I'm a warrior in the tribe

Chapter 43, The Second Moon

The fairy music in the Hall of Star Girls ended, and An Ge twirled the woman's black hair.

He repeated what he said to his mother, and then poked his head back and forth between Yao Nian's abdomen, but she grabbed him:

"Don't make trouble, what you said is right, and I have been thinking about this in my heart.

The arrival of the sea women this time gave me an opportunity. I want to establish a new system for selecting officials, taking advantage of the fledgling days of these families. "

An Ge was held in his arms, and his voice was a bit husky: "Then what are you going to do? You can't cut it with a sword."

Yao Nian rubbed An Ge's head with a serious face:

"People in the tribe value honor very much. The inheritance of official rank is gone, but they can be given titles.

This is what I thought of when you gave me a nickname. For example, you Anzu, your mother has never submitted a candidate to succeed her.

I can give her the title of loyal and brave general, enjoy the salary of a general, and the title can be passed on. "

An Ge thought about the ancient system and made a suggestion:

"Inheritance cannot be permanent, such as three generations, otherwise, as time goes by, the salary from the Hall of Star Girls will increase and it will not be able to bear it.

Some can be passed on forever. For example, people above the rank of non-commissioned officer can enjoy it forever, but if they violate the law, they can be deprived of their title. "

Yao Nian was puzzled: "Wouldn't it be gone if you go up the rank of non-commissioned officer?"

An Ge rubbed against each other:

"Oh, isn't there the supreme ruler of other tribes.

Look at the sea woman, if she is willing to surrender, how can you give her nothing?Her people cannot truly obey you.

Yes, although Master Chen said to retain her people through marriage, it still takes time, we don't have so much time. "

Yao Nian gritted his teeth and grabbed An Ge's soft flesh: "My Yun Luo is really thoughtful about Hai Nu."

An Ge gasped in pain: "No, my lord, think about it carefully, hiss, it hurts."

Loosening his fingertips, Yao Qingnian said, "The truth is this, and I'm angry as well."

An Ge muttered, "It's unreasonable."

Yao Nian's ears twitched, and he wanted to use his hands again. An Ge hurriedly begged for mercy:

"Hey, hey, that's not what I mean, what I mean is, you see, you are His Highness, the more subjects you have, the more officials you will have.

The current official position is too single, and those who come and go correspond to low, middle and high ranks, and it will be chaotic in the future, and it is not easy to pay salaries. "

Although An Ge was suspected of changing the subject, what she said made sense.

Yao Nian frowned slightly, and asked, "You've said that, do you have any good suggestions?"

An Ge laughed: "Kiss me once and I'll tell."

Yao Nian had nothing to do, so he kissed her as promised.

An Ge squeezed Yao Nian's hand and said:

"Military officers are now divided into soldiers, non-commissioned officers, and generals.

Can be changed to: soldier, low-rank soldier, middle-rank soldier, high-rank soldier.

Low-ranking non-commissioned officers, middle-ranking non-commissioned officers, and high-ranking non-commissioned officers.

There are eleven levels of low-level generals, middle-level generals, high-level generals, and generals.

Let Mr. Chenjin formulate salary standards for grades, so that there are more official positions and everyone has goals.

You can be promoted according to the size of your military exploits and the length of your tenure.

Wentang has no official rank now, and they all moved here after Wutang.

This is not possible. The prosperity of the tribe depends on strong soldiers, but governance requires civilian governance.

My annual ambition is to build a country.

If you look at the governance of the country, people with medical skills are needed, and the lives of the people are guaranteed.

Those who know how to do business, such as taxation, the allocation of military rations when there is a war, and the allocation of funds to the victims of natural disasters to rebuild their homes.

Those who understand culture, such as teaching these young children to respect teachers and respect His Highness, you can't underestimate the spread of this kind of culture.

People who know how to socialize, such as negotiating with people from other tribes, right?

What if other tribes are united and tenacious like our star map, and would rather die than surrender?Are you still killing them all?

Don't talk, I know that if you say kill, kill it.

