The country refused to make me a god

Chapter 50 Graduate Students

Of course, Edward Lam's return to Huishi is not just for rest.

He just relaxed for a moment, and after a relatively leisurely morning, he didn't waste any more time and rushed to Gu Bailing's laboratory without stopping.

Although it is a holiday,? But the experiments that should be carried out are still going on as usual. Although the campus is full of insects, it is quite a leisurely mode. It is located in the most remote laboratory, but there are still people in a hurry,? The pre-planned procedures are carried out sequentially.

"I thought you would come back after two days of rest." Gu Bailing was still very surprised when she saw the boy. She was wearing a white coat, and she was holding a blood-stained instrument that was going to be cleaned. "But are you planning to experiment alone? ?” She glanced behind the boy and asked again.

The middle-aged woman also knows a thing or two about Lin Yi's experimental plan. Although she doesn't know enough about the route proposed by the young man to differentiate neurons through stimulation, she still includes it in her own due to various considerations. in the overall plan.

There is money to be made,? Why not?

After all, the boy is only short of some equipment, and it will not affect the whole experiment that Gu Bailing planned.

Listening to Mr. Gu's words, Lin Yi was stunned, but he quickly reacted.

"I shouldn't be alone in the project," he hesitated, "Maybe I still need the teacher's help."

The experiment process sounds simple, but in terms of operation, it cannot be fully mastered by a young man alone.Even in the previous simulation pre-experiments in the consciousness space, a large part of him relied on sufficient control of time in the azure world.

Locate,? Freeze time,? Operate again.

Although it took him a lot of energy, fortunately, he got the rough data without any risk.

Because of this, the boy has full confidence in this experiment.

"It's Shi Yangjia, isn't it?" Gu Bailing understood, and she made a few notes, "I'll leave you two graduate students here."

"However, whether the team can succeed or not depends on the relationship between you." The woman laughed.

The strength and control of the team leader are particularly important for a team. Although she approves of the boy's plan, the relationship between other people cannot be easily controlled.

Edward Lam understood.

"Okay, thank you teacher." He replied with a little respect.

"You thought it was a joke when you told me the day before yesterday," although she knew the approximate return time of Wan Province, but due to the influence of Hua Yingzhe showing the "lazy picture" in Moments yesterday, she looked at Lin Yi's arrival There is still no expectation, "It is said that the rats at the animal center have not been weaned yet, at least a week away, our team should have a few healthy rats at present, you can see if you want to go first..." Gu Bailing asked.

Although the experiments are all under the woman's name, they are two completely separate projects after all, and it is better to separate the parts that can be separated.

The boy thought for a while, but still rejected her offer.

"It's okay, I can just collect more information." He smiled politely at the woman, "Can the teacher give me the contact information of the two graduate student seniors in advance?"

"It's not a problem," Gu Bailing quickly agreed, "But... are you going to inject 6-hydroxydopamine to model?"

The more classic method of establishing a model in rats is to inject 6-hydroxydopamine into the medial forebrain bundle or the substantia nigra of the rat to form Parkinson's disease. Although this method has a wide range of utility, it is difficult to control in terms of variability and success rate.

But in the words of MPTP... The woman looked thoughtfully at the thin physique of the young man in front of her.

"The danger of MPTP is too high, and the conditions are difficult to meet at present. In the pre-experiment, I still prefer to use 6-hydroxydopamine for the experiment." Lam Yi obviously also considered his physical fitness and ability to master this piece of knowledge, Facing Professor Gu's question, he answered calmly.

Gu Bailing just didn't notice Lin Yi's age and asked a few more questions for a while, and she didn't have much desire to explore the boy's experiment.

"Okay, don't say much else, you have to show me those two students," she chuckled and changed the subject, "I'm still waiting for your experiment to bring them to graduation."

"Teacher, your wish is a bit difficult to realize." Hearing Gu Bailing's words, Lin Yi also laughed, "I haven't graduated from high school yet."

"If you don't tell me, I'd forget it." Gu Bailing heard Lin Yi's answer, and suddenly remembered a series of words that the hospital leader suddenly said to herself yesterday, "I heard that you refused the application?"

"That's right," the boy nodded, his eyes shining brightly, "I still want to go through a full round of the college entrance examination."

"Have you thought about which university to go to?"

The boy didn't hesitate: "Let's go to Yenching University."

Yi Lam obviously had a definite goal, and Gu Bailing just took a closer look at him and then forgot all the persuasive sentences sent to him by the leader.

"Decided?" She asked casually.

"Well," Lin Yi saw something when he saw Mr. Gu's repeated inquiries, and raised his head to look at the woman sitting directly opposite him, with a slight smile in his eyes, "Teacher won't think about letting me Let me come to Wanda."

"I didn't say that," Gu Bailing also laughed, "You said it yourself."


Although Lin Yi and Gu Bailing chatted happily, the two graduate students who got the news and were transferred were not in such a good mood.

"Hey, Cao Keli, have you heard from the boss? He said that the new project requires two students to help."

