If I think about it carefully, I have already discovered Ni Duan since then.

There was a strange sense of distortion emanating from Misaka sister who had just returned from setting up the motorcycle.I deliberately chose a weird route without obstacles that can hide immediately and block my sight. I didn't encounter enemies along the way because they were ambushed in advance.In other words, it was a sinister intention to lure Kamijou to the gate of the Hisa Pathological Institute and catch him.

It was indeed Misaka No. 10032 who rescued himself in front of Zakura's gate, but it was dropped during the 20 minutes when the motorcycle was placed.Using a sensory signal jamming device, Kamijou mistakenly thinks it is "Misaka Sister", but in fact it is Niguchi who has malicious intentions and leads him into the enemy's lair.

(Damn...why didn't I realize this sooner!!)

Kamijou clutched his right arm, panting in pain, while anxiously thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

However, unexpected.

Due to successive cognitive shocks, the brain subconsciously does not want to think too much.

Accelerator had only 15 minutes left to live.There is also the betrayal of the "Misaka sister" who I thought was my companion for a long time.Mud Valley appeared suddenly.

Opposite to the scorching pain from his right arm was the freezing cold in his heart.And that coldness is eroding his heart little by little.

If you don't want to accept this reality, then stop thinking about it.

Stopping the passing time in your head may relieve some pain.

However, it can't be done.

He couldn't even do this simple self-protection, because of the man named Nitani with thick lips and sly eyes in front of him, Kamijou couldn't control his brain nerves at all.

"Damn ah ah ah ah!!"

Roaring desperately like this, he pulled out the pistol/gun stuck in his back waist.The small automatic pistol named PPK is far inferior to the Ruger P345 in the hands of the men present in terms of bullet velocity and magazine capacity.

This only weapon was aimed at Kamikawa.

The person pointed at by the gun was quite unconscious. The brown-haired man just glanced at him slightly, as if he didn't pay attention to his weak struggle, and still maintained the movement of supporting the desk with his hands.

"Heh, which play are you playing this time, Kamijo-kun?" Shen Chuan asked calmly.

Kamijou maintained the movement of raising the gun and stood up slowly, beside Nitani and the men in black who also pointed their guns at him.No one dared to act rashly, that is to say, the situation was stalemate.

"—Needless to say? Of course you are the hostage."

"Why did you choose me? Isn't Mr. Nigu over there very suitable?"

Hearing Shen Chuan's words that obviously wanted to divert hatred, Nitani spat in a low voice.Indeed, in terms of distance, Nitani is the closest to Kamijou, so it is easier to pose a threat if you want to shoot.

However, he was not shaken by these words, Kamijou said in a deep voice. "Looking at your status, you should be a key member next to Zanzaki. Then, of course, we have to start with you."

Faced with Kamijou's words, Kamikawa remained unmoved.He spread his hands, exposing his chest to the gun, and laughed. "Then Kamijou-kun... If I say, it's useless to kill me, what should you do?"

Kamijou's expression became a little stiff at that moment, but he still replied. "It's the same here, Mr. Kamijou is not a person who can go on without the awareness of dying...!"

Truth be told, it was a stalemate.

Both sides threaten each other, and each has a desire to achieve its goal even at the expense of life.

Therefore, it is fruitless.Also meaningless.

"But...my side is better." Kamikawa looked at Kamijou's pale face, then shook his head slightly. "You're still a little tender."

Saying so, the brown-haired man stretched his hand into his bosom.Then, a hand/gun was pulled out.

It's not that there are no weapons, but that they didn't take them out at the beginning, just to observe the situation calmly and then make a judgment at the right time.

The murder weapon that could easily take human life was held by Kamikawa.

"You said that even if you lose your life, you are already mentally prepared. But..."

Kamikawa pointed the gun at the white-haired and red-eyed superpower who was leaning against the corner and moaning weakly.

Without the ability of "reflection", even Accelerator who has completely lost his self-awareness, a small projectile can take his life in an instant.