But every year, if you want to build a country, you must first look at them as if they are all your people.

Killing is indeed the most worry-free way, but if you kill as soon as you encounter this situation, other tribes are even less willing to surrender.

Because they will think you are cruel, as well as the promotion and assessment of civil and military officials, and the demotion of officials to expatriates.

You see, what if your population is 100 million?All living in the same place?

That's unrealistic, so you send civil servants to govern and open up new cities.

Military officers are sent out to garrison to ensure the safety of the city, and the city means a large tribe.

An official position can be promoted or demoted. It is not necessary to kill or deprive him of all official positions if he makes a mistake, but to be an official requires an examination.

It is the scientific examination, using the scientific examination to replace the official rank inheritance system. Didn't my clever An An also talk about the concept of assessment before.

The scientific examination is the only way to select officials, and we must strictly control every link.

The purpose of the scientific examination is to select talents for yourself, so the direction of selection can be different, and those who are good at do what they are good at.

For people like An Jie, the scientific research is about taming animals.

Those who are craftsmen can take the artisan exam. For those who need to be tested in the scientific examination, the school will add these subjects, and the school can also charge tuition fees.

Of course, you don't want so many officials, so you can stipulate that there will be a selection every three years. If there are not enough officials, you can add them once.

Only in this way can your country be able to operate. With official ranks, the people will naturally no longer focus only on the road of being a soldier.

As for the title you just mentioned, there is no official rank, only titles, and those with official ranks can also have titles.

Of course, it is also a very small amount of giving, after all, you can't live lavishly.

Generally, the title can only be passed on for three generations, and the salary will be reduced for each generation.

For example, if you want to assimilate a sea woman, you need to let her have temporary management rights over her people in the early stage.

As time goes by, she gradually assimilates, but if you want to weaken her position in the hearts of her people, you have to give her an official rank.

Now the people call you His Highness, remember what I told you, the highest leader in the country calls himself the Queen.

Huang means son of heaven, a child of heaven, and below Huang there is a king.

Generally, the royal family is related to you by blood. They do not hold real power, but they receive regular salaries.

However, in order to prevent constant blood sucking, you can also use them, but you must prevent them from mutiny, so you cannot give them military power.

Of course, in your situation, you basically bid farewell to the royal family, unless our children marry ten or eight Yunluo in the future, the royal family will appear.

The female haenyeo is not related to you by blood, but you can ennoble her as a king and receive a salary.

After her people are assimilated, give her land. If she has other plans, you can replace her.

The people of the star map have been your people for generations for hundreds of years, and they are loyal and respectful to you.

But with tribes annexed, other people don't do as you please. "

An Ge said a lot, and Yao Nian listened quietly, frowning and thinking.

Rubbing his chin, he said to himself: "Managing the country is so complicated, how can I ensure that the people below have no dissent.

Night Fury is now independent from the team and only dispatched by me. I think it can be retained and wander between officials and people.

Also, if troops and officials are sent abroad, each city must also set up a branch hall for star girls.

The team that I am in charge of alone will be stationed, so that I can keep abreast of the situation at any time. "

Oh, she's really smart, isn't this the supervisory agency? An Ge looked at her own smartness and smiled.

Yao Nian pushed An Ge: "Am I right?"

An Ge nodded: "My Niannian is really smart, this is the supervisory agency, but they are the sword in your hand, you can't be backlashed."

Looking at the person who has been thinking hard, An Ge comforted:

"A lot of things have to be done slowly. The development of the tribe has not yet reached a strong point. The Sea God tribe sent it to our door. Let's use her as an experiment."

Yao Nian nodded and stared at An Ge again: "Is there any more? Do you have any suggestions?"

An Ge reached out and hugged Yao Nian:

"No, that's all I know. You have to figure out the rest. What I said is not completely right. Anyway, I can only help you so much."

Yao Nian hugged back: "You have helped me enough, these are all dreams? Those queens are really amazing, they can think of so many things."

