The dark night seems to be able to arouse a person's negative emotions to the maximum, and urge it to release.

In the dim space, the young man looked at the following message on the screen of the phone with satisfaction, picked up a comment and replied casually, then lightly threw it, and let the object move away in a parabolic shape,? Sink into soft cotton wrap.

[Black Mist of Extreme Night: Good grades?The last high school to enter,? Suspend school at the end of the first semester, who can brag? I believe it. 】

[Black Mist of Extreme Night: How do I know?I'm his classmate, okay?I also have a student card if I want it, do you understand? //@门前大桥下: Empty talk has no proof, you say plastic surgery is plastic surgery,? Poor grades are bad?The Internet atmosphere is confused by you black sheep. 】

[The Black Mist of Extreme Night: Hot Knowledge: Qiandu Encyclopedia can be edited by everyone. @Qinghe Story: Can you make good use of thousands of degrees?As long as netizens go to Dim Sum to look up Lin Yi's name, there won't be so many rumors. 】


The online world is changing rapidly, and as he falls asleep, everything seems to be out of control.

While Yu Wenxuan was fighting with netizens, in another small space, an eye full of hostility was also silently browsing this Weibo, saying every sentence of the familiar boy in the video. The words are repeatedly listened to and confirmed.

"It's really you..."

The hoarse voice reverberated in the space through the slight vibration of the vocal cords, and the moonlight sprinkled on the clearly visible edges and corners of the man through the curtain that was not completely covered by the side.

The cold light revealed his entire face without hindrance, and his face, which is often on the top of the list, showed a combination of blue and red colors, which was particularly terrifying in the dark.

"If you also experience the feeling of falling from heaven to hell, I don't know if you can say it leisurely."

Ji Xinghao flipped through the comments below that were added as time passed, and the hazy voice was particularly outstanding in the silence.

All of a sudden, he seemed to see something, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, not much, but extraordinarily creepy.

"It seems that there are quite a lot of people who don't like you."

His fingertips rested on Wen Xuan's chattering messages with netizens, and it didn't take long for Jie Jie's laughter to follow wantonly in the closed room.

With a wave of his hand, he flicked on the screen.

[Ji Xinghao V: Lin Yi?A very familiar name. 】

As a traffic niche who used to stand at the top of the entertainment industry, Ji Xinghao still has a lot of brainless diehard fans even though he is in a trough now.

The Weibo that hasn't been updated for a long time still has a lot of people with familiar names checking in every day. Although they know about Ji Xinghao's various events, they are still entangled in various emotions, and most of them still choose to stay.

If it was the previous peak, Ji Xinghao would have dismissed such fans at all, but now he has fallen into the abyss, and this group of brainless fans has undoubtedly become his right-hand man in his plan.

The 'Signal Light' didn't know the label Ji Xinghao had attached to them, and the immortal cultivators in the middle of the night quickly gathered under the Weibo with less than six figures of bloggers along the network line just like his plan.

Comments increased at a rapid rate, well-meaning words were distorted maliciously, sentences with some jokes were deliberately enlarged, and the originally harmonious area became a jumble of fish and dragons as fans and trolls entered.

Dawn gradually broke through the light curtain and fell to the ground? The hustle and bustle on the Internet officially kicked off.


The early-rising migrant workers opened Weibo hot searches as usual, but unexpectedly found a familiar name reappeared at the bottom of the long hot search bar.


The tag with the name of an amateur is particularly conspicuous among the stars, and it also makes many curious melon eaters poke in it involuntarily.

It has to be said that Edward Lam's appearance is indeed conspicuous enough among the students who came out of the examination room.Even if the camera lens is not aimed at him, the self-intensified boy is already dazzling enough.

If it was him who said some harsh words that were not too much, it must not be unforgivable.

After all, he walked the world with his face, and before Lin Yi officially appeared on the stage, many people who didn't know the truth of the matter had already set a moderate attitude towards him.

But isn't it normal to say something in the college entrance examination? How could he be such an exception to be on the hot search?

Just when everyone was curious, the hostile speeches that flooded in on the bullet screen really opened their eyes.

【Brother is half-retired from the circle and still being used by you to bully him, Lin Yi, you have no heart. 】

[Only you are still number one in the province?Then I am still the number one in the country. If I talk big, I should make a draft, okay?Lin Yi, aren't you afraid of being exposed by your classmates? 】

[Brother is so nice, and he even helped you make a name for yourself. Anyway, no matter what you think, let me put my words here. If you enter the circle, I will give you a bad review every time! 】

[Going abroad for summer vacation?Another person who admires foreigners, ha ha. 】

[Brother, when will you make a comeback? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 】


elder brother?Who is that? ? ?What does it have to do with this boy? ? ?

Passers-by expressed surprise.

Public opinion can always produce a lot of differences after fermentation.

After the rhythm played by Yu Wenxuan and Ji Xinghao behind their backs, the style of the video, which was only meant to be a joke, has changed.

Abuse, resentment, and curses accumulated as the video continued to play, and an ordinary interview quietly changed its style after one night.

Of course, under the swipe of brainless fans, there are always sober people, even if their voices are extremely small, they stand out amidst the rude language.

