The laboratory equipment is obviously very complete.

Not only the ones owned by Yanda University before, but even in this semi-enclosed area, there are many products purchased with a lot of money that were only heard of before.

Of course, these do not affect the large-scale 'innovation and entrepreneurship restart' activities of the whole team.

On the second day after everyone moved in, the originally neatly arranged laboratory was successfully turned upside down. While waiting for Xu Jichi to get up to help in the laboratory according to his daily schedule, he watched the experimental equipment that had been placed in a row crumbling Appearing in every corner between the floors, he was stunned for a while.

To be honest, for Xu Jichi himself, when he met the legendary Edward Lam team for the first time, the dissatisfaction in his heart was somewhat greater than the longing.

Especially after the members of the entire project team had some distaste for the harsh environment of the overall base, which leaked out along with the progress and was captured by Xu Jichi,? His small emotions gradually spread Kailai,? It is inevitable that some resentment will be brought into the chat with the friends around me.

Friends also have no position to say that Xu Jichi is wrong. After all, as the person in charge of this project, he was demoted by a piece of paper and watched the new team settle here. He turned the experiments they had done into Moving in the completely opposite direction, Xu Jichi's expression of making complaints in private is already patient enough.

"So what are you thinking now?"

But when the friend asked this seemingly frustrated companion again on the second day after Lin Yi's team entered the laboratory, the answer he got was quite different from the previous one.

"I...I want to join their team."

It only takes a day for a man to go from rebellion to submission and want to join.

Looking at the team who seemed to be complaining from the perspective of God, they quickly and orderly started testing after confirming the objects. For him, the deterrent force still has enough sense of existence.

Especially after unexpectedly receiving an invitation from the young man who seemed to have no sense of trust at all, Xu Jichi seemed to have a hindsight judgment about Lin Yi's evaluation of their "grass team" when he learned about the situation.

Compared with a team that has no systematic experience at all, and only guesses based on general judgment, and a project team that has already gone through the process and tried new field capabilities in a completely satisfactory manner, it is really a crushing competition among professional teams.

It is all about allowing cells to successfully tolerate the lunar soil. Compared with the plan for changing the soil structure proposed by Xu Jichi's group, the difficulty of changing the cell's adaptability has obviously increased a lot.

Perhaps relying on their judgment will really have unexpected results.

Facing the young man who seemed completely invisible to him, Xu Jichi only hesitated for one night, and completely disregarded the advice of his previous friend. The next morning, before dawn, he walked towards the The way to the lab.

He originally intended to show his determination to the new team, and wanted to try to wait and see, but when he got to the designated floor and looked at the brightly lit corridor, he fell into doubt.

It's 23:[-] in the morning... Before stepping into the laboratory building, the entire area was filled with the sound of morning training soldiers.

Did their lab start so early?

With hesitation, he waited for a boy in a white coat and goggles.

"Welcome to join us." Lin Yi smiled slightly, took off his gloves, and stretched out his hand to the other party, "The laboratory does not have a mandatory time period for work, and you can leave after completing the tasks as needed every day."

"The specific tasks are arranged by the team leader in the group. The tasks can be extended for a certain period of time according to the overall progress, and the overall pressure is not great."

Not mandatory?Is the brightly lit corridor behind you the background wall?

It's not even dawn yet!

Why do you feel that the more this boy talks, the more untrustworthy he becomes?

For his new superior, Xu Jichi's eyes are full of distrust at this moment.

But obviously his emotion was a bit too strong, so that the boy opposite seemed to see the condemnation in the eyes of this new member. Lin Yi seemed to understand something more, and followed Xu Jichi's gaze towards the back. The hallway glanced.

"Oh, they got up too late yesterday, working overtime all night to make time for the weekend party!"

Party or no party Xu Jichi, who joined the job on Monday, has not had time to feel it, but he is one step ahead of the first overtime.

On the first day of work...he found out that what Lin Yi pulled people in to say before was no different from what he didn't say.

The rules don't mention working overtime, but I can't bear to be introverted!

Xu Jichi seemed to have completely ignored the desire of these new colleagues to go home. They worked overtime and worked hard all the time. It was obviously a new project, but the speed was so proficient that they almost waited to go home. Order issued.

The man who completely manages the base: Your it really reliable?


Whether it is reliable or not depends on the results, and whether it works or not depends on the final result.

Time passed quickly, and when Xu Jichi had almost adapted to the overtime environment, the team led by Lin Yi finally took the lead in creating some very special small creatures in the laboratory environment.

