I'm a warrior in the tribe

Chapter 26, The Second Moon

Time soon came to the day of the God Envoy assessment, and early in the morning, everyone came to the beach of Xinghai one after another.

On the beach, a high platform has been built since I don't know when.

Star Maiden held a sword loosely in her hand, and thirty soldiers with iron spears and iron shields stood still on the high platform.

The Ye Fury members hid among the crowd, scanning their surroundings warily.

Since that day, Chen Jin read out the Star Girl Law in the Star Girl Branch Hall.

Although the people of the tribe couldn't figure out the specific meaning for a while, this did not prevent them from looking forward to the future.

Especially for today's assessment, civilians can also participate and it is not limited to men and women.

This makes people with lofty ideals gearing up, intending to join this glorious team on this day.

On the altar that day, the magic weapon held by the star girl made the people who admired force excited, and at the same time, they were a little in awe of the star girl.

Immediately, he thought that if he joined the star map army, he might also have such a weapon.

Just looking at the majestic soldiers on the high platform, the hearts of the people are already itchy.

As the assessment unfolded, it was finally the long-awaited civilian challenge.

Perhaps An Ge trained a team with both men and women, setting an example for everyone. This time there were quite a few men among the participants.

An Ge looked at the civilians on the stage who were fighting for their own future, and their eyes could not help but fall on Yao Nian.

She knew that Chen Jin had secretly summoned [-] children of criminals, and they were training them day and night in the Tushan Branch Hall.

And these children will completely belong to Yao Nian's reserve members of the Ye Fury team, and all of this may be to defend themselves.

Since the last time, I broke up with Yao Nian in the garden.

During this period of time, they all returned to the state of strangers, but she could not ignore the boredom buried in her heart.

Cheers sounded, Yao Nian stepped down from the high position, rewarded the civilians who had just performed well in the judging, and allowed them to join the star map troops.

The eyes of the people glistened with tears, and for the first time they felt that the shackles on their heads had been loosened.

All this was brought by the star girl of Yao Nian, and they looked at the star girl with gratitude and trust.

Yao Nian lowered his palms and suppressed the screams of the people.

The clear voice echoed in the ears of every citizen:

"My people, a new era has come, and I have waited a long time for this moment.

You have also waited for a long time, you are no different from the servants of God, you are all my people.

Your children will have a chance at rank, and the men of your tribe will have an equal chance to compete.

Not only that, I will also give the elders of the tribe the opportunity to continue to contribute to the tribe.

Anyone with ability will also be reused, no longer limited to family children.

We will have an extremely powerful army, and we will not be afraid of any tribe's provocation.

If people from the Citi Tribe are still standing in front of us, our Star Map soldiers will use the blood of the enemy to show them!

Star map will win!The troops of Star Chart are fearless!Wherever the sharp blade goes, it belongs to our territory!

But to achieve all of this, you must have your cooperation and trust.

Let me ask you now, whether you can fully cooperate.

Can you trust me enough, can you dedicate your loyalty and life to me! "

"Yes! Yes! Yes! May Your Highness be with the sky!" The soldiers knelt down and shouted.

The people followed suit, and then knelt down and shouted: "Yes! Yes! Yes! May Your Highness be with the sky!"

The shouts resounded through the sky, scrambling to release the expectations of the people in the star map.

It also made Yao Nian's ambition tear up the dark clouds that covered the blue sky, God, was about to be killed.

After the crowd calmed down, Yao Nian smiled.

Walked to An Ge's side, held her hand, and walked towards the high platform regardless of An Ge's surprised eyes:

"An Ge, will be my Yunluo, and she will shoulder the mission with me to lead everyone to a better future. May my star chart prosper."

Everyone knelt down: "Greetings, Mr. Yunluo! May the star map prosper!"

An Ge looked at Yao Nian's side face and cursed in his heart:

Your uncle, how about taking you to Benyue, I only promised to help her contribute to the tribe, but I didn't say that I would bear the responsibility of the whole tribe.

Yao Nian turned his head to look at An Ge, and breathed out the fragrance from his thin lips: "Don't be so sullen."

You have to sell your body and show off your laughter, my benefactor, don't you ask too much.

Suddenly An Ge felt a pain in the root of her finger, and when she felt the force getting heavier, she bit the bullet and pulled out a smile.

After everyone got up, Chen Jin waved his hand, and thirty soldiers immediately brought several tables and put them on the high platform.

A few people stood behind each table, and then began to shout:

"The sharp weapon of the gods and the sharp weapon of the gods will make you the god of craftsmen! The wages are easy to talk about! Come, come, come here to sign up if you want to be a craftsman!"

"The God of Forest Killer! Let the river beasts tremble! Those who want to be hunters come to me to sign up!"

"Skillful hands can change fate! Come and see! If you want to be a carpenter, come and sign up with me!"

"If you want to open a shop, come to me to sign up! Give me a store, give me a store! Yesterday you ignored me, and tomorrow I will make you unable to climb!"

An Ge blushed and rubbed her forehead in shame, there was no other way.

People in the tribe are accustomed to the previous way of life, and it is difficult to change overnight, so they can only make wild predictions.

Chen Jin tortured her for a day and asked her to find a way, but she was forced to use the language of later generations to recruit students.

What to do, the toes are going to dig through the center of the earth.

Yao Nian turned his head to look at An Ge with a sweet smile, Yin Ling's laughter flowed to An Ge's ears, feeling itchy.

When An Ge looked back at the past, Yao Nian had already withdrawn the corners of his mouth, it was just a flash in the pan.

His hand was let go, Yao Nian turned and left.

An Ge glanced at her back, then turned to look at the excited crowd on the high platform.

The fingers curled up slightly, but the warm touch still lingered on them.

