I'm a warrior in the tribe

Chapter 12, The Second Moon

The Xingtu Tribal Star Girl Hall is surrounded by huge wooden walls along the coast of Lintu Mountain. The inside of the giant wood looks like another world, and the external walls of the buildings inside are all stone walls.

Go up the stone steps, walk to the platform to the entrance of the hall, and the words "Star Girl Hall" are conspicuously carved on the plaque.

Eight mid-level god envoys in white robes, soft armor and masks stood upright at both ends of the gate with pointed spears in their hands. Huge totems were engraved on the stone gate of the main hall.

The totem of the star map is the pattern of the moon on the sea, and the bright moon in the sky is "茵".

The implication is that the future is extremely bright, and the sea is the origin of life, which also implies vastness and passion.

This is the expectation of the ancestors of the tribe for their offspring, alive and hopeful.

Of course, totems also represent the beliefs of the entire tribe.

Pushing the door and entering, the polished and smooth boulders are laid flat on the ground, and there are wood carving decorations standing in an orderly manner on both sides, and the wood carvings are engraved with the shape of a crescent moon.

The crescent moon is hollowed out, and there are huge night pearls inside.

Surrounded by a large area of ​​climbing vines, later generations call it Angela rose, and here it is called red spider.

There are highly poisonous red spiders around this kind of flower in the forest. The red spider can be used as medicine, and the ancestors brought back this kind of flower in the process of collecting.

Later, it was discovered that this kind of flower is very easy to feed, it blooms in four seasons in bright colors, and can climb walls by itself, so those in power like to use this kind of flower to decorate their homes.

Walking along the huge stone floor, a winding wooden corridor extends in three directions, and the legend of the moon god is carved on the pillars.

In the corridor stood some women wearing brown bunts with their heads bowed. They were the low-level envoys of the Star Girl Branch Hall.

Since the Star Girl came to power in the Year of Yao, the guarding of the Star Girl Hall has been handed over to the envoys from the branch hall.

A corridor on the left leads to a larger area with a large garden.

It is decorated with various strange stone and wood carvings, and a large artificial pond has been dug, in which some rare species of fish are raised.

There are two rows of low houses behind the pond, which are the storehouses and workshops of the Star Maid Hall.

Going straight to the end of the corridor is the main hall of the Star Girl Hall. On the main hall are written the three characters of "the Hall of Discussion".

There is a long wooden floor in the hall, and a carpet extends from the entrance to the end.

A small platform was made at the end, on which stood a beautifully carved armchair covered with white suede, with cloud patterns carved on the armchair.

Wood carvings are embedded in the center of the huge stone wall behind the armchairs, engraving images of the star girl kneeling to pray for blessings and the moon god overlooking the world.

The corridor on the right leads directly to the study room, where the history books of the Star Map Tribe are stored.

Animal skin books and wooden board books are neatly placed on the bookshelves in rows, and the room is spotless, and it can be seen that someone often comes to clean it.

There is a small space behind the bookshelf, which contains a coffee table and cushions.

There are blooming flowers on the coffee table, and the sun shines on the petals through the window. A few crystal drops of water make the flowers look more delicate.

When the back door of the study is opened, there is a stone staircase extending to the second floor. The entire second floor is divided into five large rooms.

The largest one was the bedroom of the Star Maiden, a bedroom with no frills.

The only decoration is a black wooden bow hanging on the wall, which looks very heavy, and the whole bedroom looks a bit deserted.

Open the window and you can see the boundless sea of ​​stars, the deep ocean, and the empty bedroom. The place is as quiet as a cage on the sea.

The second floor walks to the end through a long corridor, and when you turn a corner, there is a huge circular platform that extends out. Standing on it, you can view the entire tribe.

This circular platform is also called Xingyu Platform, and it is a place for the star girl and the moon god to communicate.

Stepping on the Xingyu platform, you will see a huge moon carved on the platform.

The moon is surrounded by several stars, and each star represents a deceased star maiden.

People in the tribe live to the age of 60 in good health, and they will return to the arms of the moon god on the day of Shenhui Festival.

For those who died before the age of 60, their family members would let their ashes be buried in the Soul Returning Garden.

