The country refused to make me a god

Chapter 140 The 7th Prophecy

Obviously, the problem of the cell cannot be solved in a short period of time. Even if Lin Yi had an idea, he could not successfully find the key point about the cell mutation in a short period of time.

Even with the help of the system, he has roughly guessed its mutated gene sequence.

But it still takes time to verify.

Before that, the chaotic chip, which was priceless because of its limited quantity, took the lead in the news of the upgrade.

The main battlefield is still on Weibo, but this time the blogger who released the news has changed from a mudslide in the popular science world to a small emerging company.

Although there is only one person behind, the audience has changed.

From people who eat melons to consumers.

[@一日科技V: It is mentioned in the Bible that it took seven days for God to create the world, and the beginning was chaos.From different dimensions to three-dimensional interconnection, it is easy to one-click, a new upgrade. 】

The release of new brand items usually requires preheating, and obviously, one-day technology can be regarded as an accident.

Compared with the overwhelming advertisements of new competing products, their promotions didn't even have a tag, just a random sentence, and there was no movement after clicking to publish.

This is obviously not only the confidence in its own products, but also the extreme trust in its audience's message dissemination channels.

After all, under the current trend that is still hot, as a limited sale item, the promotion has no other advantages except to increase the number of snatchers.

Although the copywriting has all these twists and turns, there is only one thing I want to say.

It's time for a development conference, seven days later.

This alone is enough to make all concerned people lively.

【@破厂子链接了:What do you mean?Chaos 2.0 is about to be upgraded?Upgrade to what? 2.1 or 3.0?Is there any chance for us who are restricted to purchase? ? ? 】

[@爱的甜粉花: If I remember correctly,? The technology of chaotic chips should be at the monopoly level in the world. It seems that there is no news about brain computers from several famous foreign laboratories. 】

[@酸烤粉精粉粉all come to a bowl: If I remember correctly, the most advanced technology in the West is currently in the hands of Whitehead Berger. This professor seems to have won a Nobel Prize for this technology before . 】

[@是维妮不是香妮: As one of the users who grabbed the brain-computer chip,? I have to say that the advertisements advertised by Yitian Technology before are not false, although I haven’t felt its so-called ability to completely replace other applications place, but I still have to brag that Hua-Guo is awesome! 】

【@那子:Joke,? You viewers trapped in the wall don’t really think that Hua-guo is the only one in the world who has researched this so-called brain-computer interaction, do you really think that foreign scientists don’t do anything?People just think that the non-invasive method is too cumbersome from the very beginning, and they don't bother to make it.Can't you see that it's easier to implant a chip than to carry a magnet at all times? 】

[@夏天大长脸: Some people are afraid that they are blindly patriotic. They don’t even check the relevant information and just blow it up here. It is indeed a place where the undergraduate rate is less than 5%. I’m afraid that some of the things we said are not for you. Get it! 】

[@林茶加液: Those jumping upstairs are probably from orthodox purebred shepherd dogs, why don’t you mention the impact of the chip as a peculiar smell in the body at all?Moreover, how far have the so-called intrusive chips developed abroad have not seen you say?How can it be so cheerful to blow back the monopoly of other companies when it is hard to say that it admits a leading position? 】

[@水里拉条鱼: It’s really strange, why didn’t there be so many messy populations when Zero Billion sent messages before, and when it was the turn of technology, a group of people caught up and rushed to criticize technology products?For half a day, it's unworthy of a billion people. I've been a marketing account for so long, and I haven't even been scolded. 】

[@豆豆粉配老干妈: Don’t scold me, don’t scold me, our zero billion essential work is a prophet, how dare they go to the knife prophet?Who will give them excuses in advance if they give the prophets a knife?However, according to the relationship between one-day technology and billions, maybe we will be able to receive new pushes from the prophets later. 】


I have to say that sometimes the sensitivity of netizens is enough.

Especially when quarreling, unconscious speech seems to be able to increase the chance of the prophet appearing.

Even a prophet wearing a 'Marketing Number' helmet can still be summoned.

It was only half an hour after the technology was published on the first day, and the long-awaited [Zero Billion] went online.

Started the midnight divination.

In other words, the first wave of warm-up.

[@百万V: On the first day of creation, what is the meaning of entertainment in life? 】

This endless talk would be impossible to guess at ordinary times, but as netizens who have just returned from another battlefield, they can see the bottom line at a glance.

The entertainment item is the missing part that Chaos 2.0 specifically declared in the publicity, but it also made a clear promise to supplement it after multiple announcements.

So... After the chips are barely shipped, is this so-called entertainment industry upgrade coming?

Isn't this speed a bit too fast?

And according to Zero Billion, this seems to be just the first main task of this upgrade.

