I'm a warrior in the tribe

Chapter 17, The Second Moon

"Straighten your hands, remember, your lower body is your lifeblood, so I straightened my back."

An Ge held a whip in his hand and shuttled through the team with a serious expression.

This team is a bit unique, everyone is wearing black shorts, and there is a row full of men, including An Quan.

Standing beside Yao Nian, Chen Jin watched An Ge's training from afar, with a slightly excited expression on his face.

He never thought that An Ge would think that men would not be inferior to women.

She even admitted that men are better than women in some aspects, and An Ge's identification is the purest, without any use or conspiracy.

For so many years, sages have continuously educated the people and spread the idea that men may not be inferior to women, which has also achieved great results.

He didn't want to subvert this social form, he just wanted to have equal opportunities to compete.

"An Ge said that these [-] people, she will train as special envoys, responsible for assassination.

In addition, she selected ten men and ten women, a total of twenty low-level angels were divided into two teams.

Let the men's team and the women's team train according to her requirements, and have to fight each other every month.

Penalties for losers, rewards for wins? "

Chen Jin looked suspicious.

Young Yao said:

"She made a bet with me that these 50 people would be the bravest fighters in the star map, otherwise she would jump into the sea of ​​stars and dance with the sea god beast."

As he spoke, he touched a lump of iron and threw it to Chen Jin:

"She gave it to me, saying she was going to smelt it.

He also drew some strange things, saying that he will give me a good sword after the smelting is finished, and you can find someone to study it. "

Chen Jin looked at the iron lump, isn't this thing useless.

But I didn't delve into it, maybe An Ge is really a gift from God, able to turn decay into magic.

Seeing Chen Jin's reaction from the corner of the eye, Yao Nian slightly looked away, showing a thoughtful expression.

This An Ge is more capable than he imagined.

After a round of tossing, An Ge ordered them to rest in place.

Looking at the unlovely faces, she smiled unconsciously, which really made people miss the life in the military camp.

These people will be the backbone of the tribe in the future. When the iron is smelted, each member of the assassin team will be equipped with a dagger.

It's a pity that I don't know the knowledge of smelting, but there is still a star girl, let her worry about it.

An Ge saw the figures of Yao Nian and Chen Jin, and ran over pissedly, first bowed to both of them, then turned around and made a request to the star girl:

"Master Star Girl, I want to take those fifty people to Tushan for training."

Yao Nian replied without thinking, "No."

An Ge immediately said to Chen Jin: "Soldiers are all tempered by life and death, and they have been hiding in the Star Girl Hall for training. There are many people with mixed opinions."

Chen Jin chewed on her words, and looked at Xingnuo:

"My lord Star Girl, what An Ge said is not bad. Although these fifty people belong to the Star Girl Branch Hall, they are also clean.

But if she has been staying in the Star Girl Palace, there will always be rumors. "

The dark eyes stared at Chen Jin without emotion, which made Chen Jin a little uneasy.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, he respectfully bowed his head and said nothing.

After a while, Yao Nian's tone was calm, as if the tension just now did not exist:

"Then let these fifty people go to Tushan to build a branch temple for the star girls, the moon god and the mountain god are not opposites.

To the outside world, just declare that the light of the moon god will fill Tushan. "

An Ge rubbed his chin, the insidious mantis opened his mouth to see the glory of the moon god.

She could also tell from the relationship during this period of time that the little star girl in their tribe had no gods in her heart.

There is also the man beside her, who looks serious on the surface, but actually has a bad stomach.

Looking at An Ge's obviously playful eyes, he knew that this man had nothing good to say.

Yao Nian turned around expressionlessly and walked towards the garden.

Chen Jin let out a little breath, just now the star girl's eyes were a little probing, which was exactly the same as the star girl Yaoqian's eyes that night in memory, did she doubt him?

Regarding An Ge, Xingnuo has always maintained a wait-and-see attitude. Now it seems that she has become afraid of An Ge.

He couldn't get too close to An Ge, so he stepped forward and patted An Ge's shoulder:

"Thank you Moon God, oh, to build a branch hall in Tushan, it's better to be closer to the Citi tribe."

Then the man left with a straight expression.

Wouldn't it be a bit abrupt to say thanking Luna? .

Also, when Chen Jin talked about the Citi Tribe, what did he want to do with the sinister eyes in his eyes? He also wanted to build the branch hall near the Citi Tribe.

An Ge pouted, old fox, no wonder it is Yao Nian's grandfather, the twists and turns in the hearts of the grandfather and grandson, if straightened, they can circle the earth.

In the evening, An Ge returned to An Zhai.

