I'm a warrior in the tribe

Chapter 37, The Second Moon

The sky is gray, the wild is vast, and the wind blows the grass and the cattle and sheep are low.The cow has seen it, the sheep doesn't matter, it's just a horse. ,

Chasing the wind, looking stupid, is still having fun in the grass.

An Ge frowned and gestured, and the soldiers surrounded him.

An Ge: "The Eagles, Bears, and Wolves, start here and spread out in three directions!

Leave marks along the way, with the sunset as the end point, no matter what happens, turn around and gather here quickly! "

The soldiers bowed their heads: "Yes!" Then they dispersed quickly.

An Ge rode Zhuifeng and sat Yaonian in front of him, leading the Ye Furen to explore in another direction.

An Jie thought for a while, stepped forward and bowed his head:

"Master Yunluo, the habitats of animals are generally in places where there is food and drink and few natural enemies.

Although there is grass here, there is no river. "

An Ge thought about what An Jie said, and felt that it made sense.

Horses don't know how to move in the dense forest, there are too many natural enemies, and there are abundant weeds here, it doesn't make sense that there are only bison and no horses.

Yao Nian said:

"On our way into the mountain, we heard the sound of the river, and generally the river flows down.

Let's search along the undulating lines of the mountains, and we should find something. "

Everyone nodded, and then adjusted their direction.

The Night Fiends were divided into two teams, one team was at the vanguard and the other dutifully surrounded His Highness.

After walking for almost an hour, they finally came to a big river.

An Ge looked at the rushing water, and then looked across the river.

I saw a few big trees standing scattered around on the other side of the river, and I couldn't see farther away.

She thought for a while and said to Yao Nian:

"Niannian, why don't you let me go to the opposite side to see, I am better than Ye Fu.

There's no danger around here, you stay here with them, I'll be back soon. "

Yao Nian squeezed the rein in his hand, nodded hesitantly.

Still reassuringly told: "If you don't find it, you come back, we may not be able to find the horses in one trip."

An Ge gave a 'relaxed' look and got off the horse. After explaining some precautions to Ye Sha, he walked to the other side of the river.

After walking through the knee-deep grass, An Ge came to a valley.

The flowers and plants are lush here, the sun hits the ground, and there are small rivers flowing slowly in the valley.

Holding the dagger in his hand gave An Ge a little sense of security.

She vigilantly observed the surrounding environment, carefully distinguishing the messy and fine sounds.

A snort made An Ge stop.

He quickly lowered himself into the weeds, held his breath and poked his head out quietly.

"Da da da."

A zebra was leisurely drinking water with its neck bent down. After waiting for a while, another small zebra came out from the valley.

An Ge's eyes lit up, and he finally discovered something. It seems that there may be a herd of horses living in the depths of this valley.

Although zebras cannot go to the battlefield, daily delivery of goods is definitely much more convenient than manpower.

After looking into the depths of the valley, she made up her mind, left a mark, and walked slowly towards the depths of the valley.

The valley is deep, and it is a little cold and damp in places where the sun cannot shine. Occasionally, unknown big birds pass over her head.

After walking quietly for a while, there was a narrow passage in front of me.

An Ge hesitated for a moment, left a conspicuous mark, and plunged in.

The interior of the dark corridor was as wide as four people walking together, An Ge raised his head.

There was still a glimpse of light outside through the cracks in the stone above, and she tightened her grip on the dagger again.

God, please don't rush out of anything weird.

She was thinking silently in her heart, and just when she couldn't help but turn around and turn back, a sudden bright light hit her eyelashes in front of her.

Swallowing, wiping her hands on her robe, An Ge breathed lightly.

Now, will he drill out by himself, find that he has come to another era, and there are dragons everywhere, and then he will be sprayed to death by the dragon's breath.

Thinking wildly in his heart, An Ge tried to calm down again.

As soon as the eyes were closed, the body got out, and then the eyes lit up.

After she got used to it for a while, she saw a vast green grassland, and a considerable number of horses on the grassland were happily grazing with their heads down.

Moreover, An Ge found many wild horses among the herd of horses. Counting them in detail, there are quite a few of them!This made her instantly happy.

found it!She found it!It turned out to be here, hahahahaha.

An Ge grinned and stood at the entrance of the cave, when suddenly there was a sound from the side.

Following the prestige, I saw a beautiful pony with bright coat, blinking big wet eyes.

The tip of his swarthy nose fluttered, and he walked towards her slowly with curiosity on his face.

Perhaps he had never seen a human being before, and the horses that were closer to the entrance of the cave all looked up curiously at the intruder.

He took out the prepared corn from his bosom, and tentatively handed it over to the pony.

The pony shrank back first, and after observing that the creature in front of him was not in danger, he blinked and moved forward a few steps.

The corners of the mouth widened, and An Ge moved slowly, getting closer to it, sniffing lightly at the palm of her palm with the tip of the pony's dark nose.

Then, with big eyes looking at An Ge, he stuck out his tongue and rolled the corn into his mouth.

Tasting the taste of corn, the pony's eyes lit up, and then he took a step forward.

An Ge smiled, wanting to reach out and touch it.


With a neigh, the pony stopped and even took a few steps back.

He saw a silver-white horse galloping towards An Ge in the distance.

