I'm a warrior in the tribe

Chapter 4, The Second Moon

There was no air pollution during the tribal period, so the seasons were very distinct.

The season of snake and worm bridal chamber, the season of human shedding, the season of food storage for the whole people, and the season of death.

An Ge raised his eyes and counted the scattered clouds in the sky, and named the four seasons respectively.

A few seabirds flew over in a hurry, and dropped a few drops of natural fertilizer on the green leaves.

She hurriedly hid under the tree, when two teams of low-level angels in soft armor walked past her.

It's the season of snakes and worms' bridal chambers, and at this time, the low-level angels in the tribe will organize civilians to go hunting in the mountains.

After a whole winter, the people of the star map saw the meat, and their eyes turned green.

Except for An Ge, she didn't want to eat meat at all.

The people here understand the food as long as it is cooked, and they don’t have any cooking skills. At most, they sprinkle a handful of homemade spices on it after it is cooked.

At first, I thought this way of eating was very fragrant, but after all the meat has only this taste, you will have a shadow.

She is walking towards the square with her short legs at the moment. The Star Map tribe occupies a large area and is well planned.

The sea of ​​stars lies across the west of the entire tribe, and the south of the tribe lives with families above the middle-level angels.

Fences were also built with tall wood near the plain, and behind the fence was the plain, where fields of various families were also distributed.

This is also the agricultural area of ​​the star map, and criminals can be seen working in the field from a height.

Of course, the output is frighteningly low, and I don't know what they are busy doing.

The east of the tribe lived with civilians, large and small wooden houses scattered here and there, but most of them were relatively simple, and some were even just tents.

Tribal people are all people of the same clan living in one area, especially big clans.

The family like An Ge's is not that big, it's considered a middle-class family, they live in the south, and because the land doesn't require money, their family occupies a relatively large area.

The entire area is populated by members of the An clan, and the owner's house is usually located in the very center of the family area.

The northern part of the tribe is backed by mountains, in order to prevent natural disasters such as animal swarms, so the barracks of the low-level angels are stationed here.

The place where the star girl lives is called the Star Girl Hall, which is located in the west of the tribe and built near the sea.

It is surrounded by tall giant trees, and it should occupy a large area from a distance.

It's just that except for the very few people summoned by the star girl who have seen the interior, no one else has seen it.

Except for important occasions, the star girl will not show up at other times.

In the place close to the north, the square of the star map is here, and many barter transactions are also carried out here.

You can do business by setting up a tent, and some people who have no place to live will sleep in the square.

There are 6000 low-level envoys in the tribe, and the people of the tribe don't know whether it is because they are afraid of the envoys or simple-minded, and there are very few people who commit crimes.

Even if there are, most of them are crimes of theft or blasphemy. One is being a criminal and the other is skinning and cramping. Look, how extreme.

An Ge likes to talk to the elderly people in the tribe, and she prefers to call these people Treasure Old Man.

Because they have seen each other for a long time, many of the things they said are very novel to themselves.

Through the conversation, she learned that many animals in this world have slightly different names from later generations, but most of them have similar meanings.

During the conversation, Patchwork also learned about some worlds outside the tribe, where there are no such pastimes as mobile phones and TVs.

For An Ge, who was once a modern person, it was a very tormenting thing.

So every day when she is free, she will talk to the old people everywhere, purely to relieve loneliness.

And the old man also likes to chat with this pink and jade-carved doll, which is different from other snotty-nosed dolls.

Always clean and tidy, hair combed meticulously.

Most of the little faces have serious expressions, and she speaks clearly and childishly. The most important thing is that she is very polite.

Every time I come to chat, I will bring some small gifts. Looking at the high-quality sackcloth fabric on her body, I can guess which big family the child must be from.

Today An Ge brought a piece of raw boar pork, and in a few days it will be time to sacrifice to the Moon God.

She was curious and wanted to know more about Stargirl, so she came to her old pal.

Xunchuan saw the little doll from afar, and then saw the raw meat in her hand, and immediately the glutton was about to come out of her stomach.

He tidied up his patched clothes, and greeted him with a smile: "Little baby, are you here again?"

An Ge picked up the meat in her hand and handed it to the old man in front of her, whom she met in the square.

Xunchuan's family members are gone, and he is a lonely old man.

He will be sixty next year, which moved An Ge's heart, so she would visit him whenever she had something to do and bring some food along the way.

An Ge put her little hands behind her back and straightened her face: "Grandpa Inquiry, this is the meat I brought from home for you to eat."

Xun Chuan liked this little doll very much, he squinted his eyes and nodded with a smile, and put the meat on the oven with his hand.

Turning around, he took a small wooden stool with neat limbs from the tent, wiped it carefully and handed it to An Ge, and sat on the broken stool by himself.