Pu He wandered around the yard with pearl powder all over his face, looking like a foolish son of a nouveau riche, he didn't even lift his eyes when his daughter came back.

An Ge gritted her teeth, she should throw him to Tushan to train with those envoys, if this continues, she will have one more mother.

"Mom, I'm back!"

An Ge entered Anya's room, and saw his mother grinding the iron block with a stone blade. The iron block did not change, but the stone blade became much smaller.

The human brain circuit in these tribes is different from that of modern people. She told Grandma that iron can be smelted into daggers, and hair can be broken.

Her mother really didn't believe it, and recently became obsessed with this kind of activity of grinding iron.

Anya grinded the iron block without responding. This iron block can grind stones into slag.

It seems that it really looks like what the boy said, and it does have that kind of magic weapon.

Then she stared at her daughter with burning eyes: "That furnace, can't our family secretly build one?"

An Ge helplessly spread his hands:

"Mother, I don't know how to make the furnace. Our family can't do it by ourselves. Besides, the star girl said that this matter must be kept absolutely secret."

Anya regretfully put down the stone blade in her hand, looking a little disappointed.

An Ge stepped forward and whispered, "When the dagger is refined, I'll make it for you."

Anya can still tell the difference between the business and she said it justly:

"How can you use power for personal gain! You are not allowed to mention this matter again, and then you will lend me your dagger for a few days."

An Ge rolled her eyes in her heart and hurriedly apologized: "Well, Mom is right, I was wrong."

Only then did Anya show a satisfied expression.

Then An Ge told his mother about going to Tushan for training, and Anya showed worry:

"The Rain Clan and the Wind Clan have close contacts with the Citi Tribe. If they find out, you will go there too, and they will definitely try to get rid of you."

An Ge comforted her:

"Mother, I will have fifty envoys following me this time. Besides, if Citi dares to do something, we have a reason to attack the Citi tribe."

Anya thought about it, and she let go of her worries. She also diverged her thoughts:

"The trick you said is very good, otherwise, you go to the Citi tribe to hang around, let them know that you are in Tushan, and then come to kill you.

We can take this opportunity to stop the contact between the Wind Clan, the Rain Clan and the Citi Tribe, and make everyone dissatisfied with the two tribes. "

You are really my own mother, and you are still swaying.

Do you want your daughter to wear red again and use a loudspeaker to shout: "The star girl sent me, An Ge, to patrol the mountains, come and kill me."

Anya was thinking about her plan to make a fortune, and her eyes were getting hotter and hotter as she watched the cub.

An Ge was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would be tied up by his own mother and thrown into the Citi tribe, so he hurriedly rolled back to his room.

Tushan is already in early autumn, and the fallen leaves have spread a thick layer on the ground. From a distance, it looks like the most gorgeous carpet woven by nature.

One hand parted the lush grass, and then revealed a fair and clear face, with beautiful brown eyes staring closely at the pool not far away.

An Ge withdrew his gaze and quietly took a few steps back. Five teams stood neatly not far away.

Two men and three women stood at the front of the line. Like An Ge, the people in the line were all wearing dark green cotton shorts.

This is the costume that An Ge asked the star girl to make for them. The predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoyed the shade.

Green is a natural protective color in the forest, and of course the thirty assassins still have black bunts.

An Ge raised a gesture, and the five people standing at the front of the line saluted forward.

An Quan also came this time, and he was also the captain of the ten-man team of the assassin team.

After this period of training, the gentle and thin face in the past has gradually acquired the edges and corners of a man and the righteousness of a soldier.

"The water pool in front seems to be a nest of mountain gods and beasts, your task is to bring this nest to me, and no casualties are allowed.

As for weapons, nature has given them to you, use the methods I teach you to make them yourself. "

An Ge stepped back after speaking, obviously she did not participate in the hunt.

The five people bowed their heads and returned to their own team after accepting the order. They explained the mission to the team members, and then the 50 people quickly spread around.

Some are cutting trees, some are making stone blades, and some are weaving ropes. It seems that everyone is very busy.

An Ge was not worried about the pre-battle preparations of these envoys. They had to learn how to make wooden spears and light fires by themselves when they were naked.

She wasn't worried about everyone's fighting experience with wild beasts. After all, it was common for her to go hunting with her family.

What this team lacks most now is the degree of tacit cooperation and the awareness of cooperating with others.

She obviously didn't remember it anymore, and the original An J officer didn't have this sense of teamwork in her mind.

I really have to sigh that the environment of life and death can really promote people to grow.

Everyone in the tribe knows how to fight, but very superficially.

