative and worry about you."

Perhaps it was an illusion, but Kamijou felt an almost imperceptible sense of envy from Accelerator's words.The first may also crave companionship and care, but always places himself in a position where he is not bound by such feelings.Accelerator like this, in Kamijou's view, is both lonely and pitiful.

So he wants to pull the first one.

I want to let Accelerator also become my partner, instead of just staying in the relationship of fellow travelers.

"For me, you are also my important companion..."

Kamijou's words were suddenly interrupted, Accelerator suddenly pushed the blueprint in his hand, and then said calmly.

"Before you take care of me, you have many close partners. Are your trivial nonsense more popular with them than me?"

Kamijou, who was always eloquent, had nothing to say for a while.He half opened his mouth in a daze until Fang Accelerator stood up from the sofa.

The first person's calm red eyes hide a sharp light, and the moment Kamijou's eyes meet his gaze, Kamijou can't help but tremble slightly.

"I'm not the one who can untie your knot."

Accelerator said so.


In the cold rain and fog, the brightness of the display screen quickly dimmed.

The battery had run out of power, so Kamijou simply turned off the machine.In this way, even the only light in front of his eyes disappeared.

Wrapped in a chill and shuddering darkness, Kamijou wrapped his arms tightly around himself.

Then, as if he had finally made up his mind, he slowly stood up.

All the bones in his body were in pain, and Kamijou lost his center of gravity due to the sudden change from sitting to standing, and he fell heavily to the ground.The splashing muddy water fell into his eyes, causing dry pain, and it took Kamijou a few seconds to realize that he was lying on the ground.

Using his sore and weak arms to support himself with difficulty, Kamijou staggered forward.

Standing in the darkness ahead was a public phone booth.The glass was covered with creepy graffiti, even the sliding door was maliciously damaged, and the cold rainwater drifted into the pavilion, forming quite deep puddles.

Kamijou took down the receiver, put a coin into it, and—

His fingers moved unconsciously, dialing a string of numbers.

Was this phone call unexpected or reasonable?

As if repeating the action thousands of times in a dream, Kamijou pressed the string of numbers familiarly, and then pressed the receiver tightly to his ear.

This might be the only way out.

The only way out that can lead oneself out of confusion.

After a long busy tone that seemed to have passed a century, a familiar, crisp voice came from afar.Then Kamijou let out an unbearable sob under the sound of the rainstorm that seemed to tear the world apart, as if the burden that had been in his heart was suddenly lifted, and all the depression and pain burst out in an instant.

Hearing that soft, redeeming voice for him, Kamijou said.

"Can personal counseling be carried out now? Teacher Xiaomeng."

Already, heartbroken.

Already, exhausted.

If even this road cannot lead to the exit of the maze, then what should I do.

I want to untie this knot, and I want to find the answer that can break the confusion in my heart.

Then there was a soft response from the other end of the phone that seemed to be all-inclusive.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Kamijou-chan."

This is the only glimmer of light in the long night.


As if wanting to confide everything in his heart, Kamijou spoke desperately.

He didn't think too much about the future, but just kept talking about everything that happened so far.

It's like looking for relief.It's like trying to cut off the chain of pain that remains today.Pour out the doubts in your heart to Teacher Xiaomeng.

Accompanied by the monotonous sound of rain between heaven and earth, and in the gusts of cold night wind, Kamijou kept uttering sad narrative words from his mouth, while Teacher Xiaomeng on the other end of the phone just listened quietly and patiently with.

Listen to it all.All of this caused Kamijou endless pain.


"Kamijo-chan, from what you just said, are you worried about your friend?"

Teacher Moe's concerned voice echoed in his ears, and Kamijou couldn't help but feel the urge to cry.

"Yes... There was a conflict between the two of us, so now I... don't know how to restore our relationship."

If it was the number one person who still had a sense of autonomy from the past, Kamijou still had some confidence in being able to communicate with him.But facing Accelerator with his broken personality, he was helpless.

"Well, how about a little face-to-face and heart-to-heart talk with him?"

"...No, it seems that ordinary chatting is impossible."

Kamijou was a little embarrassed.

Indeed, the current Accelerator is acting entirely on instinct, and he has not shown any signs of being able to communicate so far, so Kamijou has always used body language to let the first person understand his intentions.

