Lego blocks stacked randomly, various models neatly placed in the showcase, expensive equipment discarded in the corner... The sunlight shines into the room through the gaps in the windows, illuminating this luxurious space with every gesture.


An insignificant sound suddenly came out in this silent place.

In just a split second, some changes seemed to have taken place in the originally peaceful residence, and some rustling sounds appeared accompanied by the transmission of electron flow.

The boy in the middle of the room was still sleeping soundly while hugging the quilt, and he didn't notice the little things happening around him at all.




The electronic clock on the bedside table changed the time bit by bit.

Beijing time, it's seven o'clock.

The originally silent room suddenly became noisy, and everything seemed to have life.

Including the system in Yi Lin's brain that was forced to bind not long ago.

From the system's point of view, seven o'clock seemed to be a signal, and when the time came, it began to repeatedly stir up trouble in the boy's mind.

[System Reminder: Your current credits are seriously insufficient, please recharge as soon as possible. 】

[System Reminder: Your current credits are seriously insufficient, please recharge as soon as possible. 】

[System reminder...]

This hidden alarm clock was obviously very effective, the disturbing sound did not repeat many times, the boy on the bed became impatient with the noise, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he half-closed his eyes towards the bright sunshine.

"What's the yelling in the early morning?" Lin Yi muttered, his eyes were not fully opened, "It will take another 5 minutes."

He poked his hand out of the quilt, groped around on the bedside table and got the cold cell phone,

"It's only seven o'clock, summer vacation, can't you give me a little more sleep?"

The voice in his head didn't respond to him, and the electronic sound sounded stiffly and continuously in his head.

[It has been detected that the host is awake, and now routine data calculations are performed. 】

[Current data of the host:

Intelligence quotient (IQ): 91 (pass line for ordinary people);

Chinese: 20/100

Mathematics: 17/100

English: 1/100

Physics: 13/100

Chemistry: 17/100

Creatures: 34/100

History: 16/100

Geography: 19/100

Politics: 22/100

Overall evaluation: Elementary school chicken who messed up in high school]

[The host is requested to wash up within 10 minutes and start reading this morning. 】

The boy obviously wasn't very used to this sudden system, and he didn't hide his dissatisfaction in his words.

"I got it, I got it, are you here to beat me every morning?" The chattering voice in his head made Lin Yi a little irritable, he turned over impatiently, and wrapped himself in the bed, "You The evaluation criteria are wrong at first glance, how can I, a liberal arts student, be worse than the science evaluation."

"It's really a mentally handicapped system, what is it called Zero Zero Two, you are a bastard."

The origin of this system is also strange, after all, Yi Lam has only seen the incident of falling out of bed and falling out of a system while sleeping, only in certain novels.

At first, he only thought it was his own auditory hallucinations, but a series of subsequent system operations forced him to believe that he was forced to bind a so-called knowledge-changing system-the 'Rejuvenate the Country through Science and Education' app.

This system, which is said to have come from after 3642, is like a very hungry beast when it comes to learning from the host. Its eyes are blinding. Once Lin Yi strokes the water, he looks at the host up and down. It is obviously just a virtual sphere, but he can always Feel the sense of urging.

The system was completely devoid of conscience in terms of performance of duties. Seeing that Yi Lin had the intention of returning to the cage, he issued a series of instructions.

[The host is requested to wash up within 10 minutes and start reading this morning. 】

[The current evil value of the host is 98/100, and the expected punishment this time is Electric stimulation?]

[The countdown to morning reading is 9 minutes, and the current evil value is 99/100, reaching the critical value. Please host the morning reading as soon as possible. 】

Why did it reach the critical value again, didn't it just end yesterday?

Yi Lin vaguely heard a certain keyword, the release rate of neurotransmitters immediately accelerated, the concentration of glutamic acid increased rapidly, and the progress bar of consciousness increased rapidly.

"What is Eli going to do?"


Before he finished speaking, a burst of electric current quickly spread from the brain stem to his entire brain.

The tingling sensation quickly spread from the spine to the body.

Not to mention drowsiness, being so stimulated, Lam Yi jumped up from the bed in an instant.

"I'm a patient! How is the patient?!" He rubbed his temples vigorously, trying to relieve the discomfort from his head.

"I think my concussion didn't come from falling out of bed, but from your electric shock."

The system didn't listen to Yi Lam's nagging at all, it was just a primary system, and it didn't cover any emotions in treating the host.

[The host is requested to wash up within 10 minutes and start reading this morning. 】

It repeated the instructions it had received.

