Blurred boundaries, and confused consciousness.

He couldn't even perceive the light, but the weightlessness and inexplicable floating feeling wrapped his body gently like amniotic fluid.The limbs seemed to be disconnected from the body, and a numb emptiness gradually climbed up the immobile limbs.

The fragments of memory floating in the chaotic mind are reorganized and regenerated at this moment.The shimmering scenes flashed before the eyes one after another, like a projector of the last century rearranging the past images.

That is—the memory from the 14th before Accelerator and Kamijou Touma met.


Flipping the pages of the book amidst the noise of the last book as always, Accelerator sighed and leaned on the sofa.

Although he wanted to concentrate on the matter at hand, the energetic yelling of the ten-year-old girl still disturbed the first one.

"Misaka Misaka's new little yellow duck! Although it doesn't look much different on the outside, it has an incredible subtle difference! Misaka Misaka is trying hard to get your attention by waving her arms to tell you this exciting news force!!"

Accelerator raised his head impatiently.


It seems to have inherited Misaka Mikoto's gene of being easily attracted to strange and cute things. Under the offensive of coquettish tears in the last work, Huang Quanchuan had to buy a set of Rigo little yellow ducks that are very popular now.At this time, the last work I want to show off is probably this favorite toy.

Pushing the little yellow duck to Accelerator, the last work said in an excited tone.

"If you look carefully, the color of the eyes is different, and the length of the wings also has a deviation of 5-7 mm. If you pinch it, there will be a slight difference in pitch! Misaka Misaka is very interested in this!!"

"No, that kind of thing is fine anyway!"

Accelerator, who couldn't help but complain, suddenly realized, and immediately leaned back in frustration.

(...Although some people say that a peaceful life is the greatest treasure in life... But if you have to deal with this brat, it will be troublesome to death.)

Covering his head with the pages of the book, Accelerator clicked his tongue in annoyance.

(What the hell am I... doing.)

Such a quiet and peaceful daily life is indeed something that Accelerator has been longing for, but at the same time, it also quietly erodes the first person's heart.

For Accelerator who is used to falling into the darkness, this kind of life is like a sweet poison/drug, which will gradually dull the perception and intuition.Even so, Accelerator still pursued such things, longing for this peace from the bottom of his heart like a habit.

——However, "Daily" was broken in the next second.

Accelerator, who noticed the vibration of his phone, looked away from the last work, and then picked up the phone.

It didn't feel right from the start.

Regardless of who would send an email to my eccentric self, this mobile phone was originally used for communication between Anbu before, and probably only the original Anbu's companions knew about it.However, after the disbandment of the "Group", such contact disappeared. Just now, Accelerator had the idea of ​​breaking up the phone and throwing it into the trash can.

So, not normal.

I'm afraid this email was not a well-meaning thing.

Accelerator quickly opened the email after making such a judgment.Although he had already made up his mind, after actually clicking on the page, the first person who had always been used to storms couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

——The one that pops up is a timer with a time limit of 5 seconds.

That is to say, this email will be destroyed 5 seconds after it is opened, and no evidence will be left behind. It is really an Academy City-style text message.

(Damn it...! Are those bastards in the upper echelon confused again?!)

Quickly scanned the words on the phone screen, before even understanding the meaning of those words, Accelerator, the strongest brain in Academy City, recorded the image information in an instant.

Then, according to the image instantly remembered in his mind, Accelerator began to understand the order issued by Academy City.

- Stopped Poltergeist caused by interference with AIM force fields.

This is an order directly from Academy City.

However, Accelerator, who is the number one person with super powers, will not obediently follow this instruction, and there have been many incidents where the number one person wants to use Academy City's strongest power to resolve disputes like this.

Therefore, there is no need to obey, this is just an ordinary request.

It's just that there's something wrong with this instruction.

At the end of the email, Accelerator was given the most bewildering task he had ever had.

It is also the hardest task.


"Whoa...a horrible expression, Misaka Misaka poked your forehead between your eyebrows to try to calm you down!"

The voice of the last work rang in his ears, and the moment he saw her worried eyes, Accelerator immediately withdrew his previous solemn expression, revealing the same indifferent expression as usual.