If he could overcome this barrier, maybe he would be able to solve the problem that is troubling Kamijou now.

"—This kind of thing is not an obstacle, Kamijo-chan."

Teacher Moe on the other end of the phone suddenly said something that surprised Kamijou.


It was completely beyond Kamijou's expectation to simply deny the greatest confusion in his heart.

Teacher Xiaomeng continued.

"Kamijo-chan, what should I do if I want to reconcile with someone?"

"Dao, sorry...?"

"If it is true that you were at fault first, then an apology is necessary. But before that, you forgot a very important thing."

Kamijou listened to her words in a daze, and then tried to stammer an answer.

"Is it... really wanting to reconcile...?"

There was a pleasant chuckle on the other end of the phone.

"Look, doesn't that make sense?"

"If Kamijou-chan really has a sincere heart, it will definitely reach your friend's heart. It's not just a simple language skill, but a frank and touching friendship."

Really want to reconcile the mind.

In other words, the courage to truly grasp the hand of the first person.

Kamijou's mind unconsciously recalled Accelerator's last powerless and empty eyes when he left the room.

Maybe that was the first silent cry for help.

However, he was overwhelmed by the gloomy mood, and he timidly did not touch Accelerator, but left the first one in a cold and lonely corner and left on his own.

This is Kamijou Touma's fault.

If he had been able to grab the hand of the number one at that time, maybe the ending would not have turned out like this.

Everything is too late.

However, there is still time.

Everything can't stop here.

"Looks like you've cheered up a little bit, Kamijo-chan."

Hearing Xiaomoe-sensei's slightly smiling voice next to his ear, Kamijou slowly clenched his fists.

"...Ah, thanks to the teacher, I already know what to do next."

Straightening his back resolutely, Kamijou took a deep breath, and then forcefully exhaled the dark breath that had been stagnant for a long time in his lungs.

Stepped out of the phone booth, ignoring the pain of the rain hitting his body.First he walked slowly, then quickened his pace, and finally, Kamijou Touma ran in the rain.

Unlike the aimless wandering before, this time his footsteps were firmly in one direction.

A long-lost smile appeared on Kamijou's face.

It seems to be a declaration, as if it wants to smash all the unfortunate grays that have been accumulated so far.he muttered to himself.

"The next thing is, it's my turn—!"


The sudden bell rang in the evening.

Misaka Mikoto put the phone to her ear in doubt, and at the next moment, her expression suddenly rippled with astonishment.

The voice from the other end of the phone was the voice of a well-known young man with a hedgehog head.

"Hey, Misaka, are you free tomorrow?"

It was the same bewildering opening statement, but what surprised the girl even more was the content of the phone call.

"Eh? Suddenly, what are you talking about all of a sudden...? Di-could it be..."

Could it be a date? !

Mikoto did not say this sentence very self-aware, although she did have such a small expectation in her heart, but after witnessing Kamijou being chased by a group of unidentified suspicious men with her own eyes, she finally understood his dangerous situation.In such an emergency situation, Kamijou probably wouldn't have the leisure to hang out with her on the streets.

"Tomorrow, can we meet at 'Zakura' over there at Minowabashi Station?"

Mikoto was slightly taken aback again, "Zakura" is a well-received coffee shop, famous for its unique atmosphere and mellow coffee taste, if you want to say it is really a romantic meeting place for lovers .But that's not the point--

"—Wait, so...are you in District 9?"

"So far it seems so."

It seems that Mikoto was misunderstood that the distance of the journey troubled Mikoto, Kamijou said to himself. "You can take both the subway and the community bus, and it's not too far to get off at Yizhongqian Station..."

"No, that's not what I meant!" Miqin hurriedly interrupted his words, and then asked solemnly. "What I want to ask is...what happened? You came to me so deliberately..."

Mikoto, who spoke more and more quietly, felt her cheeks getting hot.

Maybe it's a little happy, the young man who has always been carrying everything alone and didn't want her to get involved is finally willing to confide in her.

Then she heard the gentle yet determined voice of the boy.

"...I want to borrow your power, Misaka."


He gritted his teeth and fixed his arm with a bandage. Feeling the continuous and severe pain in the joint, Kamijou wiped the sweat off his head.