The creation of the world lasted for seven days. If the seven major projects were fully upgraded, then this would be no less than a new product launch event.

What's more, in the hands of Yitian Technology, which has mastered the wealth code, the core technology can be far more profitable than chip materials.

Not to mention netizens, even the melon owners who have certain business connections with this mysterious company do not believe that this company will completely abandon the original underlying structure and completely renovate the system.

After all, as the controllers of the information channel, they have not received any news about the large-scale procurement of parts by the company's cooperative enterprises.

No one wants to make money, and the scientific research industry, on which technology companies mainly spend, is in many cases a bottomless pit that cannot be filled.

The only end of not making money is bankruptcy.

At this point, everyone firmly believes.

But, apparently, they forgot one thing.

As a state-owned enterprise, a day science and technology company is basically engaged in scientific research at the top level, and most of the funds go to the state seems that under certain circumstances, they are not short of money.

Even because most of the cooperation is with companies related to the management's family, even when the chips are only sold at the price of ordinary mobile phones, this company has actually made money.

In the Internet age, public opinion has replaced cold weapons as the main form of warfare, and the main basis of public opinion warfare is the difference in information from both sides. As a big country of information leakage, Hua-Guo has repeatedly suffered from the leakage of various information. Almost revealed the killer hidden in it.

The leakage of the trump card is extremely fatal to any country, and the emergence of brain-computer chips obviously makes the country think about secrecy in addition to quantum communication.

The enemy is in the dark, and the country's wide application of this emerging anti-eavesdropping technology is obviously more promotion than praise. Although I don't know what honor the scientific research team under the name of the chip company has, I don't know where the overwhelming publicity comes from. It can be seen the direction of big data promotion in the dark.

As the necessary amplification device for brainwave signals, corresponding modification was carried out on the basis of the original 5G base station early on. After the laboratory products passed the inspection, they quietly began to be added in various places in the vast land.

It can be said that so far, the first-stage brain-computer chips have been researched by the Hua-Guo scientific research team, and the corresponding functional algorithms have been sent to the main operating companies of various apps for conversion after the new product launch to achieve all aspects. Both software.

Ever since, under the witness of all the people who eat melons, the next few days of the system upgrade notice become extraordinarily thrilling every day.

Just like what the [One Day Technology] official blog once said after sending a message,

It is like God, changing this chaotic world.

[@百万V: On the second day of creation, learning, in the daily input and output, the brain will transmit various electrical signals, and when you click on @学习强国, what kind of signal will it be? ? 】

[@百万V: On the third day of creation, communication, people did not learn how to communicate with their own kind as soon as they appeared, but in order to adapt to the environment, the brain gradually evolved and developed this function over time. When you open Who do you most want to chat with in the address book? 】

[@百万V: On the fourth day of creation, diet and nutrition are an indispensable part of life. As a foodie, what do you want to eat at this time? 】

[@百万V: On the fifth day of creation, living, have you ever wondered what it would be like to be yourself in a parallel world?If you are given a sufficiently initialized platform, what do you want your 'home' to look like? 】

[@百万V: On the sixth day of creation, traffic and traffic jams have become an indispensable part of the rhythm of modern life. Do you think the drifting of consciousness will help you solve this trouble? 】

Just like timing, every day at [-]:[-] noon, Zero Billion will come to talk about it, and in the eyes of the fans who have been waiting for a long time, he will open the punctual prophet's knife, and incidentally, the #chaosnewupgrade# Take the tag for a circle on Hot One.

A week passed like this, and finally, in full view of everyone, the prophecy of the seventh day arrived on time.

Not only zero billion, the silent official blog also jointly released the correct answer at the same time.

[@百万V: On the seventh day, the chaos will eventually dissipate, and a new world is coming. Tomorrow is the old time, lock in the @一日科技V live room, and explore the real virtual world together. 】

[@一日科技V: At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, the dawn system of the live broadcast room will be launched, and at ten o'clock in the morning, the second batch of chip reservation channels will open on time. 】

The news was posted quickly, but it was obvious that Subcutaneous, who was in charge of two microblogs today, forgot one thing.

[@香尽豆豆粉:? ? ?What do you two little tails mean?Chaos 3.0 of Yishen and Brother Aisiyi's Chaos 3.0?Did you expose something? ! 】

[@布洛芬yyds: Laughing to death, why does it always feel that some kind of answer that we have guessed for a long time has been exposed?Didn’t the model of Chaos 3.0 just entered, you guys overturned the car too fast. 】

[Today Cuckoo Chicken: I was laughing so loudly, do you dislike us because we couldn't guess it, so we exposed it on purpose?This suffix can really laugh to death. 】

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