Even if the frequency of mutation is accelerated under external interference, the direction of mutation chosen by the cells is not relatively directional, and evolution is a natural selection, and screening is the main task of the team members.

In the progress of cell generation after generation, the mutations in various aspects obviously require long-term data investigation and consideration, and it is this huge workload that made Xu Jichi's team give up the discussion from the very beginning. This direction seems to be completely impossible to achieve in a short period of time.

However, what Xu Jichi didn't expect at all was that the members of the new team didn't seem to have any complaints about the whole screening process. Chi felt surprised and delighted.

What are you happy about?Overtime extended again?

Isn't this one step closer to home?

Because of professional issues, the main task of Xu Jichi's experimental group is to screen mutant cells, and he finally received a kind answer from his colleagues on the day he got the task.

Before Xu Jichi arrived, a gun-like instrument that looked completely unfamiliar was taken out and placed on the laboratory table. In the other corner of this small space, the black screen that had always been silent had already disappeared. Filled with data from a variety of different units.

"Oh, everyone knows that our team was formerly the biological team of the Brain-Computer Laboratory." Perhaps thinking of the new colleagues here, in today's regular meeting, the team leader Tian Wenwen more or less sandwiched In private, I popularized the main content that needs to be done during this period of time to everyone present.

"Everyone is familiar with this gun. The product designed by the Design Institute is still in the trial stage, but the data should not be a problem after repeated confirmation by them."

"Everyone should know exactly how to do it. If you don't understand, just scan the QR code on the gun and read the instructions." Tian Wenwen paused, looking at the thick text in his hand, suddenly remembered to add, "Brother Yan said Ji The hospital specifically asked to emphasize, don’t point it at colleagues, even if they have reduced the radiation as much as possible, but this is not a microwave oven, don’t point it at it and turn on the monitor.”

"The system has set up a certain protection program. If it is triggered, then don't ask me to reimburse the money."

The Monday morning meeting has always been a boring process that lasts more than an hour and requires serious listening, and almost all meetings have a fixed process at the end, which is more or less bloody for all members of the new week.

Although for Xu Jichi, these words are really the best.

"This task is similar to the previous ones. Finish early and stop early. There is not much data. I hope everyone can make a quick decision."

"Remember to back up the monitoring data. Please pay attention to your respective duty hours and don't oversleep."

"According to Brother Yi, we have to hand in the data before the weekend at the latest. We know that everyone wants to rest. The old rule is that if we can finish it by Friday, we will have the weekend off."

It's a holiday, but I'm afraid it's not the same as "no forced overtime" in Lin Yi's mouth, there is no difference.

The unbelieving Xu has a million worries about the so-called plan of the whole group. Even if the group really completed the task ahead of schedule as planned, he woke up early on Saturday without hesitation, full of food. After eating breakfast, head towards the laboratory.

The environment of the laboratory building was in a peaceful range as always, but when Xu Jichi hummed a little tune and stepped out of the elevator door on the floor where the laboratory was located, he couldn't help being stunned when he saw the dark scene in front of him.

No... you said rest really rested?

Why is the whole lab so quiet when one group doesn't have enough rest?

It's like... literally going into hibernation mode.

As if he didn't believe in evil, Xu Jichi hesitated for a moment, and called Tian Wenwen, the team leader.

"Tianzu, is there no one coming to the laboratory today?" An angry question quickly rang out in the empty area outside the laboratory.

"Ji Chi, are you in the lab?" The voice on the other side was confused, as if he was still half asleep, "Brother Yi assigns tasks according to the eight-hour system every time, and after the whole task is completed, naturally you can have a holiday."

"Brother Yi should have told you before that there is no mandatory time to work, that's what it means."

"There are not many tasks on weekends. If you want to learn, you can go to the next group to see."

"It may take some time before the laboratory opens. In about an hour, the staff on duty should arrive."


What is this on-demand overtime rule?

How can it be so... unbelievable?

Looking at the phone in his hand that was hung up mercilessly, Xu Jichi pursed his lips, raised his head and looked at the figure behind the locked glass door.

"You... want to come in?"

A crisp juvenile voice sounded from inside, accompanied by a crisp 'click' sound, and the light accompanied by shallow natural light quickly filled the entire space.

Hmm... It seems that besides the staff on duty, there is also a great master in today's laboratory.

"Morning." Xu Jichi nodded, and smiled at the tired young man opposite him.

The author has something to say:


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