[Wasabi-flavored potato chips: There is one thing to say, if Qiandu is not wrong, Lam Yik does have the capital to take the first place in the exam, among other things, just based on the long list of winners in Huishi No. [-] Middle School, he is not Can I go to Di Dayan University for the college entrance examination?The previous comments are really correct, make good use of search. 】

[Wash your eyes and wash your eyes: Sure enough, big data is not deceiving me. Weibo with a 5% undergraduate rate doesn’t even want to do a search before they start expressing their own opinions. 】

[Tongtong's children's shoes: It's funny, your brother said something familiar in the middle of the night, so he made up his mind why that boy bullied Ji Xinghao, Lin Yi's achievements are not only written by Qiandu Encyclopedia, so many official websites have announced it, why is there no letter? of? 】

Of course, Ji Xinghao's fans selectively filtered these words without hesitation, even though the comment area was already occupied by sober people, they still jumped around without any hesitation.

The signal lights wantonly built buildings in the comment area, allowing the videos to become more and more popular, and the insults became more and more intense, and there was no meaning to stop.

The quiet city has become noisy, and this dispute that only exists in a corner of the Internet has finally attracted the attention of the 'Yi Blow' who focus on themselves.

When the two tags of #林奥全省第一# and #林奥崇恩洋外# entered people’s field of vision one after the other, the originally silent group finally became noisy.

Lin Yi is not without fans, and compared to Ji Xinghao, his fans value knowledge and various awards.

Yibuki: Although we are Buddhas, but you are a great god, like your idols, all of your studies rely on editing?

Although the boy didn't care much about these events on the Internet, the "Yichui" represented by Shi Yangjia went online very quickly. A line of defense was pulled out.

【Firefly and Light: Do you know Yi Lam's achievements?The so-called classmate counts down when he says count down?Yishen is number one in the biology competition, understand?Don't force me, the name of the official website of the biology competition has not been put down yet. 】

[Tren has no books:? ? ?Going abroad during the summer vacation means adoring foreign countries?No, your statement is a little funny, okay?As we all know, the international competition will be held in July, and Yi Lam will go abroad for the exam, okay?I'm sorry, I forgot that you are still a junior high school student, so you can win glory for the country, understand? ? ? 】

[Circle and round money: Ji Xinghao?The star who made academic misconduct and falsified his academic qualifications?No, I don't know how Yi Lam is pulling and stepping, even if he looks good, you can't slander him! (no dog head)]

Shi Yangjia, who was woken up by his friends, didn't have any room for it. Looking at the arrogance of the signal lights in the comment area, he sneered and did not hesitate to name the mastermind behind the scenes.

[Shi Yangjia V: @吉星瑜, please manage your fans, understand? 】

Ji Xinghao was obviously not surprised when Yang Jia met Aite himself, but the man just took a look, then turned the screen over, and continued his flattering words to the stiff-faced man on the opposite side with a flattering expression.

"Mr. Wu, although I may have made some mistakes in the past, I really want to participate in your program..."

In the light and simple teahouse, his voice was extremely low, but the energy of grievance fully exposed himself.

Wu Xinyong sat very relaxed. He sipped his tea and looked at the heavily made-up man in front of him, as if he was watching a performance. The expression on his face did not change much.

"Don't worry, I will let you know if there is any news."

He looked at the message displayed on his mobile phone after a slight vibration, and opened his mouth in a deep voice.


Although Lin Yi himself doesn't care about netizens' comments, as his good friend, Shi Yangjia said that he has already reported the true face of the instigator to Lin Ya.

Unfortunately, Ji Xinghao's only remaining endorsement is from the Lin Group.

It's not that Lin Ya didn't change, it's actually that this product endorsement was voted by this group of fans some time ago and lasted for three months.

Although she could not understand this man because of her younger brother's influence, but after all, it was a real result, not to mention that the benefits outweighed the disadvantages for the Lin Group. cooperation contract.

Of course, it was Lin Ya's previous idea not to change the endorsement. After hearing Shi Yangjia's small report, even if the endorsement had just been online for less than a week, she pulled it down without hesitation under her words. .

Lin Ya: It's all on Xiao Yi, so why do you earn a small amount of money? ? ?Disk it.

An hour after Ji Xinghao ignored Shi Yangjia, Lin's Group, which had always been a big product player in the entertainment industry, was caught off guard.

[Lin's Group V: Due to the irreversible business conflict between Mr. @吉星瑜V and our company, the company has decided to officially suspend all partnerships with Mr. @基星昌 from today...]

As soon as this message was sent out, it immediately pulled up the ranking of the originally low-level craze by a few positions, and even the signal lights that had been dancing in confusion for a while forgot to scold Yi Chui.

Shi Yangjia (fake smile): I'm sorry, but your last endorsement will also be lost.

The author has something to say:


Hee hee hee, my sister is a younger brother.


Everyone has no prototype! ! !

The next chapter should be released between twelve o'clock and one o'clock.

Classmate Xiao Yi is packing up and getting ready to play!


Take a shower and continue coding~


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 1 chicken drumstick in honey sauce;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Nanyin, Shenmian, and Delusion;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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