The hustle and bustle in the venue did not last long. When the pointer moved to the center bit by bit, a brilliant chasing light suddenly lit up above the originally silent stage.

"Everyone is very enthusiastic. When Professor Ji told me earlier,? I dare not come to such a big place to tell you stories."

With the support of the host, the old man with some white hair tremblingly walked to the side of the microphone, his kind eyes followed the direction of the light, and looked at the smiling teenagers under the stage.

She wantonly absorbed the surging youthful atmosphere of the scene, and the expression on her face gradually softened from a little stiff.

"Our lecture today is mainly aimed at popularizing science for the children in the summer camp. It may only be a little inspiration for many college students here." Seeing the crowded seats, the old man's tone is somewhat tender, "So it's still Please don't grab these kids' seats, I'm glad you're willing to come and listen to my old man babbling."

Han Xiangying's words made the originally quiet venue gradually become a little noisy. Seeing people constantly getting up and giving up their seats, the old man on the stage seemed to nod in relief.

"Not much nonsense, then let's start today's topic, what is biological science."

"Or it can be said, whether it is your current biology competition or the direction you choose in the future, what is the significance of taking so many courses?"

"You have come here through many hardships. After studying so many courses, do you really understand what biological science is?"

Although the old man spoke slowly, his words were sonorous, and his soft and elegant voice reached everyone's ears with the transmission of electric current. Although the professional knowledge discussed in the words was not much, it could arouse many people's thinking.

What is Biological Sciences?

This question made Lin Yi also fall into deep thought.

With the help of the system, the teenager is naturally clear about his goal, but confusion still inevitably arises in the process of progressing smoothly.

Is it to study individual organisms, or to understand the various compositional sequences of genes?

or nothing?

Edward Lam inevitably questioned the answer he had formed subconsciously.

"Can someone tell me, what do you think biological science is?"

Just as he was in the process of thinking about it, Han Xiangying's voice suddenly stopped for a moment and then sounded again.

"This classmate, tell me about it?"

Even the students of this major have not thought about this problem carefully.As soon as Academician Han finished speaking, the whole venue was stunned and fell into silence.Everyone looked at each other, but no one could give an answer.

The silence in the audience seemed to disappoint the old man, although her eyes were still gentle, but Edward Lam could feel that the warmth had been quietly lost.

Could it be that academician Han's arrival is not just a lecture, but also has other meanings?

Seeing the extremely subtle changes in the old man, Lin Yi could not help feeling a little suspicious.

Fortunately, this embarrassing time didn't last long, and a boy quickly raised his arm after only a moment.

"Biological science is the study of the relationship between the various characteristics of living organisms."

After Ji Chengzhou learned of the arrival of Academician Han, he conducted in-depth research on the subjects that the elderly were engaged in. Even though he only had a half-knowledge of this general major, he was still full of confidence in the answer.

What's the use of preempting the middle position?If you can't answer the question, it's still false.

The young man proudly glanced briefly at the members of Wan Province, and then continued to cast his fiery eyes on the old man who was over fifty years old on the podium.

Xiang An Ning, who had been vigilant all the time, was the first to sense the look of disdain from him. Unlike the previous forceful confrontation with Edward Lam, Xiang An Ning seemed to have received some warning. He just lowered his head slightly and said nothing to Ji Chengzhou's provocation. hair.

No matter how gentle the boy's movement of lowering his head was, it still attracted Lin Yi's attention from the side. He looked back at the direction of the staring gaze just now, and happened to meet the triumphant Ji Chengzhou.

"Any other answers?" Han Xiangying didn't comment on Ji Chengzhou's answer immediately, but looked around the whole crowd and asked again.The old man's voice was still as soft as before, and he didn't seem to be affected by any emotions.

"Teacher, I don't think what he said is absolute." After Han Xiangying's probing words fell, a teenager sitting in the best position suddenly stood up.

"Hey, Lin Yi, don't be brave!" Xiang An Ning poked the boy sitting next to him. Even though the relationship between the two of them was not very good before, he still tried to stop Lin Yi from answering, "If you don't know, just I don't know, really don't go head-to-head with Ji Chengzhou!"

Apparently, his dissuasion was not affirmed by Edward Lam.Amidst the clamor of voices, the young man had a little light in his eyes, and repeated the answer he got word by word.

"The understanding of an individual's past, present, and future is biological science."

Seeing the sudden smile on the old man's face, Lam Yik understood that he had made the right bet.

The author has something to say:


Two more! ! !

(Although it's a bit late——)

Another day without little red flowers...

At 3:[-] p.m. [-]k+, get back the little red flower!


The old wretch cuckoos—collapsed—



Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: kkl*by?1;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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