"...If this guy dies in vain, are you mentally prepared?"

The eyes behind the sunglasses narrowed viciously, as if trying to dissect and play with all the expressions on Kamijou's face, Kamikawa deliberately said in an extremely relaxed tone.

Yes.Lost from the start.

Although he deliberately avoided this situation from happening, Kamijou was still facing the most distressing situation at this moment.

Nigu and the men pointed their guns at themselves, they pointed their guns at Kamikawa, and Kamikawa pointed their guns at Accelerator.In other words, this is actually a one-way threat.You can't shake this situation by yourself alone.

Shooting, or not firing, is not doing you any good.

He couldn't do it from the very beginning.

Of course, he can't do the same thing of casually giving up his life, that is, being killed.

In the beginning, it was a bet on lies.

So, how exactly can he win.

"Kamijo-kun, you are not the only one who has the right to shoot. If you are really aiming at me, then I can also easily blow Accelerator's head off."

Shen Chuan suddenly withdrew his hand and shook the gun in his hand, as if completely ignoring everything that might threaten his life, he said leisurely.

Gritting his teeth, he looked at the brown-haired man with a pained expression that seemed to usher in the end of everything. Kamijou tried his best to calm the trembling in his hands, but failed.

If you are killed, you will be Losing, and if Accelerator is killed, you will be Game Over. However, this game has a time limit of 15 minutes.Leaving Accelerator alone means taking him one step closer to death.

So, how on earth can he save Accelerator?

"It seems that you have realized that it is not good to drag on like this... this matter?"

Kamijou was taken aback by Kamikawa's words, he unconsciously shifted his steps while sweating, his arms trembling even more, he couldn't aim at the brown-haired man in front of him no matter what.

The man smiled slightly, and then showed an expression that made Kamijou feel uneasy.

"True, so far the two parties are equal. But... what do you think when one of the parties realizes that their 'reality' cannot be balanced with the other? However, it seems to make you very uncomfortable to say that. Confused, it is better to use the actual situation as a basis, right?"

He twirled the pistol/gun like a key ring, and threw it at his feet casually and mercilessly.In this way, he was in a state of being unarmed, just being pointed at by Kamijou.

However, there is still room to spare.

It would be better to say that it showed an expression that the victory is in hand and the overall situation has been decided.

"Ah, by the way, let me give you an example. Like this—"

He raised his foot and stomped down hard towards a certain place.

The direction is the heart of Accelerator.

It's not a one-hit kill weapon like a gun, but a direct physical impact.

But even so, it can still kill people.

"——Right now, right here, how about killing Accelerator?"

The chest was hit hard for an instant, and the first one let out a short scream, but because of the wound on the neck, the voice turned into a hoarse, unpleasant strange sound in the middle.Accelerator's empty red eyes shrank suddenly, and then, as if he had no more strength to struggle, he turned to Kamijou dejectedly.

Lifeless, muddy eyes that never seem to reflect anything anymore.

The desperation and pain contained in it were deeply imprinted on Kamijou's vision.

However, Kamikawa, who was the perpetrator, continued to stampede down hard as if he didn't know it.


With a trembling sound coming from his throat, Kamijou felt that his hands were so cold and numb that he could hardly hold the gun.

There was a crisp sound of bones breaking, probably one or two ribs had been broken abruptly.Like stepping on a dilapidated wine vessel, the bright red liquid gradually overflowed from one of the openings, and even mixed with sticky red and black blood clots, it might be part of the internal organs.

It's not a 15-minute time limit, and perhaps Accelerator will die in another 15 seconds.

However, he could only helplessly watch all this happen.

Like a fool who can only sit in the auditorium with popcorn in a daze.Nothing can be done.Nothing can be saved.

【"...As long as I stay with you, my mood will get worse involuntarily."】

——After glaring at him unfriendlyly, Accelerator turned his face away to hide his bewildered expression.