"...I don't need you to do this, and I'm already calm."

Some awkwardly turned their heads to try to escape the fingers of the last work, but they were immediately pulled by the cuffs.

The young girl looked at Accelerator anxiously.

"Did something terrible happen again?"

What annoyed the first one was that she was surprisingly sharp in this regard.

Being stared at by the girl's clear eyes without a trace of impurities, my heart seems to have been washed.Even the filth and darkness in the deepest part of my heart have been purified without exception.

It is such a pure and beautiful her that Accelerator most wants to protect.That's why he couldn't speak.

——The order from Academy City, without knowing what the reason for being caught, can be said to be extremely unfavorable to Accelerator.

But the last work cannot be made aware of this fact.

Even if she is infected with irreparable filth and darkness, she must not be allowed to be defiled.

Seeing Accelerator who remained silent and frowning, Last Work spoke worriedly.

"I don't want... to fight again. Although I promise Misaka Misaka like this every time, I always end up getting myself scarred... Misaka Misaka, I don't want to see you like this."

Sincere, caring words.

The Last Game expressed her concerns about Accelerator in her way.

But as if he wanted to carry out this indifferent attitude to the end, Accelerator never turned his attention to her.

"I am very happy with everyone. This is an emotion that Misaka Misaka has never experienced before. That's why I work so hard to continue this kind of life. This is already the greatest happiness for Misaka Misaka."

The girl's voice began to tremble, and the fingers holding the cuff clenched even tighter.Her small shoulders began to tremble, and Accelerator, who had noticed her emotional ups and downs, raised his head in surprise.

"...Whether it's now or in the future, I want to live happily with you like this forever. So... don't let yourself get hurt anymore... Misaka Misaka tried to call back your heart with a weak voice."

The moment he met those eyes, Accelerator's body trembled, and a kind of most original tremor surged from his heart.

In the soft golden morning light, the girl showed a gentle but weeping smile like an angel.

The outstretched arms were wide open as if to contain this powerful yet fragile white-haired monster, and that posture was so dazzling in the sun.

"...As long as you are still here, Misaka Misaka is the greatest happiness."

Unable to answer.

In the face of such a pure existence like an angel, even his own intention to hide became humble.

However, she still couldn't let her cross that line.

For the last work, this is a dark war that does not need to be involved.The person who is stained with blood, the person who bears the crime, and the person who steps into the darkness is himself—that is enough.

So Accelerator opened his mouth like this.

"Although you spit out a lot of rhetoric that you don't know where you learned, but I still have to think too much."

Even though it was a lie, Accelerator still said this with a nonchalant demeanor, as usual.

"But... the email just now..."

"Selling, spam... just that guy's words offend me a bit."

Complaining to himself, Accelerator quietly glanced at the last work.

Although he still looked a bit puzzled, he still believed his lie full of loopholes for the time being.

But that's fine.

If it is to protect her, this lie is nothing.

The Last Work suddenly snatched Accelerator's cell phone and let out a mental cry.

"Misaka Misaka's trophy! Misaka Misaka will confirm the truth with my own eyes!"

"Hey, you brat...!"

Regardless of Accelerator's desperate obstruction, Last Work quickly opened the mailbox.Maybe because Accelerator lied to her from the very beginning of meeting, she also became slightly wary of what the first person said.

Only, the inbox is empty.Originally, there was a 5-second reading time limit, and the email would be automatically destroyed after the time, so at this time, the last work did not see anything.

"There's nothing... Misaka Misaka said disappointedly."

Withdrawing the phone from Last Work, Accelerator said calmly.

"I deleted that thing because it was spam."

"Ehhh? Misaka Misaka is very disappointed! I still want to see what kind of marketing emails can make you angry, but Misaka Misaka thinks this will be an interesting thing!"

"Schadenfreude, you bastard!"

The girl who was stared at by Accelerator let out a triumphant yet happy laugh, and then turned her attention to the little yellow duck.

Seeing her attention diverted, Accelerator's tense body finally relaxed.Throwing the phone aside, the first person lowered his head again to flip through the pages of the book in his hand.

Just, absent-minded.