The Garden of Souls is not located in the area where the tribe lives. It is located in a special area surrounded by fences in Tushanli.

As the daughter of the god, the star girl will return to the soul garden after the next star girl ascends the throne, and the food and drink expenses will be managed by a special person until she dies.

This approach implies that God will not forget every one of its people, even if your soul has returned to your hometown.

The daughters of the gods will also guard them from generation to generation, and so will the servants of the gods.

Generally speaking, the next star girl will inherit the star girl scepter from the previous star girl when she reaches adulthood.

But I don't know if it's because the star girl is too hard or because of her genes, there are very few star girls who can live to forty, but there are some servants of the gods who return to the garden.

An Ge felt that you had sent the boss away by leaving someone else's part-time job, and he was still alive and well, so he couldn't blame the boss for not liking you.

At this time, there was a young girl standing on the Xingyu platform. The girl was casually wearing a silver robe.

The sea breeze blew the tail of the clothes fluttering, and the material of the clothes clinging to her body revealed her exquisite jade body.

The blue hair was blown up by the wind, revealing the full and fair forehead, but the clear and clear eyes became cold because of the indifferent expression.

The corners of her mouth were tightly pursed, her eyes were looking at nowhere, her perfect jaw line was slightly raised, revealing a sharp line.

A serious woman in a black robe knelt down at the entrance of the Star Language Platform: "Greetings, Lady Star Lady!"

The girl turned around lightly and held her cuffs, played with the pendant on her waist with her left hand, raised her eyebrows slightly: "It's better that you have good news."

Xuejian knelt down on the ground and did not raise her head: "Not recruited yet."

The girl's face was unclear, and her pale lips parted slightly: "Oh? Even Mr. Xuejian can't interrogate her, what about her?"

Xuejian stood up and waved her hands back. An old woman was pressed down by two envoys, and the old woman was still struggling.

When he saw the girl, he was stunned for a moment, and then kicked by the envoy behind him, he knelt down and howled.

Unmoved by this, the two envoys bowed respectfully to the star girl, and stepped aside together with Xuejian.

The girl walked slowly towards the howling old woman, her jade feet like white porcelain were not wearing shoes.

The envoy and Xuejian immediately lowered their heads and lowered their eyes, not daring to make any blasphemy.

The old woman was rolling on the ground with her legs hugged, her well-maintained face was full of ugliness at the moment.

When she sensed the girl approaching, she shivered.

The old woman hurriedly lowered her hands and knelt down on the ground, crying, "Feng Zhi pays homage to Lady Xingnuo."

Feng Zhi was going to participate in the Shenhui Festival soon, so he intensified his reckless fun.

Last night, she was going to play with the new criminals at home.

Unexpectedly, he was knocked out as soon as he entered the room, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Xue Jian.

Then came the interrogation, pointing at that matter over and over again.

Even if she is tortured, she can't be recruited. She has been arrested now, and she will die whether she is recruited or not.

Thinking of the stern face of the Patriarch, he was even more determined that he could not recruit.

If she betrayed the Patriarch, everyone in her lineage would be punished by the clan rules. Later, she couldn't bear the torture and passed out.

When she woke up, she found that she had been bathed and changed. She was so clean that she thought that she would be sacrificed to the moon god in the next second.

Feng Zhi knelt on the ground, and there was no other sound in her ears except the sound of the waves. She shrank her neck and cried:

"Mistress Xingnuo, Feng Zhi has been wronged! I don't know what Master Xuejian said, and I wasn't even there that night! You have to believe me!"

After waiting for another two seconds, she looked up, but just as she looked up, she saw a face very close to her.

There was a groaning smile on the girl's delicate face, she gently stroked Feng Zhi's face and gradually approached, her eyes were full of serenity.

A momentary chill rushed from Feng Zhi's spine to her throat, she was like a prey being targeted by a dangerous hunter.

Suddenly, there was a heart-rending pain in her thigh, and she saw a stone blade inserted into her thigh, and the hand holding the stone blade twisted maliciously twice.

Immediately, the old woman howled, and all the snot and tears flowed out.

Yao Nian looked at her with a smile, let go of the stone blade with his plain hand, and the gushing blood instantly wet Feng Zhi's clothes.