The girl who had just returned to the dormitory after a busy day was stunned by her roommate's words before she had time to rest.

"What... what?" The girl's Nunuuo voice stopped for a while, her almond eyes slightly opened, "I didn't receive the news, Yao Yu, how did you know?"

"Not directly..." Yao Yugang's blurted words circled half a circle in her throat and swallowed back into her stomach. She rolled her eyes and smiled again in an instant, "Senior Brother Wu told me, I said Keli you Do you want to try it?"

Although Cao Keli said that her personality was a little softer at ordinary times, she could not fail to hear the courteous words of her roommate who suddenly changed. She hesitated, "This is not good."

The girl is different from Yao Yu who is directly enrolled in the school. As a student admitted by the second school, Cao Keli can obviously feel that Yao Yu has always been contemptuous of her.Be courteous in all things, either rape or steal.Girls don't need to think too much to understand that this roommate has bad intentions towards her.

"What's wrong, you can still get along with Senior Brother Wu." Yao Yu chuckled and continued to encourage.

Unlike Cao Keli, who didn't hear anything else and devoted herself to the laboratory, she had heard a little bit about the purpose of the transfer that Gu Bailing said.

It was just a project formed by the little boy who had been running errands in the laboratory on a whim. Even if Gu Bailing talked about it in the group, it couldn't cover up the fact that the person in charge of the whole group was an underage child.

She looks good, but she is a little young. If it was a random quiz, Cao Keli wouldn't have the chance.

Yao Yu laughed out loud as he thought about it. Cao Keli, who was still packing up at the table, couldn't help being a little surprised.

I don't know what the boss thinks, let this minor easily open up a brand new experimental group.

It's called...Ed Lam, right?

The girl with loose hair on the bed was thoughtful.

I want to return, but this opportunity is not what I am looking forward to now.

She has personally experienced how difficult this experiment is for Gu Bailing. If she wants to give up the chance to be gilded here, no matter how good-looking Lin Yi is, she will not agree.

"Keli Keli, why don't you go and sign up—" She dragged her voice, and said coquettishly to her only roommate.

In any experimental group, the main thing is just running errands. Cao Keli has a deep understanding of this point.

Seeing Yao Yu's statement, Cao Keli understood that if she didn't agree, she might not be able to rest tonight.

Moreover, it is estimated that this is not an attempt, just a substitution.

Yao Yu's face couldn't hide the reluctance that was expressed in words at all, and the full expression changes made Cao Keli, who had learned to read words and expressions in a long-term life, almost read all the information.

"Okay, I'll try it." Seeing the bright color on her roommate's face, she felt a little cold in her heart.

"That..." Yao Yu's voice trembled slightly, "The boss said that the interview will be held in the small box of the coffee shop outside the school at [-] noon tomorrow."

"Remember to arrive on time." Her smile was extremely bright.


Lin Yi arrived at the pre-appointed first meeting place ahead of time, and he sat alone in the empty box, waiting for the arrival of the two graduate students arranged for him by Gu Bailing.

Time passed minute by minute, and seeing that the agreed time was about to arrive, the boy's expression became more and more tense.

"Sorry, the experiment has just ended, so it's a bit late."

Finally, at five minutes past twelve, the two graduate students who were waiting for the boy finally came to this room.

Wu Heyi was notified by Yao Yu that his teammate had been replaced before preparing for the reunion. He was so angry that he wanted to drag Cao Keli to Yao Yu to ask for an explanation. It was almost twelve o'clock when they got down, and the two rushed from the dormitory building to the agreed place with expressions of haste. Before they could meet each other, a word of procrastination came out of Wu Heyi's mouth naturally.

"There seems to be no experiment at present." The clear voice sounded from the front of the two, although the voice was still a little immature, but the majesty inside was fully demonstrated.

This voice... seems familiar?

Cao Keli frowned slightly, and looked up to the front.

"It's you?" The girl who saw the face blurted out.

"Senior Keli, it's you," Lin Yi heard the girl's voice, and instantly remembered the girl who asked him to go to the old laboratory to get the equipment. A slight smile appeared on his face, although the words in the words The seriousness still exists, but it has obviously dissipated for seven or eight points, "You guys sit down first, we still need to wait for someone..."

Just as he was speaking, the mobile phone that had been resting on the table suddenly vibrated.

[Teacher Gu Bailing: Lin Yi, the two graduate students are Wu Heyi and Yao Yu, here are their relevant information. 】

【Teacher Gu Bailing: (Picture) (Picture)】

Yao Yu?Not Cao Keli?

The eyes of the boy who saw their names clearly became meaningful.

The author has something to say:


There are two main international mainstream Parkinson's modeling methods, one is to inject 6-hydroxydopamine through the medial forebrain bundle or substantia nigra of rats, and the other is MPTP gavage and stereotaxic injection.

specific reference

1. Lilac Garden-Parkinson's disease animal model preparation



Because I checked a little more information, I will try my best to publish the next chapter before twelve o'clock.



Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 1 piece of Ducky, Blue Suckling Pig;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Oxy;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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