【"... By the way, you bastard, you didn't listen to a single word I said just now, did you?!"】

——Accelerator who would be outraged and upset because of his distraction for a moment.

【"You're the one who takes care of everything by yourself. You're obviously incompetent, and you have to have a limit if you want to be a hero."】

——Accelerator who clearly never recognized him as a companion, but who could thoroughly understand his essence.

If even Accelerator like this was going to be lost, then what was he fighting for?

The body moved involuntarily, and Kamijou clenched his teeth fiercely at that moment, and bit down hard with a force that almost crushed his molars.

Then, with his hand holding the gun flat all the time, he finally made up his mind and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

At that moment, I gave up the belief that "you can't kill".

At that moment, the idea of ​​"avoiding being killed" was discarded.

If it's to protect someone, it doesn't matter if you kill someone.

If it's to save someone, then it doesn't matter if you get killed.

Protecting Academy City is indeed a goal that must be achieved.

——But, if Accelerator cannot even protect one party, how can we save 230 million people! !

Under the astonished eyes of everyone present, Kamijou Touma resolutely pulled the trigger.Its direction is Kamikawa, which is directly in front of him.

It's only a few steps away, and the aiming position is not the head, which can be avoided as long as the gun muzzle swings sharply, but the lower abdomen, which is the most difficult to avoid.

There is only one chance.

Although he couldn't kill Shen Chuan immediately, if he could seize the gap skillfully and rush to him, he could truly hold Shen Chuan hostage.Although it is not a fatal injury in terms of Academy City's technology, it will undoubtedly bring pressure on his actions and threats to his life, so it is worth a try.

However, even this idea fell through.

Since he was an amateur with guns, Kamijou didn't notice the deadliest thing.

This gun has the safety off.

Maybe Yoshikawa maintained this state when he gave it to him, or it was the hands and feet of Nitani who pretended to be "Sister Misaka".But these are not important anymore.

The important thing is the fact that he didn't fire a bullet after he pulled the trigger——

His heart was beating violently as if it was about to burst into his chest, and Kamijou remained in the posture of firing a gun for a moment.

unacceptable result.A maddening end.

At that blank moment, Kamijou was firmly pressed to the ground by a pair of powerful hands stretched out from behind, the pistol/gun was brutally taken from his hand, and thrown aside roughly!

Even a small resistance is impossible, and even the last hope is deprived.

However, all he could do was cry out, but he couldn't say a word.

"This kind of desperate expression is really pleasant. But, is that dying brat really worth your life? Companions, to be honest, are just greedy people who gather together for common interests. Honey-eating ants, right?" Udoya looked down at Kamijou who was prostrate on the ground, with a cruel smile drawn from the corner of his mouth.

Kamijou raised his head with difficulty but stubbornly, and met his eyes angrily.

"...It's not, like you said."

Although Kamijou had difficulty breathing because his chest was pressed against the ground, the boy with black spiky hair continued to speak his own words intermittently.

"One-way Accelerator... in order to protect his precious things, he used his personality and life as a guarantee, and he has no regrets until the end. If he is the number one, he must be pursuing it from the bottom of his heart. Things, it’s not just dyeing your hands black for short-term interests like you!... As Accelerator’s companion, no, as Accelerator’s companion, even an ordinary and weak high school student like me would want to fight Time to protect something with your life!!"

Struggling vigorously, although he was immediately beaten mercilessly, there was pain in his back from heavy blows from his legs and feet.However, Kamijou still tried his best to straighten his upper body.

"...I absolutely, will not abandon my companions."

Kamijou said word by word, as if he wanted to taunt them with those firm and unrepentant eyes, as if he wanted to shout out all the determination in his chest.

"... Absolutely, I will not abandon Accelerator!!"

Accelerator looks cold, but has a gentle heart.

Accelerator who always satirizes him in a vicious tone, but then makes up for it with not frank words at all.

He was surprisingly patient during the explanation, and Accelerator has a rather cute side when he is quiet.

