The country refused to make me a god

Chapter 132 Public opinion

The timing of this call was very coincidental, and it was chosen impartially during the period when the scientific research dogs were collectively cooking.

Therefore, when the well-fed migrant workers walked shoulder to shoulder into the office for a short rest, they couldn't help being stunned when they saw the serious boy in front of them.

Isn't Edward Lam testing new data recently?

During this time period, how could this great god appear here?

Still so serious?What happened?

This doubt did not have time to wait for a representative to be elected from the crowd who repeatedly pushed and shoved to ask questions. The boy raised his eyes and found a group of colleagues who were standing at the gate and dared not enter, and spoke first amidst the silence.

"A notice came down from above, our current research is suspended,? Each group will send a representative,? Everyone needs to go back to Beijing together."

What kind of place does Beijing refer to? Basically everyone present knows and has been there.

To put it bluntly, in the past two years, not [-]% but almost [-]% of the people who call it their home in this laboratory.

Compared with the new recruits who just entered the camp, many people can even proudly compare their familiarity with that area.

But this does not mean that they are willing to take the initiative to sign up.

Although they don't care about the place of work, they can't stop the inherent rules in some troops.

After all, they can overcome the difficult conditions, but the work and rest time comparable to military training is really hard for many people to accept.

From six in the morning to nine in the evening, although working for five days and resting for two days, it is still a bit too demanding for researchers who like free time.

"Yishen, can you tell us how long we need to go? Another two years will really bore us!"

"Yes, yes,? And what is the content of this time,? It won't come up with any weird things again!"

"Recently, there seems to be news of bringing back lunar soil. Could it be related to this?"

"Moon soil? You don't want to get a jade rabbit out, do you?"

"As long as we don't make a clone, what can't we do?"

"What? Do you want to make regenerative cells again?"

With one party taking the lead to make a bold speech, the atmosphere that gradually relaxed in the follow-up was also naturally connected.

The originally quiet office suddenly became noisy, and there were more and more thoughts. Even the young man who was used to their behavior in dealing with things listened carefully to their proposal, and he couldn't help being a little surprised.

The brain hole of these years...has it been developed to this point?

Our laboratory does not engage in cloning either! ! !You all look very excited. I don’t know who was the one who screamed in pain during the group study.

Tucao return to Tucao, I have to say, this thinking is too scattered, really stepped on the point that was secretly revealed by the other side.

"There is no clear notice on how long it will take, but the content..." He paused for a moment, then looked up at the colleagues who had turned quiet again in an instant, "You really guessed it right."

"Pack up your luggage and raise cells in another place."

? ? ?Change the place to raise cells?

What do you mean?You don't really intend to do cloning, do you?

Help, there is a specialization in surgery, they were really just talking for a while before! ! !

The people who were stunned by Lin Yi's words and didn't react for a while, after the boy finished speaking, they looked at the handsome young man in front of them together, as if they wanted to verify the authenticity of what they just said.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at?" Lin Yi laughed, "Do you really think you are doing cloning?"

"Since everyone is not at the entry level, do you want to compete with Mr. Han and his team?"

"Don't worry, what you're doing there is after-sales service, you really don't have to be so nervous."

"It's just another after-sales service that is somewhat derivative."

Cultivating cells that can continue to survive in the lunar soil is not an after-sales service.

The concept is consistent, the logic is interlinked, and there is nothing wrong with it.


Lin Yi sent the news easily, but it still took some preparation time to say that he was going to set off.

And before that, he had procrastinated long enough for the graduation season, and finally, before other students of the same level left school, he quietly caught up with the big team.

But other people graduated from graduate school, and he also went up a level by the way.

Hmm... Ph.D. graduate.

Lin Yi had to admit that in the past three years, his skyrocketing popularity really brought him a lot of convenience.

For example, his defense passed very quickly.

There is basically nothing worth making things difficult for.

After all, what he has done in the past two years is obvious to everyone around him who is a little familiar, and in terms of the topic of the defense, as a member of the top echelon in the country, his defense is full of loopholes compared to other students in the usual data , in the eyes of many professors, is more like a report.

That's right, when a classmate who was rarely lazy was notified by his instructor to prepare for graduation after walking out of the deep mountains, he did not hesitate to bring in the manuscript he once said before the leader, and easily pressed the last day. The moment with few people came quietly, explaining the entire production process of the entire drug to the serious instructors in the classroom.

But how did they gradually change from a one-person defense to a joint discussion... This matter, Lam Yi can't say.

But it was very pleasant. At the end of the exchange, he subconsciously used his instinct again, and fooled a few mentors who were just here to watch.

