The idea of ​​completing a set in two hours is indeed a falsehood.

When everyone watched the man on the podium circle the titles one after another on the book without changing his expression, their hearts became a little nervous following the flipping of his hands.

"Okay, do you have any questions?"

Finally, Shi Qihe briefly rested his hands after explaining all the content quickly. The man put one hand on the podium and looked at the students who had accepted all the knowledge with a smile on his face.

"do not have it?"

He scanned the silent classroom and looked at the students with their heads down, their expressions seemed to be unpredictable.

"Teacher, how to analyze the proportion of the original DNA molecule contained in the DNA of the offspring?"

When the classroom fell into a mysterious sense of silence, Shi Wenbin, who immediately changed to the farthest one after greeting Lin Yi, suddenly raised his hand.

Lin Yi followed the voice and saw this boy wearing thick black frames standing in the other corner of the classroom. A trace of panic flashed in the eyes that accidentally met him, and then he returned to his previous calm face, with no tone of tone. flustered question.

"This question..." Shi Qihe pondered for a while, and suddenly looked at the only boy in the classroom who was shrouded in light beams. question."

"???" The boy whose name was suddenly called was confused for a moment, but he quickly reacted.

"Okay, teacher." Lin Yi couldn't see his expression clearly against the light, but there seemed to be quite a few surprises in his words.Although this is a basic question, the young man successfully analyzed the entire key points and question types one by one after reviewing the content.

"First, we need to determine whether the organism is a prokaryotic, eukaryotic, or RNA virus, and then determine the method of calculating the molecule based on various types... If the calculation is based on the principle of semi-conservative replication..."

"According to the topic, there are several different problem-solving methods. Do you understand me when I say this?"

Shi Wenbin looked at the eloquent young man on the side, his eyes seemed to be a little dazed, he listened to Lin Yi's repeated questioning, and finally came back to his senses, a series of nodding, stammering responses boys.

"Yes... yes, thank you."

He stared at the figure of Lam Yik sitting down, unable to come back to his senses for a long time, the young man was a little uncomfortable with the blank stare, he frowned and looked sideways, then turned his gaze back again, continued calmly Listening to the teacher, Shi Wenbin glanced at him from time to time with complicated eyes.

"Brother, don't you react?"

By the end of the get out of class, Shi Wenbin's repeatedly hesitant eyes finally managed to hook Lin Er out. The boy was holding a book, his face was full of curiosity.

Yi Lam glanced at the young man next to him, but didn't lift his head.

"No response is the best response." His clear and deep voice was carelessly transmitted to Liner's ears clearly.

Little curly hair listened to the boy's understatement answer, just about to speak, but seemed to be secretly warned by something, his face suddenly changed, and in just a moment, he quickly returned to the previous somewhat cynical attitude.

"Okay brother, received, don't disturb my brother's study."

As the volume of the voice faded away, the light blue light was still there, but Lin Er had disappeared without a trace.


After one more training class in an accident, Lin Yi's life seemed to be completely shrouded in learning. Although he never tired of it, in the eyes of his family, he still felt a little more worried.

This son who suddenly changed his temper seemed to have suddenly changed his mind and devoted himself to his studies. The handicrafts he had taken care of in the past had already quietly fallen into a haze, but the young man didn't know it. Lin Ya began to unconsciously study her brother's daily routine.

Unknowingly, the National Day holiday is approaching quietly, and the Lin family's previous travel plans have to be put on the agenda. The well-prepared seaside vacation trip seems to have changed from a full stop to a small question at this time.

"Xiao Yi, do you have any plans for the National Day?" Finally, after Lin Yi quickly finished dinner again, Wen Yu opened her mouth. She tentatively looked at the son who had arranged his job and was about to get up. Her words were full of discussions , "We are planning to go to the beach for vacation, are you free?"

"National Day?" The boy who wandered repeatedly in the daily courses and competitions all day seemed to have completely forgotten this festival. He scratched his head, and his brain that was still doing calculations gradually calmed down. The boy counted the time, shook his head, and refused. I got my mother's invitation, "No, I want to read a book, you go, remember to have fun."

