The few girls chatting wantonly at the cash register with all kinds of disdainful words didn't pay any attention to the two people who came from the goods area.

Maybe it was not noticed,? Or it was simply ignored.

In short, when Lin Yi and Annie walked in front of them, the unscrupulous discussion gradually weakened.


The waitress who was called Jenny just glanced at the objects put on the table by Annie who followed behind, her eyes were full of indifference.

"Five pieces,? Five hundred dollars."

Not only Lam Yik, but also Annie, who was sufficiently taciturn throughout the whole process, her pupils sharpened instantly after listening to her colleague's quotation.

As a fast-moving consumer store, the price of the clothes in this store is relatively low, so it is well-known on the streets of New York.

Five hundred knives, almost seven or eight times the price of these clothes.

"Jenny, do you want to recalculate the price of the clothes." Annie couldn't help but ask.

Although she couldn't help but speak for Lin Yi,? But as a soft bun who has been bullied, even if Annie was dissatisfied with Jenny's unauthorized modification of the price,? Her voice was not loud enough,? Just let the station The other waiters on both sides of her took a second look.

Not only that,? Annie also didn't get the attention of the waitress who looked down at the boy opposite with a proud attitude, and even another girl who was fighting with Jenny earlier deliberately pulled Annie,? Keeping her away from the cashier A little closer.

"Baby, you still haven't been paid this month's salary." As Jenny's little follower, Dora took it for granted and uttered threatening words for the girl in front, "Don't forget, Jenny is the boss' daughter."

"And your rent, don't forget it."

Food and rent are included, and the salary is good. This is why Anne has suffered enough racial discrimination and still has no choice to resign.

But she obviously has no intention of staying now.

The girl bumped into the corner of the table with enough sharp edges and corners during the pulling, and the pain instantly broke down the high wall she had built with grievances, and tears filled the entire eye sockets in an instant.

"Jenny, the price of the clothes..." She couldn't help crying a little bit, but she chose to speak after gathering her composure under the gaze of others.

The girl was not valued by her family since she was a child, and when she grew up, she was dependent on others. She developed a bun personality early on, and her current words are the biggest determination she has made.

After hearing the price, Lin Yi felt that something was wrong no matter how nervous he was. Combined with Annie's performance next to him, he naturally knew it clearly.

"Are you sure it's five hundred dollars?"

He asked again, looking as relaxed as before, as if the boy with a stiff face had nothing to do with him.

"Of course." Jenny raised her head and glanced at the young man opposite, "Little brother, maybe fifty knives is fine?"

She chuckled, and winked at the boy opposite, and her clothes were pulled a lot from below.


This was the first time he met such a strange person.

While looking down on it, at the same time greedy for the surface.

Suddenly, Edward Lam suddenly wanted to take revenge on the salesperson in front of him in another way.

"System, the blessing of the horror filter." He said secretly.

The horror filter is the last free experience item that the teenager got after this upgrade.When he assigns this filter to fully attack the character, the filter will automatically project the scene she is most afraid of.

Of course, this does sound a little magical, but according to the introduction of the principle in the manual provided by the previous system, it is just one of the applications of brain wave technology.

The technology does appear to be systematically exploited to various utility.

The more the system extended the brain waves, the stronger his yearning for this blueprint became.

[The instruction has been received, the horror filter has been turned on, and the currently designated character, Vonn Jenny, the free trial duration: 10 minutes. 】

In terms of the function of using props, the system is always in place actively.

Almost in the next second, the girl who was originally proud changed her face under the eyes of the other people.


What Jenny was most afraid of was the accident she caused unintentionally when she was a child. She heard an almost imperceptible buzzing in her ears, and the originally bright world was gradually invaded by darkness.

"What did you do?" Seeing the bloody scene in front of her gradually covering her, Jenny's whole body tensed up like a stress. She was wearing that gorgeous red color, and her teeth tremblingly asked the still handsome young man opposite, "Five Ten knives, no, twenty knives, you take them all, and let me get rid of this thing."

"? What did you say?" Lin Yi didn't know what he saw on the other side, but he put on an innocent look as usual, "I just want to pay for it."

He looked at the various clothes on the cashier counter, and kindly included the clothes whose labels had been torn off by Annie earlier, "And this one, how much is it?"

Jenny was speechless at this moment. She looked at the passing vehicle, her pupils constricted, and she subconsciously answered Lin Yi's question.

"Twenty... twenty dollars, take them all."

"Okay. Let's swipe the card." Lin Yi blinked and looked at Dora who was standing behind, "Can you help me?" He said with a slight smile, and took out the card from his pocket.

Dora didn't know what Jenny saw, but out of a woman's sixth sense, she quickly chose to follow Edward Lam's command and quickly packed the things into the bag.

"Your clothes." She looked respectful and had a good attitude, which was the complete opposite of her previous savage appearance.

"No, just leave the dress for this lady." Lin Yi maintained a constant smile, and took out the previous white princess dress from the clothing bag.

"You will look beautiful in it." He handed the skirt to the girl hiding at the back, then turned around in the sight of the rest of the waiters, and gradually walked towards the already completely dark street.

" are a devil." In the distance, he could still hear Jenny cursing, but he stopped for a moment and continued walking towards the hotel.

After Lin Yi walked out of the store, Annie left Jenny who kept swearing, changed her clothes in a hurry, and ran towards the direction where the boy left in her memory.