An Ge obediently sat on the small wooden stool. The person who sat down was not as tall as the old man's legs. She pulled the distance away a little to avoid being too tired looking up at him.

I still look like Douding until now. When I was two years old, I took off the crotch pants under her strong opposition.

What a joke, she has no face to run around with bare buttocks, even though people her age also run around with bare buttocks and bare feet.

It didn't take long for the aroma to come along with the wind, and Xun Chuan swallowed.

Carefully took out the homemade seasoning packet, picked and sprinkled a few grains.

After the fire was extinguished, I couldn't wait to pick up the meat and stuff it into my mouth. While eating, I said:

"I used to eat human meat when food was scarce, and that's what it tastes like."

The old man Baozang succeeded in making An Ge sick immediately, and she glared at the old man without saying a word, eat your meat, uncle.

And if your meat is cooked or not, and blood drips down, and if you have a brazier for you, you can be more like a cannibal.

After eating and drinking, Xun Chuan touched his stomach with a satisfied expression, and smiled at An Ge embarrassedly.

He stood up solemnly, stretched his right hand and pressed his chest, bowed his head slightly, and said reverently, "May the moon god bless you."

An Geshen is tired of saluting, and he has to say this every now and then, but luckily he doesn't have to kneel down and shout a bunch of slogans, otherwise the people here must have bad knees.

Well, the place where Star Girl lives is Linhai, I don't know if she has old cold legs.

With a slander in her heart and a serious face on her face, she returned the gift in a childish voice: "May the moon god bless you."

After sitting down, An Ge couldn't wait to ask his own question: "Ask Grandpa, what is the sacrifice like?"

Xun Chuan stroked his beard and said profoundly, "Sacrifice is just like sacrifice."

An songs:"..."

Uncle, you are the tenth level of nonsense, listening to what you say is really like talking.

Every year, children over the age of three are allowed to participate in the sacrifice, and she is exactly three years old this year.

She also asked many people this question before, but they all regarded themselves as pi children, and always said: "You will know when you participate."

After saying this sentence, they would turn their heads and follow others to discuss the battle of warriors intensely. An Ge felt like a prankster.

At present, she only knows that there will be a battle of warriors every year at the sacrifice, and only those who have participated in this session are worthy of being called warriors.

Xun Chuan looked at the doll's dazed look, and turned his head to think about it. This doll should have never participated in a sacrifice at his age.

So he gestured and said: "Every year, the sacrifice will be held by the sea, and everyone will build a huge altar.

This year, it is said that the star girl will be the host, so at the beginning, the star girl will lead everyone to pray to the moon god.

Then came the Battle of the Warriors. Every year, the Battle of the Warriors is very exciting, and the fighting power of the big families is very strong.

Civilians can also participate in the battle of warriors, and if they win, they will most likely be allowed to join the ranks of low-level angels.

Then the criminals who committed the crime of blasphemy were dealt with, and finally the sacrifices and altars were burned.

Everyone bathed in the divine light under the moonlight, and everyone had to be neat and tidy before that day came.

Remember to solve the needs, little baby, don't pee your pants when the time comes, you will be executed if you are found out. "

An Ge nodded knowingly, oh, it's like a party, the star girl is the host, and she goes on stage to blow the rainbow pi, followed by a cultural performance, and everyone fights.

Then we gathered together to burn things, and at the end of the day, the leader came out to find a sense of presence, beat everyone, tsk, I thought there would be some great miracle!

After learning about it, I lost interest, An Ge thought for a while and asked in a low voice:

"Ask Grandpa, what does the star girl look like? Have you seen it? Our Yaoqian star girl is very powerful, isn't she?"

Xun Chuan looked around, moved closer to An Ge, and replied in a low voice:

"You are so brave, you will be arrested if you make false comments on the star girl!"

An Ge shrank her neck. She pestered Anya to ask, but her mother's eyes seemed to say, 'It's none of your business what the star girl looks like'.

She asked about Star Girl's growth history, but her grandmother picked her up and slapped her, and warned her not to ask too many questions.

Her father later secretly told her that her mother's official position was not enough, and this was the first time she saw a star girl.

An Ge curled her lips and rubbed her ass, that means she doesn't know, if you say you don't know, it's over, hit me 'Why, it's really rainy and it's okay to beat a child.

In fact, Xunchuan has never met Yaoqian star girl, most of them are information exchanged by big guys in private, he thought for a while and said in a low voice:

"I don't know much, I just feel that our current star girl is courageous, and she has been at odds with Lord God Servant recently.

You see, it is a precedent for the sacrifice to be presided over by a star girl, and our lord star girl wants to make Xuechen from the Snow Clan become a cloud. "

An Ge remembered what Grandma said that night, and she finally couldn't hold back and fell asleep.

Being a child is troublesome. She sleeps when she says she wants to sleep, and gets hungry when she says she is hungry. She didn't even hear what Auntie said behind her, so this one can solve the problem.