"Isn't the midterm exam at NO.15?" Lin Ya was curious.

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly, "I've been reading the textbooks for the second year of high school recently."

"I'm full, I'm going to read a book first." He didn't say any more, just nodded again, got up, and walked towards his study.

The heavy door was closed again, and just as the boy was about to take out a brand new textbook and enter the space, the mobile phone randomly placed beside him suddenly emitted white light.

Lin Yi casually glanced at Shi Yangjia, who had been idle with each other since he became a friend, and a red circle quietly appeared next to his profile picture.

[Shi Yangjia: Lin Yilin, Mr. Ma created a group and asked me to invite you in. 】

[Shi Yangjia: Recommended group chat (National One candidate)]

【Shi Yangjia: What about you, are you reading a book again? 】

[Shi Yangjia: The call has been cancelled. 】

[Shi Yangjia: No way, God, you study so hard, I'm under a lot of pressure...]

The boy looked at the messages that popped up one after another on the screen, remained silent for a long time, and finally sent a full stop to Shi Yangjia who had an extremely strong desire to chat.

I don't know why, since the training class together, this young man whom he regards as an opponent has started to pester him left and right, looking for topics to chat with himself from time to time.Even Lin Yi believed that if it wasn't for his lack of familiarity, this boy would have abandoned Yu Yixiu even to go to the bathroom, and pulled him along to move forward together.

Thinking about Yu Yixiu's expression when he joked that he liked Shi Yangjia earlier, Lin Yi sighed, and was about to reject him, but was interrupted by the young man's words one after another.

[Shi Yangjia: Brother Yi, Brother Yi, you really need to join the group!Teacher Bian and Teacher Ma are arguing again! 】

[Shi Yangjia: How did their rivals become our responsible teachers! ! ! 】

[Shi Yangjia: Brother, my dear brother, come to the rescue, your teacher is about to cry from anger. 】

Bian Simiao?Cried out of anger?

Thinking of the usual middle-aged men's complacent expressions when pouring knowledge into them with seriousness and craziness, Lin Yi suddenly regained his energy. With a move in his mind, he quietly clicked the button of agreeing to join the group.

The group was arguing, and the two didn't seem to notice the appearance of a user named '001'. They were still arguing, and the battle was very fierce. In the entire group chat, except for their speech, everyone was silent, hiding behind the network cable At the other end of the group, I watched the contention between the group owner and the administrator.

[Shui Shui Shui Shui: Matthew, you old woman, what else can you give besides money? 】

[Repair your car: Money is enough, how is it like you?You can't keep people even if you are poor and white, do you really think Lam Yik can endure your environment? 】

[Shui Shui Shui Shui: I have knowledge, which is the most expensive. Are you bragging about my title as an Olympiad gold medal coach?City-level outstanding teachers? 】

[Fix your car: Does your school have a gold medal coach?Bian Simiao, tell me that your school can still handle the college entrance examination results, what else is there? 】

[Fix your car: Edward Lam comes to our school, we can provide all excellent teaching resources, scholarships, and competition opportunities, how about you?I'm afraid I can't even transfer a class. I heard that a teacher reported this kid for cheating before. 】

[Fix your car: Bian Simiao, I'm not talking about you, you should get some oil in your head, and don't focus on your feelings every day. Look at the end of your feelings. Except yourself, who else knows that you are a gold medal coach? 】

Facing Bian Simiao's words, Ma Xiuli sneered, did not give him any chance to refute, and crushed him to death without saying a word.

She glanced at the members of the group, and was surprised by the sudden increase in the number above.

[Fix your car: Did anyone join the group just now? 】

Shi Yangjia, who was chatting cheerfully with the young man, suddenly fell silent, and Lin Yi watched him slowly making noises in the group with his name.

【Shi Yangjia: Teacher... I just brought Yi Lin in. 】

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