I'm a warrior in the tribe

Chapter 52, Chapter 52

The autumn night is slightly cool, and the people of the Wangshan tribe hid in their homes with their doors closed.

They all looked sad. They have cried enough and hated them these days. God, where is it?They couldn't help questioning in their hearts.

In the Shannv Hall, Yao Nian withdrew his gaze from Shanlu, turned his head and glanced at An Ge, and when he received the signal, An Ge turned his head to signal.

For a moment, several teams of soldiers escorted Pingchuan's envoys from the outside and knelt them to the ground, while Pingchuan's envoys were still in a daze.

Shui Kuo was the first to react, she pretended to be calm, she kept struggling and shouted loudly:

"You useless Wangshan, aren't you afraid of our Pingchuan weapons?

Our original female adults will not let you go!Will definitely avenge us!

Let us go quickly!Otherwise, you will surely crush your Wangshan tribe! "

Yao Nian pulled out the scabbard and walked towards her slowly, with a noble and pure demeanor every step of the way.

Shui Kuo watched a beautiful woman slowly approaching her with an unknown weapon, and couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Holding on to the last ounce of courage, she tremblingly said:

"You, what are you doing! Who are you?

I, I am from the Shui tribe, and we in Hirakawa have the most powerful warriors!You guys, don't regret it! "

Unmoved, Yao Nian stood in front of Shui Kuo. She slightly raised her hand to touch the blade, and casually asked, "Are you Pingchuan strong?"

Shui Kuo thought that there was hope, and worked hard to adjust her facial expression. She hurriedly showed a friendly smile:

"We, Hirakawa, have the most powerful weapon, there is—err..."

She stared blankly at the weapon buried deep in her body, slowly raised her head and looked at the woman with a dazzling smile in front of her in disbelief, and opened her mouth.

Yao Nian lowered his eyes and quietly watched the red drip down the blade, still smiling beautifully:

"I thought the blood wouldn't be red if you had powerful weapons."

As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled out the sword fiercely, and the warm blood splashed on the face of the envoy who was kneeling next to him in an arc.

The envoys of Hirakawa thought that they were just negotiating terms, and although they were panicked, they didn't feel that their lives were in danger.

As a result, everything in front of them told them that the other party seemed to have no intention of negotiating conditions.

Suddenly, people in the courtyard continued to curse, some trembled and some collapsed to the ground.

Shui Kuo fell to the ground, her mouth moved, and she could be heard saying:

"You will definitely regret it, our Hirakawa fighters will kill you all... Hara girl, Hara girl..."

Yao Nian leaned down, raised his eyebrows, and then stepped on Shui Kuo's wound.

Shui Kuo twitched a few times and wailed loudly, blood gradually staining the ground under her.

The woman ignored the wailing sound, stepped on the water, stood up again, looked around at the struggling and scolding God Envoy Pingchuan, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up.

As time passed, Shui Kuo gradually lost his voice.

But her wailing continued to torment Hirakawa's envoys, causing those who scolded them to lower their voices unconsciously until they disappeared.

Yao Nian put his foot down, slashed her neck with a sword, and raised his voice to ask: "How sharp are your weapons?"

Turning around with a contemptuous smile, with blood on his feet, he came to the Temple of the Mountain Girl step by step.

He also took out the cloth towel as if nothing had happened, and wiped his sharp sword that had not been put away.

Seeing the bloody footprints along the way, An Ge smacked his lips.

She told Yao Nian to be friendly when she saw the goddess of Wangshan, and she could use her charming smile to ease the tense relationship.

But this kind of person who just tortured a Pingchuan envoy to death in front of others, and even cut the person's neck with a sword, the bloody footprints are still so seeping.

I know your precious sword is dirty and you have to clean it, but can you clean it faster.

Her wife didn't forget to smile at the people watching the mountain. You see, those people were frightened, and the whole scene seemed more tense.