However, he is impartial, and he is also a person in his poor tutor's laboratory.

Ding Xinrong:? ? ?how?Has kidnapping become a habit?

Kou Huachi just came back and took another one away?

What's the matter, my laboratory is not pleasing to the eye?Take me away if you have the ability!

Edward Lam: ...It's not impossible.

But jokes are jokes, the young man himself still has foresight, if he has the ability to swallow Lao Ding's laboratory, then he doesn't have to work, just lie down and make money, give advice.

Of course, even if everyone knew this self-knowledge, Lin Mouyi still had to be kicked out of the door for the nth time when his tutor snorted coldly at the end of his defense.

The door that had been closed for a long time was finally opened. Before the students who had been waiting outside had time to express their nervousness, they heard a very angry voice breaking through the barriers and sounding from within.

"I can't pass it, you can apply for a postponement."


Before the students present had time to react, a figure first appeared in the eyes of the public.

Who is this person, most of the scene also know.


Lin...Ed Lam?Postpone?

Is this dreaming?

Isn't it... Are the requirements so high this year?


June is another graduation season for a large wave of students, and the hot searches on Weibo throughout the month are more or less mixed with complaints and venting figures, and there are even some.

However, among the many comments, there is one microblog that seems to be particularly eye-catching.

【@会呵的鱼:! ! !We are the great gods who want to delay the completion?So is there still a way for me to survive? !I beg Mr. Ding to let us live. 】

This is just an ordinary Weibo to vent, but because of his position and the comments of many friends from the same school below, after being exposed, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

[@桃汁捷酒: You are already considered lucky, you went in before the Great God, and I don’t know if he and Mr. Ding had any conflicts, and everyone was trembling behind, too frightened to answer anything. 】

[@健康健康 Want to talk about hygiene:? ? ? The one starting with l?Didn't he graduate with those achievements every minute?Isn't it said that Wolff will be won in the past two years? 】

[@想想思思考试鸡一一: Don’t talk about Wolfe, look at the press conference a few days ago, if it’s true, you can probably go directly to the Lasker Awards podium. 】

The information exchanged is so obvious that it is unbelievable for those who come to inquire.

[@早晚早晚抱太阳: So why did he postpone his graduation? ? ? 】

There are not many people who often show up in the scientific research field, and Lin Yi, who is rarely seen once, can be regarded as the first among them. What's more, he has a top-notch brain and a basic face. trend.

Such a person is the pride of heaven, even the work microblog that does not speak on weekdays can have a lot of followers.

However, there was news that he could not graduate? ?

Not only the fans who gathered on Lin Yiwei's Weibo to clock in regularly to "crack the boss", but also the people who eat melons from various channels, it is unavoidable that it is difficult to accept.

The country still plays false advertisements?Is it possible that the medicine he brought during the earthquake was still blown?

The teenagers have not made many achievements for the public, and most of them have not been invested in the market. The already distant and fragile distance cannot even withstand the swing of public opinion, and the stairs leading to the altar disappear in the eyes of everyone. The lofty young man also seemed to fall into the quagmire in an instant, and was ridiculed one after another by the people who had been watching secretly before.

[@死鱼不思热水热: I just said, how come out of nowhere a so-called great god, your previous votes are also really inexplicable, there is no representative, and you just voted someone into the finals with empty words, in my opinion, It's better to vote for this Yilin Yi than to vote for any reliable entertainment star. I would rather vote for Ji Xinghao. 】

[@遇见粤清: If you check the resume of this 'great god', you should know how unreliable he is.The pretense of studying abroad was so vigorous before, but not many people knew that Mimi quietly dropped out of school and returned to Yanda.Others escorted him all the way, but this buddy was pushed up, but he still didn't want it. Look, this is the star you are chasing. 】

[@一生平安: Laughing dead, I’m afraid it’s not those teenage children who chase after stars. You will believe everything he says. He said before that there is a drug that is effective in treating diabetes, but now it’s been more than a year. What about the drug?Why didn't I see anyone around me using it?Children, I'm afraid you really want to pay attention to star chasing. The group that sent messages with this person before is the partner of Lin Yi's family. 】

There is more and more black water on the Internet, but the young man who quickly discarded the electronic products around him and turned his head into the confined space after the defense did not know it.

And not just this boy.

Due to the news that Edward Lam was notified before, the progress of the entire laboratory was very tight, and almost everyone was so busy that the news spread for a long time, but no one noticed it.

Because of this, when someone in the lab was finally relieved and found the clues on the Internet and informed the boy, Lin Yi was completely stunned.

Mr. Ding, where are you?I heard that I will stay in your hands for a while?

The author has something to say:


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