He was running like lightning, and he was in front of her in the blink of an eye.

When it approached, An Ge took a closer look, and saw that the silver-white horse was imposing and strong.

Its fur is very thin, and when the sun falls, it reflects a burst of light.

His eyes lit up, he found a treasure, a sweaty horse!This horse is suitable for my family, and a beauty is matched with a BMW. Just think about the picture and it will be beautiful.

Regardless of An Ge's thoughts, the BMW she was looking at was staring at her vigilantly at the moment, and even arched its head at the pony surrounding it.

The pony's big wet eyes fell back into An Ge's hands, it was still savoring the deliciousness just now.

Rolling his tongue, he wanted to step forward, but was stopped by the neighing of the steed beside him.

Horses are spiritual animals, and this bloody horse should be the king of horses. After all, the number of such horses is small, and they are taller and stronger.

An Ge looked into the big vigilant eyes, and raised his hands, indicating that he didn't do anything.

Ma Wang stared at her closely, pawing anxiously on the ground a few times with both hooves.

Seeing that the horse was visibly nervous, An Ge quickly backed away.

Under Ma Wang's implied warning eyes, he put all the corn from his arms on the ground, and then retreated into the hole.

Back into the cave, An Ge returned the same way without delay, and after running for half an hour, he finally came to the river.

Yao Nian by the river was sitting on Zhui Feng's back, quietly watching the direction An Ge left, and would pick up the pendant and rub it in his hand from time to time.

Seeing a figure gradually approaching, Yao Nian tensed up, and Ye Furan walked up to His Highness vigilantly.

The familiar smile set off the delicate and elegant face, and he was in high spirits under the sun, which made Yao Nian's tense heart drop at this moment.

An Ge walked through the water, and with an excited expression, he rode on Zhuifeng while smiling.

She hugged the woman in front of her and said happily, "I found it! Niannian! I found the horses!"

Looking sideways at the people behind him dancing and talking, he approached him with a mysterious face.

"Niannian, there is a BMW that is very suitable for you. If you ride on it, you will be majestic."

Yao Nian smiled slightly: "You are also very worthy of me."

An Ge retorted: "Why do you compare me with a beast?"

Tightening his arms, he said again: "Let's go meet up with the troops first, and discuss how to catch the horse."

Scratching his temples, he added: "We should bring more people here, no, no, we should call Lord Chen over."

Thinking in his bright eyes, Yao Nian turned his head and signaled to Ye Fu, "Go back."

The way back was faster than when they came, An Ge and the others finally arrived at the agreed place before the sun set.

When they got there, the people they sent out came back one after another.

An Jie drooped his head with a gloomy expression on his face.

Even His Highness came out this time, but he returned empty-handed. Thinking about it, I feel ashamed.

Looking up and seeing His Highness standing on the grass, An Jie thought for a while and knelt down: "Your Highness, I'm sorry, I thought there would be a herd of horses."

Yao Nian lowered his eyes: "Get up, Yun Luo has found the horses."

In an instant, the news that 'Master Yunluo has found the horses' quickly spread throughout the team, and everyone surrounded them excitedly.

Since An Ge promoted weapons, he also participated in the design of carts and agricultural tools.

In the hearts of everyone in the Star Map Tribe, the default is that An Ge = a good thing.

If a person looks at you with excitement, you will pretend to be cool by the way.

But when a group of people look at it with excitement, you will feel that they are like robbers who have discovered a treasure.

Tribal people are really excitable. Do they have some misunderstandings? Not everyone can become a cavalryman. It seems that we need to popularize science.

So, under the light of the campfire, Teacher An stood in the center surrounded by a circle of soldiers sitting on the ground. She cleared her throat and said:

"The name of the new unit is cavalry, and it is suitable for charging into battle. At present, we can only have light cavalry, and heavy cavalry lacks armor.

Not everyone can become a cavalryman. First of all, you must have a horse that shares your heart.

You can't treat them as beasts, you have to treat them as your closest companions, even lovers.

Secondly, you and your horse have to go through constant training and running-in, so that you can play your role on the battlefield.

If you can't use a spear well on flat ground, let alone on a bumpy horseback?

Finally, the selection of war horses is also very strict, not every horse can become a war horse.

It must have a calm and resolute character, and it must also have a strong physique.

War horses are used in wars, and ordinary horses are also very important for the development of the tribe.

It can carry people and goods, and it can be a means of transportation. Horses are also spiritual animals, and you can treat them as having their own thoughts.

So when you arrive in that valley tomorrow, you are not allowed to point your weapons at your comrades.

Divide into small teams, and go to the valley to pick the horses that suit your eyes one by one.

Some people, like Anjie, have a natural affinity for animals.

Maybe he stood in front of the horse, of course, I don't know if you have any.

If you choose a horse that is close to your eyes, it will not want to go with you.

You put the rein around its neck, turn over on its back, and try to conquer it with your own strength.

If it would rather die than submit, pay attention, and you will let it go.

After all, twisted melons are not sweet, we are not robbers, we are choosing future partners.

We also took away as many horses as possible, leaving some horses to recuperate.

In this way, our tribe will have a steady supply of horses, and all of these are brought by you. May the tribe be strong! "

With flames on their faces, the soldiers shouted loudly: "May the tribe be strong!"

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