Seeing his wife wiping the sword endlessly, An Ge coughed softly, trying to slow down her voice:

"Our Highness is benevolent, and he is also very friendly to his own people. Uh, what about the people from the Sea God Tribe?

Come, come, let me tell you how our star map treats new partners. "

Several black and thin soldiers came out, carrying bloody spears and came to the temple aggressively.

After saluting Yao Nian and An Ge, they stood in front of the Wangwangshan tribe.

An Ge smiled and stepped forward:

"Haha, don't be nervous, we don't want to do anything, we just want to be partners with you.

Come, come, soldiers, have a good talk with them. "

The people of the Sea God Tribe looked at me and I looked at you, but they were too embarrassed to speak directly, and finally pushed a young man forward.

The young man scratched his head and first smiled at them.

There was a bloody spear, and there were suspicious red objects hanging on the armor, and there was a trace of red on the young man's small white teeth.

The people in the Wangshan tribe involuntarily took a step back, and then moved a few steps towards their mountain girl.

The young man said awkwardly: "Our haenyes said that once we reach the star map, we will not be able to leave."

An Ge coughed: "Get to the point!"

The young man nodded honestly:

"Oh oh oh, the people of Star Map are great, they help us build houses.

We also have the same opportunities as them, can be soldiers or officials.

We were not treated badly either, they were very kind to us and accepted us very sincerely. "

The young man was a little nervous, he swallowed and said:

"In short, we are all His Highness's subjects now, His Highness will protect us from being bullied and give us a new home."

Shan Nu glanced at Yao Nian, thought about it and said, "Then you don't have faith?"

The young man's eye circles are reddish:

"While drifting at sea, in order to keep me alive...

My mother secretly saved food and fresh water, and jumped into the sea of ​​stars at night when I was not paying attention.

I believe in the Sea God, but the Lord Sea God didn't save me. I survived because the healer from Star Chart saved me with precious herbs.

I just remember that my mother told me that one must know how to be grateful. It was the star map that saved me. God abandoned me at a critical moment, and also abandoned my mother.

God may have his own business and not pay attention to us little mortals.

Your Highness is different. Your Highness will care about whether we can adapt to the life of the new tribe, and whether we are living well. "

Shanlu looked at the sad young man in front of her, and then looked back at the haggard and desperate people. She turned around and walked to Yao Nian and knelt down.

"I am willing to surrender, but please promise me that you will help us rescue the young and strong people in Pingchuan in Wangshan.

I just want my people to live well, as for me, I'm at your disposal. "

Qi Xiu and the others cried and knelt down: "Master Shannv!..."

Yao Nian put the sword back into the scabbard, leaned over and helped the mountain girl up:

"You have surrendered to me, you are my people, and anyone who takes my things will have to pay the price."

Then he took the iron spears from the soldiers and handed them over:

"You are a mountain girl, I will make you king, and when the time is right, I can continue to let you lead your people.

It's just that now, I don't want my people to lack a backbone. Those people outside are my gift to you.

Let me see your hatred, and let me see that you have not lost your warrior character.

Remember, in our star map, our own people can bully our own people, but outsiders, whoever reaches out will kill her!You must not live in frustration. "

After speaking, he gestured to the soldiers, who consciously handed the iron spears in their hands to the people in the hall, and Yao Nian pointed outside:

"It's not scary to be weak, you can slowly become stronger, and you can't be arrogant when you are strong, because pride will lead to failure.

The unknown mountain rabbits outside just have sharper weapons than you.

You are my people, and I will not allow you to be cowardly and cowardly. Of course, before you are strong, I have the responsibility to protect you.

Now, escort them to the outside of the Mountain Girl Hall and invite all the people in the tribe.

Let them see that you are not frightened by Hirakawa, and they are not that powerful.

Their blood is still red, and they still feel fear and despair.