"Got it, got it, morning reading and morning reading, let's go."

Lin Yi, who was shocked by the shock, had no choice but to leave his warm bed no matter how much he resisted. The boy picked up the clothes that had been thrown aside casually, and lazily walked towards the mirror beside him.

The well-defined abdominal muscles appeared in his line of sight, and the young man admired his works over the years with satisfaction, until his skin felt a little cold, and he hurriedly put on the short sleeves.

He glanced at the looming muscles in the mirror with nostalgia, sighed, tried his best to ignore the noisy electronic sounds in his head, pushed open his door, and walked towards the stairs with bare feet.

The soft carpet softened the sound of his footsteps, and the whole villa was still in harmony with nature, silently.


Yi Lam's habit of staying in bed is obviously hereditary.

The big house was still immersed in sleep, except for Lin Ya who had to catch the plane, the whole family was still playing chess with Duke Zhou in peace.


Lin Ya was holding a small piece of cake and was chewing in small bites. When she heard the greeting, she raised her head subconsciously. She was a little surprised to see the boy walking down from the second floor.

"Lin Yi, it's rare, why did you wake up so early today." She teased with a smile, "Your hairstyle today doesn't suit your temperament."

"I was so disturbed by a voice that I couldn't fall asleep, so I got up to study." Lin Yi scratched his head, letting the soft curly hair grow in the direction of the chicken coop head, "Aren't parents awake yet?" It was also the first time he saw Qi o'clock Zhong's restaurant, seeing the empty tables, can't help being a little surprised.

"Today is Saturday." Lin Ya chuckled, she stood up, took out a glass of milk and a piece of cake from the kitchen and handed them to her younger brother, "I don't know what kind of mess you have made recently, waking up so early every day."

"My parents have made arrangements for you, and the principal of No. [-] Middle School has also let go. Don't put so much pressure on yourself."

No. [-] Middle School can be regarded as the school with the best quality teachers in Huizhou City, and the input threshold is high, and the output is naturally not much lower.As far as Lin Yi's grades were at the bottom of the list, No. [-] Middle School was completely rumored, not to mention getting in. Thinking about it, I know how much the Lin family has done for this youngest son.

Lin Yi took a big sip of milk, and his voice was vague, "I want to mess around like this."

Just as he was about to complain, the countdown in his mind started again.

[Morning reading countdown 3 minutes. 】

"I went to my morning reading."

Thinking about the system's endless fancy punishments, the young man swallowed the breakfast arranged by Lin Ya, quickly went to his study, and searched for the high school textbook that he didn't know where he had thrown it.

He didn't really want to try again with the feeling that his hair was trembling.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, even if you mix with our big family, you can support you."

Behind him, Lin Ya's voice followed closely behind him.

It would be great if the system thought the same way.

Lin Yi secretly complained.

However, the dog system didn't seem to detect his wish, and it was still counting down unhurriedly.

[Morning reading countdown 1 minutes. 】

The ticking sound made Lin Yi's heart beat faster, "What's the rush, aren't you looking for this?" The boy frowned, looking at the book he got in his hand following the system's guidance, he had a feeling for this so-called [-] doubt.

"Are you sure, let me have a zero score in English, and read English in the morning?"

The system is used to being cold, except for the pendulum sound that still rings regularly, Edward Lam did not hear any response.

The young man had no choice but to check that his door had been locked, and then his whole face became one. He began to read in the morning with an extremely awkward 'Chinese' pronunciation.

"Hungry—bench, abandonment, abandonment."

"Ah—B center, absent, absent."

"Ah—Bthuru, completely, completely."


[Morning reading task ends]

The morning reading time was like a year, not only the completely unfamiliar characters, but also the sound of footsteps going back and forth outside the study made Lin Yi's heart beat faster.

The young man dawdled, his voice was so long that he finally read from A to G, and finally heard the system yell to end.

Finally liberated.

The tense heart fell, and Yi Lin breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to collapse on the soft sofa, he heard the sound of the system again.

[This month's task is triggered. 】

[Don't forget the original intention: Ranked in the top [-] in the school entrance examination. 】

"You are trying to make things difficult for others!" Lin Yi retorted subconsciously, "You let me count down 51 months in the city and become positive number [-], you might as well let me pick the stars."

"Is it uncomfortable for me to be a good rich second generation and stay honest? Why do you bind me when you say it, and I must do it if you say you want me to do the task."

The more the boy spoke, the more excited he became, and tears even came out of the corners of his eyes unconsciously.

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