The girl lazily put her hand on the wound on her thigh, rubbed it lightly, and her fingertips were stained with warm blood.

She admired the gorgeous red color with her eyes half down, and then casually wiped the blood on Feng Zhi's lips.

Breathing out lightly: "It's better to have red lips."

Feng Zhi flinched and tried to distance himself from the girl, but she was so frightened that she was so weak that she was unable to escape.

I could only keep begging for mercy: "I don't know, I really don't know."

With the loss of blood from the wound, her face gradually turned pale, Feng Zhi thought it was good, just die like this, and don't have to suffer.

As if aware of Feng Zhi's thoughts, the girl stared at her face, her eyes became a little playful.

She said in a soothing voice, "You and I can play my favorite game."

The girl got up and motioned to the two envoys to tie Feng Zhi up, and said in a soft voice, "Tie it up firmly."

The envoy tied up the old woman as instructed, ignored her wailing, and dragged her to the edge of the Xingyu platform with the star girl.

Feng Zhi breathed heavily, and shouted in a panic: "If I die, you won't know anything!"

The girl looked at her sideways, and said in a comforting tone, "Don't be afraid, the moon god will protect you."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and ordered: "Fall down."

Two more envoys in brown bunts came behind them, carrying buckets of blood in their hands, and fell directly to the spot pointed by the star girl.

The girl probed carefully for a moment, then went to check the rope tied to the post.

With a compassionate face: "Give her the medicine, and then throw it down, the Sea God Beast is already hungry."

Feng Zhi didn't have time to exclaim, he was force-fed a bowl of medicine and was thrown down.

When she was about to fall into the sea of ​​stars, the rope was pulled violently, and she stared tremblingly at the black shadow hovering below.

Obviously, the Sea God Beast has been attracted by the freshly poured blood into the sea. She would rather be beaten to death than be hung here as bait.

Yao Nian looked down, and his cold voice floated to Feng Zhi: "Do you know how long you can live if your feet are bitten off? You can live overnight."

After finishing speaking, he chuckled slightly: "So I just gave you life-saving medicine, and I want to know how long the moon god can protect you."

Feng Zhi screamed and cursed: "Yao Nian! You lunatic! The moon god will definitely punish you! You are a devil! A devil!"

Yao Nian didn't care about Feng Zhi's insults, she sat on the edge of the Xingyu platform carelessly.

Her thin body seemed to fall into the sea of ​​stars at any moment, she coughed lightly twice, then raised her hands and squinted slightly towards the sun.

The bloodless thin lips replied unhurriedly:

"Let the moon god come and save you, and send a message for me by the way, saying that I miss it—"

The last word 'death' was not uttered, it floated into Yao Nian's heart with the sea breeze.

That year, Star Mother and Father died tragically before her eyes, and she could see the raging fire and the clamor of those two servants as soon as she closed her eyes.

Yao was wise early in his early years, and under Yao Qian's teaching, he perfectly inherited Yao Qian's ideals.

The Hall of Star Girls was very quiet, it made time stop quietly, and it also made her think about everything quietly.

The belief of the star girls in the past dynasties about the moon god was passed down from generation to generation, but it was cut off in the year of Yao, not only it was cut off, but it was cut off very thoroughly.

There has never been a star girl who committed suicide, and was forced to commit suicide by a servant of God.

Yao Nian thought to himself more than once, if the star girl is really the daughter of the god, why didn't the moon god take action to save the star mother?

If God's servant is really God's servant, then how can he believe in God even if God killed his Star Mother and Father.

She not only killed the so-called gods in her heart, but also destroyed the servants of those gods.

Not only does she want to destroy God's servants, she also wants to completely destroy the God-servant system and destroy the gods in the hearts of the people.

Because she wants to be the living god in this world, the only god.

The girl showed a rebellious expression, her eyes were like sharp swords looking at the sky.

"Yao Nian! Chenjin is my son! Xuechen is my grandson! You let me go! You are me—"

The sound of Fengzhi collapsing came from below.

Yao Qian got up without looking at her, and the hem of her clothes drew an elegant arc following the girl's movements.

Her indifferent voice shattered to Feng Zhi's ear with the sound of the wind: "May the Moon God bless you."

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