To protect Accelerator no matter what, this is the oath Kamijou made after the collapse of the first personality.

And this determination has never been erased from my heart until today.

As if burned by those eyes, Nigu gritted his teeth and took a step back.He was defeated between the crossing of his eyes, so his face became more and more distorted.This is a sign of surrender, of being conquered by this belief.

However, this is the most intolerable thing for Nigu.

Then, he gave an ugly smile.As if he wanted to smear the cleanness and clarity in Kamijou's eyes with the darkness in his heart, the most chilling look Kamijou had ever seen appeared on his face.

"Ahahaha, that's a very interesting set of rhetoric, but you can only talk about it, boy?"

Laughing uncontrollably, as if to tear the corners of his mouth, Nitani spit out all the dark words.

Then, he pointed the gun at Accelerator.

"First of all, I'm not a casual kid like Kamikawa who has a playful mentality. This gun is a genuine thing that shoots bullets without the safety being pulled down and the trigger being pulled."

Kamijou's heart almost stopped at that moment.A strong shaking from the bottom of his heart violently touched his pain nerves, as if his chest had been pierced severely, and he let out bursts of mournful cries from the unbearable pain.

Looking at the young man with the hedgehog head that had lost all color on his face, Nigu showed a satisfied smile, and opened and closed his mouth full of black and vicious words.

"—Hey, how do you feel when the most precious thing is destroyed right in front of your eyes?"

He jumped up from the ground almost without thinking, and rushed like crazy to the man with thick lips and sly eyes who was pointing a gun at Accelerator.

However, on the way, he was slashed on the back of the neck with a palm, his arms were also twisted forcefully, and his knees were kicked heavily, and the severe pain caused his nerves to convulse instantly.

He couldn't care so much anymore, he stared angrily as if trying to squeeze his eyeballs out of his sockets, and even had the thought of breaking free even if he wanted to break his arms.

"Mud Valley!! You bastard ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

He stretched out his bloody right hand, which was only free, and stretched it towards the muddy valley as if to stretch the arm to an almost unbearable limit.

A little bit.

If it was possible to deflect the ballistics by striking the barrel at the cost of burns.

The distance is only a few centimeters, if Accelerator's life can be saved in time——

However, this is a hopeless, never-reaching distance.

"So you are still so naive."

Saying so, Nitani pulled the trigger with a malicious smile.

The body that fell forward fell heavily on the ground, and his face hit the cold and rough ground. He felt warm liquid flowing from his nose, but he couldn't control the blood that kept flowing. Kamijou looked at his right hand, There are many scars, and even a few nails have peeled off. This is probably from the previous injury.

However, there was no burn.

That is, it did not touch the barrel.

Kamijou raised his head numbly.He didn't notice that his knees and fingers were trembling uncontrollably, as if they would all go limp in the next moment.

It was Ni Gu with a grin on his face that burned his vision.

The muzzle emitting white smoke.

Also, on the side of Accelerator's head, there were bullet holes bubbling blood.

A black bullet hole that seemed to suck all of Kamijou's sanity.

No matter how you look at it, it is an instant death or injury, and this attack directly damages the brain. I am afraid that even Academy City's black technology cannot do it.

That is, total death.

Something seemed to be shattered in his heart, and it was probably the faith and hope that had supported Kamijou until now.But the only remaining pillar was also crushed by the cruel reality at this moment.

Accelerator is dead.

Until the end, he failed to protect the first place.

As if about to cry, Kamijou thumped the ground heavily, leaving shocking scarlet blood.However, he still couldn't cry bitterly, but just shouted silently in the cold night wind.

The grief that gripped his heart pierced through his body like a sharp arrow.Surrounding the head is a heart-piercing chill, but wrapping the body is a pain like burning fire.


It seems pointless to go on like this.

If he lost even Accelerator, then what else could he lose.

What am I fighting for?

It wasn't until warm liquid flowed from the eye sockets and hit the ground that Kamijou realized that his eye sockets were filled with tears.As if a switch had been turned on, tears flowed down his face unstoppably.