Lin Yi's speed was not fast, and soon, the girl saw the back of the person walking slowly in front of her.

She did not catch up, but silently watched Lin Yi's slow pace, blankly, her little face flushed.

"Thank you." The girl followed the boy for a long time, and finally mustered up the courage to stop the boy who was about to enter the hotel. She looked at the boy's back and spoke in jerky Chinese, "My name is Annie, Ed. Anne."

"I will try my best to pay you back the money for this dress!" She seemed to be cruel to herself, and quickly slipped a small note to Lin Yi who turned his head when he heard the sound, and then quickly escaped from his sight within.

"Ed Anne?" America has a very high rate of duplication of surnames. The boy just read the girl's name several times, then chuckled, carefully folded the note filled with the girl's message, and put it in his pocket , step into the lobby.

"Yidi Lam, where have you been? Are you not sleepy?" Meng Zhenghe looked at the figure walking in, and fiercely forked a piece of Black Forest cake sleepily.

"Go back and catch up on sleep now."


The occasion when Edward Lam met Mr. Ed was on the day of the exam.

Yes, it's Mr. Ed.

Ed Arthur, that boy had heard the name countless times from Professor Kyle, but he never thought it was the elder brother of a girl he helped at will.

When the teenager who finished writing the topic ahead of time as usual and left the venue in surprise under the eyes of everyone was surprised, when he was sitting in the waiting area and logged into his biorxiv account, a shadow blocked all his light.

"Hi, I'm Ed Arthur." Before Lin Yi raised his head, he quietly introduced himself from above him with some clumsy introduction, "I am 24 years old, and my teacher is..."

The curly-haired boy looked at him with a vigilant expression. Even though the introduction was bumpy, the cold hair all over his body stood up without knowing it.

"I'm Edward Lam, what's the matter?"

Yi Lam turned off the computer, stood up, and looked directly at the boy opposite him.

But his actions seemed to be self-defeating. Ed Arthur's reaction to him was obviously more resistant. When he was not paying attention, he backed away straight away, keeping a distance of about three or four meters from Edward Lam.

"Annie asked me to give this to you." Arthur looked very sunny on the outside, but as a severely socially phobic patient, he managed to convince himself after several times in his heart, closed his eyes, and took a big step , handed over the pink envelope to Edward Lam.

"This is the money she earned in the past few days, twenty knives." Seeing that the boy he was facing didn't respond, he gritted his teeth and continued.

"Annie?" After all, this incident left a deep impression on the young man. Soon, Edward Lam recalled the girl that Ed Arthur was talking about. Seeing the nervous look of the young man in front of him, he hesitated for a moment, but still softly refused. "No, just treat it as a meeting gift from me."

The slightly fat girl must have suffered a lot because of her identity as a Chinese, and what she saw before seemed to be a common occurrence.

"Our Ed's family doesn't accept such gifts!" Ed Arthur didn't give Lam Yik a chance to refuse, he quietly opened his eyes, threw it in the direction of the prospective boy, and then quickly went to step back.

This time, the distance between the two was a full ten meters.

Are you such a scary person?

Seeing Ed Arthur's obviously excessive performance, Edward Lam laughed. He thought for a while, took out the neatly folded note from his bag, and walked towards him step by step under Arthur's nervous gaze. .

"Qu'est?-?ce?que?tu?fais (what are you going to do?)" Seeing the distance between the two getting closer, the curly-haired young man was aroused and spoke French that he had forgotten for a long time.

He froze for a moment, and was just about to ask a question in another language, when he suddenly heard the immature-looking boy reply him in a language that was a little jerky but accurate enough to pronounce.

"L'information? des? filles? doit? être? protégée. (Girls' information should be protected)"

The boy moved gently, and carefully put the note in his hand into Arthur's pocket, which was always tight.

The author has something to say:


small theater:

Two ladies have recently moved into Ed's house.

Little Arthur hid on the railing of the corridor and quietly watched the lady who stepped into his domain.

This is a woman full of oriental charm, every move is enough to satisfy Arthur's fantasies about the mysterious east.

"Annie, call me brother." The lady obviously also noticed the probing eyes at the corner, picked up the girl who was following her, and led her to gesture towards Arthur's position.

"elder brother!"

The girl was obviously a little shy, but under the guidance of her mother, she opened her mouth obediently.

"Brother, are those eyes like sapphires?"

Three-year-old Annie didn't understand what kind of existence her brother was, so she just followed her and described it carefully.

"Brother is..." Before the lady could explain, Arthur, who had been hiding all this time, suddenly stood up, walked down the stairs step by step, and came to Annie.

Arthur's eyes became more obvious when they were in a bright place, and the blue eyes were surprisingly bright, making little Annie a little stunned.

"Hi, I'm Arthur." He looked at the delicate doll-like girl in front of him, and couldn't help but muster up the courage to pinch her fleshy little face. "I'm your brother."


Arthur appeared in Chapter 55.60.61!

Brother Social Horror and Sister Baozi——


Asking is a day when writing words are outdated. Tomorrow will be Saturday as usual. It should be 9 at night for the first update and 0 for the second update.

French is translated by Baidu ~ Although I always think it is beautiful, but I can't learn it (collapsed——)

Lin Xiaoyi's receipt of the envelope does not mean that she has accepted the money, but just helps her keep it.


srds, girls' information must be protected!


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 1 chicken drumstick in honey sauce;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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