They are nothing more than loud mountain rabbits. After that, I will lead the soldiers of Xingtu to pick up those young and middle-aged men and go home! "

The members of the Wangshan Tribe in the temple squeezed the weapons in their hands, and muttered to themselves:

"Go home...go home..." As he spoke, his eyes gradually became firmer, and anger swept through everyone in an instant.

Shanlu also fixed her gaze, she didn't care about the position of her Shannv.

Since the woman in the star chart has promised herself, then she will give it a try, at worst, she will die.

She signaled Qi Xiu to knock on the animal drum outside the Temple of the Mountain Girl. When the sound of the animal drum sounded, the tribe fell silent at first, and then gradually someone opened the door.

After seeing the sound of the beast drum from the Temple of the Mountain Girl, they all came out of their homes with spears in their hands, and walked firmly to the Temple of the Mountain Girl.

The child is gone, the hope is gone, are you still afraid of death?

They didn't know what happened tonight, they only knew that there was fierce fighting outside, but they didn't care anymore.

Humble as dust, God doesn't care about dust.

Everyone rushed to the Shannv Temple, and when they saw the rows of soldiers in armor with weapons, they all showed sad and resentful eyes.

Then, when everyone saw the high-spirited Pingchuan envoys who used to be proud in the tribe, they were carried by these warriors and kneeled outside the Temple of the Mountain Girl, and everyone was taken aback.

Everyone looked at the Shannv Temple, and saw their Shannv coming out with two young women.

Yao Nian turned his head to Shannv and said, "It takes time for surrender, and during this period, you continue to exercise your rights."

Shannv understood, she took a step forward and glanced at the people surrounding the Shannv hall, her voice resentful:

"The Pingchuan tribe raised our Wangshan people as mountain dogs and pigs! Do you hate it!"

The tears in everyone's eyes contained resentment: "Hate!"

Shan Nu asked again:

"We are not cowards! So what if God has abandoned us! We still have a heart of warriors!

In Pingchuan, those children are still waiting for us to pick them up!Let me ask you now, are you afraid? "

Everyone raised their arms:

"Not afraid!"

"Yes! At worst, we will die together!"

Shannv looked back at the heads of the major families, who were holding iron spears tightly in their hands.

Staring at the God Envoy Pingchuan in front of him with wide eyes, he wished to tear them to pieces immediately.

Pointing at Hirakawa's envoy, Shannu showed anger in her eyes:

"Look carefully, it's these people! These people's hands are stained with the blood of our Wangshan warriors.

It's them!Use weapons against the back of the heads of our Wangshan children!It's them too!Escort away our young and strong Wangshan!

Remember that night, the young and middle-aged man who died tragically in front of us!

Their wanton smiles, vicious faces, and merciless expressions have destroyed our former home step by step like this!

Her Majesty the Star Maiden from the star map just told me that their blood is red, and they also have despair and fear.

They just took sharper weapons than us!In fact, it is vulnerable! "

Following Shannv's voice, everyone's minds flashed before their eyes.

Broken limbs, red all over the place, the backs of the young and middle-aged people going away, the sound of breathing is getting louder.

The envoys of Pingchuan all stared into pairs of venomous eyes with pale faces.

Their eyes seemed to want to eat them alive, and some of them fell limp to the ground.

Shan Nu looked at the Patriarchs of the major families, and with a wave of her hand, the Patriarchs took heavy steps, raised their spears and stabbed them down.

Screams echoed outside the Shannv Temple, and the people all looked at the angels who fell to the ground.

Some people still spit at their corpses in disbelief.

Red ticked down the steps, and as the last person fell, the crowd covered their faces and cried bitterly.

In an instant, they released all the despair and depression of these days.

The soldiers of the star map looked at them quietly, and some even turned red-eyed.

The simple soldiers were more angry about their confidence in taking down the Pingchuan tribe.

Since the Wangshan people are willing to surrender, they are their new companions.

His Highness said that people from outside will never be allowed to bully his own people. If there is, then they will be cut off!

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