I'm a warrior in the tribe

Chapter 67, The Second Moon

Everything in Xinggui City is proceeding in an orderly manner.

With the efforts of the people, the city wall was barely completed, and of course it will continue to be reinforced and raised later.

The changes on the land are not obvious here, and they didn't perceive them.

If they knew, the militants would happily accept this godsend order.

An Ge has already lost her senses, because her wife is going to give birth in two days, and what she does every day is busywork.

Of course, Anya said this sentence. Although Yao Nian didn't say it, the expression on his face couldn't cover the meaning.

"Master Yunluo, I really don't know what disinfection you're talking about?" Xue Wan stared and began to speak impatiently.

An Ge was spinning in circles, and she gestured with her hand: "Look, there are many bacteria on it that you can't see, and bacteria are dirty things!"

She pointed to the cloth towel again: "This one needs to be exposed to the sun to remove the dirty things, oops! In short, everything in the house must be exposed to the sun every year!"

Anya wandered in, and Master Yun Luo, who was jumping, pulled her out of Xue Wan's room.

Xue Wan sighed: "It's so pitiful, Mr. Yun Luo won't be crazy."

An Ge was dragged into the room by her mother and pressed on the stool. She jumped up and wanted to say something, but she was slapped on the head.

Covering her head, An Ge muttered, while Anya folded her hands and looked at her: "If you speak crazy words to me again, I'll whip you."

Seeing that the cub finally calmed down, Anya nodded her head: "How long has it been since Xuewan came home?"

An Ge muttered: "Mum, Niannian is about to give birth."

Anya rolled her eyes bluntly: "Is there anyone in the tribe who doesn't know that His Highness is about to give birth."

After thinking about it, he gave the cub again:

"Of course the whole tribe is concerned about His Highness's birth, but your reaction was too violent, which made people panic."

Holding her head and shrinking her neck, An Ge retorted softly: "But, I don't feel relieved if she doesn't stay by Nian Nian's side."

Anya looked at her hopeless appearance and became angry:

"And those strange things you said are not allowed to be said in the future! Now there are some rumors in the tribe."

These tribal people don't understand, Chenjin even suggested that he secretly kneel down at home to worship the moon god, why would he worship that human light bulb!

Seeing that the cub didn't speak again, Anya's head burst into flames.

The last time I ran back directly from home, this time I got my neck stuck again, what can I say when I grow up?

Thinking that this kind mother was gone, she took off the pendant and pulled out the belt.

An Ge blinked and got up quickly: "I heard that, Mom."

Childhood memories began to come back, making An Ge a little apprehensive.

She quickly put her arms around Anya's arm, and said softly, "Mum, I'm just too nervous, I was wrong."

After speaking, he kindly helped Anya put away her belt and hung the pendant back.

After picking out the pendant, An Ge looked up: "Niannian will be fine."

Looking at the cub, Anya comforted her patiently: "Don't think about it, she is Her Royal Highness Star Maiden, of course nothing will happen."

An Ge nodded, and continued to pick on the pendant.

Anya brushed her hand away: "Go back quickly, don't be an eyesore here."

He smacked his mouth and responded obediently. Just as he stepped out of the door, a soldier ran over with an inexplicable expression.

The soldier bowed his head: "Lord Yunluo, Lord An, many soldiers have come outside the city gate!"

An Ge and Anya glanced at each other, and hurried towards the city gate.

The people in Xinggui City were not panicked at all, and even pointed at the city gate: "Aren't those people outside stupid?"

After climbing up the city wall, An Ge and Anya poked their heads, and saw a lot of warriors wearing animal skins coming from outside the city gate.

These warriors came from the Hundred Beasts Tribe. After they devoured the Mountain Wolf Tribe, their morale was greatly shaken, and they were even more elated after they searched for the spoils.

In that battle, Ye Xuan and Hou Xing's two high-ranking envoys died unfortunately, and Fei Yu's men quickly won this position through military exploits.

In an instant, Fei Yu's power rose so much that Hou Xing was so worried that his hair almost fell out.

When her daughter was out hunting, she accidentally discovered an extremely powerful tribe and took it to heart.

Hou Xing immediately found the Beast Girl, and the two of them agreed and made a plan. From that day on, the Beast Girl gave way to Fei Yu step by step.

The various performances of the beast girl made Fei Yu's ambition swell, and she tasted the sweetness of expansion, and even sent people out to find other tribes.

Under the instigation of Hou Xing, several divine envoys informed Fei Yu that there was a tribe on the other side of the mountain.

And that tribe seems to be fairly wealthy, and the warriors look weak.

This discovery made Fei Yu unable to hold back immediately, she found two new high-level envoys and asked them to investigate the situation.

The victory of the Mountain Wolf tribe made the two envoys proud, under Hou Xing's plan.

They were on guard against each other, for fear that they would not have the chance to lead the army this time.

So the two of them hurriedly reported to Fei Yu without even inquiring about the situation, and secretly asked their team to attack first.

Fei Yu saw two people fighting for military exploits, and felt that this tribe was indeed a piece of fat.

So with a big wave of his hand, both of them led their teams to go.

When they take down that tribe, the spoils will be divided equally, and the rest will be left to the Beast Girl Hall.

Fei Yu's current thoughts are all about how to pull the beast girl down from the stage and take the position himself.

Hou Xing saw that the plan had been accomplished, so he asked Ye Xuan to cooperate in another play.

