After all, it is the real world. The so-called retreat of Lin Yi is not like cultivating immortals without eating or drinking. It just reduces the degree of contact with the outside world and narrows the scope of activities as much as possible. At the same time, it also immerses the whole person more into related experiments.

But his own low profile does not mean that the announcement about him has stopped.

Two years is enough time to make a world-shaking change.

During his retreat, all kinds of information filled in before quietly played a big role in the dark.

Behind the frolicking network, one message after another is constantly exchanged in various channels with the transmission of signals, and the content of the discussion is repeatedly changed in the voice of communication in different languages ​​again and again, and finally converges again. Unified discourse,? To the address filled in the original information to send a message of congratulations.

[@华-国日报: Recently, the International Biology Awards were announced...]

[@微博新闻: Recently the Lasker Awards announced this year's winners...]

[@某迅新闻: Recently, the Kraft Biological Science Award announced that it won this award...]

The discovery and proof of a project is a very long process, and once it passes the verification from all parties, what it will get will be a rush of various reputations.

Among them, the most visible to the audience is the award mentioned repeatedly in each message.

Also inspired by these awards, for this very serious name that fiddles with the public from time to time, it often comes out when the memory curve is close to fading.

All the awards seem to favor this young guy from the Eastern countries, presenting all the charms he can show one after another from the details, and at the same time competing with other organizing committees for this one The coming of youth.

After all, just relying on the information reported in the name of a one-day technology company, this young man who is not yet in his forties is definitely a strong competitor for the future Nobel Prize. Add a "Nobel Prize prediction" to his award 'The glory of the organization also has a lot of status for many organizing committees.

Even if everyone knows it well, as an award with the longest test time and the most comprehensive scope, the glory of the Nobel Prize will definitely not be added to this young man so quickly.

But it can't stop their pursuit.

The seemingly competitive announcement of the awards is definitely more than the enthusiasm that the superimposed reports of the awards can reach. It is almost overwhelming. Overnight, the name of Lam Yik is like the previous publicity when he participated in the program, and once again appeared on the Internet. It exploded, and quickly rushed to the top of the hot search with a rocket-like speed that had never been seen before.

To sum it up, during the days when he disappeared, the news continued to expand its influence in publicity after publicity like a blowout, and under the hint of his superiors, he tried his best to accurately promote it to the majority of netizens who eat melons.

Ever since, when Yi Lin came out of retreat, even though he hadn't connected to the external network for a while, he soon realized that the sky had changed.

"A good news and a bad news, which news do you want to hear?"

When the young man saw Shi Yangjia standing at the gate of the laboratory holding a bouquet of flowers and welcoming him with an extremely hypocritical smile on his face, subconsciously, he felt that he might have been taken to the deep mountains by him unknowingly.

Otherwise, how could it be blue-sky-white-sunset and see a vixen?

"I don't even listen."

Lin Yi did not give Shi Yangjia any chance at all, and disrupted his poor prediction without hesitation.

"It's almost two o'clock, why are you so busy doing tricks?" The young man sneered slightly, and patted Shi Yangjia's back, "The cafeteria is still open, let's go and eat."

"Sense of ritual! Do you know the sense of ritual?" The boy wearing a loose short-sleeve muttered dissatisfiedly, and stuffed the large bouquet of unsightly flowers into Lin Yi's arms without thinking, "I don't know who did it in the middle of the night. Abandoning the warm quilt to pick you up in this crappy place, it really... hurts my feelings too much." As if to increase his recognition, he even squeezed his eyes with superb acting skills, forcing some hazy eyes out of them. Feel.

Of course, this couldn't fool Yi Lin who had prepared the back tune in advance.

"Warm blanket? Are you sure you're not playing games with Yu Yixiu?"

Compared with Shi Yangjia's family, he trusted his family's invisible system every day.

What's more, after seeing the record chart full of pages.

If I really believe you, what's the deal?

Facing Shi Yangjia's condemning eyes, Lam Yi just exchanged meaningful glances with him, and did not expose his lies.


The good news and bad news that Shi Yangjia said, in fact, Lin Yi only needs to ask a casual question, and the system can easily know it.

But he doesn't.

Alas, I just want to tease Shi Yangjia.

Staying up late to work is a habit for many regular residents in the laboratory building.

Dark night will make people have more daydreams, and it will also allow scholars who are exhausted of inspiration to find a lot of breakthroughs.

As a typical representative, Edward Lam has completely implemented this trend to the root.

People are there when you come in the morning, and you are still there when you leave at night, and the work and rest time of the entire laboratory is gradually developing towards the underworld.

Moreover, this underworld also has a typical feeling of expanding influence.

It can be seen with the naked eye that after his arrival, the laboratory building in the middle of the night is always inexplicably noisier than during the day. The whole building is brightly lit, and even the elevator is full of academic atmosphere.

To ask is to love research.

Such behavior is obviously detrimental to most people's health, and it was strongly opposed by the school when it first emerged.

But anyway, it does have some effect.

After several professors who had been stuck in the bottleneck had a sudden flash of inspiration while wandering around in the middle of the night, the original spark instantly ignited the original fire.

Seeing the crazier state, the school had to give in, and opened the canteen closest to the scientific research area to be open all day.

The schedule is wrong, so I can't be still hungry.

Facing this long list of baby bumps, I really can't beat or scold them, I can only pamper them.