An Ge smiled: "You are also amazing, my Niannian will be the builder of the new world and will reach the top~"

The words were nice, and the words were beautiful, Yao Nian's eyes sparkled, and his pale lips moved slightly: "I will take you to the new world to climb to the top with me now."

After a lingering night, on the second day, the model worker Chen Jin was summoned to the meeting hall by His Highness, and Xue Jian and Yan Ri were also summoned.

After Yao Nian finished repeating An Ge's words last night, everyone was quiet.

Although Xuejian and Yanri didn't understand, what His Highness said was what he said.

Chen Jin is different, this is the new world he has been longing for.

Once upon a time, a man stood alone in a corner of the world and shouted, complaining about gender injustice with an insignificant voice.

And when these problems were no longer an obstacle, he saw the new order that Xuetong was thinking about.

He thought he could understand her even today.

The man suppressed his excitement, his eyes were a little red, and he bowed his head and knelt on the ground:

"Jin is willing to break his body and bones for the prosperous age, and Jin will do what His Highness tells you."

Seeing this, Xuejian and Yanri also knelt down: "I would like to be smashed to pieces for the prosperity of the world."

An Ge was truly amazed in her heart. As a modern person, she had to digest these things.

Her wife cleared her mind and absorbed everything in just one night.

She believes that if Yao Nian can go to modern times, she will definitely be a successful female politician.

Yaoqian doesn't know how to teach her daughter, but it is also possible that her wife is very talented.

She also really likes the Star Chart Tribe.

The main reason is that the people here always put the interests of the tribe first and trust those in power very much.

So no matter how much Yao Nian tosses, they have never accepted it without any burden, and hold back their grievances.

But the tribes outside are different. Niannian in her family wants to grow up to be an empress. In addition to being able to draw a sword, she must also learn to put it down.

In the end, after everyone's discussion, it was decided to make some changes.

According to what Yao Nian said, Wu Tang added military ranks, and the head of military officers was called Wu Xing; under the Xing Nu seat, an additional throne was added, and Wen Tang added official ranks.

The head of civil officials is called Wenxing, and the Ministry of Industry is set up to be in charge of all engineering construction; the Ministry of Officials is the official in charge of the Wentang;

The Ministry of Punishment is in charge of laws and regulations and the review of criminal names in the future; the Ministry of Taxation is in charge of salary, land, taxation, and future household registration, etc.;

The Ministry of Culture is in charge of imperial examinations and celebration affairs; the Ministry of Armed Forces is in coordination with the martial arts hall to select military officers and concise government orders;

Each department has low-level, middle-level and high-level officials. The Night Fury team is independent of all departments and is only dispatched by star girls.

Everyone also knows that all affairs will be carried out slowly.

Step by step, I would rather have an empty official position than enforce it.

But these regulations need to be circulated, let the public know, and pave the way for the future.

Everyone bid farewell to the star girl and got busy one after another, but the people of the Sea God Tribe on the beach were consciously forgotten by everyone.

After recuperating, most of the people of the Sea God Tribe recovered.

They looked at the strength of the star map fighters and the strength of this tribe, and they all showed yearning.

Hainu stood on the beach and looked towards the Hall of Star Girls. Haitian stood on one side and asked, "Sister, what are you thinking?"

Hai Nu withdrew her gaze, looked at Xinghai, and said in a leisurely tone, "The star girls in the star map are not easy to get along with, we may not be able to get out."

Haitian was puzzled: "But the people of the Xingtu tribe are very kind to us. They also give us food and drink, and some people give us clothes."

The female diver looked at the clansmen, they were all sitting on the beach with satisfied expressions, and some were chatting happily with the people of Star Map.

Lowering her eyes, the diver said softly, "Maybe the Sea God Tribe will also disappear..."

Hearing Hai Nu's words, Hai Tian's expression became tense, and he hurriedly asked, "Sister, what do you mean? Is Xing Tu going to kill us all?"

Haenyeo comforted her: "That's not what it means."

Hai Tian hesitated to speak, but the haenyeo had already turned to one side, the sea breeze blew her slightly curly long hair, and the haenyeo's eyes were deep at this moment.

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