Let all the families in the tribe who favor Fei Yu know that there is a weak tribe waiting to be slaughtered.

Greed made these families go to Fei's house one after another, and more and more strange faces joined the operation pretending to be angels.

Looking at the arrogant idiot who dreamed of snatching more things, Hou Xing raised the corners of his mouth.

There are a total of 1 envoys from the Hundred Beasts Tribe, and [-] people from the Mountain Wolf Tribe have defected.

There are [-] envoys left on my side who are unswerving orc girls, and there are [-] envoys left in the Mountain Wolf Tribe, and the rest are ordinary people.

The beast girl met Shanlang's only remaining god servant in secret, and promised that when Fei Yu's men came back from the expedition, they would join hands to get rid of them and set them free afterwards.

The mountain wolf's servant agreed without even thinking about it, and asked the beast girl to hand over the three thousand traitors to them, and the beast girl nodded immediately.

Seeing that civilians from those families were mixed into the expedition team, Shi Yi sneered, hoping that the tribe could surprise her.

The [-] expedition team set off boldly and vigorously. After they climbed a mountain, they finally came to this tribe, but they were all dumbfounded.

The strong and tall walls, as well as the soldiers standing still on the walls, they even met the people of this tribe.

The way the people looked at them was very similar to the way a hunter sees a wild boar.

He also sits on a strange implement carried by a four-horned beast.

The two high-ranking envoys raised their heads and cursed: "This is that weak tribe?! This horse riding is more terrifying than the Citi tribe!"

They lost their courage before they started fighting, and everyone looked up at the tall city wall, avoiding the cold eyes of the opponent's soldiers.

Everyone turned around in a tacit understanding, ready to leave quietly, in case the other party didn't see them, the beast god bless you.

"Huh! Huh!"

A few arrows hit his feet, and the beast god said that he had no time to bless him.

With a forced smile on his stiff face, one of the high-ranking envoys said, "Friends from above, how are you all?"

After gasping for a few breaths, sweat began to break out on his forehead, because the city wall was already full of soldiers with bows and arrows, all of them looked condensed.


The heavy door was opened, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps.

Several rows of soldiers in black armor filed out from the city, and soon stood opposite the tribe of beasts.

They stared at the enemy, and then they gave a heavy blow to their weapons, and said in unison: "Wu!"

Seeing the soldiers who were obviously outnumbered by him, he looked at the gate again.

After waiting for a while, they found that no more warriors appeared, and the people of the Baizhan tribe were overjoyed.

The gate of the opponent's tribe is quite bluffing, but they are not very smart, so why are they stupid enough to open the gate by themselves.

Thinking of this, the courage gradually came back. There are 1 of them, and these fighters in front of them still want to scare them.

Two high-ranking envoys walked to the front of the team, their faces were arrogant: "Surrender to our tribe of beasts, and I will spare you!"


"Boom, boom."

The sound of Uya sounded, and the animal drum on the city wall sounded the assembly order.

The people from the Hundred Beasts Tribe looked around, Fei Jie raised his eyebrows and walked a few steps forward, and began to yell:

"What are you pretending to do! Just a few of you, it's not enough for us to get between our teeth!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of neat footsteps from behind them.

Everyone turned around and looked back, only to see a piece of black approaching towards them.

There was some noise on the ground, and the black rushed in like a wave.

The Beast Warrior who had just shown a happy face was stunned again, and then his face turned pale.

Seeing densely packed fighters directly surrounding them from all directions, the scene became tense in an instant.

Seeing that all the fighters on the other side are holding sharp blades and wearing things they have never seen before, but they look more solid than their own soft armor.

Panic began to spread among the team, Fei Jie swallowed his saliva, secretly thought that it was over, they really took the pole to send their heads.

Chen Jin stood on the city wall and laughed heartily. This group of people really went to the pole to send off criminals.

An Ge yawned, and added a voice to the situation: "Ding Dong, my lord reminds you that you have a new order~"

Xue Jian rode forward and asked loudly, "What are you doing here?"

Fei Jie pretended to be calm: "We came to hunt! We got lost!"

Yan Ri rolled his eyes, and asked the rows of soldiers outside the gate: "What did they say?"

The soldiers answered in unison: "Surrender to our tribe of beasts, and spare you!"

Immediately, Xuejian's expression became condensed. If they were not strong enough, or if they were still in the original star map, many people must have died in this battle.

She raised her hand and ordered: "All officers and soldiers listen to the order!"

All the soldiers: "Wu!"

Xuejian: "Those who disarm and surrender will not be killed! Those who resist will be killed!"

All the soldiers took up their weapons and pointed at the warriors of the Beast Tribe, repeating Xuejian's words:

"Whoever disarms and surrenders will not be killed! Resistors, kill! Kill! Kill!"

After the last word, everyone in Haiping's army released their fighting spirit and pressed towards the warriors of the Beast Tribe without hesitation.

The warriors of the Hundred Beasts Tribe held their wooden spears, and their formation began to become chaotic. They all involuntarily approached the middle, and their footsteps kept retreating.

The warriors of Beasts are no strangers to iron spears, because the Goddess of Citi used this weapon to seriously injure the Beast Maiden of the previous generation.

When he fled and was hunted down later, many of his clan members were also directly killed by such weapons.

So when they saw it again, the shadow in their hearts made them unable to hold the spear in their hands.

An Ge watched with interest, then shook his head bored.

As soon as she turned around, she was grabbed by a doctor: "Master Yunluo, Your Highness is about to give birth!"

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