This is probably not an ordinary instruction, and its inside story is much deeper than I imagined.Now that he has made up his mind not to involve anyone around him, the next thing to do is to get his hands dirty.

Engraving the innocence of the last game in his retina, Accelerator leaned his head heavily on the sofa in silence.

——Prevent messy opening (Poltergeist), which is a superficially issued task.

But at the end of the email, it stated the most unacceptable instruction for Accelerator, and it was also the first order that he did not want to implement.

"Damn...those bastards...!"

After cursing in such a low voice, Accelerator gritted his teeth.As if wanting to forget it, the first person knocked on the head a few times.

At the end of the email, beyond Accelerator's expectations, such words were marked.

——Mission number XM73, monitoring of "Imagine Breaker" and Touma Kamijou, if the target interferes with this operation during the process of recovering the instruction file, means will be used to isolate or exclude it.

It may be that this incompetent person has demonstrated the power of action that Academy City's senior management has to pay attention to in previous actions, so he wants to restrict his actions so that his power can be contained.

Spy on a hedgehog boy, or exclude him.

——This is the task of Accelerator.



I heard the voice of the past.

There was a familiar voice circling in my mind.

" do this...impossible"

"Give it to...?"

Meaningless words echoed in his ears. Although his consciousness was still in chaos, only this voice was exceptionally clear.

That was the terrible decision I made on the 17th.A gap opened in order to betray this established line, in order to find new possibilities.

It's just that this approach pushed Accelerator into an even more unfathomable ditch.

Can't feel the light at all.

Surrounded by thick darkness and coldness, I can no longer turn back.


"……One way!"

Amidst the chaotic sound, a familiar and eager voice came.Feeling the hand being held carefully, the trembling in the heart of the owner of the voice is undoubtedly revealed.

"Hey... cheer up... Accelerator!!"

The eyelids were so heavy that he could not lift them up, and even his body was left with a terrible numbness as if soaked in cold stagnant water. During this period, there was a burning pain that was transmitted continuously, and Accelerator knew that it was probably in the side of his abdomen. caused by wounds.

(Ahh... have you passed out?)

Consciousness regained a little bit, and strange thoughts appeared in his dull brain.

(Looks like letting that guy fly the helicopter was the right choice... damn, sleepy.)

The only thing he was not reconciled to was letting Kamijou Touma see his powerless and miserable appearance. As the number one in Academy City, Accelerator was unwilling to let himself show the slightest weakness.

Therefore, even though he was really weak and was about to fall into the abyss of eternal sleep immediately, Accelerator still firmly grasped Kamijou Touma's hand.

" painful!!"

Accelerator opened his eyes leisurely after hearing the scream of the hedgehog boy with satisfaction.

"You bastard... really noisy."

Kamijou looked aggrievedly at the back of his hand that had been pinched with red marks, and then looked worriedly at Accelerator.

"But before you..."

"It's just a little sleepy. After all, I stayed up all night to prepare modular weapons. It's because you took my credit card away..."

"Hmm...? Is, is it my fault? I'm sorry!!"

Saying this in a vicious tone on purpose, Accelerator tried his best to suppress the severe pain from the wound.

Judging from Kamijou's reaction, it seems that he already knew about his injury, and it seemed that he had exposed the fact that he was "unable to use abilities".Accelerator frowned in distress.

Although this is also part of the reason, but if this continues, I am afraid that I will lose too much blood and die before fighting with Zanzaki.

(In short, let’s do emergency treatment first...)

Thinking of this, Accelerator pulled down the zipper of his jacket.

Inexplicably, Kamijou suddenly became nervous.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you going to do?!"



Kamijou's face flushed slightly, and his eyes began to wander. He must have misunderstood Accelerator's behavior.He tremblingly glanced at the first person who took off his coat, trying to see something from that indifferent expression.

However, something happened that made Kamijou even more panicked.

Not only did he take off his jacket, but Accelerator lifted up his close-fitting long-sleeved T-shirt, revealing his fair skin and slender body curves.This shocking action and scene made Kamijou's face burn.

"Wait... why are you taking off here...?"


Accelerator glared at him unhappily, and suddenly understood something after seeing Kamijou's flushed cheeks, and then sighed.