Relying on what seemed unreliable in the book before, he reset the joint with a nonsense method.Although there may be sequelae due to improper handling, after all, dragging the dislocated arm will make it very inconvenient to move, so Kamijou took this dangerous approach.

After doing all this, he raised his wrist to look at his watch, and after confirming the time, he leaned against the wall tiredly.

——It is the evening of the 25th.

22 hours have passed since Accelerator left.

Put the battery board into the portable terminal, and Kamijou sorted out the items and stuffed them into the backpack, looking like he was in a hurry.The phantom of "Accelerator" standing behind him spoke tirelessly, repeating the words for unknown times.

【"Do you want to find Accelerator? What should I do after I find it, kill it, or hand it over to Academy City for my own safety?"]

Kamijou ignored the disturbing words, and proceeded with the movement of his hands on his own.

This guy is the darkness left in his heart, taking advantage of the emptiness, just a phantom in the appearance of Accelerator, talking troublesome things all day long.

However, it was precisely because of this that Kamijou couldn't bear it.

【"Anyway, Accelerator is just an existence with an empty body. Sure enough, it is very convenient for you to start?"】

The black thoughts that want to penetrate into the crevices of his heart may be to shake Kamijou's heart, so he chooses to appear in this form?

【"Whether you shout, cry, wail, or pour out, no matter how hard you struggle, isn't the result in vain?"]

Low, slightly mocking words sounded beside him, "Accelerator" bent down and whispered in Kamijou's ear.As if a faint breath fell on the neck, Kamijou even felt the itching of the white hair lightly touching his skin.

【"So, what to do?"】

Repeat this sentence over and over again.

There was even a smug, empty smile on his face.

【"--You want to kill Accelerator?"】

Then, abruptly, and caught off guard, Kamijou suddenly made a move with lightning speed, grabbing Accelerator's neck forcefully.

Although it is only a phantom, it can be touched.This may be the reason why Kamijou finally faced up to this existence in his heart at this moment.Finally, he no longer intends to escape, but strangles the throat of this phantom with a really strong will.

"You give me... shut up!"

He slammed Accelerator against the wall, as if he hadn't reacted yet, those illusory, somewhat transparent red eyes looked at Kamijou in amazement.

As the hand slowly exerted force, "Accelerator" showed a painful expression, and let out a crackling sound from his throat, the white phantom began to become a little blurred, and that figure even began to distort in Kamijou's eyes.

Then, there was a burst of wild laughter.

As if broken, as if he lost his mind, even though his throat was choked, "Accelerator" still let out such a shocking laugh.

The air is vibrated, the light is dissolved, and even a little direct gaze can cause a strong sense of dizziness.The perceived world was violently stirred, causing violent fluctuations.

The face of "One Party Accelerator" gradually distorted, and the blood-red pupils were filled with a ferocious and condescending smile.

"Ahahahaha, is that right... so you chose this path?! It's so interesting, powerless!!"

Kamijou's cold eyes were unmoved, seeing Kamijou like this, the phantom revealed a ferocious look.

"...Then, as you wish, kill Accelerator."

Let's draw the curtain on this story.

There is no need for a gentle exit, let's put the lid on the coffin of this story ruthlessly.This is the ending it deserves.

Kamijou, who had been silent all this time, suddenly let out a low voice.

"...Ah, that's true."

His obsidian-like pupils reflected the bleak brilliance of the setting sun, unexpectedly carrying a hint of sadness.Kamijou slowly loosened his grip on Accelerator's neck, and the next second, he raised his right fist.

——The right fist with the power of "Fantasy Killer" that can eliminate all abilities.

At that moment, he swung towards Phantom.

At the moment of contact, there was a crisp sound like glass breaking, and the white figure instantly turned into bubbles of light and shadow scattered——

"What I want to kill... is your fantasy."

The fragmented curtain behind him swayed quietly in the wind, as if stroking the scarred dusk.In the gradually dissolving radiance, Kamijou stretched out his hand, and tightly grasped the pale and slender wrist that could not appear here.

Clenched tightly as if never to let go.

He held it tightly as if he wanted to spit out all the determination in his chest that would never change again.

Whether it's killing the first one, or betraying the student

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