At the last moment, only the white figure remained in front of my eyes and in my mind, that lingering, cloudy and pure dazzling white.

As long as you close your eyes, you can recall bits and pieces of the past between the two of you.Accelerator, who was wearing a heavy overcoat, seemed to help himself tie his scarf angrily.Dissatisfied with the look of putting on an apron and making your own breakfast.Serious and serious about explaining the event items to yourself.

【"Hey, Accelerator, as a companion, I really like you."】I once said half-jokingly to the first one.As expected, the first person who was drinking coffee suddenly choked, and then looked at himself with a shocked expression.

Looking at the obviously shaken red eyes, Kamijou couldn't help asking maliciously.

【"Since I've already told you my thoughts, don't you have any speeches?"】

【"Of course there is."】


Unexpectedly, Accelerator would answer him without any hesitation, Kamijou couldn't help being a little dazed.Seeing his sluggish expression, Accelerator clicked his tongue, and then showed a rather contemptuous smile.

【"It's like spending a week with an idiot slug."】

Hara... so I'm a slug? !Facing Accelerator who doesn't regard himself as a human being at all, Kamijou shed tears of unwillingness.

Then, he heard Accelerator's lowered voice, which didn't seem to be intended for him to hear.

【"If I really want to say it, I really hate it to the extreme."】

【"If it's you, I'll hate it as always."】

Kamijou turned his head in surprise, but saw Accelerator standing up, leaving only a pure white figure in his field of vision.

He didn't look back, probably because he didn't want Kamijou to see his expression.

Afraid of being understood, afraid of being warmed.

At the same time, I am longing for the understanding of others, longing for a little warmth in the cold night.Contradictory but not frank and living in a unique posture, this is Accelerator.

However, I didn't give the first and most needed thing in time, and I didn't even extend a helping hand to Accelerator.

The words "most disgusting" are just rhetoric created to keep a distance from others.

Accelerator put himself in a lonely situation. Even when faced with such a critical situation on the evening of the 20th, his first reaction was not to ask for help, but to solve everything by sacrificing himself.

If he could hold Accelerator's hand from the very beginning, would he still be like this?

However, it was too late.

Accelerator has already left.Already never coming back.

Kamijou let the tears run down his face, and finally let out a painful sob from his throat, and finally shook his head back.

Ahh... how hopeless it is for me who didn't understand my true heart until now.

The hazy, always unknown feelings for the first person turned out to be liking.

Like for companions, like for close friends, even like for family members.

However, when Accelerator was still here, he failed to convey these feelings to the first person properly, and then ushered in this inexplicable ending.


"Then, boy, let me tell you by the way."

Nigu gently blew the gunpowder smoke, then shrugged and said.

"If I were you, I would obediently give up. The time until the small hydrogen/bomb explodes... is less than an hour, so, do you choose to shoot yourself or die from radiation?"

From the very beginning, he didn't intend to give him an option to survive. This is the worst thing about the man Ni Gu.Pulling a person out of grief abruptly, forcing him to face the painful reality.What's more, Kamijou, whose mental state is very unstable at this time, caused a considerable shock.

Kamijou stood up unsteadily, and then, with a sad and lifeless expression, slowly moved forward a few steps.

Like a walking dead, as if all the energy was sucked out in an instant, there was no trace of hope in him.

Seeing Kamijou like this, Nitani showed a satisfied but nasty smile.For him, who feeds on the pain of others, there is nothing more pleasurable than to drive people to a state of mourning.

However, this happy expression turned into astonishment in the next second.

Kamijou's originally stiff and slow pace suddenly became vigorous and powerful.As if trying to move both legs to the maximum, he sprinted towards the door unexpectedly!

On the tense face, the sadness has not completely faded away.The heavy burden of death was pressing tightly on his chest, as if it would crush his chest cavity at any moment.

But it's not over yet.