"You bastard...what the hell are you pretending to be in your head?"


Under Kamijou's surprised gaze, the first one unzipped the backpack and rummaged through it.

" there any left?"

Kamijou reflexively looked at Accelerator's skin exposed to the air, and then gasped.

One side of the abdomen had already been stained red and black by the blood, and the bullet had left a hideous wound there, and blood was still gurgling from the bullet hole as Accelerator moved.

Pretty serious injuries.

Because he was also hit by a bullet, Kamijou could imagine how strong the willpower Accelerator had to use to stay awake and talk to him. If it wasn't like this, the first person would have fallen into a coma long ago.

After sticking the pad neatly and securing it with a bandage, Accelerator's expression was as indifferent as if he was doing the most ordinary thing.Seeing the first person like this, Kamijou felt a little uneasy and worried.

"Control your course well, you don't need to worry about getting in the way here."

Seeing through Kamijou's thoughts, the white-haired and red-eyed esper reminded in a calm voice.

With a supercilious look on his face, he said with an unshakable attitude.

"——Although my uncle is indeed in such a distressed appearance...but he still has the basic power to tear that guy into pieces!!"

This is the nature of the white monster.

Academy City is number one, Accelerator.

No matter what situation it is in, its natural strongest force field will not change.

Even if he was covered in blood, even if his limbs were broken, the most primitive arrogance never disappeared from his body, but was deeply rooted in his soul.

As if conquered by this powerful gesture, Kamijou looked away, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

This was the Accelerator he knew.

The most reliable companion at any time.

"Hey, Accelerator, this is the last moment."

Kamijou said those words softly.

In this lonely city shrouded in colorful neon lights, behind its dazzling lights, black unknown monsters are opening their night fangs.

The newly built tallest spire "LadderTower" in the seventh school district, like Babel reaching the sky, shows its existence that cannot be ignored at all.As this sightseeing tower representing the advanced technology of Academy City, its spiral appearance has attracted many tourists.

Under the sky, the flashing multicolored lights washed the night like an uninterrupted river.

But Kamijou knew that this place was not as glamorous as it appeared on the surface.On the contrary, the fierce and fierce conflict is about to kick off here.

At the top of the spiral steel reinforcement is the final enemy - Zanzaki, and the small hydrogen/bomb that can destroy the entire Academy City.

The last moment, and the last story.

Gazing at the top of the steeple, Kamijou suddenly felt a touch from his hand, and Accelerator lightly touched him with his fist.

"Ah. This long goddam story, time to tear it up."

Kamijou nodded slightly, concentrating on the operation at hand.

The remaining time is, 48 ​​seconds.

In 48 seconds, the small hydrogen bomb will be detonated, and Academy City will be in danger of being destroyed.

Kamijou looked nervously at the data on the dashboard, and then quickly worked his brain.

(Need to make a forced landing...? But there seems to be no place to land nearby, and the time to wait until the helicopter is set up has passed! The ground floor will be more dangerous... If this continues, it will be a waste of time!)

Sticky sweat oozes from the palm of his hand, and he even has the illusion that he can't grasp the joystick.

( should I do it!!)

Then, suddenly, the back collar was grabbed hard.

The white-haired and red-eyed monster said impatiently.

"It's too late for a forced landing, stop now."

Kamijou asked eagerly, dripping with cold sweat, as his hand was forced to leave the joystick.

"But, how do we do it...?"

Accelerator tilted his neck, then stretched out his hand.The target is, the door of the helicopter.

"—jump down."


Before Kamijou could react, the pale and thin fingers of the first one gathered a powerful vector at that moment, tearing them apart easily with a violent storm!

The remaining 3 opportunities to use abilities are now the 2nd.It is also a time to decide the outcome.

Kamijou suddenly felt his body being lifted up by an irresistible force, and then pushed out mercilessly——

The moment he realized what was going on, he found that he had been thrown out of the helicopter by Accelerator.The discomfort of being pulled by gravity, the sense of unstable center of gravity, and the feeling of falling that made his heart almost explode came to him intertwined.

"Fang Accelerator, you bastard!!"