"So... what do you want to say?"

Although the canteen is open late at night, the purpose is just to fill the stomach, and some dishes are not many.Lin Yi just glanced at it twice, and instantly lost the interest in choosing carefully. He casually ordered pastries and started chatting with Shi Yangjia.

"You won't really mess with me." He asked jokingly.

"Am I this kind of person?" Shi Yangjia asked back, "That's the hole you buried yourself, and the most I can do is sprinkle water on you."

The good news and the bad news are actually like rain from heaven to other people, but it is clear that Edward Lam is not an ordinary person.

And Yiyi Technology without his supervision is obviously not a company that is willing to be mediocre.

If you just want to make a living, the profits generated by the Chaos series products supported by the state are obviously enough for all the high-level executives in the company to live comfortably, and they have a place on a certain wealth list.

However, the company's top executives have a very prominent feature.

As a "small workshop" run by the rich generation and the rich second generation and the red generation, they lack everything except money.

The capital investment trend of Yitian Science and Technology is very complicated. In addition to the necessary capital investment from the state and part of the Lin family's shareholding, there are also many friendly investments from various groups.

To the outside world, this company is undoubtedly a potential child of tomorrow, but in the eyes of these groups, One Day Technology is just a gadget for a group of fledgling children to practice their hands.

Even the equity is divided in the name of private individuals. Regarding the matters of the entire technology company, there is no requirement to have any say in the initial investment.

However, those who have been able to play together with Yi Lin for such a long time, and even set up a company together, will always have the blood of the business batch flowing in their hearts.

Among them, Yu Yixiu and Qiao Zhennan, who have gradually started to take over their own businesses, are the most prominent.

In Lin Yi's view, the two of them are simply the reincarnation of money fans. Since they got their first pot of gold, they have never stopped making money.

It was okay when the youth was there, although the two of them showed their money-lovers tempers from time to time, but they still restrained to some extent.

But after two years of retreat, I basically don't ask about the outside world...

"Sprinkle water? I think you probably also fertilized by the way." Lin Yi took a mouthful of his face, as if he had seen through everything, and guessed with a somewhat vague tone, "Isn't it winning the lottery?"

He didn't forget the large stack of documents that he was pressed to write after explaining to Yu Yixiu that he was going to retreat.

Although I always felt that Yu Yixiu's behavior like betting on horses would not be effective, but I still had to guess how many times I guessed.

After all, for him, if he really got it, it would really be a nightmare.

As a person who is used to being quiet, too much exposure and noise is really an extremely uncomfortable trouble.

And in the next second, his worst guess was clearly confirmed on Shi Yangjia's face in advance.

"Bingo! How did you guess it so easily?" The boy smiled and clapped his hands vigorously in front of him. The crisp voice made the eyes of many people staying in the cafeteria instantly focus, "The good news is, Congratulations on your award."

"And the bad news..." He prolonged his voice on purpose, and added with an unconcealable smile in the background sound of the cafeteria, which was obviously a few decibels lower, "Congratulations, you are blooming with a hundred flowers, and you all scored."

"All of them?" Even though Yi Lin had a little warning in his heart, he was secretly shocked by the answer Shi Yangjia gave, "Are you kidding me? All these awards?!" Rarely, his face His face reveals emotions other than composure.

And this obviously also satisfied a little sense of expectation from Shi Yangjia.

"Of course, don't you think about how many projects have been reviewed over the years? One award for each is not too much." He paused, as if remembering something, and then added again, "There is one more, Xiaoyu specially asked I'll tell you after I catch you."

"I said it was because I was afraid that you would go back to the laboratory and work hard again."

"...As for?"

Looking at the friend who automatically moved to his side and imprisoned him tightly, Lin Yi, who was ignorant of the hustle and bustle of the outside world, only had an inexplicable expression in his mind at this time.

"Of course, I also agree with Xiaoyu's statement." Shi Yangjia completely ignored the mocking eyes from all directions, and announced to the young man next to him in a serious manner, "You came out just in time, April 4rd. Remember to prepare for the first review meeting of academicians."

It has to be said that Yu Yixiu's perseverance in the selection of academicians has not been defeated by the failure of the previous youth.

During the two years of youth retreat, I never gave up this idea, and whenever I had time, I secretly racked my brains for this glory.

In addition to Lin Yi's age in the last failure, there is also a tendency for the project not to be recognized internationally.

But this round was the complete opposite. Lin Yi was very lucky, and won a lot of nominations before the evaluation of the list of academicians, which instantly increased the chances by more than half.

"April 4?" Lin Yi asked as if he had misheard, "What's the number today?"

"April 4," Shi Yangjia pretended to look at the non-existent dial on his wrist and replied, "Oh, no, it's past zero, today is April 2."

"The meeting at three o'clock in the afternoon, remember not to miss it!"

... Isn't this playing with yourself?

No wonder the first time he came out, he felt that there was a big tail shaking behind Shi Yangjia.

"Is there still time for me to go back to the laboratory?" The young man sat upright and asked sideways with a serious look.

The author has something to say:


I originally wanted to send it at zero o'clock...but I didn't finish it...


This chapter is for Friday, and there is another chapter tonight, at about nine o'clock or zero o'clock, let's see how fast I come back at night!


Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: Min Yoon-chi? 20 bottles; 25893063? 10 bottles; Liu Chenchen? 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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