After the sensory signal interference device was set to Kamikawa's appearance, Accelerator set the man's appearance to his own.

(Although this is very sorry for my face... But it is still necessary to do something cruel. Although cutting the throat is indeed a good choice, but if you do that, this guy is not far from hell. It is better to cut off the tongue OK.)

The chess pieces, stage and script have already been prepared, and all that remains is to perform according to the rules.Although I don't know whether the final development will meet my wish, but the biggest interference that can be made to the route now can only reach this point.

Thinking like this, Accelerator slowly stood up.

It's like playing around.

It's like playing with the world in the palm of your hand.

The white monster bared its fangs and spoke in a leisurely manner.

"—Then, the next thing is, it's time for massacre."



On the night of the 26th, the Ninth School District.

There is almost no need to question it, and it is even possible to make a [-]% judgment on this.

The turbid and terrifying white in front of him was indeed Fang Tongxing himself.

As if to draw everyone's attention to him so as to create a gap for Kamijou, Accelerator stood upright in front of Kamijou with that haughty attitude.

The dazzling and terrifying Academy City's strongest monster.

Just looking at it like this makes my mind agitated, and an inexplicable sense of security fills my chest.

Regardless of Kamijou's actions, Accelerator kicked away the metal suitcase that had been kept beside him.

Modular weapons, that's what's in the suitcase for what it really is.

It didn't take 10 minutes at all, only tens of seconds. With Academy City's strongest brain, an automatic rifle/gun was assembled neatly and neatly.

Taking out the pistol/gun from his pocket and throwing it to Kamijou, Accelerator gave him a look.

"After that, I won't guarantee your life or death. Hurry up and go to the second floor while I stop these bastards."

The instruction file to control messy opening is in the storage on the second floor, and what Accelerator wants Kamijou to do is clear at a glance.

This time, the first person finally faced up to the existence of his companion, and had some thoughts of wanting to use his power.

Although Kamijou couldn't even count the amount of words he wanted to say, but at this moment, the young man with the hedgehog head could only hold back a single sentence.

"Can I leave it to you, Accelerator?"

Even though it was such a touching reunion, there were very few intersecting words.After a short meeting, the two are about to separate again and go to their respective battlefields.

However, there is already a tacit understanding.

Maybe Kamijou didn't notice that Accelerator quickly switched the electrode switch after using the reflection ability once, and chose to use the modular weapon instead.

In other words, Accelerator's "vector operation" ability actually made unexpected mistakes.It may be due to inexplicable electromagnetic interference during the period of losing autonomous consciousness, and the power consumption of the electrodes far exceeded Accelerator's expectations.

It can be said that within a few tens of seconds, Accelerator will be no different from an ordinary incapable person.

Even in such a dangerous situation.

Even in such a dire predicament.

Accelerator still smiled contemptuously.

"Who do you think you're talking to?"

Unchanged arrogance.

An invisible force field that crushes everything.

Academy City was the first to raise the gun in his hand, and there was no hint of cowardice in those red and breathtaking eyes.

As usual, Accelerator said so.

"—Hurry up and finish your trivial matters, and I will beat you after I break the necks of these scumbags."

The last night and the last battlefield.

The different paths that the two of them took separately finally converge here.

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