His body was floating in mid-air, and Kamijou was dazzled by the dazzling night lights around him, and the cold night wind slammed against his body like sea waves.

While screaming, his body was pushed towards the top of the steeple at an extreme speed. At that moment, Kamijou quickly adjusted his posture in the air, and rushed forward violently under the propulsion of the vector!

In front of you is the observation deck at the top of the minaret surrounded by glass windows.

The front of the elbow hit the glass window hard, and with a crisp sound, cracks spread in an instant, and Kamijou just broke through the glass window and fell into the room with a tumble!

It may be that Accelerator deliberately used the power of the vector operation to cause secondary physical phenomena to protect Kamijou, and none of the scattered glass shards splashed on him.

33 seconds until the explosion.

Before he even had time to confirm where Zakizaki and the small hydrogen/bomb were, Kamijou immediately took a step forward.

The target is the huge astronomical telescope standing in the middle of the viewing platform.If I'm not mistaken, the detonator/detonator is there.Similarly, Zanzaki would bar his fangs there and wait for him——

As Kamijou expected, a figure standing in the dark slowly stepped out of the darkness.The beret, the hideous face covered with scars, and that crazy smile.Although he had never met him before, his intuition told Kamijou the identity of this man——

The manic laughter that seemed to tear apart the chest broke out suddenly, and Zanzaki pointed up the bar with his fingers.

In an instant, the hand began to twist and bulge ugly, and finally the artificial skin was torn forcefully, revealing the black mechanical gun.Man-made science attacked the unprepared spiky-headed boy with its viciousness.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time oh oh oh oh!!!"

Scorching sparks burst out from the muzzle of the gun in the void.

(Is it... an arm made of machinery? No——should find a way to avoid the ballistic trajectory first!)

At that moment, Kamijou suddenly lowered his center of gravity, rolled over and fell to the side.

Only 25 seconds left.

As if he was not afraid of being hit by a bullet, Kamijou jumped up from the ground with lightning speed, and rushed towards the platform where the detonator/explosive device was located!

(If you stop the timer of that device, everything will be over!!)

"——How could you, a stinky brat, get away with it!"

Roaring like this, the gun in Zakizaki's hand began to operate at high speed, and with the frightening sound of clicking, all 8 bullets were fired in an instant!

Even with the aid of "harbinger perception", the reaction speed and physical functions mentioned above may not be completely avoided.Besides, it is quite difficult for Kamijou to dodge one bullet, let alone 8 bullets.

(Damn... Which side should I turn my body to?! No matter what evasive action I make, it seems that I can't avoid being hit!)

Kamijou's heart trembled, at the moment when his body involuntarily made a deflected posture.

He felt the bullets approaching him.

The roaring bullet with killing intent would probably ruthlessly penetrate his body in the next second.

(Damn it ah ah ah!!)

What a joke, it's hard to come to this step, and it's obviously close to winning.Still struggling in vain?

Despair enveloped the mind.

However, at the next moment, Kamijou suddenly felt a huge momentum coming from behind, and the powerful air current swept him aside!

At that moment, Kamijou's body narrowly missed the bullet.

escaped.And survived.

Kamijou turned around in amazement, only to see the white-haired monster descending behind him, still maintaining the posture of kicking him out unceremoniously.

Kick him away with the power of the vector manipulation, and "reflect" the bullet.To be able to make such a quick and correct reaction in an instant—I am afraid that only Accelerator can do it.

Glancing at the dazed Kamijou, Accelerator pressed his wrist joints, and then turned to Zakizaki with a casual and contemptuous expression.

"Yo, you bastards had a lot of fun—"

The blood-red blazing eyes suddenly widened, and the overwhelming violence that cannot be ignored seemed to shake the night through the air.Accelerator just stomped the floor lightly, and the huge roar resounded through the room as if it was about to tear the eardrums, and the terrifying dense cracks spread to the entire steeple platform in an instant!

The body shot out like an arrow from the string, the corners of the white monster's mouth split to both sides, and an extremely crazy and terrifying smile bloomed on its face——

"—Come and play with me for a while too, Zanzaki-kun ahhhhhhh!!!"

The strongest monster really joined the battle at this time.

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