For example, everyone hunted and killed Poseidon beasts with Dong XX's mentality of blowing up bunkers, and never thought about coming back.

This is no different from taking human lives to fill, and there is no strategy at all.

Moreover, the tribe is not active in the daily training of the envoys. After all, there has been no war for many years.

Everyone wants to be an envoy, but in fact, they want to achieve class leaps, and they want to get the clothes and food that are rewarded every year because of their official rank.

Fortunately, the physical fitness of the people here is not bad, and they advocate the spirit of warriors. There are few cowards, but the most reckless people. These have to be corrected slowly in training.

An Ge looked back at the woman in a white short coat looking down for medicinal herbs. This was the doctor Chen Jin had arranged for them before leaving.

After all, you have to live in the mountains for a period of time. If you have a wound, you may not be able to treat it in time.

After waiting for more than an hour, fifty people came back one after another, waiting for the team to line up.

An Ge stepped forward, casually pointed to an envoy and asked, "What is your weapon?"

The young man scratched his head shyly, and took out a stone blade from his pocket: "Master Yongxing, this is my weapon."

Looking at the polished stone blade, An Ge admitted its sharpness, and she asked again: "What is your duty to hunt down the mountain beasts later?"

The young man replied forcefully: "I will act like a warrior, and let the Mountain Beast God take good care of my stone blade!"

The answer is simply, I will give my life to let the mountain beast think about whether to eat my head or my legs first.

An Ge suddenly issued an order: "Captain, get out!"

The five captains took a quick step forward.

An Ge: "Push-ups!"

The five people were stunned for a moment, then quickly carried out the instructions, and worked hard.

Seeing An Ge's serious expression, the envoys all held their breath.

The young man who was questioned earlier blushed, he looked at An Ge and hesitated to speak.

"What do you want to say?" An Ge asked sideways.

The young man murmured: "Go back to Master Yongxing, did I say something wrong just now?"

An Ge shook his head:

"Now you stand here and watch your captain get punished.

Then think about why they were punished, and think about what I will always emphasize on weekdays. "

After An Ge finished speaking, he stood aside and watched the five of them doing push-ups with blushing faces.

An Quan carefully considered the meaning of the young master's words in his mind, and after a while, he remembered the words that the young master often talked about during the training.

While he was doing push-ups, he peeked at An Ge. An Ge felt her brother-in-law's gaze like a deer, and suppressed the corners of his mouth that wanted to rise.

He lowered his head and asked, "What do you want to say to Team An?"

An Quan panted while doing push-ups and answered:

"Because, we don't have to assign our team members specific tasks when hunting mountain beasts."

An Ge motioned him to continue with encouraging eyes.

An Quan thought for a while and then replied: "The five of us didn't discuss matters that our respective teams need to cooperate with."

An Ge signaled the five people to stop, and looked at them seriously:

"Warriors have to use their brains, you five don't remember what I usually teach you?

The task of teamwork was not even discussed before the start, and he just asked his team members to disperse and make weapons.

What about teamwork?Which team is in charge of the lure?Which team is in charge of defense?Which team is in charge of the hunt?

Which team is responsible for perimeter security?Which team roams? "

Following repeated inquiries, the five remained silent, and An Ge said:

"You must feel disapproving of the need to arrange so many links to hunt mountain beasts, but can you achieve the zero casualties and zero mistakes I want?

It takes an hour to make a weapon!When you have finished your weapons, all these mountain beast children will be born!

Do you still remember the meaning of your existence? "

Everyone blushed and replied loudly: "For the star girl! For the tribe!"

An Ge said again: "I saw that some of you even got weapons casually, of course it's a real skill to do it with bare hands.

If you can't handle the mountain beast, don't let your teammates save you.

Because Luna wouldn't like the person who returned to its arms and died to save his idiot teammates who were overwhelmed. "

Dozens of envoys were trained so hard that they couldn't lift their heads, and they were carried back by the five captains, who assigned tasks to each other.

Hearing An Ge's lecture, the doctor showed an interesting expression. Their star map, the tranquilizer, seems to be a little different.

Before she could recover from An Ge's words, she stepped on a plant of herbal medicine directly with her foot, causing the doctor to show a very painful expression.

The shadow in the pool was resting motionless at the bottom of the pool, occasionally flicking its thick tail, causing slight ripples on the water surface.

As Qiuyang became more and more dazzling, it also successfully awakened these big guys.

His ruthless eyes quietly surfaced, staring closely at the sound from the other side of the jungle.

At noon, it is most suitable for performing the massacre dance of broken limbs.

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