【"To protect that guy, this life is nothing at all."】

Accelerator's words echoed in his ears, tightening his heart over and over again.

Accelerator's wish is not to hope that Kamijou will save him, but to protect the last work, and protect the academy city where the last work is located.

So, it's not over yet——!

If Accelerator is gone, it's up to me to take over the baton.The long-cherished wish of the first place must be fulfilled no matter what!

Seeing the stairs leading up, Kamijou swallowed nervously, then took a decisive step forward, leaping into the air.

Get the detonation code stored in the machine on the second floor, and prevent Zakizaki from manually detonating the "Ladder Tower".At first glance it may seem like an almost impossible task, but now it has to be done!

Then, at this moment, a man's figure appeared behind him.

It's a muddy valley.His face was full of anxious and annoyed yet forced smiles, and the corners of his mouth twitched.For Kamijou's sudden resistance, he was very upset in his heart, as if disgusted with the boy who cheered up and continued walking without authorization, he aimed his gun at Kamijou.

Kamijou happened to catch a glimpse of this scene from the corner of his eye, a chill shot up from his back, he gasped, and a sense of ominous premonition hit him.

This time, without warning, Nigu's finger hit the trigger.

will be killed...!

Under the effect of "harbinger perception", Kamijou clearly felt the killing intent in Nitani's action.Judging from the fact that he killed Accelerator simply and neatly just now, although Ni Gu had a seemingly hearty smile on his face, he had a cruel personality that was more terrifying than anyone else——!

Then, as if to curse Kamijou, Nitani whispered.

"go to hell."

Aiming at the unarmed, panic-stricken boy with the hedgehog head, he slammed the trigger.

In this situation, death is inevitable.


The bright red blood scattered instantly, and the severe pain spread from a small part of the body to the whole body.There was a groan in his mouth, and then, Nitani looked at his bloody arm in amazement.

The boy on the other side is safe and sound.In other words, someone hit Nigu in the arm the moment before he shot, knocking the weapon aside.

But in this situation where there is no companion, who is helping Kamijou Touma...?

Ni Gu gritted his teeth and turned back, a figure was reflected in his angry pupils.The thin, brown-haired man with sunglasses was pointing a gun at him with a smile.

"Kamikawa... You bastard...!"

Unexpected helpers, even Kamijou was surprised by the unfolding of events.

Then, facing such a bewildered Kamijou, Kamikawa showed a contemptuous smile.

"Tsk... I didn't want to make a move at first, but I didn't expect it to become like this in the end."

An inexplicable sense of security, mixed with a little sense of incongruity.

"Kagawa ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I know you!" Ahh!!"

Blue veins twitched and raged, and Ni Gu showed a crazy look.As he waved his hand, the men behind him pointed their guns at the two of them neatly.

Something is not quite right.

Even though it was such a life-threatening moment, Kamijou still tried his best to turn his brain.A lingering doubt hovered in his mind all the time, and he couldn't stop it no matter what.

Where is it, it is not very coordinated.

What Kamikawa said to him when he first entered the door was—"Kamijo Toma-kun, right?"

For the two who met on the 23rd, there is really no need to confirm again.

Then there was the cane thrown beside Accelerator. If he just wanted to take away the first place, why did he bring the cane for no reason?

A sense of uneasiness, and a sense of doubt flooding into my heart like a tide.

Then, at this moment, Nigu shouted loudly.

"Shoot me!!"

Following these shouts, dense fire barrage instantly enveloped the entire space.In front of such two people who were almost unarmed, countless bullets struck.With the sound of almost tearing eardrums, man-made malice swept towards them mercilessly.

Oops! !

Subconsciously wanted to dodge, but the collar was grabbed at that moment.Kamikawa threw Kamijou behind him, and then used that body to resolutely meet the hail of bullets.

That not-so-tall body stood upright in front of Kamijou.As if trying to block all the attacks, there was no wavering or hesitation.