Anya looked at the small movements of the two of them, narrowing her eyes and thinking.

His Highness's smile just now was not a show, she had never seen His Highness smile so genuinely before, and her son was obviously still in a daze.

Well, why does this scene look so much like love?

Time is constantly pushing away like the waves of the sea of ​​stars. Under the leadership of Yao Nian, the entire tribe has taken on a new look this year.

A group of artisans, hunters, and merchants emerged from the tribe.

And after a whole year of adaptation, the people of Star Chart have become very accustomed to the use of currency.

With the downfall of the God Servant, the Snow Clan is no longer the God Servant family, and this year Chen Jin also officially passed the title of Patriarch to the underage Xuedian.

In the past, there were only the Yan and An families left among the middle-level families, and the two families also consciously handed over all the criminals to the Star Girl Hall.

The first 30 people were all awarded the rank of sergeant, and they led their respective teams to practice around the clock.

The furnaces of the craftsmen have never been extinguished, and they are tirelessly making weapons.

The criminals of Star Chart were taken back by Chen Jin following the downfall of these families.

When they learned that land reclamation had a chance to reduce their sentences and their children had a chance to obtain civilian status, all of them worked hard day and night.

For An Ge, this whole year has been on the brink of sudden death, and she will find time to marry Yao Nian tomorrow.

It was night, An Ge stood in the courtyard and looked up at the moon, An Ya quietly stood beside her, An Ge looked back at his mother.

Anya patted her on the head, showing a rare smile:

"Tomorrow, my An Ge will have a wife.

Although she has a special status, grandma can see that you don't hate her, so let go of your worries when you get married.

My An Ge is a gift from the Moon God, and also the lucky star of the tribe. The star girl has lofty aspirations, so your combination may not be inappropriate.

Maybe you can open your heart and have a good talk with her about your thoughts. Since she has already got you, she won't rush to Anzu and you. "

An Ge's downcast eyes were a little sore: "Mother..."

Then An Ge's emotions only lasted for a second, because her father suddenly rushed out from behind.

The man also took out a big board, on which there were two women entangled in an ambiguous manner.

What kind of picture is this?Why is it so big!This board needs to be drawn so clearly!

An Ge opened his mouth, his expression a little dull.

Pu He's eyes were meaningful, and he whispered:

"Although she is a star girl, you are the most powerful warrior in our star chart. No matter what, you can't be below, or I will lose."

lost?What did you lose?Underneath what?Question marks slowly appeared in An Ge's head.

Anya answered An Ge's question mark very well: "You are really getting worse and worse, who asked you to bet on your daughter's good deeds!"

An Ge, who understood, angrily pushed away the confused father, and entered the room with a large drawing board in shame and anger.

Behind him came Pu He's sophistry: "This is what Yan Ri asked me to give to An Ge!"

Why are these elders so thick-skinned!Bet on her and Yao Nian's bridal chamber.

Leaving aside their awkward atmosphere, even if they want something tomorrow night, I won't be the one below!

An Ge thought for a while, looked at the drawing board thoughtfully, hesitated for a while, then opened it to read.

After a while, she touched the tips of her hot ears, thinking to herself, the painting skills of the ancients are really ugly.

At this moment, Chen Jin bowed and exited the room, Yao Nian glanced at the god-given fruit on the table, and then his gaze fell back to the wall of the room.

The moonlight fell coldly on the ground, and the young His Highness had his hands behind his back.

I saw her seriously looking at the murals on the wall, with a pious attitude as if she was listening to the teachings of God.

As the sun rose, the people of Xingtu sprinkled delicate flowers in front of their homes.

Wearing brand-new coats one by one, smiling and waiting for their clouds to fall.

An Ge changed into Yun Luo's exclusive costume, which was red in color and exquisitely embroidered with auspicious clouds and stars. The style was similar to dark clothes, with a layer of gauze on the outside.

The 20-year-old woman is tall and straight, and her blue hair is neatly tied up with a full and round pearl headband.

After changing into Yun Luo's costume, she looked even more graceful.

"Boom!" The drum sounded, and the auspicious time had come.

An Ge stepped on the red carpet and walked slowly towards the Hall of Star Girls. There were red carpets all the way under his feet, flowers all the way in front of his eyes, and the sound of drums all the way in his ears.

The people on both sides of the road knelt down and shouted with a smile: "Greetings, Mr. Yunluo! Congratulations, Mr. Yunluo!"

An Ge listened all the way in a daze, the red carpet under his feet was invisible, and his life experience from rebirth to the present flashed through his mind.

I can't tell whether I am unwilling or looking forward to such a marriage with entangled interests, so I can only keep moving forward.

At the end of the red carpet is the gate of the Hall of Star Girls. Yao Nian has already changed into the wedding dress of Star Girls and stands on the steps outside the hall.

The previous silver has been replaced by red, and it is slim and elegant.

She looked up at An Ge walking towards her step by step, her eyes flashed with amazement.

Then it melted in Wubo's heart, causing ripples.

On the other side of the red carpet, came his future wife.

It shows that this woman will be bound to her own future, and from this moment on, she is her Yao Nian's person.

Then he looked at his favorite brown woman with red makeup and delicate eyebrows and eyes.

This is her own cloud, she will make her willing.

At the end of the red carpet, standing is his future wife.

It seems to indicate that this woman is her future, and at this moment she is walking towards the future step by step.

Maybe what my mother said is right, no matter what, since I'm married, it's useless to think too much.

Maybe we can find a good time to talk things out, time will tell.

An Ge stood still and took Yao Nian's hand without hesitation.

The jade-like softness embedded in her palm, she tightened slightly, and followed Yao Nian's pace step by step into the Star Girl Hall.

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