An Ge asked: "Grandpa, why are you so resistant to Xuechen becoming Yunluo?"

Hearing the words, the old man stroked his beard, with a complex look in his cloudy eyes, he sighed:

"Everyone is not very resistant, or... Those people are strongly opposed, but Xuechen's background is not glorious.

Because Xuechen is Chenjin's concubine, his mother grew up with Chenjin.

It is said that he also came from a middle-class family, but at that time Chen Jin had already married the head of Patriarch Xuetong.

As a man, he did such a dirty thing, thanks to the benevolence of Patriarch Xuetong, he didn't let go of the past.

Xuechen was given the surname Xue when he was born, and even hugged and raised by him, this is already a supreme honor for Xuechen.

And Yun Luo of all dynasties must come from the family of servants of the gods, how can such a lowly bloodline be matched with the star girl. "

An Ge nodded thoughtfully. She thought about it further. She had never seen Xuetong before, but her mother said she was a smart woman.

Most women in this era are proud. Women don't need to be specific, but men must be specific. Chen Jin has committed a taboo.

Therefore, there is a high probability that Xuetong doesn't love this man, not only does she not love him, but she may let the child stay because of the intention of taking advantage of her.

You see, the names all carry the character 'Chen' of Chen Jin, which obviously reminds this man of his favor to him and his infidelity to him.

And she must also know her physical condition, at most she can give birth to a child.

If he is gone, it is impossible for the child to be entrusted to others, and no matter how unreliable the father is, he will not kill his child.

Furthermore, when her heir grows up, even if Chen Jin is greedy for power and position, the existence of this Xuechen will be a stain.

No one in the Snow Clan would recognize that such a person really took the position of Patriarch, this was something Chen Jin couldn't erase.

Most of the tribes turned a blind eye to these ignorant children, but with some disdain.

The star girl is not a fool either, she obviously wants to curb the power of the servants of the gods and even ban the servant system of the gods.

She did not hide her intentions, and even let the public know.

No matter how powerful the servants of the gods are, the people's belief in the moon god for a hundred years has prevented them from standing on the side of the servants of the gods.

Unless the star girl provokes everyone's interests, the star girl will not step down.

This Xuechen is not a descendant of a servant of God, but his surname is Xue, and he is also on the family tree of the Xue clan.

If Chen Jin's son Xuechen were allowed to become Yun Luo, it would not only break the tradition that the descendants of non-god servants are not allowed to become Yun Luo, but also increase Chen Jin's qualifications.

If Chen Jin were allowed to control the Xue Clan again, then the three god servants would have the support of the Xue Clan.

It's just that I don't know whether Chen Jin wants his son to be sacrificed, oh, without the constraints of the servants of the gods, the star girl has the final say.

The wind clan's hip-hop originator style should not easily stand in line, so there is only one rain clan left.

And An Ge believed that this smart woman would definitely fight for power.

With a knife in your hand, you, the Yu Clan, are like a magic stick with eight mouths, and you can be killed with a single knife.

The low-level god envoys were selected for this sacrifice, and the star girl will definitely bestow the status of commoner god envoys.

So this time, even if she fights against the Yu Clan, she must preside over the sacrifice by herself, which is really amazing.

So does it mean that in the near future, these envoys will take their positions.

The Yu Clan probably aren't vegetarians either, no matter how stupid they are, they should recover after the sacrifice.

An Ge couldn't sit still when she thought of this, she knew what kind of virtue her mother had, but Cheng Yaojin's life without Cheng Yaojin's temperament.

But after thinking about it again, she felt relieved, there were two high-level angels on her mother's head, but fortunately she was only a middle-level angel.

If things got to her head, she might shout out with the principle of a warrior: "A good woman does not have two masters, but a warrior must not violate the tradition of the tribe!"

Then he jumped into the sea of ​​stars with a "clang chirp", and was stuck between the shark's teeth.

"Little master, the Patriarch is back, she is looking for you!" An Quan ran over panting.

An Ge hurriedly stood up and said goodbye to the old man politely.

As soon as she said goodbye, her brother caught her under his arm and ran home like carrying a bag of rice. An Ge was knocked so hard that she almost vomited.

Her brother is good at everything, but he is very afraid of his mother, and treats his mother's words as the imperial edict of the Jade Emperor.

Grandma wanted him to commit suicide, so he might commit suicide in front of her with gratitude.

As the sun set, torches were lit in the square.

The children laughed and stood naked by the pool in the square to pee, and the adults who were resting by the pool laughed and cursed.

Tents also went up one by one, people took out their goods and yelled vigorously, and a team of low-level angels lined up neatly patrolled in an orderly manner.

The sea of ​​stars is shining golden light by the setting sun. Tushan has added his own thick touch to this beautiful picture, which is so beautiful that it is not like the world.

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