However, the flesh and blood of human beings cannot compete with live ammunition. Facing the sharp weapon of science, the human body endowed by nature can only be subdued.Coupled with the posture of exposing the vitals to the enemy, as if deliberately preparing to receive the baptism of bullets, Kamikawa will undoubtedly die.

"Help that brat block bullets?! Hahahaha, what are you being hypocritical, Shen Chuan!! But wouldn't this be better? Just appreciate your body that was beaten into a hornet's nest!!"

As Nigu yelled frantically, the triumphant and disgusting smile on his face gradually widened.As if seeing the flag of victory flying in front of his eyes, he clapped his hands heavily.

However, after the applause and the bullets ejected from the muzzle, it came.It was a painful scream that filled the entire space.

The men who had fired the guns covered their bodies where they had been shot, dropped their guns in embarrassment, curled up in a ball and shivered.

Then, Nigu saw the two people who were completely unharmed in the dusty mist.

As if knocked down by this fact, a shocked and trembling voice came out of Nitani's mouth.

"No, it's impossible... After being hit by so many bullets, there is no wound at all?! What's going on, Kamikawa, you bastard... What the hell is going on!!"

The sense of disobedience in his mind grew bigger and bigger like a spreading mist, and at that moment, Kamijou finally remembered the key fact.

The purpose of allowing him to ask three questions was to sort out all the current situation and information, and then let Kamijou remember it in his heart.

The crutch thrown beside Accelerator is one of the must-have tools for the convenience of the first person to escape here.

The confirmation of Kamijou's identity when he first entered the door was because he had no memory of Kamikawa meeting Kamijou on the 23rd.

Then, the most important bit.

During the conversation, Kamikawa always maintained his posture leaning on the desk.Even when talking with Nitani, even when Kamijou pointed a gun at him, he kept supporting the desk with his hands.

It's not because of the performance of having enough spare time, nor is it because of the confidence of winning.

——It was him, the fact that he would fall if he didn't support his body with something.

Kamijou's pupils shrank suddenly, and then, his fingers tremblingly grasped the shirt on his chest.An overwhelming violent tremor hit him, as if he would lose his footing and fall to the ground in the next moment, he took a step back in panic.

Then, in front of him, Kamikawa chuckled.

The contemptuous expression that Shangjou is most familiar with, and the posture that Shangjou has been away for a long time, are leisurely and authentic.

"Unfortunately, I wasn't on your side from the beginning. Kamikawa...? That guy has already gone to hell."

The heart was beating violently, and there was even the sound of the heart beating up and down in my ears.Like an explosion, Kamijou's cognition was shattered at that moment.

The brown-haired man stretched out his right hand.

On the wrist covered by the cuff, a device similar to a bracelet is worn.

It was a black technology product commonly known as "perceptual signal interference device" that Nitani used when pretending to be "Sister Misaka".It is a device that can be counterfeited as long as it is set to someone's appearance.

Crushed the device mercilessly, and then, the image of the thin, brown-haired man wearing sunglasses in front of Kamijou quickly collapsed, and the figure in front of him twisted and swayed, and finally quickly reorganized in the space into Another look.

It is the real appearance of the person who pretends to be "Kamikawa" and has been observing the situation secretly.

——The turbid, but extremely pure and terrifying white, and the red eyes shining with sharp light.Then, on that morbidly pale face, there was a cruel but frightening smile.

As if to tear apart the night, the dazzling white that cannot be ignored at all.Then with that white as the center, a huge, everything-shattering storm swept and spread.

Like a white tyrant who reigns over this deep and dark land, Academy City is the strongest, the number one superpower in the sequence, crushing everyone present with a violent smile mercilessly.

He couldn't look away, and even his breathing was so tight that he almost stopped.

"Hey, I heard clearly after washing my ears. It's troublesome to be misunderstood by you bastards. Speaking of which, my name is not Kamikawa—"

Then, with a voice that seemed to burst the eardrums, and with a long-lost haughty gesture, the white monster taunted.

"——It's Accelerator!!"


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